Transparency data
DfT’s ePCS spending over £500 for July 2019
Updated 28 October 2019
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01/07/2019 | WHITEHALL & INDUST | œ7,200.00 | Exchange Programme January - October delegate |
10/07/2019 | IMPACT FACTORY LIMITED | œ4,800.00 | Half-day training for 30 staff |
16/07/2019 | HGB M/CYCLES SPARES | œ3,849.00 | Motorcycle helmets purchased for consumer information programme |
25/07/2019 | GRAYSONS RESTAURANTS | œ3,286.44 | Catering for the Strategic Transport & Task report launch event |
16/07/2019 | BIP SOLUTIONS | œ3,180.00 | Subscription to web based procurement solution |
09/07/2019 | CMC PARTNERSHIP GLOBAL | œ2,940.00 | Training course 4 day I member of staff |
05/07/2019 | BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE | œ2,723.89 | Workshop vehicle equipment |
05/07/2019 | JEPPESEN GMBH | œ2,207.24 | Annual renewal of subscription for electronic charts |
25/07/2019 | NEWS UK & IRELAND COMM | œ1,980.00 | Traffic Commissioners Job Advert |
19/07/2019 | TRINITY MIRROR PUBLISH | œ1,980.00 | Traffic Commissioners Job Advert |
19/07/2019 | TRINITY MIRROR PUBLISH | œ1,980.00 | Traffic Commissioners Job Advert |
19/07/2019 | TRINITY MIRROR PUBLISH | œ1,980.00 | Traffic Commissioners Job Advert |
29/07/2019 | STATIONERY OFFICE BOOK | œ1,890.00 | Legislative documents |
29/07/2019 | VIASAT UK LIMITED | œ1,852.80 | IT hardware |
29/07/2019 | VIASAT UK LIMITED | œ1,852.80 | IT hardware |
19/07/2019 | TORPEDO FACTORY LTD | œ1,601.40 | Audio Visual equipment hire for the launch event for the Strategic Transport and Task report |
16/07/2019 | HGB M/CYCLES SPARES | œ1,575.00 | Motorcycle helmets purchased for consumer information programme |
03/07/2019 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | œ1,501.20 | Training course I day I member of staff |
08/07/2019 | AUTODATA LTD | œ1,339.20 | Automotive parts, accessories stores |
23/07/2019 | WWW.FFESTINIOGTRAV | œ1,200.00 | Rail Travel |
01/07/2019 | RTPI | œ1,195.20 | Royal Town Planning Institute Training |
05/07/2019 | SUNLIGHT | œ1,112.34 | protective clothing?. |
29/07/2019 | MOLLIE MAGIX SOFTW... | œ1,043.00 | Specialist it software licences for flight data recorder group |
08/07/2019 | -KIWI.COM- | œ1,039.00 | Return flights for two officials |
16/07/2019 | LSR TRAINING AND DEVEL | œ1,008.00 | Training Course |
02/07/2019 | LSR TRAINING AND DEVEL | œ1,000.00 | 2-day training for 1 staff |
02/07/2019 | LSR TRAINING AND DEVEL | œ1,000.00 | 2-day training for 1 staff |
10/07/2019 | WWW.THEWATERFRONT.CO.U | œ955.20 | Environmental Impact Assessment Masterclass conference attendance of one member of staff |
11/07/2019 | EXHIBITION SVC LTD | œ939.06 | Equipment Hire for All Staff Event |
17/07/2019 | HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL M | œ918.00 | Venue hire for the Heathrow Expansion Programme awayday |
16/07/2019 | EML LEARNING LTD | œ894.00 | 2-day course for one member of staff |
16/07/2019 | EML LEARNING LTD | œ834.00 | 2-day training course |
17/07/2019 | COMPUTERCAB.CO.UK | œ829.08 | This is for on demand passengers who would normally be carried by GCS drivers.ÿ |
26/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ828.00 | 1-day conference for 2 Members of staff |
30/07/2019 | TFTP | œ828.00 | Attendance at a conference |
08/07/2019 | SODEXO PRESTIGE | œ800.00 | Team event for 39 staff for half a day. |
17/07/2019 | THORNTON VARE | œ798.00 | Conference |
17/07/2019 | THORNTON VARE | œ798.00 | Conference |
17/07/2019 | THORNTON VARE | œ798.00 | Conference |
19/07/2019 | ALLIED ELECTRICAL | œ762.64 | Security system maintenance for Minister |
08/07/2019 | ROAD TRANSPORT | œ752.00 | Traffic Commissioners subscription to Commercial Motor |
18/07/2019 | ALISTAIR BROMHEAD LTD | œ750.00 | Training Course not provided by Civil Service Learning |
17/07/2019 | AUVSI NF | œ746.39 | Entrance fee for a conference |
29/07/2019 | CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE | œ714.00 | Training course I day I member of staff |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
25/07/2019 | WWW.WESTMINSTER-BRIEFI | œ708.00 | Women into Leadership, 29/10/2019, DoDs |
11/07/2019 | ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD | œ708.00 | Adobe Creative Cloud subscription x12 |
17/07/2019 | AUVSI NF | œ704.87 | Entrance fee for a conference |
17/07/2019 | EB UNDERSTANDING UK S | œ704.08 | 1-day training for 2 staff |
05/07/2019 | 303531 110 ROCHESTER R | œ672.00 | Venue hire for SLT Away Day |
19/07/2019 | WESTMINSTER INSIGHT | œ648.00 | 1-day conference 3 members of staff |
29/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ611.75 | Special Chair |
01/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ605.00 | Consulting fees and equipment |
16/07/2019 | 1ST ACE SECURITY LTD | œ604.80 | Security system maintenance for Minister |
29/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ601.10 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
29/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ601.10 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
25/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ600.12 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
25/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ600.12 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
25/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ600.12 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
26/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ600.12 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
26/07/2019 | ISASI 2019 | œ599.52 | Attendance at conference for 1 staff member over 3 days |
15/07/2019 | THE SPEECH CENTRE | œ594.00 | Special Chair |
29/07/2019 | WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK | œ594.00 | Training course I day I member of staff |
16/07/2019 | WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK | œ594.00 | Personal Development Training Course on Speaking with Impact |
19/07/2019 | MYCSP LTD | œ591.60 | MyCSP The Essentials training Session for one member of staff |
15/07/2019 | O HEAP & SON (DERBY) L | œ588.00 | Fire risk assessment |
01/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ585.50 | Special Chair |
12/07/2019 | WWW.HEMSLEYFRASER.CO.U | œ584.10 | Training course for 1 staff member for 1 day |
12/07/2019 | WWW.ICSA.ORG.UK | œ576.00 | Corporate Governance training course |
19/07/2019 | LSR TRAINING AND DEVEL | œ570.00 | 1-day course for one member of staff |
04/07/2019 | 247 247 TAXIS | œ547.92 | Taxi Fares for June 2019 |
22/07/2019 | STATIONERY OFFICE BOOK | œ545.00 | Railway Interoperability Publication |
08/07/2019 | ESEDIRECT.CO.UK | œ540.18 | Specialist equipment |
10/07/2019 | GREEN LIGHT ONLINE | œ537.00 | Delegate registration fee - DISPAX World 2019 |
23/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ535.50 | Special Chair |
17/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ535.50 | Special Chair |
10/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ535.50 | Special Chair |
10/07/2019 | SQ FREEDOM ERGONOMICS | œ535.50 | Special Chair |
30/07/2019 | WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK | œ534.00 | Training course for 1 staff member for 1 day |
08/07/2019 | WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK | œ534.00 | 1-day training course |