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FCO's spending over £25,000 for December 2019

Updated 11 March 2020
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Department Entity Posted Date Internal Voucher Number Invoice Line Amount Net GBP Supplier Name Account Code
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540314 16,900,000.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564335 13,160,955.59 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540374 8,009,034.76 NATO INTERNATIONAL STAFF Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521085 7,901,136.19 LANDMARK HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554798 7,023,861.00 BBC BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521581 6,000,000.00 THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536382 4,300,000.00 UNDP MULTI PARTNER TRUST FUND OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532066 3,990,859.44 HMRC HM REVENUE AND CUSTOMS Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524202 3,415,248.68 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551829 3,388,020.31 NATO INTERNATIONAL STAFF Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545711 3,280,015.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544802 3,250,000.00 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE FMCU POE Trust Account Debtor
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10559849 3,060,111.60 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Corporate Credit Card Clearing Account
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10559341 2,656,152.32 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519425 2,236,584.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521428 1,709,415.51 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565514 1,709,415.51 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540320 1,555,650.82 EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540186 1,500,000.00 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532034 1,471,693.86 CABINET OFFICE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531963 1,430,510.60 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD UK Guarding Contracts Overseas
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562805 1,403,991.41 IDENTITY INTEGRATED EVENTS PARTNER Inward visits to the UK and UK Conferences
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562585 1,400,000.00 THE WORLD BANK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10560057 1,293,941.73 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Travel Package Advance Overseas Posting (Credit Card Payments Only)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531880 1,278,616.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539930 1,145,611.29 WYG GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551924 1,139,584.89 EDGHILL ASSOCIATES C BEAN KELECTRIC JV LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565526 1,100,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528555 1,055,122.71 GW CONSULTING UK LTD UK Mobile Guarding Contract overseas
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524171 1,000,000.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528673 1,000,000.00 SPECIAL TRIBUNAL FOR LEBANON Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528604 969,907.09 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567940 963,138.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559690 944,308.99 TBR GLOBAL CHAUFFEURING Vehicle Hire
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521319 870,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524121 866,666.67 GOVERNMENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT Legal Consultancy
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545621 844,082.70 GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ADMIN A/C 6253 IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524197 800,000.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524209 795,970.55 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562786 752,389.56 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545503 752,367.14 CARLOS PEREZ CABALLERO MARTINEZ Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551561 700,000.00 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548835 666,814.00 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567802 660,511.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524250 650,000.00 DR MUKWEGE FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540308 647,295.00 DR MUKWEGE FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521758 618,362.00 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524203 616,463.32 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531613 598,790.51 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD UK Guarding Contracts Overseas
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536233 572,492.00 EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536230 572,282.00 EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540321 571,622.00 EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539950 570,202.79 RISK ADVISORY GROUP PLC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557460 567,161.21 KPMG FIDUCIAIRE Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528677 567,063.49 OROSTREAM INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542460 551,184.75 FINANCIERA DE DESARROLLO NACIONAL SA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524568 550,995.00 SCOTTISH EVENTS CAMPUS Inward visits to the UK and UK Conferences
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10555083 536,054.76 INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA (ITLOS) Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542458 530,648.17 THE HALO TRUST Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548614 525,504.24 UNDP CONTRIBUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524151 521,299.17 DAI EUROPE LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540217 516,108.63 INTEGRITY RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524258 511,621.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564141 510,000.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565555 508,728.89 EUROPEAN ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556733 500,000.00 AFRICAN UNION PEACE FUND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545580 481,628.30 USAID Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521018 479,655.38 AGENCE FRANCAISE DE DEVELOPPEMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551488 452,234.88 INCOSTRAT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566945 439,636.00 WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL Rates Taxes Non-Residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551860 438,231.19 JUAN GAVIRIA RESTREPO Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540234 438,231.19 JUAN GAVIRIA RESTREPO Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559315 432,530.00 OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521362 431,189.25 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557312 425,000.00 MARSHALL AID COMMERATION COMMISSION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545838 423,095.76 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554747 407,019.23 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540225 400,744.60 ARK GROUP DMCC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536219 400,000.00 THE WORLD BANK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554763 386,583.06 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559470 384,828.21 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526753 383,256.72 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562735 375,732.75 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554932 371,223.39 SAFELANE GLOBAL LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566923 370,399.57 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532175 368,673.62 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536097 363,321.60 SOMERFORD ASSOCIATES LIMITED End User Software and Hardware
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531970 360,500.00 KNIGHT FRANK Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544749 360,424.30 GROH UND RANDEL STEUERBERATER Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521082 351,341.30 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526898 345,075.00 FCO SERVICES End User Software and Hardware
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521297 344,486.83 THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557472 336,110.51 INTERNTL COMMISSION MISSING PERSONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562779 335,721.28 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565534 335,012.66 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536361 333,733.00 INTERNTL COMMISSION MISSING PERSONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542641 330,772.62 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563978 330,593.66 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563872 326,577.85 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531908 324,471.06 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521419 314,200.00 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542274 314,200.00 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519379 311,659.00 OECD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10555073 309,597.77 INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10512390 309,570.50 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554201 306,642.90 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540222 304,333.58 SIREN ASSOCIATES LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548929 303,820.00 BREAKTHROUGH MEDIA NETWORK LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531878 302,511.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531895 302,511.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10530929 300,898.42 PAKISTAN PEACE COLLECTIVE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551432 300,009.86 THE HALO TRUST Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566930 299,605.02 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554845 297,639.77 FINANCIERA DE DESARROLLO NACIONAL SA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539802 295,389.03 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565021 292,747.20 THE ASIA FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564053 292,009.68 OROSTREAM INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554639 287,505.16 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557329 287,214.00 SIREN ASSOCIATES LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540260 286,469.64 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562196 283,252.00 INTERNATIONAL ALERT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554683 282,952.21 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564160 281,351.25 845 THIRD LP Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542280 279,720.00 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551638 278,887.62 DAI EUROPE LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562760 277,855.75 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528743 276,642.00 UNESCO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548853 275,421.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554784 274,609.32 INSTITUTE FOR SECURITY STUDIES ISS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542726 271,135.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542466 270,326.00 INTERNATIONAL IDEA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562499 267,671.89 UN GENEVA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554631 264,500.00 ARK GROUP DMCC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562892 263,333.00 IISS - INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521532 262,908.75 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519539 261,946.10 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542491 261,946.10 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557392 260,716.32 FCO SERVICES Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519493 258,000.00 OPCW Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547988 255,907.19 EXPERTISE FRANCE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559819 252,415.75 BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION NIGERIA LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559521 250,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545510 249,290.15 EDF ENERGY Electricity Non-Residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542477 249,020.00 HOME OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542723 248,050.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521464 245,716.82 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526903 244,178.50 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524373 243,200.00 CONTROLLED BUILDING MEASURES LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566961 242,888.50 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554868 241,834.78 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554800 239,711.18 GILBERT ASH LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545659 239,519.70 HOME OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531861 239,036.01 CONCEPT BUILDING SERVICES SOUTHERN LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565531 238,705.20 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519543 237,742.40 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542499 237,742.40 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531445 234,782.07 H M EXCHEQUER CFER Payments to The Exchequer (CSC Use Only)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523646 232,773.82 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC NIGER Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10535994 231,973.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559510 226,357.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10549001 225,314.89 CHRISTIAN AID Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524135 224,112.00 UNOPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10549064 221,450.00 VODAFONE LTD IT Support
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542634 220,758.00 CONCILIATION RESOURCES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521305 219,261.85 Pace Construction Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562532 218,829.26 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548770 215,053.76 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10549008 215,044.56 OPERADORA ATXK Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521535 214,988.19 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548934 213,912.42 INCOSTRAT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557389 213,411.11 OVERSEAS SUPPLY SERVICES LTD Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551711 213,240.85 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520897 213,004.37 ALMUTAKHASSISA MEDICAL INSURANCE CO LS Staff Medical Costs
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565518 211,405.61 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548607 210,790.75 URSSAF Overseas Tax And Social Security
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531897 208,975.20 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548972 207,613.73 BUMBAS CONSTRUCTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554909 207,356.52 MERCY CORPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562652 207,000.00 UNDP MULTI PARTNER TRUST FUND OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531990 203,671.30 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559089 203,271.18 DEFENCE BUSINESS SERVICES FINANCE Mod Guarding Services Residential
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548845 200,927.67 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551580 200,000.00 UNDP MULTI PARTNER TRUST FUND OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531856 198,812.00 UNICEF GLOBAL SHARED SERVICE CENTRE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557401 198,641.49 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565554 198,263.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554908 196,831.93 HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524374 196,380.21 CABINET OFFICE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521064 193,753.39 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531876 191,966.25 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557414 191,916.18 FCO SERVICES Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566939 190,718.68 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532172 190,091.07 FCO SERVICES IT Hosting
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559345 187,807.00 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544992 186,835.42 GW CONSULTING UK LTD UK Guarding Contracts Overseas
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562824 186,739.87 GREEN FUELS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562916 184,527.04 UNOPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10559341 184,303.81 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10559341 181,653.77 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526750 181,534.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10516848 181,311.15 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562901 181,311.15 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554922 181,250.00 CROWN ESTATE COMMIS CASH A C Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548818 180,000.00 FCO SERVICES IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566938 180,000.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566940 180,000.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551846 178,438.79 SKANDIA SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA SA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540351 177,479.88 CABINET OFFICE Specialist Training (Devolved)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551346 177,331.31 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566755 177,013.87 UNDP CONTRIBUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10447142 176,385.00 EUROPEAN ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528598 176,176.00 MOTT MACDONALD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553374 175,336.93 SHANDONG YIHUI INDUSTRY CO LTD Priority Visa Service
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519538 173,608.47 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542489 173,608.47 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557122 173,094.09 PROFESSIONAL LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS Language Tuition: Essential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562677 172,339.00 DEFENCE BUSINESS SERVICES FINANCE Misc Security Payments
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562558 171,730.00 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548678 171,536.86 EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536489 171,433.23 ATKINS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562804 170,722.00 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SOCIETY ACTION NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10559341 167,515.89 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518955 165,777.51 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557336 164,026.84 WYG GROUP Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565545 162,752.85 EMBASSY OF BULGARIA Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567783 162,053.73 DAI EUROPE LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551810 161,955.00 MEDAFCO DEVELOPPEMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521447 160,556.44 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544988 160,182.90 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559609 160,000.00 WYG GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551746 158,613.00 INNOVATION AND INSIGHT FZE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519536 158,093.16 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554829 157,544.00 QUEENS UNIVERSITY BELFAST Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556969 156,934.46 SUSTAINABLE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SOLUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540285 156,759.25 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548925 155,680.02 BREAKTHROUGH MEDIA NETWORK LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519507 155,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551756 153,511.28 TALLUN LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518872 153,190.08 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524640 152,970.83 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521600 152,478.64 TORRE ESPACIO CASTELLANA SAU Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523971 151,500.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524212 151,132.65 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540261 150,853.50 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565022 150,694.85 THE ASIA FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528600 150,000.00 LINKLATERS LLP Training
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540179 150,000.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559342 149,963.30 HALA SYSTEMS INC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542566 149,686.00 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562287 149,124.59 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528653 148,999.00 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562289 147,896.67 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539374 147,889.98 MERCY CORPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10559341 147,851.27 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544277 147,605.94 CLICKSUPER Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554624 147,115.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526649 146,690.54 HENRY DUNANT CENTRE FOR HUMANITARIAN DIALOGUE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559525 146,639.00 FCO SERVICES Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519450 146,297.56 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548756 146,203.50 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524376 145,466.61 ALBANY ASSOCIATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518914 144,486.48 DAI EUROPE LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566904 144,457.25 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562737 143,729.75 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528552 143,223.60 GW CONSULTING UK LTD UK Mobile Guarding Contract overseas
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554826 142,952.74 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542278 141,225.00 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562998 140,596.50 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548906 140,387.24 UN GENEVA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565566 140,261.00 MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL Rates Taxes Non-Residential
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10568057 138,982.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551774 138,685.67 CONSEJO NORUEGO PARA REFUGIADOS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536459 137,527.57 H M EXCHEQUER CFER Payments to The Exchequer (CSC Use Only)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540356 137,175.20 OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531902 136,084.29 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557326 134,354.46 OXFORD POLICY MANAGEMENT LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524330 134,207.17 GENERALI ESTATE SPA Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545765 133,500.00 PEACEFUL CHANGE INITIATIVE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526656 132,515.65 ATKINS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528702 131,801.31 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540219 131,760.19 MERCY CORPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557003 128,555.62 BEDER Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567866 127,287.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562809 126,670.25 FCO SERVICES Postal Services
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542589 125,000.00 THE WORLD BANK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565520 124,882.85 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539913 123,953.18 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539563 123,480.00 THE ASIA FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521539 122,620.33 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10516838 122,511.99 IDENTITY INTEGRATED EVENTS PARTNER Inward visits to the UK and UK Conferences
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563857 122,224.11 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536454 121,361.62 H M EXCHEQUER CFER Payments to The Exchequer (CSC Use Only)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540228 121,335.51 GET SAFE ONLINE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551334 121,216.64 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526121 120,902.12 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542454 120,848.00 BSI STANDARDS INSTITUTION & TRAINING Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521321 120,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567948 120,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565513 119,914.40 FCO SERVICES Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526326 119,236.52 VALAR FRONTIER SOLUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562297 119,234.89 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562708 118,166.15 SECURE INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION LTD Unscheduled repairs to building infrastructure
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565542 117,995.81 NATIONAL HOTEL COMPLEX Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521336 117,798.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562525 117,695.17 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536424 117,632.00 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532181 117,063.93 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536465 117,062.28 H M EXCHEQUER CFER Payments to The Exchequer (CSC Use Only)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10516898 116,528.05 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10559849 116,181.38 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Corporate Credit Card Clearing Account
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542760 116,180.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536101 116,150.60 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554774 115,696.26 CAPGEMINI UK PLC IT Support
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554914 114,124.37 CROWN ESTATE COMMIS CASH A C Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567850 113,623.31 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564183 113,291.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564215 113,291.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551511 113,201.17 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548838 113,140.96 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540392 113,065.87 MITEL NETWORKS LTD IT Networking
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10559341 112,770.04 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566789 112,668.53 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MIGRATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524710 112,496.82 HEALIX INTERNATIONAL LTD FCO Healthcare Scheme
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542763 112,431.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562658 112,098.45 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518894 111,884.37 MINIMAL RISK CONSULTANCY LTD UK Guarding Contracts Overseas
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526624 111,864.80 THE SHAIKH GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544644 111,741.34 TOYOTA TSUSHO ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523995 111,300.91 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562538 111,261.03 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526434 109,920.57 ADP Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542519 109,861.00 HENRY DUNANT CENTRE FOR HUMANITARIAN DIALOGUE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539892 109,552.50 AGILE BYTE LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10549083 109,137.19 SECUREX AGENCIES LTD Staff and Other Advances AP Control (Oracle Ap Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521476 109,030.89 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528698 108,858.43 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554739 108,635.28 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MIGRATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545066 108,225.00 INNOVATION AND INSIGHT FZE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551654 108,000.00 VISIT BRITAIN Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528603 107,082.00 LINKLATERS LLP Training
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548675 107,035.76 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559415 107,006.62 KPMG FIDUCIAIRE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542414 106,345.00 RIDGE AND PARTNERS LLP Repairs And Refurbishment: Works Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562567 106,179.00 THE HALO TRUST Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10535912 105,875.76 CLEVELAND RICHARDS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540104 105,549.00 ARCADIS (UK) LIMITED Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562518 105,381.38 INTER MEDIATE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536431 105,241.60 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519386 105,000.00 IBRD - INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561655 104,613.41 AFRICAN SKIES LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536231 103,459.69 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559845 102,838.00 PALLADIUM Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524453 101,365.00 AUGMENTAS GROUP LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520857 101,238.78 AFRICAN SKIES LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567882 101,170.49 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528758 100,925.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536109 100,915.42 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566924 100,606.49 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551336 100,168.57 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524221 100,000.00 UNDP CONTRIBUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559789 100,000.00 Ministry of Justice and Security Misc Expenditure (only to be used if no other suitable account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557410 99,963.96 FCO SERVICES Unscheduled repairs to building infrastructure
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551535 99,930.00 INNOVATION AND INSIGHT FZE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562071 99,201.23 AXA WINTERTHUR PENSION COLUMNA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518954 98,475.00 Populus Limited Research Budget
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557199 98,439.53 WYG GROUP Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554687 97,459.30 EAST WEST MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE INC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551610 97,378.21 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519525 97,262.28 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548135 97,066.78 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562996 96,691.80 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526872 95,692.30 ZINC NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521402 95,011.17 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540385 94,630.00 NORTH HIGHLAND UK LTD Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559311 94,059.00 UNOPS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563869 93,991.53 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548833 93,216.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554954 92,875.50 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547827 92,481.00 SMALL ARMS SURVEY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521315 92,189.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545026 92,115.56 INSTITUTE FOR WAR AND PEACE REPORTING IWPR Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10527330 91,373.41 LEGAL AND GENERAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD Additional Volunteer Contribution
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519438 91,043.44 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Licences
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521375 90,540.66 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562285 90,413.72 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10535657 90,040.90 WOMENS EMPOWERMENT LINK WEL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536577 90,000.00 SAINT HELENA GOVERNMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551341 89,868.34 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544919 89,854.97 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10559341 89,479.03 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GPC Clearing Account
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521262 88,669.92 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542502 88,669.92 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562560 88,388.17 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551428 88,344.13 THE HALO TRUST Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542584 87,702.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542585 87,702.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557333 87,229.56 WYG GROUP Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553718 86,921.36 MEDIAREACH OMD NIGERIA Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519434 86,746.39 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564248 86,683.54 IMPULSE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563980 86,319.74 LEGAL AND GENERAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD Additional Volunteer Contribution
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524292 85,720.49 GW CONSULTING UK LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520874 85,643.51 TRELLIDOR GHANA LIMITED Security: Works Residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518840 85,330.11 GW CONSULTING UK LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524628 85,326.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524631 85,326.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524632 85,326.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545841 85,326.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567786 85,186.55 GLOBAL PARTNERS GOVERNANCE PRACTICE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562042 85,141.24 AXA WINTERTHUR LS Staff Medical Costs
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554667 85,121.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528631 85,026.18 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524362 84,694.44 DIPLOMATIC MISSION SUPPLIES LTD Purchase of Furniture, Fittings and Domestic Appliances
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556971 84,296.14 SUSTAINABLE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SOLUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566699 84,134.76 TRANSAMERICA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548850 83,817.13 PENAL REFORM INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545263 83,787.23 TRANSAMERICA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557397 83,500.00 FCO SERVICES Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562881 83,018.00 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542769 82,566.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539795 82,490.25 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521874 82,380.86 TRANSAMERICA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532184 82,196.76 FCO SERVICES IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557096 82,136.00 SAHAN FOUNDATION LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519520 82,090.49 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519513 81,964.29 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557271 81,810.00 DANCHURCHAID Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518833 81,357.07 GW CONSULTING UK LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519515 81,324.21 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562790 80,716.14 JOURNALISM DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536200 80,660.00 GLOBAL DISINFORMATION INDEX Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564129 80,509.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562534 80,500.00 IOM INTERNATIONAL ORG FOR MIGRATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545584 80,410.36 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561727 80,385.65 SWE THA HAR ORGANIZATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557256 80,000.00 SAINT HELENA GOVERNMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521431 79,832.47 FCO SERVICES IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545079 79,399.00 PENAL REFORM INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559323 78,732.60 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559127 78,686.50 TRANSPARENCIA VENEZUELA AC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557385 78,662.58 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559857 78,522.85 ABROTEA BULGARIA AD Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562689 78,130.00 ACTIONAID MYANMAR Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554947 77,462.57 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539756 77,027.99 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP FM Interserve BES Maintenance
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10534230 76,544.78 ELECTRICITY COMPANY OF GHANA Electricity Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562711 75,808.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Support
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540387 75,115.00 NORTH HIGHLAND UK LTD Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551294 75,029.40 AECOM Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561550 75,000.00 BASKET FUNDS EMBAIXADA DA SUICA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540393 74,938.94 MITEL NETWORKS LTD IT Networking
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566696 74,760.61 SHANGRILA ULAANBAATAR HOTEL LLC Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10558762 74,632.13 EXPERTISE FRANCE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561944 74,406.73 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TASK FORCE - CJTF Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545487 74,174.02 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562544 74,174.02 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564073 73,744.06 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10538668 73,626.29 SITE INTELLIGENCE GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539640 73,089.63 Proctor's Construction Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566933 72,802.59 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519303 72,797.21 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518889 72,337.96 THE BRITISH COUNCIL British Council Funding Transfer
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519501 72,241.80 CHURCH HOUSE CONFERENCE CENTRE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536436 72,098.64 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10568066 71,650.59 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531989 71,032.93 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10559849 70,874.83 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Corporate Credit Card Clearing Account
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564211 70,674.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519526 70,354.97 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518635 70,205.01 ACCL INTERNATIONAL KABUL Fuel Oil Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562802 70,170.00 LAPIS MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA FZ LLC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562880 70,070.00 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518941 69,469.93 CCAMLR Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566739 69,469.93 CCAMLR Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565549 69,169.96 THE EGYPTIAN CONSULATE GENERAL IN LONDON Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559485 69,015.00 FCO SERVICES End User Software and Hardware
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556768 68,797.49 ADP Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519417 68,645.55 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531155 68,568.60 KYIV MOHYLA BUSINESS SCHOOL Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559650 68,504.57 THE DEATH PENALTY PROJECT LIMTED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562542 68,504.57 THE DEATH PENALTY PROJECT LIMTED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528706 68,429.89 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10514380 68,426.22 KPMG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566890 68,426.22 KPMG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531875 68,302.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557354 68,122.65 THE GLOBAL STRATEGY NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10495951 67,895.13 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562778 67,742.55 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Support
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540359 67,554.00 BIRN SERBIA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524522 67,205.45 KINGS COLLEGE LONDON Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551251 66,886.79 LUCONEX SRL Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547959 66,760.13 RED SEA HOUSING SERVICES GHANA LTD Misc Expenditure (only to be used if no other suitable account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526870 66,741.08 SOLIDARITY FUND POLAND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557351 66,716.37 THE GLOBAL STRATEGY NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536019 66,646.39 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524039 66,451.85 ATKINS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557273 66,092.09 GLOBAL PARTNERS GOVERNANCE PRACTICE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521397 66,021.04 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540287 65,871.49 FCO SERVICES Security: Works Non-Residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553767 65,551.50 THE GREEN STRING NETWORK GSN Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539635 65,547.21 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540034 65,355.38 ALBANY ASSOCIATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566941 65,242.00 FCO SERVICES Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551622 64,912.79 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521264 64,903.41 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542505 64,903.41 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559055 64,696.89 EDENRED Consolidated Volunteer Contribution
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564321 64,673.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Licences
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521412 64,659.16 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548580 64,642.68 HUMANIS Overseas Tax And Social Security
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10530694 64,180.83 SOUTH REVENUE SERVICE Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526263 64,117.80 BCI Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544279 64,064.54 WHITEHALL FUNDING Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524132 63,394.00 ATKINS LTD Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554646 63,070.72 ALBANY ASSOCIATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551349 62,844.60 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556960 62,824.15 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521391 62,793.57 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565529 62,336.63 FCO SERVICES Purchase of Furniture, Fittings and Domestic Appliances
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545830 62,166.32 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562328 62,060.83 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542531 61,905.00 SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562547 61,726.78 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524295 61,646.36 Optima Defence and Security Group Ltd Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562664 61,554.99 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566955 61,380.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553727 61,371.75 JORDAN MODERN OIL AND FUEL SERVICES Fuel Oil Residential
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521398 61,288.13 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565559 61,239.00 BIDWELLS Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562897 60,644.99 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Support
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542500 60,000.00 SOLIDARITY FUND POLAND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554717 60,000.00 THE BRITISH RUSSIAN CENTRE AND THE BRITISH EAST WEST CENTER Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565507 59,983.66 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551474 59,795.00 DIPLOMATIC MISSION SUPPLIES LTD Purchase of Furniture, Fittings and Domestic Appliances
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562758 59,582.00 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559792 59,523.21 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD End User Software and Hardware
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539628 59,480.74 ORCHARD, ROMNEY, BECK & ASSOC INC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548532 59,425.56 TERMINACIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557267 59,397.56 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564219 59,137.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526910 58,873.19 ARTEOS GP LIMITED AND CO KG Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521393 58,698.66 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531877 58,468.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531879 58,468.00 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536492 58,202.70 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10568039 58,006.64 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540312 57,995.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523989 57,806.18 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531872 57,705.54 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531874 57,705.54 BABCOCK VEHICLE ENGINEERING LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532177 57,531.82 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562187 57,263.27 BEIS DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562906 57,204.49 BREAKTHROUGH MEDIA NETWORK LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554946 57,194.80 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557399 57,028.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521394 56,878.46 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521400 56,841.69 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519540 56,739.47 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542492 56,739.47 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541843 56,726.34 G4S RISK MANAGEMENT LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528564 56,503.78 INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541846 56,498.49 ZAN TV Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559325 56,314.93 KPMG FIDUCIAIRE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559560 56,254.68 ITAD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10538830 56,182.17 UNITED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528724 55,883.91 RESTORE PLC Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545162 55,772.90 CROWN AGENTS BANK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565028 55,641.12 DYIAR ALGHANIM COMPANY Electricity Non-Residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551497 55,615.68 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MIGRATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548672 55,597.82 RA INITERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564064 55,427.50 TEKSEC LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556736 55,108.61 TORCHLIGHTGROUP LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551415 54,983.53 BEIJING NORTH HEAD CONSULTING CO LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541894 54,807.76 IBM ISRAEL LTD Representation of the FCO
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565560 54,803.00 BIDWELLS Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565516 54,611.82 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519486 54,600.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Licences
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521404 54,390.53 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548583 54,334.00 PENAL REFORM INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548422 53,987.75 AFIP Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528558 53,612.05 DIPLOMATIC MISSION SUPPLIES LTD Purchase of Furniture, Fittings and Domestic Appliances
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521368 53,485.16 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544848 53,215.92 ELECTRICITY COMPANY OF GHANA Electricity Residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542462 53,168.00 SCOTTISH POLICE SERVICES AUTHORITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10550880 52,962.69 SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564191 52,887.49 Unione Internazionale Superiore Generali Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541882 52,667.00 ANR MINING AND CONSTRUCTION Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562783 52,630.16 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559329 52,540.44 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540266 52,422.99 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524704 52,229.72 RANGER PROTECTION AND SECURITY COMPANY LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551573 52,189.09 RANGER PROTECTION AND SECURITY COMPANY LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562769 52,148.50 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536429 52,072.00 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567858 51,997.37 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526150 51,820.00 CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT AND DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567880 51,719.02 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10530905 51,699.59 ALEXANDER FORBES LIFE Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562324 51,645.69 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541848 51,450.00 CRRC GEORGIA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519043 51,276.62 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519082 51,092.00 DFID DEPT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562029 50,993.80 CAISSE CANTONALE GENEVOISE COMPEN Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562445 50,863.62 INTERSERVE FM LTD Contract Fees
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528696 50,654.42 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518883 50,554.00 DANCHURCHAID Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562736 50,284.50 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10550853 50,201.58 WALSONS SERVICES PVT LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524515 50,158.10 UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521333 50,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531980 50,000.00 SMALL ARMS SURVEY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551953 50,000.00 BBC BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559457 50,000.00 CABINET OFFICE Verbatims and Press Summaries
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562800 50,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521377 49,950.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557476 49,922.50 RADIANT MISSION SOLUTIONS INC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532147 49,825.00 FRAZER NASH CONSULTANCY Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559278 49,771.99 KPMG FIDUCIAIRE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554727 49,580.00 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM INSTITUTE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566944 49,519.00 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562323 49,499.39 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563993 49,465.26 AECOM Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532159 49,359.85 AECOM Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10535563 49,326.25 HAKI AFRICA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562322 49,278.30 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545887 49,220.34 NUCLEAR THREAT INITIATIVE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551342 49,136.19 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557453 48,849.61 THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE OSCE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521389 48,744.52 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548815 48,734.50 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518788 48,690.00 G4S RISK CONSULTING LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536236 48,500.00 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565040 48,351.00 MADAD NGO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562330 48,264.72 INTERSERVE FM LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524622 48,258.05 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536371 48,201.40 UNITED NATIONS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526877 48,000.00 REDSNAPPER LEARNING LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559098 48,000.00 COMMONWEALTH ENTERPRISE AND INVESTMENT COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567879 48,000.00 PRISONERS ABROAD Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554944 47,687.64 WYG GROUP Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521366 47,639.47 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564198 47,463.49 JONES LANG LASALLE Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524619 47,380.43 CABINET OFFICE Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524291 47,324.36 AXA WINTERTHUR PENSION COLUMNA Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528699 47,151.27 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566776 47,030.00 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556351 46,848.53 DIPLOMATIC SERVICE BUREAU Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565025 46,146.88 DYIAR ALGHANIM COMPANY Electricity Non-Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561663 45,880.80 TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566690 45,823.77 TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY INC Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539775 45,785.71 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542767 45,758.00 ERNST AND YOUNG LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531917 45,452.00 INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROJECTS AUTHORITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562512 45,397.49 ITAD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539992 45,363.00 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519112 45,301.41 RSM RISK ASSURANCE SERVICES LLP Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548801 45,225.70 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554180 45,187.00 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519138 45,136.41 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528692 45,090.84 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520854 45,075.29 KBR Catering Services
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561832 45,075.29 KBR Catering Services
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526313 45,047.67 DIPLOMAT FREIGHT SERVICES LTD(DFS) Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539782 45,033.92 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Manned Guarding Services
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548844 45,020.61 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521386 44,939.09 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10512490 44,742.20 ADAM SMITH INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528707 44,696.63 BRIGHT HORIZONS FAMILY SOLUTION LTD FCO KCS Nursery
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559588 44,644.49 DIPLOMATIC MISSION SUPPLIES LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539801 44,558.45 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Manned Guarding Services
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559692 44,460.13 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540276 44,331.51 ICTS ITALIA SRL Local Guards
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548874 44,274.85 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542353 44,255.00 WSP UK LIMITED UK Based Staff Pay (Oracle PAY Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562716 44,242.00 COMMONWEALTH SECRETARIAT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519098 44,205.12 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544273 44,159.07 G4S SECURITY SERVICES SA Local Guards
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561721 43,966.00 PARTNERSHIP FOR DIALOGUE AND DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10560057 43,941.07 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Travel Package Advance Overseas Posting (Credit Card Payments Only)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536002 43,716.97 SECURITAS SAC Local Guards
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565284 43,620.09 CENTER FOR SOCIAL INTEGRITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548796 43,303.37 BBC MEDIA ACTION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521461 42,957.17 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562319 42,875.57 GW CONSULTING UK LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548944 42,852.94 RIBA Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544611 42,824.56 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548888 42,782.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545100 42,779.56 HARIS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553657 42,725.50 ELITE TECH ASIA LTD DBA ENVISAGE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551930 42,683.31 MEPITS SOLUTIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554931 42,593.85 SAFELANE GLOBAL LIMITED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531302 42,565.57 AHV AUSGLEICHSKASSE KANTON BERN Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10543120 42,490.83 HOTEL MIGUEL ANGEL S A Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562494 42,316.17 INTERSERVE FM LTD Contract Fees
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565502 41,964.29 KPMG LLP Organisation and Change Management Consultancy
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551339 41,693.61 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565568 41,658.00 WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL Rates Taxes Non-Residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519517 41,559.73 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10558963 41,536.84 INSTITUT FOR SECURITY STUDIES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524621 41,487.97 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528955 41,287.27 AETNA LS Staff Medical Costs
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521411 41,256.02 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519259 41,210.52 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10549168 41,182.56 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556328 41,181.09 DATACOM EMPLOYER SERVICES Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524447 41,151.54 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Licences
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531849 41,146.27 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566877 41,081.92 GLOBAL PARTNERS GOVERNANCE PRACTICE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536086 41,061.57 AA WOODS Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557404 40,872.43 FCO SERVICES Unscheduled repairs to building infrastructure
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559077 40,780.36 THE SHAIKH GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551347 40,686.58 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519503 40,627.87 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10550607 40,614.52 BHC INDIA STAFF PROVIDENT FUND Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548807 40,577.16 COLLEGE OF POLICING Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565578 40,239.00 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518922 40,222.22 NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531953 40,171.90 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541917 40,088.62 ALDAR PROPERTIES PJSC Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551263 40,000.00 JUSTICE RAPID RESPONSE ASSOCIATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554814 40,000.00 CEFAS (THE CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT FISHERIES + AQUACULTURE SCIENCE) Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10555024 40,000.00 THE GLOBAL CENTRE FOR THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563858 40,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566548 39,990.70 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542211 39,946.17 SCHOOL Schooling for Children at Post
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531671 39,924.80 GIST RESEARCH LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540011 39,887.94 ALBANY ASSOCIATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524671 39,848.04 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548809 39,806.12 GLOBAL PARTNERS GOVERNANCE PRACTICE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548781 39,741.69 AETNA LS Staff Medical Costs
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526983 39,667.00 PA CONSULTING GROUP IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528576 39,667.00 PA CONSULTING GROUP IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521382 39,219.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562611 39,208.54 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565243 39,187.94 FASHION AND DESIGN CHAMBER NGO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551332 39,112.79 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557241 39,057.50 ELEPHANTS DONT FORGET IT Hosting
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521413 39,024.01 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563867 39,012.02 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521388 39,000.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559296 38,982.45 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551645 38,819.02 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10550751 38,750.68 EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553770 38,750.68 EAC CASHBOX TOPUP Inter Account Transfer (Cash in Transit)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10516498 38,718.55 TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY BOARD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551648 38,564.89 RSM RISK ASSURANCE SERVICES LLP Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521424 38,414.11 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521373 38,396.77 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562755 38,363.50 FCO SERVICES Despatch Charges
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554943 38,330.10 ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565436 38,166.67 UCL PARTNERS LIMITED Learning and Development for overseas staff
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519512 38,029.74 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547970 37,978.69 EMIRATES INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY SERVICES Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557340 37,893.51 O2 (UK) LIMITED Telephone Call Charges
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556354 37,889.32 CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528421 37,794.88 RABAT AMERICAN SCHOOL Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566908 37,694.06 THE CLUB OF 3 Office Support Services
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10558752 37,556.70 ETIHAD TOWERS FOR REAL ESTATE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540263 37,496.68 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559208 37,404.02 DIPSERVICE Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554808 37,370.99 MEDICOS DEL MUNDO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520900 37,307.72 PAGE GROUP ISRAEL LIMITED Local Guards
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559369 37,252.61 SOLIDARITY FUND POLAND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531950 37,226.34 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557342 37,169.04 COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10535165 37,168.00 EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559368 37,100.00 FORENSIC SCIENCE NORTHERN IRELAND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565279 36,954.97 FORTIFY RIGHTS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548750 36,933.57 FCO SERVICES IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528709 36,890.00 ST ANDREWS REFUGEE SERVICES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542758 36,865.93 VODAFONE LTD CABLE AND WIRELESS UK IT Networking
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547645 36,790.17 JCLEC FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548663 36,674.17 RA INITERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531639 36,661.10 DX NETWORK SERVICES Postal Services
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554802 36,580.64 G4S SECURITY SERVICE DRC SPRL Local Guards
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548826 36,555.00 GLOBAL RIGHTS COMPLIANCE LLP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562602 36,400.00 CAMBRIDGE INFORMATION LIMITED Online Content
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528568 36,389.16 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539996 36,330.10 INTEGRATED TRAINING SOLUTIONS Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557471 36,274.22 ADYAN FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524049 36,250.00 VODAFONE LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10568075 36,228.01 CELLEBRITE MOBILE SYNCHRONIZATION LTD Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548792 36,182.59 RA INITERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562304 36,022.97 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526802 36,019.60 RAMBOLL UK LTD Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524808 35,926.53 UNFPA EL SALVADOR Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10558753 35,868.76 ALDAR PROPERTIES PJSC Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562302 35,856.98 INTERSERVE FM LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551338 35,855.08 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562529 35,798.93 AXIOM INTERNATIONAL LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528399 35,785.31 SNF CASHBOX TOP-UP Inter Account Transfer (Cash in Transit)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567777 35,727.16 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562093 35,717.73 ONE SANSOME PROPERTY LLC Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10534231 35,712.24 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540373 35,645.42 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557229 35,641.90 TRESOR PUBLIC Overseas Tax And Social Security
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553362 35,582.33 THE BRITISH COUNCIL O'Seas Conferences
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554723 35,559.46 MOTT MACDONALD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536626 35,505.00 MOTT MACDONALD LTD Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559565 35,478.68 ITAD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519394 35,298.13 OSCE ORG SECURITY COOPORATION EUROPE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536129 35,235.33 SAHAN FOUNDATION LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565561 35,192.00 BIDWELLS Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559215 35,153.95 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551471 34,995.82 ALZAD ALLIBI FOR CATERING SERVICES Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528203 34,924.78 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553321 34,796.14 SHANGHAI FOREIGN AGENCY SERVICE COMPANY Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10552056 34,621.76 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Children's Concessionary Journeys
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561660 34,456.60 AMANI AFRICA Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562329 34,314.13 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545648 34,293.65 EDF ENERGY Electricity Non-Residential
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524112 34,287.86 MOTT MACDONALD LTD Repairs And Refurbishment: Works Residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559642 34,213.23 FIRST CALL PARTNERS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519532 34,192.06 FCO SERVICES Other Machinery and Equipment
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532185 34,050.00 FCO SERVICES IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557331 34,025.20 SIREN ASSOCIATES LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567868 34,020.51 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524272 33,957.16 AXA WINTERTHUR Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521435 33,930.00 FCO SERVICES Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548657 33,848.19 CEFAS (THE CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT FISHERIES + AQUACULTURE SCIENCE) Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519462 33,843.19 AECOM Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520940 33,780.50 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INT JORDAN Local Guards
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551922 33,725.00 ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF TORTURE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528540 33,618.66 DFID DEPT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Payroll Service Provider
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521376 33,600.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551351 33,539.60 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566549 33,364.40 FINNISH REFUGEE COUNCIL FRC Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10527107 33,348.12 Unione Internazionale Superiore Generali Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521443 33,332.52 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544757 33,325.58 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545895 33,325.58 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557251 33,220.00 SATELLITE APPLICATIONS CATAPULT LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554626 33,128.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566953 33,020.00 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554724 33,005.00 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM INSTITUTE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521359 32,953.93 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539721 32,890.00 POWER ELECTRICS GENERATORS LTD Other Machinery and Equipment
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559496 32,802.20 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531951 32,788.33 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532178 32,720.58 FCO SERVICES IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556748 32,578.26 SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518760 32,550.57 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544899 32,392.00 THECITYUK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554720 32,321.13 ALBANY ASSOCIATES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566916 32,288.37 HEALIX INTERNATIONAL LTD Hospital/Specialist Treatment
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544758 32,288.28 CHP CASHBOX TOP UP Inter Account Transfer (Cash in Transit)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521351 32,286.72 FCO SERVICES IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524120 32,170.12 CITY OF LONDON POLICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542179 32,128.88 HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544788 32,085.56 IUC MADISON AVENUE LLC Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563991 32,043.24 ECORYS UK LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523529 32,032.27 NCA LAGOS Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519521 31,985.35 FCO SERVICES Residential Property Services
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541828 31,907.99 JORDAN MODERN OIL AND FUEL SERVICES Fuel Oil Residential
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523983 31,596.53 ECORYS UK LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10534791 31,442.76 MAZARS CINOTTI ACCOUNTING DOO Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10530957 31,170.17 SAUDI REAL ESTATE COMPANY Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526909 31,131.11 TEAM LEYLAND INTERNATIONAL LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553953 31,000.70 KINGDOM CITY Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521965 30,867.72 IZIIS Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551575 30,831.59 AC DEPORTE PARA EL DESARROLLO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562873 30,801.60 CAPITA GROUP PLC HR, Training and Education Consultancy
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557006 30,722.76 SEGURIDAD SOCIAL Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557014 30,711.83 COFFEY INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518765 30,690.54 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554790 30,685.00 SSK Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518869 30,674.00 PENAL REFORM INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545690 30,585.90 WALES OFFICE UK Based Staff Pay (Oracle PAY Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536312 30,570.90 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545578 30,561.15 G4S SECURITY SERVICES Local Guards
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528626 30,515.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10503840 30,514.48 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531017 30,496.17 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565565 30,492.52 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528650 30,430.00 INNOVATE IT LTD IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557192 30,373.81 WYG GROUP Estates Management Services
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528722 30,335.38 MACE INTERNATIONAL UK LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562327 30,330.99 INTERSERVE FM LTD Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542720 30,325.03 IMC WORLDWIDE LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526921 30,324.00 GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557322 30,301.11 THE GLOBAL STRATEGY NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531911 30,271.89 SAFERWORLD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542451 30,212.00 BSI STANDARDS INSTITUTION & TRAINING Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563952 30,204.73 IIJ INT INST JUSTICE RULE OF LAW Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562834 30,199.00 MACE INTERNATIONAL UK LIMITED Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536462 30,015.20 PALLADIUM Programme and Project Management Consultancy
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545418 30,000.00 AMINO LOGISTIC SERVICES LTD Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562810 29,936.25 FCO SERVICES Despatch Charges
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544795 29,897.78 DIALOGUE AND RESEARCH INITIATIVE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531093 29,893.82 DIALOGUE AND RESEARCH INITIATIVE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10533688 29,845.00 MEDIA LINTAS KOMUNITAS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545286 29,785.07 PLATFORM Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10519433 29,779.58 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562774 29,770.50 FCO SERVICES Air Freight Dip Bags - Freight & Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561991 29,760.52 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561992 29,760.52 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536138 29,721.97 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 30/12/2019 10566552 29,705.62 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SERVICE HONG KONG BRANCH Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531991 29,701.86 FALKLAND ISLANDS GOVERNMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548677 29,537.46 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563856 29,381.89 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 06/12/2019 10528704 29,349.46 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559366 29,280.46 MOTT MACDONALD LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547931 29,275.98 G4S SECURITY SERIVICES GHANA LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554847 29,211.19 KPMG ADVISORY SERVICES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564336 29,204.28 THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND UK - Air Travel
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551854 29,193.70 CAPITAL HUMANO Y SOCIAL ALTERNATIVO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551399 29,123.23 FCO SERVICES IT Support
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554866 29,105.60 LILLEKER BROTHERS NIGERIA Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544430 29,057.44 NORTEL SECURITY ZAO OP Local Guards
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547925 28,926.53 G4S SECURITY SERIVICES GHANA LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10547952 28,926.53 G4S SECURITY SERIVICES GHANA LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10531957 28,924.70 PALLADIUM Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524410 28,886.00 INSTITUT FRANCAIS Language Tuition: Essential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10550866 28,763.85 AFGHANISTAN JOURNALISTS CENTER Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539784 28,760.11 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536082 28,710.97 BEYOND BORDERS CONSULTING Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521371 28,640.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532157 28,612.00 AECOM Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540395 28,468.19 MITEL NETWORKS LTD IT Networking
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557106 28,465.52 PROFESSIONAL LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS Language Tuition: Essential
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521328 28,431.65 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551331 28,369.06 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 09/12/2019 10532065 28,350.00 ACCIPIO Pilot Assessment Centre
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544952 28,332.08 INTEGRITY RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557108 28,273.01 PROFESSIONAL LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS Language Tuition: Course materials
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540318 28,215.80 HOTELLINE FOR TOURISTIC INVESTMENT LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10561845 28,126.16 IESCO Electricity Residential
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565359 28,088.91 SECRETARIAT PERMANENT ITIE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562614 28,074.20 FALKLAND ISLANDS GOVERNMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562712 28,039.00 FCO SERVICES Freight & Customs Clearance Charges
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536207 27,893.88 RAAPPS Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 02/12/2019 10518782 27,832.45 JCLEC FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524553 27,675.00 IDENTITY E2E LTD Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548246 27,646.97 A T & T MOBILITY Mobile Telephone Equipment
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554675 27,594.96 BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556991 27,392.06 IMDED Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 01/12/2019 10510255 27,387.86 HOTELLINE FOR TOURISTIC INVESTMENT LTD Multiple Accounts
FCO FCO 05/12/2019 10526204 27,384.33 UMOJA HOUSE JMC Property Maintenance Overseas Non Residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554688 27,334.22 SONDER USA INC Temporary Duty Overseas - Staff and Travel Costs
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554692 27,334.22 SONDER USA INC Temporary Duty Overseas - Staff and Travel Costs
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562751 27,325.50 FCO SERVICES Postal Services
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524861 27,307.64 AVARN SECURITY OY Local Guards
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10545710 27,289.94 MAK AUTOSTAR Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542681 27,279.00 GOWLING WLG UK LLP Legal Consultancy
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521446 27,268.60 FCO SERVICES Construction Project more than £10k
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10520819 27,137.25 REFUGEE LAW PROJECT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556952 27,052.22 ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS Local Staff Pension Contributions
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562719 26,986.55 STONEWALL EQUALITY LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551321 26,959.89 G4S SECURITY SERVICES UGANDA LTD Local Guards
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540455 26,951.18 SECURITAS SAC Local Guards
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565543 26,720.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548680 26,677.68 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536372 26,638.50 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557452 26,638.47 KPMG FIDUCIAIRE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551348 26,581.84 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521586 26,545.81 PALLADIUM Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10533731 26,517.09 SOCIAL EDUCATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10542372 26,494.20 CABINET OFFICE Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10563965 26,481.53 DMS AFRICA Property Maintenance Overseas Residential
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10540375 26,439.10 TORCHLIGHT SOLUTIONS LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559524 26,382.89 AUTO 100 TALLINN AS Recharge Suspense Account (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553763 26,374.09 TANMEYA NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT REAL ESTATE INV LLC Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 20/12/2019 10559455 26,338.80 WYG GROUP Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564070 26,325.00 OROSTREAM INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562875 26,276.14 THOMSON FOUNDATION Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 03/12/2019 10521299 26,254.37 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557193 26,238.39 LIONS HEAD GLOBAL PARTNERS18 LTD Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 27/12/2019 10565050 26,218.71 JENAN ASIA COMPANY Property Maintenance Overseas Non Residential
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536090 26,216.18 GOVERNMENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT Legal Consultancy
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562608 26,176.00 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556753 26,161.39 ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER Rental Payments - residential
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10567878 26,117.65 PICKFORDS MOVE MANAGEMENT LTD Heavy Baggage
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544905 26,035.04 EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP NETWORK Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10553568 25,966.83 3BMD ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENG Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 24/12/2019 10564252 25,875.00 RIDGE AND PARTNERS LLP Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536490 25,867.61 UPR INFO Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10524382 25,839.54 STADIUM MANAGEMENT LTD Vehicle Hire
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557398 25,749.00 FCO SERVICES Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 31/12/2019 10568028 25,734.74 HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD Specialist Contractors
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551343 25,685.05 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 04/12/2019 10523404 25,670.17 SAFINA TOWERS PVT LTD Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10557378 25,577.48 COMPUTACENTER UK LTD IT Management and Change
FCO FCO 13/12/2019 10544395 25,575.45 REDAN PETROLEUM Fuel Oil Non-Residential
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554883 25,358.00 BIDWELLS Rental Payments - non residential
FCO FCO 16/12/2019 10548842 25,349.86 EUROPEAN BANKING AUTHORITY Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 12/12/2019 10541936 25,329.77 RAWAT AL MORUGE Property Maintenance Overseas Non Residential
FCO FCO 23/12/2019 10562301 25,298.27 INTERSERVE FM LTD Assets Under Construction (Oracle PA Control Account)
FCO FCO 18/12/2019 10554855 25,245.23 ASOCIACION RED DE MUJERES VICTIMAS Y PROFESIONALES Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539766 25,204.93 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP FM Interserve BES Maintenance
FCO FCO 19/12/2019 10556406 25,201.60 CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND Le Staff Pay
FCO FCO 11/12/2019 10539727 25,200.00 AGILE BYTE LIMITED IT/IS Consultancy
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536235 25,186.49 OSLO AND PARIS COMMISSIONS Protocol - General VAT Refunds to Other Organisations
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551811 25,160.21 ATKINS LTD Unscheduled repairs to building infrastructure
FCO FCO 17/12/2019 10551408 -26,135.44 ISS FACILITY SERVICES LTD FCO OP - POE Rates Taxes Residential
FCO FCO 10/12/2019 10536170 -26,156.89 WILPF CAMEROON Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)