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Defra Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2019 (csv)
Updated 9 July 2020
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GMPP ID Number | DEFRA_0006_1516-Q1 |
Project Name | DEFRA Unity Programme |
Department | DEFRA |
Description / Aims | The Defra UnITy Programme has been established to exploit the opportunity presented from the expiry of its two largest ICT contracts. The programme will now run until 04/2020 to develop a delivery mechanism leveraging good outcomes in a multi-vendor environment. |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Amber |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber, which has not changed since last year’s Q2 1819 Amber, due primarily to the following factors; - The programme remains at Amber status as it continues to manage existing risks resulting from the inherently complex nature of implementing into a multi supplier environment, compounded by other departmental change programmes and EU Exit considerations. - Transition and initial deployment activities continue as planned. Activities include replacement of whole print estate, transformation of local and wide area networks, end user migrations to 0365 tooling suite, Windows10 device rollout and Data Centre infrastructure migration. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Since 30.09.19 the programme has continued to engage with Defra EU Exit programme, monitoring any dependencies and supporting the programme itself. The programme prioritised providing new Windows10 devices for EU EXIT Programme new joiners. - Since 30.09.19, the programme has received immediate, medium and long term requirements in response to the Covid-19 outbreak Q4 19/20. This has led to elements of current deployments being reprioritised to support remote working arrangements across the Defra estate approx. 21k users. |
Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | 01/11/2014 |
Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | 30/04/2020 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 30/04/20, has not changed since last year's Q2 1819 date of 30/04/20, due primarily to the following factors; - Transition and initial deployment activities continued as planned. Activities include replacement of whole print estate, transformation of local and wide area networks, end user migrations to 0365 Tooling suite, Windows10 device rollout and data centre infrastructure migration. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 30/04/20, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - Since 30.09.19, the programme has received immediate, medium and long term requirements in response to the COVID 19 outbreak Q4 19/20. This has led to elements of current deployments being reprioritised to support remote working arrangements across the Defra estate approx. 21k users. The impact of Covid-19 activates are being assessed and may impact the programme end date. |
Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £140.30 |
Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £142.70 |
Financial Year Variance (%) | 2% |
TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £1,067.60 |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2018/19 (if variance is more than 5%) | Budget variance less than 5% |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | The baseline Whole Life Cost at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £1,067.60 m, has increased by £19.20 m since last year's Q2 1819 (£m) baseline Whole Life Cost of £1,048.40 m, due primarily to the following factors; - £1,067.6m is the PBC baseline run costs throughout the business case period. It is PBC run costs £982.4m plus Investment costs £85.2m as at baseline in 2016. The £1,048.4m included in Q2 18/19 was an error and should have been £1,067.6m. If the WLC really means how much over the PBC period did we expect the run costs and the investments costs to be; 819.3 plus 85.2 investment costs = 904.5m. 2016 estimation was to spend 904.5m by 22/23 compared to Q2 19/20 forecast of 791.2 run plus 120.4 Investment costs - 911.6m. Baseline to the programme means what were our costs annually at that time when we started the programme 2016. |
Annual Report Category | ICT |
The IPA Annual Report publishes the whole life cycle costs on projects, based on figures from their Business Cases, whilst the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline (NICP) focuses primarily on the upfront capital investment on a project. Where both documents refer to the same projects, this distinction will be the principal reason for any differences in the data sets published. Other government publications may use different methodologies to derive cost figures | Not set |