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Senior officials meetings: April to June 2019

Updated 11 October 2019
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-01 Tracks of peace To discuss conflict and disability
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-02 Gates Foundation To discuss health and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-02 World Wide fund for nature To discuss sustainable development and biodiversity
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-04 Concern Worldwide To discuss Concern's work and partnership with DFID
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-04 Asia House To discuss development in Asia
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-05 Christian Aid To discuss Christian Aid's work and partnership with DFID
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-11 Education cannot wait steering group Discussing education programming in humanitarian emergencies
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-11 Global business for coalition Business investment for education
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-13 Gates Foundation To discuss health priorities
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-13 GOV Tech Open Session To discuss technology for governence
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-24 WHY To discuss tackling modern slavery
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-24 Malaria No More To discuss health priorities and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-26 The Leys To discuss UK's role in development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-04-30 International Rescue Committee To discuss humanitarian response
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-05 British Museum To discuss cultural heritage and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-05 Local Globe To discuss tech and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-13 CDC To discuss CDC's future investment strategy
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-14 British American Project To discuss global goals event
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-14 Asia Investment Infrastructure Bank To discuss infrastructure and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-15 Nutrition International To discuss health and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-17 Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League To discuss commonwealth veterans
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-20 International Committee of Red Cross To discuss humanitarian crises
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-20 PriceWaterhouseCooper roundtable To discuss international topical issues
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-22 Charity Commission and Frontier Economics To discuss engagement with civil society organisations
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-22 Kew Gardens To discuss climate and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-28 Pacific Council Delegation To discuss development and poverty
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-29 Glaxo Smith Kline To discuss health and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-05-06 Results UK To discuss experience of grassroots volunteers
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-06 Kaleidoscope Trust To discuss human rights and justice
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-06 Bond To discuss approach to the spending review
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-06 British Council To discuss future collaboration between British Council and DFID for example education
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-06 Prince's Trust International To discuss youth and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-10 Independent diplomat To discuss peace and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-10 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation To discuss health and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-11 Overseas development institute To discuss development priorities including the SDGs
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-11 Overseas Development Institute To discuss the future of the sector with NGOs
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-11 Give Directly and Nadia's initiative To discuss peace and women's rights
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-14 University of Oxford To discuss tech and development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-17 DFID Alummi AGM To discuss development priorities and collaboration
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-18 London School of Economics To discuss development and education
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-18 Tracks of Peace To discuss conflict resolution
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-19 ONE reception To discuss extreme poverty and preventable diseases
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-20 Asia Scotland To discuss promoting understanding of Asia
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-21 Northern Ireland Alliance To discuss opportunities for collaboration in the NGO sector
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-21 Rethinking Conflict To dicuss conflict in development
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-25 Development expert roundtable To discuss development context in Mozambique
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-27 Strategic Business Partners Group To discuss Africa Investment Summit
Matthew Rycroft 2019-06-28 International Committee of Red Cross To discuss DFID Partnership