Transparency data
VOA's ePCS spending over £500 for January 2020
Updated 21 February 2020
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Department Family | Entity | Transaction Date | Supplier | Amount | Description |
HMRC | VOA | 20/12/2019 | AMZNMKTPLACE | 987.8 | 30 x 4 Port USB hub, 30 x Mini display port to HDMI adaptor and 40 x USB Ethernet Adaptor. |
HMRC | VOA | 18/12/2019 | AMZNMKTPLACE | 578.19 | 30 x Mini Display Port to HDMI adaptor, 30 x 4 port USB hub and mobile TV stand |
HMRC | VOA | 10/12/2019 | AMZNMKTPLACE | 524.95 | 5 x Canon scanners and 10 standard Nokia mobile phones |