Transparency data

UKEF senior officials hospitality: October to December 2019

Updated 13 March 2020
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Senior Official Name Date Person or Organisation that offered hospitality Type of Hospitality received Accompanied by spouse, family member or friend
Louis Taylor 2019-12-12 Strategy International Drinks Reception No
Davinder Mann 2019-12-04 Dods Group Lunch No
Louis Taylor 2019-12-02 Green Investment Group Dinner No
Davinder Mann 2019-11-29 KPMG Breakfast No
Gordon Welsh 2019-11-22 Bank of China Dinner No
Gordon Welsh 2019-11-21 Dods Group Awards Ceremony No
Louis Taylor 2019-11-14 Santander Breakfast No
Gordon Welsh 2019-11-13 Strategia Worldwide Drinks Reception No
Louis Taylor 2019-11-11 City of London Corporation Dinner No
Louis Taylor 2019-10-24 City of London Corporation Dinner No
Davinder Mann 2019-10-16 SACE Dinner No
Louis Taylor 2019-10-16 City of London Corporation Dinner No
Cameron Fox 2019-10-15 CCH Conference No
Gordon Welsh 2019-10-08 BExA Awards Ceremony No
Davinder Mann 2019-10-08 BExA Awards Ceremony No
Louis Taylor 2019-10-08 BExA Awards Ceremony No
Davinder Mann 2019-10-04 Norton Rose Fulbright Lunch No
Louis Taylor 2019-10-03 EIC Awards Ceremony No
Cameron Fox 2019-10-03 NAO and PwC Awards Ceremony No
Davinder Mann 2019-10-02 Norton Rose Fulbright Breakfast No
Davinder Mann 2019-10-01 Linklaters Refreshments and Use of Meeting Room No
Gordon Welsh 2019-10-22 JP Morgan Lunch No
Louis Taylor 2019-11-04 HSBC Lunch No
Louis Taylor 2019-11-08 Standard Chartered Lunch No
Samir Parkash Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Shane Lynch Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return