Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2017
Updated 4 March 2025
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Rank Rank must be in full with no abbreviations | Service | Unit | Trial Court | Sentencing Date | Charge (s) Charge(s) must be in full with no abbreviations | Finding | Total Sentence | Column2 |
Gunner | Army | 14 Regt RA | Bulford | 16-Mar-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Trooper | Army | Ex 4 RTR | Catterick | 17-Feb-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Colchester | 22-May-17 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Making a threat to kill. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery | Ch 1, 2 & 4: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty | 4 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | SWS | Bulford | 11-May-17 | 4 x Battery | 3 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 25-Apr-17 | 1 x Damaging Service Property, 1 x Unfitness through Alcohol | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 30 SIGN REGT | Colchester | 26-Oct-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind | Guilty | 60 Days detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 RMP | Bulford | 20-Jul-17 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 60 Days detention, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 AMW OC | Colchester | 04-May-17 | 1 x Battery. 2 x Contravention of standing orders | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | BFG | 07-Mar-17 | 2 x Causing a person to engage is sexual activity without consent | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | AFC | Catterick | 21-Jun-17 | Ch 1 - Attempting GBH, Ch 2 - Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order | Not set |
Ranger | Army | 1 R Irish | Bulford | 18-Jul-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Lancs | Colchester | 05-Dec-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 40 Days detention | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 27-Sep-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ2,000 Fine and Severe Reprimand | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | QRH | sennelager | 24-Jan-17 | 2 x Contravention of standing orders | 1 x Not Guilty. 1 x Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 26 Regt RA | BFG | 15-May-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 26 Regt RA | BFG | 27-Sep-17 | 1 x Threatening behaviour towards a superior officer | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Lancs | Catterick | 15-Nov-17 | 3 x Improper Use of a public electronic communications network | Guilty | 80 Days detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Catterick | 24-Apr-17 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | œ550 Fine | Not set |
Ex-Sapper | Army | 101 Engr Regt | Colchester | 25-May-17 | 1 X Sexual assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 162 Regt RLC | Colchester | 22-Feb-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | SIB Regt RMP | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 4 x Making an indecent image of a child | Guilty | 2 Year Service Community Order; 150 hour unpaid work requirement; reduced to the ranks; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Brigadier | Army | DMS | Colchester | 14-Mar-17 | Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | œ11,750 Service Compensation Order; severe reprimand and forfiet all seniority as a Brigadier | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Bulford | 17-Nov-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 25 Trg Regt RLC | Bulford | 02-May-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 7 Regt RLC | Colchester | 09-Oct-17 | 1 x Careless Driving. | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 09-Mar-17 | 2 x Using disrespectful behavior towards an officer | 1 x Not Guilty. 1 x Guilty | œ450 Fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 35 Engr Regt | Catterick | 27-Sep-17 | Ch 1 & 5 - ABH, Ch 2, 3, 4 & 6 - Battery | Guilty | 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 17-Feb-17 | 1 x Unfittness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | œ200 Fine | Not set |
Private | Army | ATR | Bulford | 20-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Cyprus/Bulford | 05-May-17 | 1 x Misapplying or wasting public or service property | Guilty | 14 Days restriction of privileges | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 05-May-17 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 05-Oct-17 | Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2: Sexual Assault | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Riflemen | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 27-Jan-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Catterick | 27-Mar-17 | 1 x Desertion | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 22 Engr Regt | sennelager | 21-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Stalking. Ch 2: Communicating a bomb hoax | Guilty | 2 Years imprisonment and a restraining order | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 1 RSME Regt | Catterick | 27-Sep-17 | 1 x Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | ATR | Bulford | 20-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Trooper | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 02-Nov-17 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | 50 Days detention and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 14 Sig Regt | Bulford | 08-Nov-17 | 2 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Scots | Catterick | 08-Dec-17 | Ch 1 to 3: Sexual intercourse with a girl under 13. Ch 4 to 6: Sexual activity with a child. | Guilty | 14 Years and 4 months imprisonment | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 1 RHA | Bulford | 02-Feb-17 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 4 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | RL | Catterick | 11-Dec-17 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | 6 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and œ1,246.50 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 13-Mar-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 60 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order and œ400 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Ex Sapper | Army | 24 CDO ENGR Regt | Bulford | 19-Jul-17 | 1 x Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply. | Guilty | 12 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 22-Jun-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | AFC Harrogate | Catterick | 16-Nov-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 12 Month conditional discharge | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 14-Dec-17 | Ch 1: Wounding with intent. Ch 2: Attempted Wounding with Intent. | Guilty | 6 Years and 6 months imprisonment. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 07-Jun-17 | 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug. 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 20-Mar-17 | 1 x Possession of a controlled drug | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | ARMY | 1 Regt AAC | Bulford | 18-Oct-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline. 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 13-Nov-17 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | 30 Days detention | Not set |
2nd Lieutenant | Army | The Armour Centre RAC TR | Bulford | 29-Jun-17 | 1 x Arson. 1 x Damaging Service Property | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCR | Colchester | 30-Jan-17 | 3 x Fraud | Ch 1-2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | 90 Days detention suspended for 12 months. œ650 fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | KRH | Bulford | 10-May-17 | 2 x Theft | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 90 Days detention, reduced to the rank of Private and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and œ400 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 Med Regt | Catterick | 19-Jul-17 | 1 x Affray | Guilty | 16 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 Mercian | Catetrick | 18-Jul-17 | 4 x AWOL | Ch 1, 3 & 4: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Months and 15 days detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 5 FS BN REME | Bulford | 26-May-17 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Army | RAF Cosford | Catterick | 27-Oct-17 | Ch 1, 18 & 22 - Attempted causing a child to watch a sexual act. Ch 2, 8, 10, 13, 20 & 24 - Attempted meeting a child following sexual grooming. Ch 3, 4, & 5 - Attempted arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence. Ch 6 - Causing a child to watch a sexual act. Ch 7 & 25 - Attempted intentionally causing or inciting a child under 18 yrs to be sexually exploited in any part of the world. Ch 9, 15, 16 & 23 - Intentionally causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Ch 11 - Possessing an indecent photograph of a child, Ch 12 - Possession of an extreme pornographic image, Ch 14, 17, 19 & 21 - Attempted intentionally causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. | Guilty | Extended sentence of 11 Years Imprisonment with a custodial term of 7 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Staff Sergent | Army | 1 Regt RLC | Bulford | 24-Apr-17 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 SIG Regt | Catterick | 02-Feb-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Craftsman | Army | 26 Regt RA | Catterick | 15-Dec-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Guilty | 18 Days detention | Not set |
Drummer | Army | 7 Coy Coldstream Guards | Colchester | 17-Oct-17 | 13 x Fraud | Guilty | 6 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 9 REGT RLC | Bulford | 14-Dec-17 | Ch 1 to 3: Rape. Ch 4 & 5: Stalking. Ch 6 & 7: Sexual Assault. | Ch 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 - Not Guilty. Ch 5 & 7 - Guilty. | 11 Months detention, Reduced to the Ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 30-Mar-17 | 1 x Exposure | Guilty | Reduced to the Ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Colchester | 03-Apr-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | DMSTC Phase 2 Trg | Colchester | 22-May-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Common Assault | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | DPHC North Region Medical Centre ITC | Catterick | 19-Sep-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind | Guilty | Reduced to the Rank of Sergeant | Not set |
Private | Army | AFC Harrogate | Catterick | 16-Nov-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 01-Jun-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | Army | HQ 1 RRF | Bulford | 21-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 2 & 3: Battery | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty | œ750 Service Compensation Order and dismissed for Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 19 Regt RA | Bulford | 23-Oct-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 111 Days detention | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 22 Engr Regt | Bulford | 21-Jul-17 | 1 x GBH with Intent | Guilty | 8 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Ex-Sergent | Army | 1 Para | Bulford | 06-Mar-17 | 2 x Buggery, 2 x Indecent assault, 1 x Making a threat to kill | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 PARA | Colchester | 15-Aug-17 | 1 x Affray | Guilty | œ1,500 Service Compenstation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | BFG | 28-Nov-17 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | 14 Days detention suspended for 1 year | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 1 Rifles | Colchester | 15-Aug-17 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Trooper | Army | HCR | Colchester | 31-Jan-17 | 1 x Possesssion of ammunition without a certificate, 3 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 8 Months detention. | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 22 Sig Regiment | Bulford | 05-Oct-17 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Craftsman | Army | 5 FS Bn REME | Bulford | 08-Dec-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ700 Fine, œ250 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | RDG | Catterick | 14-Nov-17 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | œ350 Fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 21 Engr Regt | Catterick | 19-Oct-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 7 Months detention, Reduced to the Rank of Sapper and œ500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
N/A | Army | N/A | Bulford | 25-Apr-17 | 1 x Indecency with a child, 1 x Attempted Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 26 Regt RA | Sennelager | 01-Dec-17 | 1 x Having an imitation firearm in his possession with intent to cause a person to believe unlawful violence will be used against him or another | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 PARA | Colchester | 09-Mar-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 14-Dec-17 | 2 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. | Guilty | 30 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 32 Engr Regt | Catterick | 27-Mar-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months. Reduced in Ranks | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 19 Regt RA | Bulford | 29-Mar-17 | Ch 1 & 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service conduct. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | 3 x Guilty | 60 Days detention. Reduced to the rank of Corporal | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 3 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | WDSU | Bulford | 30-May-17 | Ch 1 - Fraud, Ch 2 - Theft. | Ch 1 - Guilty, Ch 2 - Not Guilty | Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 09-Feb-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 150 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ1500 Service Compenstation Order. | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 11-Jan-17 | 2 x Ill treatment of subordinates | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | ITC Sp Bn | Catterick | 22-Feb-17 | 1 X Aggravated vehicle taking | Guilty | œ500 Fine. œ2230.20 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Ms | Army | HQ Paderborn Stn | Sennelager | 13-Jul-17 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | 12 Month Overseas Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work, substituted by œ1,000 fine | Not set |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 12 Months Service Community Order and 150 hours unpaid work requirement. | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Failure to perform a duty | Guilty | 3 Months detention. Reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | 1 R Welsh | Bulford | 03-Nov-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 4 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 35 Engr Regt 77 SQ | Sennelager | 07-Jul-17 | 8 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 2 ITB | Colchester | 19-Jan-17 | 4 x Ill treatment of a subordinate | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 ITB | Portsmouth | 20-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Attempted murder. Ch 2: Possession of ammuntion. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order | Guilty | 6 Years youth custody. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 24-Apr-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's service | Not set |
Private | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 17-Jul-17 | Ch 1 - Misconduct on operations, Ch 2 - Negligently performed a duty | Guilty | 11 Months detention | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 230 Sig SQN | Catterick | 31-Jan-17 | 2 x Contravention of standing orders, 1 x Escape from lawful custody | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 1 Regt AAC | Bulford | 18-Oct-17 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders. | Guilty | œ2,000 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 21 Sig Regt | Bulford | 06-Jun-17 | 1 x Assault by penetration, 2 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 SCOTS | Catterick | 25-Apr-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Sergent | Army | 1 Gren Gds | Bulford | 27-Jul-17 | Charge Sheet 1 -2 x Misconduct through alcohol, Charge Sheet 2 - 1 x Sexual Assault (Charge 1), 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind (Charge 2) | Charge Sheet 1 Charges 1 & 2 - Guilty. Charge sheet 2 Charge 1 Not Guilty, charge 2 Guilty | œ2,000 Fine and severe reprimand | Not set |
Highlander | Army | 4 Scots | Colchester | 11-Dec-17 | 1 x AWOL | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 Scots | Catterick | 13-Jan-17 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 60 Days detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | HQ Hereford Garrison | Bulford | 28-Apr-17 | 4 x Theft | Guilty | 3 Months detention. Reduced to the ranks | Not set |
WO2 | Army | 1 Coldm Gds | Colchester | 16-Feb-17 | 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 2 ITB | Catterick | 02-Feb-17 | Ch 1 & 3: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 5: Common assault. Ch 6: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Ch 1,3 & 5: Guilty. Ch 6: Not Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Highlander | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 17-Jul-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 4 Regt RLC | Bulford | 05-Apr-17 | 1 X Sexual assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 13 AA SP Regt RLC | Colchester | 14-Nov-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 08-Jun-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, 1 x Commom assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Captain | Army | HAC | Colchester | 22-Mar-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Captain | Army | 10 QOGLR | Colchester | 02-Jul-17 | 2 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 36 Engr Regt | Colchester | 21-Jul-17 | 1 X Sexual assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 21 Sig Regt | Bulford | 16-Feb-17 | 7 x Fraud | Guilty | œ2,050 Service Compensation Order, Service Community Order with a 180 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 34 Field Hospital | Catterick | 10-Jul-17 | 1 x Aggravated Vehicle Taking | Guilty | 30 Days detention suspended for 12 months and œ300 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 Yorks | Colchester | 07-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Escape from lawful custody. Ch 2, 3 & 4 : AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 30-Oct-17 | Ch 1 to 8: Possession of an indecent image of a child. Ch 9 to 12: Possession of extreme pornograhpic image. Ch 13 & 14: Attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity. | Guilty | 28 Months imprisonment | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 22-May-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 14-Jun-17 | 1 x Racial aggravated fear or provocation of violence | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Gds | Colchester | 11-Jul-17 | Ch 1-6: Posession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7-11: Making an indecent photograph of a child | Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3-11: Not Guilty | 1 Year Service Community Order with a 60 day activity requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 27 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Jul-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 7 RLC | Colchester | 31-Jan-17 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 12 month Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Private | Army | 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC | Bulford | 20-Feb-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ1,500 Fine | Not set |
Craftsman | Army | 26 Regt RA Wksp | Sennelager | 06-Oct-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 120 Days detention, suspended for one year | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 1 RHA | Bulford | 02-Feb-17 | 1 x Commiting a service offence, namely conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 4 Months detention | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 PARA | Colchester | 15-Aug-17 | 1 x Affray | Guilty | œ750 Fine and œ1,500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | 4 LANCS | Catterick | 31-May-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 2 Years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 250 hours unpaid work requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 RLC | Bulford | 16-Feb-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ300 Fine | Not set |
Private | Army | 13 AA SP Regt RLC | Colchester | 05-Dec-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 Days detention | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Royal Lancers | Catterick | 26-Jun-17 | Ch 1 - Sending a electronic communication of a grosssly offensive nature, Ch 2 - Failing to attend a duty | Guilty | 127 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 Mercian | Catterick | 02-Jun-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 127 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 5 Rifles | Sennelager | 22-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Unlawful wounding. Ch 2: ABH | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 5 Months detention | Not set |
Private | Army | ATR | Bulford | 20-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 R Anglian | Colchester | 21-Aug-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 1 year Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Household Cavalry mounted regt | Colchester | 06-Apr-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Ranger | Army | 1 R Irish | Bulford | 18-Oct-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 12 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Staff Sergent | Army | 16 Sig Regt | Catterick | 12-May-17 | Ch 1, 3 & 4: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery | Ch 1, 2 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty | œ1,500 Fine | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | HQ 1 RRF | Bulford | 21-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 2 & 3: Battery | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | œ450 Fine and œ150 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 30-Oct-17 | Ch 1 - Racially aggravated harrassment, Ch 2 - Using threatening, abusive, Insulting or provocative behaviour. | Guilty | 90 Days detention | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 12-Jan-17 | Ch 1 & 2: Possessing a controlled drug. Ch 3 - 5: Supplying a controlled drug | Guilty | 2 Years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 74 SP BTY RA | Bulford | 27-Apr-17 | Ch 1: GBH with intent. Ch 2: GBH | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 5 Years imprisonment; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Coldstream Gds | Colchester | 17-Jul-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 150 Days detention | Not set |
Trooper | Army | QRH | Colchester | 15-Nov-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; 2 year Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
WO2 | Army | 32 Sig Regt | Catterick | 05-Jun-17 | 3 x Rape, 1 x Assault by penetration, 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Lancs | Catterick | 19-Sep-17 | 1 x Malingering 2 x Using a false instrument | Guilty | 11 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 22-May-17 | 2 X Harassment 1 x Criminal damage 1 x Battery 1 x Intimidation 1 x Perverting the course of public justice | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 29 Regt RLC | Sennelager | 18-May-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | ARRC Spport Battalion 14 Transport Sqn | Bulford | 26-May-17 | 1 x Theft, 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority, 1 x Fraud | Guilty | 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | army | 2 ITB | Bulford | 02-Feb-17 | 2 x Ill treatment of a subordinate | Guilty | œ1,200 Fine | Not set |
Ranger | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 12-Jan-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Major | Army | 1 Med Regt Sp Sqn | BFG | 01-Dec-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Severe reprimand | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 42 Engr Regt | Colchester | 23-Jun-17 | 8 x Rape | Ch 1 - 5, 7 & 8: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty | 11 Years and 6 months imprisonment | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 1 RHA | Bulford | 02-Feb-17 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 4 Months detention | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 27-Jan-17 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex Staff Sergeant | Army | 1 Regt AAC | Catterick | 10-Jan-17 | 1 X Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 2 Mercian | Catterick | 11-Dec-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reduced to the Ranks | Not set |
Private | Army | 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC | Cattreick | 12-Jan-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 01-Jun-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ650 Fine | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 RRF | Colchester | 07-Mar-17 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | œ400 Fine | Not set |
Ex Gunner | Army | Formerly 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 06-Oct-17 | 1 x Possessing a controlled durug with the intent to supply | Guilty | 3 years 7 months imprisonment. | Not set |
Lt Col | Army | EJSU | Bulford | 28-Apr-17 | 3 x Making a false document | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | QDG | Sennelager | 03-Jul-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 22 Engr Regt | Bulford | 25-Oct-17 | 6 x Theft | Guilty | 6 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Riflemen | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 27-Jan-17 | 1 x Exposure | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 26 Engr Regt | Catterick | 13-Jun-17 | 1 x Manslaughter | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 32 Engr Regt | Catterick | 25-Apr-17 | Ch 1: Manslaughter. Ch 2: Negligent performing a duty | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 9 Months detention | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | MPS Regt (MCTC) | Colchester | 16-Aug-17 | Ch 1 & 3 - Battery, Ch 2 - Sexual Assault | Guilty | 18 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 80 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Sp Bn ITC | Colchester | 20-Sep-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service; 12 month Service Community Order with 250 hour unpaid work requirement. | Not set |
A/Major | Army | Tayforth UOTC | Catterick | 27-Nov-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Dismissed with disgrace from Her Majesty's Service; œ2,000 fine and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 9 Regt RLC | Bulford | 12-Dec-17 | 1 x Burglary | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 16 Sig Regt | Bulford | 17-Feb-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 3 Months detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Scots DG | Catterick | 01-Jun-17 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 150 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Ex Trooper | Army | Scots DG | Colchester | 16-Aug-17 | 1 x Improper use of a public electronic communications network | Guilty | 12 Month Service Community Order with 40 hours unpaid work requirement and 10 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | RMAS Support Unit | Colchester | 17-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Exposure. Ch 2: Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 42 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal. | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 15-May-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Threatening insulting abusive behaviour. | Ch 1, 2 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty. | Admonished | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 3 Months detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 4 Scots | Bulford | 21-Jul-17 | 2 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty, Not Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Private | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Rifles | Bulford | 16-Jun-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol, 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Sig Regt | Colchester | 21-Aug-17 | Ch 1 - Using threatening behaviour, Ch 2 - Failing to attend a duty | Guilty | œ2,000 Fine | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 02-May-17 | 1 x Possession with intent to supply, 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 2 Years detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 09-Jun-17 | Ch 1 - Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, Ch 2 - ABH. | Guilty | 10 Months detention and reduced to the rank of Private | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 1 Rifles | Catterick | 24-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle whilst unfit through drink Charge. Ch 2 & 3: Disobying a lawful command | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | œ150 Fine | Not set |
Private | Army | ATR | Bulford | 23-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Guilty | 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 7 Military Intelligence Battalion | Bulford | 03-Oct-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 30 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 22 Sig Regiment | Catterick | 05-Apr-17 | 2 x Burglary | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 : Not Guilty | 1 Year imprisonment; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and œ123 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 MERCIAN | Catterick | 23-Mar-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 60 Days detention and reduced in rank | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 2 CS Bn REME | Catterick | 06-Dec-17 | Ch 1 - Misconduct through alcohol, Ch 2 - Exposure, Ch 3 - Gonduct Prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Sapper | Army | ATR(W) | Bulford | 30-Jan-17 | 2 x Digraceful conduct of the indecent kind | Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | Scots DG | Catterick | 15-Nov-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ600 Fine | Not set |
Ex Private | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 27-Feb-17 | Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2, 3, 4 & 5: Attempted Theft. | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment; suspended for 2 years and 200 hour unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Corporal of Horse | Army | HCMR | Colchester | 12-Jan-17 | 4 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ranger | Army | 1 R Irish | Bulford | 24-Jul-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Welsh Guards | COLCHESTER | 06-Apr-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 1 RSME Regt | Catterick | 27-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Wounding. Ch 2: Fighting | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 12 Months detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Corporal | Army | QRH | Bulford | 08-Nov-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 150 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 7 Para RHA | Colchester | 13-Jul-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Sig Regt | Bulford | 27-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 2 : Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer | Guilty | 18 Days detention, suspended for 1 year and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 24-May-17 | 1 x Causing a child to be involved in pornography, 1 x Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity | Guilty | 9 Years imprisonment | Not set |
Private | Army | 25 TRG REGT RCL | COLCHESTER | 06-Apr-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 90 Days detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 9 Regt RLC | Bulford | 27-Mar-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Colchester | 30-Jan-17 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | Reduced to rank of Corporal | Not set |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | RA TDU | Bulford | 07-Jul-17 | Ch 1 - GBH, Ch 2 - Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Captain | Army | The Armour Centre RAC TR | Bulford | 29-Jun-17 | Ch 1: Arson. Ch 2: Damaging Service Property | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ10,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Corporal | Army | MPGS INFBS Brecon | Colchester | 08-Nov-17 | 1 x Indecent assualt | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Colour Sergeant | Army | 2 Lancs | Catterick | 14-Nov-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ300 Fine | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Scots Guards | Bulford | 25-Jul-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 3 RHA | Catterick | 16-Oct-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 Bn REME | Bulford | 08-Dec-17 | 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind | Guilty | œ250 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 3 REME | Sennelager | 17-May-17 | 3 x Possession of a indecent photograph of a child 1 x Possesing an extreme pornographic image | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | ATR | Bulford | 23-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, | Guilty | 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order | Not set |
Colour Serjeant | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 24-Feb-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Serjeant | Not set |
Trooper | Army | HCMR | Colchester | 09-Mar-17 | 1 x Racially aggravated assault occasioning ABH | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 16-May-17 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Fighting | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | œ400 Fine | Not set |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | 14 Sig Regt | Bulford | 06-Jul-17 | 3 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC | Bulford | 20-Mar-17 | 8 x Assault on a male person, 1 x Indecency with a child | Guilty | 5 Years imprisonment | Not set |
WO1 | Army | 23 Para Engineer | Colchester | 17-May-17 | 2 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | COSU Ops Wing JLS | CYPRUS | 10-Feb-17 | 3 X Battery 1 x Coercive and controlling behaviour | Ch 1-3: Guilty. Ch 4: Not Guilty | œ2,250 Fine | Not set |
Trooper | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 02-Nov-17 | 1 x Negligently Performing a Duty | Guilty | 50 Days detention and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 R Anglian | Colchester | 18-Jul-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ350 Fine | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 29 CDO Regt RA | Bulford | 25-Oct-17 | Ch 1 & 3: Burglary. Ch 2: Theft. Ch 4 & 5: Fraud by False Representation. Ch 6: Fraud by abuse of Position. | Guilty | 22 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Colour Sergeant | Army | 1 ITB | Catterick | 04-Dec-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | Not set | Colchester | 18-Jan-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 20 WKS GP RE AIR SP | Colchester | 31-Jan-17 | 1 x ABH, 1 X Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | 6 Month detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Staff Sergent | Army | MPS Regt MCTC | Colchester | 11-May-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault, 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 2 Scots | Catterick | 03-May-17 | 1 x Attempted wounding with intent. Substitute charges- 1 X Affray 1 x Offensive weapons | Charge 1 Not Guilty. Substitute charges 2 x Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 MI Bn | Catterick | 29-Mar-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 25 Trg Regt RLC | Colchester | 04-Apr-17 | Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 4: Contravention of Standing Orders. | Ch 1-3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty | œ100 Fine. | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 2 RGR | Colchester | 31-Jan-17 | 2 x Using a False Instrument | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 3 Months detention | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 21 Sig Regt | Bulford | 14-Sep-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Catterick | 29-Mar-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 11 Months detention and œ4,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 17-Feb-17 | 3 x Battery | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty | 90 Days detention; reduced to the rank of Corporal and œ500 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 Scots | Sennelager | 10-May-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 9 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and 2,832 Euros Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Ex Gunner | Army | 1 RHA | Bulford | 04-Feb-17 | 1 x Commiting a criminal offence | Guilty | 4 Months detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 07-Dec-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ250 Fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | RLC MOD Leighton House | Bulford | 14-Dec-17 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; reduced to the ranks; 12 month Service Community Order with 50 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 13-Nov-17 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | 21 Days detention | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 19-Jul-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 PWRR | Cyprus | 16-Oct-17 | 3 x Battery | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | PRU | BFG | 18-Jan-17 | 2 x Voyeurism | 1 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | 1 RHA | Bulford | 22-Jun-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Captain | Army | 4 Scots | CATTERICK | 18-Sep-17 | 1 x Negligent performance of a duty | Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ2,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 4 Rifles | Catterick | 24-Apr-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Colchester | 21-Aug-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 08-Dec-17 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting. | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Bombadier | Army | 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 13-Nov-17 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Bombardier | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Failure to perform a duty. Ch 2: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 3: Doing acts intending to pervert the course of justice | Guilty | 11 Months detention and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Major | Army | National Reserve HQ and HW Woolwich Station | Colchester | 20-Sep-17 | 3 x Failing to perform a duty. 1 x Disobediance of a lawful command | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; 12 month Service Community Order with a 30 day Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement | Not set |
Bombadier | Army | 4 Regt RA | Catterick | 10-Jul-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 6 Bn REME | Bulford | 13-Jun-17 | 1 x Rape, 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 12 Months Service Community Order and 100 hours unpaid work requirement. | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 3 RHA | Catterick | 05-Apr-17 | 1 x Desertion, 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 12 Months Service Community Order and 150 hours unpaid work requirement. | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 19-Jul-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 32 Engr Regt | Catterick | 25-Apr-17 | 1 x Manslaughter 1 x Negligent performing a duty | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 8 Months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months and subject to a curfew requirement | Not set |
Private | Army | 27 Regt RLC | Catterick | 13-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: GBH | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 15 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and œ750 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 06-Oct-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 6 Months detention | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 75 Engr Regt | BFG | 28-Nov-17 | Ch 1 & 3 - Battery, Ch 4 - ABH. | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 4 Rifles | Colchester | 30-Nov-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 18 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Rifleman and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Welsh Guards | Bulford | 13-Sep-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Guardsman | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 02-May-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 35 Engr Regt | sennelager | 24-Jan-17 | 1 x Battery, 1 x Making a threat to kill | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline | Guilty | 12 Months Service Community Order and 100 hours unpaid work requirement. | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 2 LANCS | Catterick | 23-Oct-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 12 Month Service Community Order with 70 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 SCOTS | bulford | 27-Sep-17 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 90 Days detention | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 PARA | Colchester | 13-Jul-17 | 4 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Staff Sergent | Army | Global information services | Bulford | 02-Feb-17 | Ch 1-3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order | Ch 1-3 Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty | Reprimand and œ1000 fine. | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 R ANGLIAN | Colchester | 15-Feb-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Ex Corporal | Army | 3 CS Med Regt | Catterick | 18-Sep-17 | 11 x Possession of extreme pornographic image | Ch1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 - 11: Guilty | Severe reprimand | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 RIFLES | Bulford | 28-Jun-17 | Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex Lance Corporal | Army | 4 Rifles | Colchester | 30-Nov-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 16 Months imprisonment; reduced to the rank of Rifleman and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lieutenant Colonel | Army | Collective Training Group Headquarters | Bulford | 31-May-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Guardsman | ARMY | 1 IG | Colchester | 26-Oct-17 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 18 Days detention | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 19-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 60 Days detention | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 RLC | Bulford | 16-Feb-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ550 Fine | Not set |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | 2 MERCIAN | Catterick | 03-Jul-17 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 1 Lancs | Portsmouth | 22-May-17 | 2 x Battery | 1 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 8 months | Not set |
Mr | Army | HQ Bielefeld Station | Sennelager | 26-Jul-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 7 Coy Coldstream Guards | Colchester | 14-Dec-17 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 17-Jul-17 | 1 x Negligent performance of a duty | Guilty | 120 Days detention | Not set |
Colour Sergent | Army | 2 PWRR | Portsmouth | 30-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Sergeant | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 R ANGLIAN | Colchester | 09-Jun-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 22 Engr Regt | Bulford | 24-May-17 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 07-Jul-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 150 Days detention | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Regt RLC | Bulford | 01-Feb-17 | 4 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 37 Signal Regiment | Bulford | 11-Sep-17 | 4 x Making a False Record | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Army | BATUS | Bulford | 25-Oct-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Private | Army | 27 Regt RLC | Bulford | 05-Jul-17 | 3 x AWOL | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | 5 Days detention | Not set |
Ex Col | Army | Formerly Dept of CGS JSAU (L) | Bulford | 26-Jul-17 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Private | Army | MPGS Chilwell | Colchester | 06-Apr-17 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 90 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 22 Engr Regt | Bulford | 25-Oct-17 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 31 SIGN REGT | Colchester | 26-Oct-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind | Guilty | 90 Days detention | Not set |
Trooper | Army | HCMR | Colchester | 20-Sep-17 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
EX Chief Tech | Civilian | RLO(S) RAF Brize Norton | Chelmsford | 13-Jan-17 | Ch 1 to 9, 15, 17: Indecent Assault on a Man. Ch 10, 11, 12, 14, 16: Incitement to commit indecent conduct towards a Child. Ch 13: Indecency with a child | Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17: Guilty. Ch 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16: Not Guilty | 5 Years imprisonment* to commence once the offender has served his current sentence of 13 years. | Not set |
Mr | Civilian | NAFFI | Bulford | 27-Jul-17 | 1 x Arson | Guilty | 12 Month Overseas Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Mr | Civilian | RAF Honington | Colchester | 16-Jan-17 | Ch 1- 4 & 6: Indecent Assault on a Man. Ch 5, 7-9: Indecency with a Child | Ch 1-4, 6-9: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty | 3 years imprisonment | Not set |
N/A | N/A | BFC | Catterick | 12-Oct-17 | Ch 2 & 6: Rape. Ch 3 & 7: Sexual activity with a child (joinder trial) | Ch 2, 6 & 7: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | Overseas Community Order with a 3 month curfew | Not set |
N/A | N/A | HQ BFC | Catterick | 12-Oct-17 | Ch 1 & 4: Rape. Ch 5: Sexual activity with a child (joinder trial) | Ch 1 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty | 2 years detention in Young Offenders Institute, suspended for 2 years. 2 Years supervision Order with curfew requirement and 150 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Marine | Navy | Cdo Log Regt | Not set | 08-Mar-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Marine | Navy | 45 CDO RM | Not set | 12-May-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 12 Month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirementof 160 hours. œ450 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Coningsby | Bulford | 24-May-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Brize Norton | Bulford | 13-Sep-17 | 1 x Burglary | Guilty | 30 Service Supervison and Punishment Order and œ3669.13 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 23-May-17 | Ch 1 - 7: Offering to Supply a controlled drug. Ch 9: Offering to Supply. Ch 10 & 11: Possession of Extreme Pornographic Image | Guilty | 3 Years and 10 months imprisonment | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Coningsby | Colchester | 29-Mar-17 | 3 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Waddington | Catterick | 28-Mar-17 | Charge Sheet 1: Ch 1 & 2: Posessed an extreme pornographic image. Charge Sheet 2: Ch 1 to 4: Supplying a Controlled Drug. Ch 5: Possessing a prescription only medicine with intent to supply. Ch 6: Selling a prescription only medicine | Guilty | 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | RAF | RAF Akrotiri | Bulford | 27-Jul-17 | 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Ex-Sergeant | RAF | RAF Police | Colchester | 27-Jan-17 | 9 x Indect assault on a boy | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF AKROTIRI | Cyprus/Bulford | 06-Jun-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Northolt | Colchester | 31-Oct-17 | 3 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Mr | RAF | RAF Honington | Catterick | 20-Jan-17 | 7 X Indecency with a child, 5 x Indecent assault, 1 x Buggary, 1 x Attempted Buggary | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | RAF | RAF Benson | Bulford | 28-Feb-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal. | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Odium | Colchester | 30-Jan-17 | 2 x GBH | Guilty | 12 Month detention and œ4,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Halton | Colchester | 26-May-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 100 Days detention | Not set |
Ex Junior Technician | RAF | RAF Wegburg | Colchester | 09-Mar-17 | Ch 1 - 3: Rape. CH 4 & 5: ABH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Cosford | Colchester | 07-Nov-17 | Ch 1: Sending a malicious communication. Ch 2 & 3: Voyeurism | Guilty | 36 month Service Community Order, 30 Days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 120 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Sergeant | RAF | RAF Coningsby | Colchester | 27-Feb-17 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | œ2,000 Fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 01-Feb-17 | 1 x Violent disorder | Guilty | œ100 Fine | Not set |
Lance Corporal | RAF | RAF Honington | Catterick | 01-Feb-17 | 1 x Violent disorder | Guilty | œ100 Fine | Not set |
SAC | RAF | TSW | Colchester | 27-Feb-17 | 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 2 Years and 6 month imprisonment | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | RAF Brize Norton | Bulford | 09-Nov-17 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 01-Feb-17 | 1 x Violent disorder | Guilty | œ100 Fine | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 01-Feb-17 | 1 x Violent disorder | Guilty | œ100 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | RAF Akrotiri | Bulford | 22-Sep-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Coningsby | Catterick | 07-Jul-17 | 3 x Rape | Not Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | RAF Brize Norton | Bulford | 13-Oct-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Flight Lieutenant | RAF | RAF Cosford | Colchester | 09-Jan-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault 1 x Disgraceful conduct | Guilty | 12 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
OCDT | RAF | RAFC Cranwell | Catterick | 01-Mar-17 | 2 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Sergeant | RAF | RAF Brize Norton | Bulford | 10-Nov-17 | 6 x Theft | Guilty | 150 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Reduced to the rank of Corporal and a œ3,023 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Ex Gp Captain | RAF | Wyton JSU | Colchester | 10-Jul-17 | Ch 1-3 & 6: Fraud. Ch 4 & 5: Negligent performance of a duty | Guilty | 22 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 150 Hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Honington | Colchester | 27-Feb-17 | 1 x Improper use of public communications network | Guilty | 28 Days detention | Not set |
Squadron Leader | RAF | RCDM | Bulford | 02-Nov-17 | Ch 1 & 2: Making an indecent photgraph of a child. Ch 3 to 17: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. | Guilty | 18 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Coningby | Catterick | 05-Apr-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ400 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | JITG | Colchester | 17-Oct-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
SAC | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 01-Feb-17 | 1 x Violent disorder | Guilty | œ100 Fine | Not set |
Flight Lieutenant | RAF | Brize Norton | Bulford | 03-Mar-17 | Ch 1 & 2: Making a false statement. Ch 3: Making a false record. Ch 4: Negligently performing a duty | Ch 1 - 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty | 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. | Not set |
Flight Lieutenant | RAF | RAF Digby | Colchester | 04-Dec-17 | Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ1,800 fine | Not set |
Ex-Corporal | RAF | RLO(S) RAF Brize Norton | Bulford | 19-Jan-17 | 1 x Indecent Assault on a Man, 1 x Indecency with a Child | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Flight Lieutenant | RAF | RAF Halton | Colchester | 27-Feb-17 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Sergeant | RAF | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 06-Feb-17 | Ch1: Indecency with a child. Ch2 to 5: Voyeurism. Ch6 to 10: Possession of an indecent image of a child. | Guilty | 2 Years and 9 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Ex Corporal | RAF | RAF Henlow | Catterick | 12-Jul-17 | 1 x Assault by penetration | Guilty | 6 Years imprisonment | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Boulmer | Catterick | 14-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2 & 3: Sexual Assault | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty | 90 Days detention | Not set |
Cpl | RM | Cdo Log Regt | Portsmouth | 26-Sep-17 | 10 x Ill Treatment | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Cpl | RM | 45 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 01-Dec-17 | 2 x Ill Treatment | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Cpl | RM | CTCRM Lympstone | Portsmouth | 01-Dec-17 | 3 x Ill Treatment | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | RM | 45 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 09-Mar-17 | Ch 1, 5 & 9: Fraud. Ch 2 - 4, 6 - 8 & 10: Using a False Instrument. | Guilty | 12 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Marine, œ7,443.50 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Marines | 42 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 27-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening to Kill | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 13 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, with 100 hours unpaid work requirement | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Navy | CTCRM Lympstone | Portsmouth | 08-Mar-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS SUTHERLAND | Portsmouth | 21-Nov-17 | 1 x Criminal Damage | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Marine | Royal Navy | CHFHQ(Sea) | Portsmouth | 17-Jul-17 | 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Colour Sergeant | Royal Navy | HMS NEPTUNE | Portsmouth | 06-Sep-17 | 1 x Assault occassioning actual bodily harm | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 09-Mar-17 | 1 X Battery | Guilty | œ700 Fine | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS CATTISTOCK | Portsmouth | 10-Jan-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS SCOTT | Portsmouth | 06-Oct-17 | 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
PO(MW) | Royal Navy | COMFASFLOT | Portsmouth | 29-Mar-17 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Guilty | 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months, reduced in rank to Leading Hand and pay a œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Sergeant | Royal Navy | HMS EXCELLENT | Portsmouth | 07-Jun-17 | 1 x Failing to Perform a Duty | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Daring | Portsmouth | 20-Jul-17 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | 120 Days detention, reduced to the rank of Leading Hand and pay a œ250 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Navy | 45 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 03-Jul-17 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Navy | RM Poole | Portsmouth | 29-Mar-17 | 4 x Theft | Guilty | 6 Months detention, œ5,943.59 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Ex Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS NELSON | Portsmouth | 14-Jul-17 | 12 x Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | œ613.55 Service Compensation Order and Admonished | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS VICTORIOUS | Portsmouth | 10-May-17 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Navy | Cdo Log Regt | Portsmouth | 27-Mar-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS DUNCAN | Portsmouth | 24-Oct-17 | 2 x Disclosing sexual photographs with the intention to cause distress | Guilty | 28 Days detention | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS SEAHAWK | Portsmouth | 17-Mar-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Heron | Portsmouth | 07-Sep-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reprimand and œ700 fine | Not set |
Marine | Royal Navy | HMS NELSON | Portsmouth | 06-Sep-17 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy | HMS SEAHAWK | Portsmouth | 07-Apr-17 | 3 x Making a False Record | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS OCEAN | Portsmouth | 12-Jul-17 | Ch 1 & 4 - Using Threatening behaviour, Ch 2,3 & 5 - Battery. | Ch 1, 3 & 4 : Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 5: Guilty | 10 Months detention | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS IRON DUKE | Portsmouth | 14-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour causing fear of violence. Ch 2-4: Racially aggravated harassment | Ch 1,2 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | œ2,000 Fine | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 10-Jan-17 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 2 years. œ1,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Navy | CTCRM Lympstone | Portsmouth | 17-Jul-17 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine | Not set |
Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy | FOST(S) | Portsmouth | 09-Feb-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Marine | Royal Navy | 45 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 09-Mar-17 | Ch 1 - Unlawful wounding, Ch 2 - Battery | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 15 Months detention, œ500 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Marine | Royal Navy | Cdo Log Regt | Portsmouth | 19-Jan-17 | Ch 1 & 2: Supply of a controlled drug. Ch 3, 5, 7 & 9: Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply. Ch 4, 6, 8 & 10: Possesing a controlled drug | Ch 1,2,4,6,7,10: Guilty. Ch 3,5, 8 & 9: Not Guilty | 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
LLOGS | Royal Navy | HMS SOMERSET | Portsmouth | 07-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: GBH | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Ex Marine | Royal Navy | 45 Cdo RM | Portsmouth | 24-Nov-17 | Ch 1: Wounding with Intent. Ch 2: Unlawful Wounding. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 5: Common Assault. | Ch 1, 2 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 3 & 5: Guilty | 2 Year Service Community Order, with 150 unpaid work requirement | Not set |
LET(WE) | Royal Navy | HMS SUTHERLAND | Portsmouth | 06-Apr-17 | 1 x Grievous Bodily Harm | Guilty | 21 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 13-Jul-17 | Ch 1: Disobedience of a Lawful Command. Ch 2: Battery | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Sub Lieutenant | Royal Navy | HMS DIAMOND | Portsmouth | 25-Jul-17 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | Cdo Log Regt | Portsmouth | 23-Nov-17 | 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind | Guilty | œ3,500 Fine | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS EXCELLENT | Portsmouth | 05-Sep-17 | 2 x Using Disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS TORBAY | Portsmouth | 15-Feb-17 | 1 x Failing to attend for a duty | Guilty | œ450 Fine | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS AUDACIOUS | Portsmouth | 09-Mar-17 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | 5 Days restriction of privilages | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS NELSON | Portsmouth | 09-Mar-17 | 1 X Battery | Guilty | œ350 Fine | Not set |
Lieutenant | Royal Navy | HMS COLLINGWOOD | Portsmouth | 13-Jul-17 | 2 x Making a False Record | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
LET(WE) | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 11-Jan-17 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Admonished | Not set |
Lt RN | Royal Navy | Abbey Wood | Portsmouth | 14-Jun-17 | 3 x Rape; 1 x Assault by penetration | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
POWS(SSM) | Royal Navy | HMS ASTUTE | Portsmouth | 30-Mar-17 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS DUNCAN | Portsmouth | 16-Mar-17 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Using Violence against a superior officer | Ch 1: Not guilty by direction. Ch 2: Not guilty | œ750 Fine | Not set |
Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy | HQBF Gibraltar | Portsmouth | 05-Sep-17 | Ch 1: Harrassment. Ch 2: Disobedience of a lawful command | Guilty | Forfeit of 2 years seniority | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS EXCELLENT | Portsmouth | 20-Jul-17 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 18 Months detention; œ28,430 Service Compensation Order and reduced to the ranks | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | RAF Waddington | Portsmouth | 10-Feb-17 | 2 x Fraud | Guilty | Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement; œ2,684 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 03-Nov-17 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 12 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 150 unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service | Not set |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS TRENCHANT | Portsmouth | 17-Mar-17 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. œ2,000 Service Compensation Order | Not set |
Warrant Officer 1 | Royal Navy | Defence Diving School | Colchester | 15-Feb-17 | 3 x Sexual Assault | 2x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty | 9 Months imprisonment and dimissed from Her Majesty's Service with disgrace | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS COLLINGWOOD | Portsmouth | 27-Jul-17 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ500 Fine | Not set |