Transparency data

Defra's prompt payment data January to March 2020

Updated 30 April 2020
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Percentage of invoices paid within 5 days Percentage of invoices paid with 30 days Total amount of liability to pay (from April 2016)
1st Quarter 2015-16 98.74% 100.00% N/A
2nd Quarter 2015-16 98.71% 100.00% N/A
3rd Quarter 2015-16 99.55% 100.00% N/A
4th Quarter 2015-16 90.52% 100.00% N/A
1st Quarter 2016-17 77.77% 99.06% £1,123
2nd Quarter 2016-17 68.13% 92.51% £42,380
3rd Quarter 2016-17 72.49% 93.72% £36,495
4th Quarter 2016-17 76.20% 93.62% £32,999
1st Quarter 2017-18 69.65% 94.63% £31,420
2nd Quarter 2017-18 62.79% 93.44% £20,153
3rd Quarter 2017-18 59.69% 92.63% £179,092
4th Quarter 2017-18 59.34% 84.76% £66,079
1st Quarter 2018-19 60.11% 85.87% £358,749
2nd Quarter 2018-19 64.67% 87.37% £306,111
3rd Quarter 2018-19 70.55% 87.25% £380,302
4th Quarter 2018-19 58.24% 83.17% £331,029
1st Quarter 2019-20 66.59% 87.70% £150,179
2nd Quarter 2019-20 72.20% 85.72% £89,747
3rd Quarter 2019-20 77.19% 92.68% £119,352
4th Quarter 2019-20 84.89% 93.44% £41,166
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Financial Year Proportion of valid & undisputed invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113 The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113 Not set
2015-16 100.00% £0.00 Not set
2016-17 94.73% £0.00 Not set
2017-18 91.34% £239.13 Not set
2018-19 85.69% £761.02 Not set
2019-20 90.06% £0.00 Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
The prompt payment figures prior to Q1 2016-17 were a reflection of how quickly the Department's Accounts Payable function paid a valid invoice. Not set Not set Not set
The figures from Q1 2016-17 onwards reflect the time that elapses between the date a valid invoice is received into the Department's Accounts Payable function and the date the supplier receives payment. Not set Not set Not set