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Local highways maintenance challenge fund: schemes funded
Updated 28 February 2020
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Year Awarded | Tranche | Authority | Region | Project | Scheme description | Asset type | DfT funding (£m) | Total cost (£m) |
Feb-20 | 2B | Essex County Council | E | Army and Navy Flyover | Allow the council to remove the defective Army and Navy Flyover in Chelmsford. | Structure | 0.38 | 0.38 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Essex County Council | E | Major maintenance to Braintree town centre | Making the town centre more attractive for walking and cycling, contributing to modal switch, reducing CO2 emissions and providing health benefits from physical exercise. | Maintenance | 1 | 2.5 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Norfolk County Council | E | A1122 Marham major maintenance | Deterioration noted on highway that is in need of overhaul and repair. The bid outlines road safety benefits that will follow once the highway surface is improved. | Maintenance | 2.539 | 2.818 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority | E | A15 Vehicle Restraint System Replacement (safety barriers) | The bid is for the replacement of old safety barriers from the 1980s on the A15 Paston Parkway in Peterborough with a modern system which would restrain vehicles safely if hit. | Structure | 0.419 | 0.855 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Derbyshire County Council | EM | A6 Derwent Valley highway maintenance | Urgent work required on retaining walls. | Maintenance | 4.867 | 5.017 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Lincolnshire County Council | EM | A52 Roman Bank reconstruction | A52 Roman Bank is at the end of its lifecycle and needs repair and renewal. | Maintenance | 3.649 | 4.849 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Durham County Council | NE | New Elvet Bridge maintenance | Impact on the city’s transport network would be significant if not repaired. | Structure | 4.238 | 4.97 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Northumberland County Council | NE | Steel Bridge refurbishment | A strong and comprehensive case has been made for a timely intervention, in accordance with best asset management principles, in order to prevent a more costly and disruptive intervention at a later date. | Structure | 3.7 | 4.8 |
Feb-20 | 2B | South Tyneside Council | NE | Albert Road Bridge refurbishment | The bridge carries a key route over the railway in Jarrow, west of the port of Tyne. The bid makes the case to repair the structure before further deterioration causes any traffic restrictions or closure of the bridge. | Structure | 1.479 | 2.113 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Lancashire County Council | NW | East Lancashire retaining walls strengthening | The bid makes a strong case to repair the masonry walls, some of which are old and showing signs of movement. | Maintenance | 3.168 | 3.96 |
Feb-20 | 2B | GMCA Wigan Council | NW | Drainage infrastructure | To remediate damage to 273 highway gullies and 3 highway culverts that have failed and are now resulting in localised flooding, delays and damage to Wigan’s sections of GM’s Key Route Network. | Drainage | 0.884 | 1.109 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Cheshire West and Chester | NW | Winnington Swing Bridge maintenance | Swing Bridge on important primary route into Northwich will have weight restriction imposed on it by Canals and River Trust unless repairs and strengthening work are undertaken. | Structure | 0.78 | 0.93 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Blackpool Council | NW | Strategic Network maintenance | Covers 3 principal elements: treatment of the local strategic network, a review of drainage infrastructure and the filling on of a disused subway beneath the Promenade and Tramway. The subway strengthening is required to ensure tram services over it can continue. | Maintenance | 4.4 | 4.81 |
Feb-20 | 2B | GMCA Manchester City Council | NW | Key strategic network repairs | Targeting preventative treatments across the City’s network, in combination with resurfacing, so that the most cost-effective treatments are applied at the right time. | Maintenance | 5 | 5 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Warrington Borough Council | NW | Key Route Network maintenance | Carriageway resurfacing, bridge deck waterproofing to 1 structure and addresses serious flooding issues to A49. All schemes are on Warrington’s KRN | Maintenance /Structure | 2.976 | 3.72 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Slough Borough Council | SE | Langley Footbridge replacement | Bridges have been damaged by bridge strikes and a lack of alternative pedestrian crossings over junction mean these works are necessary to prevent severance. | Structure | 0.345 | 0.493 |
Feb-20 | 2B | West Berkshire UA | SE | A4 East West resilience | Good case is made for preventative treatment of the road surface, and is sensible to do the works alongside planned junction improvements and cycleway works. | Maintenance | 4.5 | 6.125 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Medway Council | SE | A289 Tunnel ventilation renewal | Have presented extensive evidence of the deterioration of the structure - clearly identified the problem and also highlighted the risks that the current condition presents. | Structure | 4.972 | 7.883 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Buckinghamshire County Council | SE | Cycle of Decline | The intervention is to repair ten areas of Buckinghamshire’s Main Road Network (MRN). Reasons for urgency include a high volume of traffic due to no trunk roads, housing growth and national infrastructure projects. | Maintenance | 1.2 | 1.5 |
Feb-20 | 2B | WOECA Bristol | SW | Bristol maintenance | Comprises a programme of works, including sustainable transport related, on specific stretches of the network. On two sites so is scalable to focus on the most urgent work. | Maintenance | 2.784 | 3.458 |
Feb-20 | 2B | WOECA Bath NE Somerset | SW | Cleveland Bridge repairs | Top priority for the CA; a strong strategic case to repair this Grade 2 listed bridge which is a key route from the south coast to the M4. | Structure | 3.56 | 3.92 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Swindon Unitary Authority | SW | Key Routes East refurbishment | A package of measures including major maintenance, structural work around subways and the roads over them, upgrading traffic signals and drainage works to address long term deterioration. | Maintenance /Structure | 4.848 | 5.817 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Dorset Council | SW | Weymouth dock roads rail removal and resurfacing | Intervention is very much linked to road safety with support and funding from Network Rail to remove redundant rails set into the streets in the dock area, with repairs and resurfacing. | Maintenance | 1.137 | 1.537 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Warwickshire County Council | WM | Historic bridge maintenance | Repairs to 8 bridges which are historic structures, some of which are scheduled ancient monuments. | Structure | 4.978 | 6.3 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Staffordshire County Council | WM | Chetwynd Bridge upgrade | Further vehicle strikes risk damaging the structure further so work is necessary. | Structure | 2.35 | 2.5 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Telford Unitary Authority | WM | A442 Infrastructure Investment | Comprehensive maintenance scheme focusing on all assets within a section of the A442, with a specific focus on life expired carriageways, vehicle restraint systems & structures. Status as New Town means many of assets reaching end of life at similar time. | Maintenance | 4.935 | 7.218 |
Feb-20 | 2B | Stoke on Trent | WM | ‘Keep Stoke Moving’ key corridor maintenance | The strategic case for the works is clearly made for routine maintenance. This is the first phase of a maintenance programme to key routes. | Maintenance | 5 | 5.4 |
Feb-20 | 2B | WMCA Dudley | WM | Primrose Bridge repairs | Repairs to bridge which has had weight restrictions in place for 10 years, meaning that HGVs and buses have to divert. This is having negative impacts on economic growth, safety, congestion and air quality. | Structure | 1.887 | 2.219 |
Feb-20 | 2B | WYCA Kirklees | YH | A62 Leeds Road resurfacing | Carriageway resurfacing, drainage and structural improvements, A6024 Slope stabilization, drainage and carriageway reconstruction | Drainage | 2.03 | 2.84 |
Feb-20 | 2B | WYCA Calderdale | YH | A629 Calderdale Way refurbishment | Good value for money for highways maintenance project with replacement of safety barriers in mid-2020; a strong case to intervene to improve road safety. | Maintenance | 3.932 | 4.915 |
Feb-20 | 2B | North East Lincolnshire Unitary Authority | YH | A180 Corporation Road bridge maintenance | A listed structure in need of repair owing to corrosion. The bid states that defects that are safety critical could be fixed, with the longer-term problems deferred but this would prevent immediate danger to the road users. | Structure | 2.967 | 4.967 |
Feb-20 | 2B | East Riding Yorkshire | YH | Drainage renewal | Drainage and structural improvements within the system. Improvements will mitigate flooding in future. | Drainage | 1.785 | 1.935 |
Feb-20 | 2B | SYCA Sheffield City Region | YH | A6178 maintenance | The works include replacement of the full carriageway plus repair/replacement of the existing traffic calming features and the renewal of a damaged highway drain. | Maintenance | 0.8 | 0.92 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Gateshead | NE | Heworth Roundabout | Strengthening, re-waterproofing and traffic signal renewal of A184 / A185 elevated junction. | Structure | 5 | 5.5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Northamptonshire | EM | A605 Thrapston to County boundary maintenance | Major asset renewal/upgrade along 17km of the A605 from Thrapston to County Boundary | Maintenance | 5 | 6.2 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Staffordshire | WM | Burton upon Trent river crossings maintenance | Replacing severely distorted bearings on St. Peter’s Bridge. | Structure | 5 | 6.1 |
Oct-17 | 2A | West Berkshire | SE | Maintaining connectivity using lifecycle planning | Surface treatment of 11 sections of road, and refurbishment of 7 highway structures. | Maintenance | 3 | 5.8 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Bristol and Bath&NES | SW | A4 and A4174 Strategic routes major maintenance | Maintenance and enhancement works along the A4 from Keynsham Bypass, Bath Road, A4174. | Maintenance | 5 | 6.4 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Lancashire | NW | A589 Greyhound Bridge refurbishment | Refurbishment of Greyhound Bridge to avoid implementing weight restrictions. | Structure | 3.7 | 4.6 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Stockport | NW | A6 Viaduct waterproofing and repair | A new waterpoof slab on the A6 Wellington Road Viaduct. | Structure | 2.8 | 3.5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Southend | E | Southend highway flood reduction and resilience | Renew and upgrade gullies and drainage networks in three hotspots. | Drainage | 0.6 | 0.7 |
Oct-17 | 2A | South Glos & Bristol | SW | South Glos and Bristol flood resilience | Maintenance and flood resilience measures at 10 locations. | Drainage | 3.4 | 3.7 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Herefordshire | WM | Powering the Midlands Engine through the Enterprise zone | Maintenance of routes to Herefordshire's Enterprise Zone. | Maintenance | 5 | 8 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Poole | SW | Meeting the challenge in Poole highway maintenance | A route management scheme connecting residential, commercial and regeneration sites. | Maintenance | 2.9 | 3.5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Cambridgeshire & Peterborough | E | Drought damaged roads | Repair of 65.6km of drought damaged fen roads. | Maintenance | 3.5 | 6.8 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Southampton | SE | Millbrook Roundabout major maintenance | Replacement of the roundabout's concrete slab sub-base | Maintenance | 5 | 8.3 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Milton Keynes | SE | A509 A422 Willen Road to Olney upgrade | Upgrade of the carriageway, drainage improvements and updating vehicle restraint systems. | Maintenance | 3.9 | 4.9 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Calderdale | YH | Highway drainage resilience | Replace or repair drainage gullies in flooding hotspots on West Yorkshire's Key Route Network. | Drainage | 2 | 2.6 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Northumberland | NE | Northumberland rural road network maintenance | Repair and strengthen key roads underpinning the rural and regional economy. | Maintenance | 5 | 6.5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Cornwall | SW | Doing highways differently | Targeted repair works on 53 sites on the local road network. | Maintenance | 5 | 5.5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Devon | SW | A361 linking network resilience and economic growth | Renewal of A361 North Devon Link, linking the M5, Tiverton and northern Devon. | Maintenance | 4.3 | 5 |
Oct-17 | 2A | Nottinghamshire | EM | A38 and A617 Mansfield Regeneration Route | A whole route treatment on the A38 / A617 Mansfield & Ashfield Regeneration Route. | Maintenance | 5 | 6 |
May-15 | 1 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council | YH | Street Lighting Upgrade | Replace all 9,000 street lighting columns in the East Riding that are over 40 years old, upgrade the remaining 19,000 lamps. | Lighting | 6 | 15.3 |
May-15 | 1 | Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Lead Authority) Kirklees Council | YH | West Yorkshire - Joint Retaining Structures | Improve the reliability of retaining wall structures on major traffic routes. | Structure | 5.2 | 6.3 |
May-15 | 1 | Telford & Wrekin Council | WM | Telford Town Centre Connectivity Package | Upgrade an existing pedestrian footbridge which provides essential connections between the station and Telford Town Centre. | Structure | 10.3 | 12.3 |
May-15 | 1 | West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority | WM | West Midlands Classified Network Renewal Project (WMCNRP) | A six year programme to renew 341 km of the West Midlands classified road network in urgent need of repair. | Maintenance | 39.9 | 44.9 |
May-15 | 1 | Coventry | WM | Swanswell Viaduct major maintenance | Viaduct repair on A4053 Ring Road, waterproofing and replacing sections of parapet wall. | Structure | 5.5 | 5.6 |
May-15 | 1 | Cornwall Council | SW | A39 Trispen Renewal Scheme | Asset renewal along the 8 km route removing the need for frequent remedial patching works; improved cycle provision and drainage upgrade. Completed. | Maintenance | 5.2 | 6.3 |
May-15 | 1 | South Gloucestershire Council | SW | A4174 Major Maintenance and Enhancement | Maintenance of the A4174 Avon Ring Road between the A38 at Filton and the A4 at Hicks Gate. | Structure | 14 | 15.5 |
May-15 | 1 | Plymouth City Council | SW | Plymouth Carriageway Improvement Programme | An £11 million programme targeting 63% of Plymouth’s strategic highway network on key routes. | Maintenance | 8.4 | 11.2 |
May-15 | 1 | Gloucestershire County Council | SW | Gloucestershire County Council - LED Streetlighting | £20m LED lighting project, converting all streetlighting to maximise energy saving, CO2 reduction and maintenance savings. | Lighting | 5 | 7.6 |
May-15 | 1 | Bristol and South Gloucestershire (jointly) | SW | A403 Major Maintenance | Maintenance of the A403 Corridor from Avonmouth Port to the M48 at Aust, to support economic development within Avonmouth and Severnside. Completed. | Maintenance | 12.6 | 14 |
May-15 | 1 | Devon County Council | SW | Lighting the road ahead: Street lighting improvements in Devon | Replacement street lighting on all main roads throughout Devon taking advantage of modern innovation in lighting design. | Lighting | 10.3 | 13.2 |
May-15 | 1 | West Berkshire District Council | SE | A339 Newbury, Delivering a High Quality Corridor. | Improve the long term condition of the A339 which is deemed critical to Newbury's economic and housing growth. | Maintenance | 5.6 | 10.7 |
May-15 | 1 | Brighton & Hove City Council | SE | A259 / West Street – Shelter Hall – Highway Structure No BS.5618 | Essential reconstruction of a primary highway structure constructed circa 1880 supporting the A259 which carries 36,000 vehicles a day, 30,000 pedestrians a day and the National Cycle Route 2. | Maintenance | 8.9 | 10.6 |
May-15 | 1 | West Berkshire Council | SE | LED Street Lighting - Invest to Save | Replace approximately 10,850 street lighting lanterns with dimmable LED energy efficient lanterns. This will also include replacing approximately 3,431 columns with new aluminium columns suitable for LED lanterns. Completed. | Lighting | 5.1 | 7.2 |
May-15 | 1 | Slough Borough Council | SE | Slough, Reading and Wokingham Street Lighting Upgrade Project | Modernisation of street lighting across three boroughs. Installation of 38,651 energy efficient LED lanterns, replacement of 11,323 old lighting columns and install Central Management Systems to improve performance. | Lighting | 19.3 | 27.6 |
May-15 | 1 | Oxfordshire County Council | SE | Long term, sustainable Improvements to drainage, carriageway and street lighting infrastructure | Improve resilience to water and traffic damage using sustainable techniques. Coordinated with a separate programme of Street lighting column and LED lantern review and replacement. | Maintenance | 13 | 14.5 |
May-15 | 1 | Lancashire County Council (1) | NW | Exceptional M65 Motorway Infrastructure Maintenance | Exceptional motorway infrastructure maintenance on the M65 between J10-14 involving the replacement of the central steel crash barriers with concrete barriers. Replacement of side crash barriers and upgrading the driver information matrix signs. | Maintenance | 5.1 | 6.6 |
May-15 | 1 | Wigan Council | NW | Br.1. Golborne Railway Bridge Br.2. Morleys Canal Bridge | Upgrades two major bridges including deck re-waterproofing, replacement of bearings, renewing of deck joints and steelwork corrosion protection. Completed. | Structure | 1 | 1.3 |
May-15 | 1 | Lancashire County Council (2) | NW | Upgrading of Street Lighting | Upgrading 67,000 energy inefficient street lighting lanterns with modern LED equivalents, replacing up to 4,000 lighting columns that have reached the end of their service life and the provision of approximately 150 charging points to encourage a greater uptake of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles. | Lighting | 14.8 | 19.8 |
May-15 | 1 | Wirral Council | NW | Wirral Dock Bridges Replacement | Replacement of two bridges with improvement for pedestrians and cyclists. An existing steel truss opening bridge replaced with a new box girder bascule bridge. A fixed truss bridge replaced with a new concrete deck bridge. | Structure | 6.4 | 7.1 |
May-15 | 1 | Blackpool Borough Council | NW | Blackpool Bridges | Repair and reconstruction of ten of Blackpool’s strategic bridges. | Structure | 5.6 | 11.4 |
May-15 | 1 | Oldham Council | NW | A62 Key Route Network Maintenance Scheme | Preventive maintenance on the A62 in Oldham, part of Greater Manchester's Key Route Network, integrating highway surfacing, highways structures and safety schemes to reduce delays. | Maintenance | 3.2 | 4 |
May-15 | 1 | Manchester City Council | NW | Planned Maintenance Works to the Key Strategic Network in Manchester. | Delivery of planned maintenance works to five key strategic routes to help improve road conditions. | Maintenance | 6.3 | 8 |
May-15 | 1 | Liverpool City Council | NW | Great Howard Street Bridge, A565 | Replace the existing Great Howard Street bridge as it failed the last structural assessment, ensuring the A565 remains open without a weight limit. | Structure | 8.5 | 9.7 |
May-15 | 1 | Wigan Council | NW | Key Route Network Carriageway Rehabilitation | Upgrades two major bridges including deck re-waterproofing, replacement of bearings, renewing of deck joints and renewing of steelwork corrosion protection. Completed. | Maintenance | 2.4 | 3 |
May-15 | 1 | Tameside MBC | NW | Retaining Walls | Maintenance and repair of retaining walls in locations to the east of Manchester. | Structure | 3 | 3 |
May-15 | 1 | Bolton Council | NW | A666 major maintenance | A666 structural maintenance of highways and parapet strengthening and replacement on St Peters Way. | Maintenance | 5.8 | 7.3 |
May-15 | 1 | Darlington Borough Council | NE | Darlington Challenge Fund | (1) Strengthening of a key bridge and (2) upgrade of street lighting stock to address structural issues with columns and an upgrade to LED lighting. | Maintenance | 5.8 | 7.7 |
May-15 | 1 | Northumberland County Council | NE | Northumberland Masonry Arch Refurbishment Programme | To refurbish 130 of the masonry arch bridge stock in Northumberland. | Maintenance | 5.6 | 6.7 |
May-15 | 1 | Newcastle City Council | NE | Haddricks Mill including Killingworth Road Maintenance | Improvement of an area of highway network that is critical to the growth of Newcastle and its wider area (enabling housing growth and access to employment sites) to improve capacity and connectivity in this area. | Maintenance | 13.4 | 18.4 |
May-15 | 1 | Leicestershire County Council | EM | Street Lighting Transformation Project | Conversion of all Leicestershire's street lighting to LED lamps (combined with the introduction of a Central Management System) and the de-illumination of traffic signs on bollards. | Lighting | 5.1 | 25.1 |
May-15 | 1 | Bedford Borough Council | E | Bedford Borough: Street Lighting upgrade | Renewal of the entire street lighting asset owned and maintained by Bedford Borough Council. | Lighting | 5.3 | 6.4 |
May-15 | 1 | Norfolk County Council | E | Greater Norwich Area Surface Water Drainage scheme | Upgrades key drainage infrastructure, addressing long standing flooding issues across a wide residential area and support economic growth. | Drainage | 9.1 | 10.3 |
May-15 | 1 | Southend-on-Sea Borough Council | E | Southend Street Lighting Upgrade – Small Project Bid | All street lighting lanterns and illuminated street furniture in Southend replaced with LEDs. New Central Management System for controlling the lights. | Lighting | 5.1 | 13.5 |
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