Transparency data

Overseas travel

Updated 15 October 2019
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Minister Start Date of Trip End Date of Trip Destination Purpose of Trip Mode of Transport Cost of private jet or RAF plane hire, if relevant (£) Number of officials who accompanied minister if non-shceduled travel was used Accompanied by spouse, family member(s) or friend at public expense? Total cost (for minister only) including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc (£)
Penny Mor+A2:J10daunt 43566 43568 Washington DC (USA) World Bank Spring meetings Scheduled flight Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return 5852.42
Rory Stewart 43645 43648 Abu Dhabi (UAE) Amman (Jordan) Climate High Level Summit and field visit in Jordan Scheduled flight Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return 4649.6
Andrew Murrison Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Michael Bates Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Elizabeth+D6+A6:G+A6:J10 43605 43608 Kathmandu, Surket, Chhinchu, Naubasta, Bankatuwa, Nepalgunj (Nepal) To engage on the DFID Nepal Strategy, see the impact of HMG's work in the country and hold key meetings with the Government of Nepal. Scheduled flight Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return 932.9
Elizabeth Sugg 43608 43609 Oslo (Norway) To attend the Oslo Gender-Based Violence conference and deliver keynote speeches on the UK's work in this area. Scheduled flight Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return 77.9
Elizabeth Sugg 43617 43621 Vancouver (Canada) To attend the Women Deliver Conference and deliver keynote speeches on gender equality for the UK. Scheduled flight Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return 1478
Harriett Baldwin MP 43560 43562 Kigali (Rwanda) Attend the Genocide Memorial. Scheduled Flight Nil return Nil return No 4607.54
Harriett Baldwin MP 43600 43601 Brussels (Belgium) Attend the Develepment Foreign Affairs Committee (Dev FAC) meeting Eurostar Nil return Nil return No 199