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Cabinet Office’s permanent secretaries’ meetings: October to December 2019

Updated 28 May 2020
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Permanent Secretary Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
John Manzoni 31-Oct-19 Indesser Joint venture discussion
John Manzoni 08-Nov-19 Recro Consulting Ltd Discussion on Department for Work and Pensions dynamic purchasing system
John Manzoni 10-Dec-19 Equifax Joint venture discussion
John Manzoni 20-Dec-19 Rothschild Discussion on Genomics
Sir Mark Sedwill 01-Oct-19 Various London Councils, Metropolitan Police Service, and NHS England Public Sector Roundtable
Sir Mark Sedwill 02-Oct-19 Various Midlands Councils, West Midlands Police, Public Health England, and Enterprise Partnerships Public Sector Roundtable
Sir Mark Sedwill 03-Oct-19 Lionel Barber, Financial Times Background discussion
Sir Mark Sedwill 03-Oct-19 Tom Riordan, Leeds City Council Meeting to discuss Regional Devolution
Sir Mark Sedwill 07-Oct-19 Vernon Bogdanor Discussion on current affairs
Sir Mark Sedwill 08-Oct-19 David Schwimmer, London Stock Exchange Introductory meeting
Sir Mark Sedwill 15-Oct-19 Demis Hasabis, Google Deepmind Visit including meeting to discuss AI, Data and Tech space
Sir Mark Sedwill 16-Oct-19 Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, Temasek International Introductory meeting
Sir Mark Sedwill 05-Nov-19 Sir Anthony Seldon, The University of Buckingham Discussion on current affairs
Sir Mark Sedwill 27-Nov-19 Doug Gurr, Amazon Meeting to discuss Amazon ventures and inward investment into the UK
Sir Mark Sedwill 27-Nov-19 British Council Meeting to discuss Global Leadership
Sir Mark Sedwill 29-Nov-19 Confederation of British Industry Permanent Secretary roundtable