Transparency data
DCMS workforce data: June 2018
Updated 26 March 2020
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Organisation name | Organisation type | Main, parent or sponsoring department: | Payroll staff AO/AA Headcount | Payroll staff AO/AA Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff EO Headcount | Payroll staff EO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Headcount | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Headcount | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SCS Headcount | Payroll staff SCS Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Headcount | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Total Employees Headcount | Payroll staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Intermin Managers Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Interim Managers Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Headcount | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Full-time Equivalent | Payroll Staff Costs Salary | Payroll Staff Costs Allowances | Payroll Staff Costs Non-consolidated performance payments | Payroll Staff Costs Overtime | Payroll Staff Costs Employer pension contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Employer national insurance contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Total paybill for payroll staff | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of consultants/consultancy | Non-payroll Staff Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs | Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs | Comments |
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport | Ministerial Department | Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport | 12 | 12 | 145 | 142.1283784 | 349 | 345.0499889 | 401 | 389.3378979 | 72 | 68.1 | 0 | 0 | 979 | 956.6162652 | 15 | 14.1 | 0 | 0 | 43 | 36.3 | 2 | 2 | 60 | 52.4 | 1039 | 1009.016265 | 3489112.63 | 72753.05 | 284515 | 14695.85 | 746898.42 | 437646.45 | 5045621.4 | 522222 | 11640 | 533862 | 5579483.4 | The total number of consultants represents the number of consultancy firms as opposed to the number of individual consultants. |
National Archives | Executive Agency | Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport | 93 | 82.01 | 101 | 97.8 | 243 | 235.75 | 71 | 69.33 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 514 | 490.89 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 514 | 490.89 | 1384412.76 | 15225.7 | 0 | 6893.97 | 287471.77 | 144211.69 | 1838215.89 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1838215.89 | Not set |