Transparency data
Companies House government procurement card spend for January 2014
Updated 16 June 2015
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Department Family | Entity | Date | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier | Trans Doc | £ |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Air fare-staff | Belfast | EASYJET00 000EM7L576 | 170 | 102.49 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Air fare-staff | Belfast | EASYJET00 000EM7S8HL | 172 | 90.07 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Air fare-staff | Belfast | EASYJET00 000EM7VRDQ | 173 | 128.5 |
Companies House | CH | 01/03/2014 | Air fare-staff | Belfast | www.Flybe BM5HK0 | 166 | 92.04 |
Companies House | CH | 01/03/2014 | Air fare-staff | Belfast | www.Flybe BN65CL | 167 | 73.04 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Business Change/Development | www.Flybe EE0SRT | 135 | 315.39 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Business Change/Development | www.Flybe EE3QQ8 | 136 | 290.67 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Business Change/Development | www.Flybe EE5CXP | 137 | 681.28 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | EASYJET00 000EM6NDRV | 75 | 284.48 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | EASYJET00 000EM8KNZF | 79 | 211.12 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | www.Flybe E531MF | 320 | 46.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | www.Flybe E55970 | 321 | 36.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | www.Flybe F6BC0T | 322 | 68.36 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Air fare-staff | Customer Support Services | www.Flybe F9689S | 78 | 277.05 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Air fare-staff | Edinburgh | www.Flybe DRYNFF | 24 | 153.79 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Air fare-staff | Electronic Filing & Doc Services | www.Flybe BS9JK2 | 176 | 157.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Air fare-staff | Marketing & Sales | www.Flybe BRNF9B | 90 | 146.79 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Technical Operations Mgmt | www.Flybe EDN16L | 14 | 217.43 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Technical Operations Mgmt | www.Flybe EDVRB5 | 15 | 156.54 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Air fare-staff | Technical Operations Mgmt | www.Flybe EDYME5 | 16 | 291.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Air fare-staff | Training | www.Flybe A5NNDS | 175 | 162.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Air fare-staff | Training | www.Flybe B2XEBZ | 257 | 799.66 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Building Refurbishment | Building Services | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 248 | 59.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Building Refurbishment | Building Services | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 249 | 31.84 |
Companies House | CH | 01/03/2014 | Building Refurbishment | Building Services | ARTHOUSE DIRECT | 245 | 157.47 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Building Refurbishment | Building Services | FAST KEY SERVICES | 246 | 6.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Building Refurbishment | Building Services | WP-NEXUS-BIGNAMES | 247 | 183.53 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Car Hire | Procurement | LEASEDRIVE VELO RENTAL | 140 | 961.45 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Civil Service Learning | Training | CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING | 371 | 91.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Civil Service Learning | Training | CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING | 372 | 171.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Communications General | Communications | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 185 | 21.22 |
Companies House | CH | 01/01/2014 | Communications General | Communications | THE SAFETY SUPPLY | 183 | 31.08 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Courier Other | Edinburgh | WWW.PALLETLINE.COM | 81 | 87.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Courier Other | Edinburgh | WWW.PALLETLINE.COM | 82 | 82.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Developing Software | Technical Operations Mgmt | GH GITHUB.COM 2Y1DN | 179 | 31.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 10 | 41.97 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 19 | 33.94 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 20 | 6.69 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | Amazon EU | 11 | 99.83 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | B.T. BUSINESS DIRECT | 8 | 90.14 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | PAYPAL BUYFROMJAPA | 5 | 41.34 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | PAYPAL DABS4WORK | 12 | 18.29 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | PAYPAL MINILAPTOPA | 9 | 42 |
Companies House | CH | 01/03/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | WWW.PATCHSAVE.COM | 139 | -120 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 6 | 19.02 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 7 | 223.04 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 13 | 234.91 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 144 | 791.07 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 145 | 548.18 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Distributed Equipment | Technical Operations Mgmt | XMA LTD | 146 | 548.18 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Environmental costs | Building Services | REECE SAFETY PRODU | 389 | 497.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Environmental costs | Building Services | SAFETYSHOP | 390 | 237.42 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | BADEN -POWELL HOUS | 350 | 820 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | BADEN -POWELL HOUS | 351 | 1000 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 30 | 95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 338 | 10 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA DOCKLANDS | 393 | 244.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Exhibitions | Customer Support Services | STAYBRIDGE LDN STR | 394 | 162 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 354 | 27.9 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 357 | 29.97 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 359 | 17.98 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | Amazon EU | 355 | 25.92 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | BRIDGEND OFFICE FU | 356 | 300 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | BRIDGEND OFFICE FU | 364 | 924 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | COMPUTING PLUS LTD | 360 | 718.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | H & S Equipment | Health & Safety | POSTURITE (UK) LTD | 358 | 109.98 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Hardware &SoftwareMaintenance | Procurement | WP-JRB SOFTWARE LT | 353 | 1240.36 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Hardware &SoftwareMaintenance | Procurement | WWW.PNLTOOLS.COM | 352 | 2032.46 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Hardware &SoftwareMaintenance | Technical Operations Mgmt | DELL PRODUCT | 17 | 89 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Health promotion working group | Health & Safety | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 365 | 17.98 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Health promotion working group | Health & Safety | FRUITDROP LIMITED | 361 | 474 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Health promotion working group | Health & Safety | FRUITDROP LIMITED | 363 | 60 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Health promotion working group | Health & Safety | MICHAELS FRUIT&VEG | 362 | 20 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Hospitality | Customer Support Services | MARRIOTT | 74 | 714.5 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Hospitality | Customer Support Services | THE ST JOHN S HOTEL F | 73 | 615 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Motor Van Expenses | Customer Support Services | EURO COMMERCIALS/S | 31 | 918.6 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Office Machinery Purchase | Electronic Filing & Doc Services | OFFICE DEPOT | 142 | 180.68 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Office Machinery Purchase | Procurement | HOOVER LTD | 162 | 49.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Office Machinery Purchase | Procurement | HOOVER LTD | 163 | 49.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Office Machinery Purchase | Procurement | WWW.THE-WAREHOUSE- | 149 | 353.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Publication & prom Literature | Marketing & Sales | ASHEON LTD | 392 | 987.56 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Publications General | Electronic Filing & Doc Services | PREMIER INN50015220 | 138 | 506 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Publications General | Training | BRITISH STANDARDS | 380 | 60 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Recruitment Expenses | Training | UKBA3423615326 | 367 | 184 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Restaurant Services | Procurement | WWW.NISBETS.COM | 182 | 155.98 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Roadshows & Seminar Expenses | Customer Support Services | ASDA SUPERSTORE | 37 | 15 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Roadshows & Seminar Expenses | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 29 | 234 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Roadshows & Seminar Expenses | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 35 | 747 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Roadshows & Seminar Expenses | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 42 | 715 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Roadshows & Seminar Expenses | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 45 | 481.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Rolling Maint.&minor contracts | Building Services | Amazon EU | 385 | 57.75 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Rolling Maint.&minor contracts | Building Services | AQUA AIR JETTING EQUIP | 387 | 214.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Rolling Maint.&minor contracts | Building Services | EQUIPMENT HIRE | 386 | 75.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Rolling Maint.&minor contracts | Building Services | TRAVIS PERKINS | 388 | 888 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Software Licence | Communications | HOOTSUITE MEDIA INC. | 184 | 3.76 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Software Licence | Communications | HOOTSUITE MEDIA INC. | 186 | 117.41 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Software Licence | Communications | SPROUT SOCIAL | 187 | 276.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Software Licence | Software Management | WP-WWW.IPPATROL.COM | 83 | 823.2 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Software Licence | Technical Operations Mgmt | ATLASSIAN SOFTWARE | 4 | 22.69 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Software Licence | Technical Operations Mgmt | PAYPAL CAGATAYCIVI | 153 | 314.63 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Business Change/Development | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 132 | 30.74 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Business Change/Development | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 133 | 19.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Directorate | WWW.SHOPLET.CO.UK | 3 | 11.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | Amazon Mktplce EU-UK | 148 | 73.98 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 258 | 659.4 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 259 | 659.4 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 260 | 22.08 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 261 | 15.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 262 | 13.25 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 263 | 12.12 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 264 | 10.04 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 265 | 9.66 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 266 | 9.63 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 267 | 4.84 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 268 | 19.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 269 | 16.66 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 270 | 13.08 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 271 | 9.05 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 272 | 0.82 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 273 | 68.5 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 274 | 26 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 275 | 76.59 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 276 | 68.33 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 277 | 53.76 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 278 | 26.52 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 279 | 22.22 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 280 | 19.38 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 281 | 12.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 282 | 12.24 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 283 | 11.45 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 284 | 10.46 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 285 | 5.05 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 286 | 279.22 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 287 | 33.64 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 288 | 21.84 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 289 | 15.13 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 290 | 14.51 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 291 | 160.74 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 292 | 99.56 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 293 | 13.61 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 294 | 9.89 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 295 | 5.62 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 296 | 126.15 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 297 | 45.85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 298 | 34.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 299 | 30.57 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 300 | 20.26 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 301 | 12.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 302 | 8.28 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 303 | 659.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 304 | 659.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 305 | 68.29 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 306 | 64.26 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 307 | 26.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 308 | 22.26 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 309 | 17.52 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 310 | 8.88 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 311 | 7.92 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 312 | 5.27 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 313 | 131.88 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 314 | 101.74 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 315 | 75.73 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 316 | 38.56 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 317 | 28.94 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 318 | 15.08 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | BANNER BUSINESS SERVIC | 319 | 4.78 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | HOWARD SMITH PAPER GRO | 159 | 519 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | OFFICE DEPOT | 143 | 359.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | OFFICE DEPOT | 154 | 71.82 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | POSTROOMONL | 158 | 239.88 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | S E T OFFICE | 152 | 4294.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | WWW.NEOPOST.CO.UK | 141 | 87.12 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 150 | 38.89 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 151 | 20.02 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 155 | 472.22 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 156 | 84.28 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 157 | 82.48 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 160 | 109.49 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 161 | 143.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 164 | 352.08 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Stationery & Consumables | Procurement | XMA LTD | 165 | 117.31 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Subscriptions | Training | ACCA | 126 | 81 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Subscriptions | Training | ACCA | 368 | 205 |
Companies House | CH | 01/03/2014 | Subscriptions | Training | INST. OF CHARTERED ACC | 366 | 442 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Subscriptions | Training | WWW.AAT-ORG.UK | 129 | 25 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Subscriptions | Training | WWW.QA.COM | 370 | 1494 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S EEC | Policy & Planning | EUROSTAR INTERNET | 252 | 113 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S EEC | Policy & Planning | EUROSTAR INTERNET | 255 | 144 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S EEC | Policy & Planning | NH DU GRAND SABLON | 253 | 140.58 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S EEC | Policy & Planning | PAUL 503 | 256 | 4.64 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Overseas (Non EEC) | Directorate | BRITISH A 12585065662750 | 2 | 7808.25 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | ANCHOR EXHIBITIONS & E | 103 | 94.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | ANGUS FOOD COMPANY | 349 | 40.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | BEEFEATER40017845 | 41 | 18.24 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CAFE ROUGE CHESTER | 341 | 70.05 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CHARLIE CHOYS | 36 | 57.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | COTTAGE DELIGHT | 384 | 10.65 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CP BIRMINGHAM | 33 | 170.49 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CP MANCHESTER | 324 | 165.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CP MANCHESTER | 331 | 165.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 40 | 10.5 |
Companies House | CH | 01/09/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 323 | 95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA | 344 | 228 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA DOCKLANDS | 94 | 224 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | GARFUNKELS | 327 | 30 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | GOOSE | 96 | 27.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | GREGGS S2134 | 104 | 4.95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | HI EXPRESS EARLS C | 100 | 101 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | HOLIDAY INNS | 326 | 25.52 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | HOLIDAY INNS | 333 | 138 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | HOLIDAY INNS | 334 | 74 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | INSPIRE HIRE | 106 | 142.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | M&S SIMPLY FOOD | 39 | 7.09 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | M&S SIMPLY FOOD | 325 | 5.16 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | M&S SIMPLY FOOD | 335 | 5.59 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MALTHURST ROWTON | 342 | 50.12 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MCDONALDS | 44 | 9.58 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MCDONALDS | 343 | 6.48 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MILLER & CARTER MA | 32 | 15 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING EAST GREG | 95 | 7.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING EAST GREG | 102 | 4.95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING EAST GREG | 339 | 4.15 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING EAST GREG | 346 | 10.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING WEST GREG | 38 | 3.75 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING WEST GREG | 337 | 4.45 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | NOVOTEL SOUTHAMPTON | 328 | 161.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | PRK MAILBOX B'HAM UPT | 34 | 4.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | RCP PARKING LTD | 108 | 15 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | READING N/E WH SMITHS | 340 | 5.35 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | SAINSBURYS PFS (1274) | 97 | 50.75 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | SEVERN RIVER CROSSIN P | 99 | 6.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | SEVERN RIVER CROSSIN P | 330 | 6.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | SEVERN RIVER CROSSIN P | 336 | 6.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | STAYBRIDGE LDN STR | 101 | 162 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | SUBWAY | 98 | 21.74 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | TESCO PFS 3747 | 332 | 44.95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | TESCO STORE 2745 | 329 | 10.89 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | TFL CC/LEZ CHARGE | 105 | 10 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | TFL CC/LEZ CHARGE | 109 | 10 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | WATERGATES BAR | 43 | 61.96 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S Seminars | Customer Support Services | WETHERSPOONS | 107 | 18.92 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S UK External Training | Training | EXPEDIA CO UK | 375 | 220 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK External Training | Training | PREMIER INN44011950 | 378 | 197.95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | T & S UK External Training | Training | PREMIER INN44034360 | 374 | 383.85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK External Training | Training | PREMIER INN44531965 | 381 | 363.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | T & S UK General | Accounting | MARKS & SPENCER SSPLTD | 123 | 2.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | T & S UK General | Accounting | NCP LIMITED P&D | 128 | 7.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Belfast | PARK INN CARDIFF CENTR | 174 | 138 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | BIRLEYS | 64 | 6.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | CROWNE PLAZA DOCKLANDS | 121 | 224 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | EXCEPTIONAL HOTELS | 80 | 52 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | FRANKLEY SOUTH MWSA | 52 | 27.56 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | HILTON PARK N/E WH SMI | 48 | 13.44 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | MING MOON RESTAURANT | 396 | 45.77 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | MOTO READING EAST GREG | 395 | 6.25 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | NCP LIMITED | 50 | 18 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | PREMIER INN44521885 | 76 | 67.25 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | PREMIER INN44523645 | 77 | 203.75 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | RENAISSANCE M'CHESTER | 51 | 134 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | SAINSBURYS LOC4003 | 54 | 4.45 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | TAKE A BREAK STRENSHAM | 49 | 9.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | TESCO PFS 5268 | 53 | 42.48 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | THINK APARTMENTS | 62 | 144 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S UK General | Customer Support Services | WH SMITH | 55 | 7.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Edinburgh | PARK INN CARDIFF CENTR | 27 | 62 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | T & S UK General | Edinburgh | WAGAMAMA CARDIFF LIBRA | 26 | 36 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | HILTON | 110 | 92.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | IBIS LONDON ST PANCRAS | 85 | 101 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | NCP LIMITED P&D | 72 | 7.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | NOVOTEL LONDON WATERLO | 111 | 309.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | NOVOTEL LONDON WATERLO | 112 | 61.05 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | PREMIER INN 44536395 | 93 | 76 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | PREMIER INN44036025 | 86 | 91 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | TRAVEL REPUBLIC LTD | 84 | 69 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | TRAVEL REPUBLIC LTD | 89 | 136 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | T & S UK General | Marketing & Sales | TRAVELODGE.CO.UK | 391 | 353.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | T & S UK General | Non Executive Directors | MARRIOTT | 118 | 85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | MARKS & SPENCER SSPLTD | 251 | 6.66 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | MARRIOTT | 120 | 85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | PATISSERIE VALERIE | 254 | 7.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | POTTED PIG | 250 | 100 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | TRAVELODGE WEBSITE | 68 | 171.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | TRAVELODGE WEBSITE | 69 | 181.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S UK General | Policy & Planning | WHITCHURCH RD POST OFF | 119 | 32.99 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | T & S UK General | Procurement | ALBERT | 180 | 13.77 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK General | Technical Operations Mgmt | DOUBLE TREE (DCC) | 23 | 103.18 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | T & S UK General | Technical Operations Mgmt | NOVOTEL EDINBURGH | 18 | 160 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S UK General | Technical Operations Mgmt | PARK INN BELFAST | 21 | 85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | T & S UK General | Technical Operations Mgmt | PARK INN BELFAST | 22 | 85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | T & S UK General | Training | PREMIER INN50015220 | 382 | 206.75 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | T & S UK ISD Training | Training | PREMIER INN44512655 | 376 | 558.85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Taxi - staff | Belfast | VALUE CABS LTD | 171 | 8.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Taxi - staff | Edinburgh | CABCARD SERVICES ( | 28 | 17.22 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Taxi - staff | Edinburgh | CHECKER CARS CARDIFF | 25 | 33.82 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Telecom Equipment Purchase | Procurement | MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS | 177 | 2262 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Telecom Equipment Purchase | Procurement | MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS | 178 | 36 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Training External | Training | ACCA | 130 | 253 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Training External | Training | CARDIFF UNIVERSITY | 383 | 179 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Training External | Training | KAPLAN FINANCIAL LTD | 373 | 53 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Training External | Training | WESTERN COMPUTERS | 377 | 538.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Training External | Training | WWW.BITC.ORG.UK | 379 | 1047.31 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Training External | Training | WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK | 369 | 426 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Training Further Education | Training | ACCA | 131 | 253 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Training Further Education | Training | CARDIFF AND VALE C | 134 | 250 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Training Internal | Training | CHECKER CARS CARDIFF | 168 | 33.82 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Training Internal | Training | HOLLAND HOUSE HOTEL | 169 | 385 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Trains - Directors | Directorate | LUL TICKET MACHINE | 122 | 20 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Trains - Directors | Directorate | LUL TICKET MACHINE | 345 | 8.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Accounting | FIRST GREATER WESTERN | 125 | 6.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Policy & Planning | LUL TICKET MACHINE | 67 | 20 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Trains-staff | Accounting | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 124 | 45.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Trains-staff | Accounting | FGW WEBSALES | 127 | 140 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Trains-staff | Accounting | | 70 | 225.42 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | LUL TICKET OFFICE. | 347 | 20 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | LUL TICKET OFFICE. | 348 | 20 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 57 | 31.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 58 | 47.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 59 | 81.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 60 | 31.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 61 | 53.95 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | REDSPOTTEDHANKY.CO | 63 | 111.85 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Customer Support Services | | 56 | 64.01 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Trains-staff | London | FGW WEBSALES | 46 | 213 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Trains-staff | London | PARK INN CARDIFF CENTR | 47 | 75 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Trains-staff | Marketing & Sales | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 87 | 72.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Marketing & Sales | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 92 | 56.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Marketing & Sales | DANESCOURT SST AW | 88 | 42 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Trains-staff | Marketing & Sales | FGW SELF SERVICE | 91 | 106.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Trains-staff | Marketing & Sales | | 71 | 154.48 |
Companies House | CH | 01/06/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 188 | 213 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 189 | 228.2 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 190 | -184.4 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 191 | -143.9 |
Companies House | CH | 01/07/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 192 | -97.3 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 193 | 219 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 194 | 198.1 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 195 | 156.7 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 196 | 146.4 |
Companies House | CH | 01/08/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 197 | 97.7 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 198 | 148.5 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 199 | 87.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 200 | 331 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 201 | 147.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 202 | 219 |
Companies House | CH | 1/14/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 203 | 219 |
Companies House | CH | 1/16/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 204 | 140.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 205 | 226.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 206 | 166.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 207 | 138.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/17/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 208 | 127.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/20/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 209 | 203.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 210 | 418 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 211 | 78.3 |
Companies House | CH | 1/21/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 212 | 438 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 213 | 281.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 214 | 160.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 215 | 140.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 216 | 117.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 217 | 92.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 218 | 85.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 219 | 83.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 220 | 279.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 221 | 219 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 222 | 205.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 223 | 169.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/23/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 224 | 17.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 225 | 228.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 226 | 188.7 |
Companies House | CH | 1/24/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 227 | 92.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 228 | 203.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 229 | 131.1 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 230 | 119.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 231 | 69.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/27/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 232 | 31.55 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 233 | 167.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 234 | 167.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 235 | 146.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 236 | 98.9 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 237 | 72 |
Companies House | CH | 1/28/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 238 | -167.6 |
Companies House | CH | 1/29/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 239 | 19.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 240 | 286.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 241 | 219 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 242 | 151.4 |
Companies House | CH | 1/30/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 243 | 130.8 |
Companies House | CH | 1/31/2014 | Trains-staff | Organisational Overheads | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 244 | 158.2 |
Companies House | CH | 1/13/2014 | Trains-staff | Policy & Planning | FGW WEBSALES | 65 | 180.5 |
Companies House | CH | 1/22/2014 | Trains-staff | Policy & Planning | FGW WEBSALES | 66 | 187 |
Companies House | CH | 1/15/2014 | Trains-staff | Procurement | ARRIVA TRAINS WALE | 181 | 211.8 |
Companies House | CH | 01/10/2014 | Trains-staff | Technical Operations Mgmt | The | 147 | 219.5 |