Transparency data
BEIS: ePCS spending over £500 for February 2019
Updated 25 July 2019
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Transaction Date | Transaction Reference | Merchant | Total |
01/02/2019 | BIS144645 | Signs and Safety Ltd | 1963.74 |
03/02/2019 | BIS143992 | Amazon Web Services | 1256.45 |
04/02/2019 | BIS143979 | Anonymised retailer(s) to support market surveillance activities | 1255.22 |
06/02/2019 | BIS147566 | Partnership Media Group | 534 |
07/02/2019 | BIS151833 | MarineTraffic, London | 522.5 |
12/02/2019 | BIS147068 | Anonymised retailer(s) to support market surveillance activities | 749.75 |
12/02/2019 | BIS147101 | Anonymised retailer(s) to support market surveillance activities | 4420 |
12/02/2019 | BIS150044 | Anonymised retailer(s) to support market surveillance activities | 2790.99 |
12/02/2019 | BIS148442 | Banner Group Ltd | 536.04 |
20/02/2019 | BIS147056 | University of Leeds | 710 |
21/02/2019 | BIS147054 | Subsea UK | 1032 |
22/02/2019 | BIS147060 | Holiday Inn Hotel, South Korea | 951.61 |
22/02/2019 | BIS149453 | Apple Store | 596 |
22/02/2019 | BIS151484 | Marriot Hotel, Vancouver | 569.79 |
22/02/2019 | BIS147710 | Holiday Inn Hotel, South Korea | 845.87 |
22/02/2019 | BIS149529 BIS149531 | Park Retail Limited | 28752.17 |
23/02/2019 | BIS150476 | Holiday Inn Hotel, South Korea | 740.14 |
28/02/2019 | BIS152124 | Institute of Chartered Accountants | 516 |