
Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2017

Updated 14 February 2025
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Rank Rank must be in full with no abbreviations Service Unit Trial Court Sentencing Date Charge (s) Charge(s) must be in full with no abbreviations Finding Total Sentence Column2
Gunner Army 14 Regt RA Bulford 16-Mar-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Trooper Army Ex 4 RTR Catterick 17-Feb-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Colchester 22-May-17 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Making a threat to kill. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery Ch 1, 2 & 4: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty 4 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army SWS Bulford 11-May-17 4 x Battery 3 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 25-Apr-17 1 x Damaging Service Property, 1 x Unfitness through Alcohol Not Guilty Not set Not set
Signaller Army 30 SIGN REGT Colchester 26-Oct-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind Guilty 60 Days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 RMP Bulford 20-Jul-17 1 x Theft Guilty 60 Days detention, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army 1 AMW OC Colchester 04-May-17 1 x Battery. 2 x Contravention of standing orders Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR BFG 07-Mar-17 2 x Causing a person to engage is sexual activity without consent Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army AFC Catterick 21-Jun-17 Ch 1 - Attempting GBH, Ch 2 - Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Ranger Army 1 R Irish Bulford 18-Jul-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs Colchester 05-Dec-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 40 Days detention Not set
Sergeant Army QRH Sennelager 27-Sep-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ2,000 Fine and Severe Reprimand Not set
Sergeant Army QRH sennelager 24-Jan-17 2 x Contravention of standing orders 1 x Not Guilty. 1 x Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Gunner Army 26 Regt RA BFG 15-May-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army 26 Regt RA BFG 27-Sep-17 1 x Threatening behaviour towards a superior officer Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Lancs Catterick 15-Nov-17 3 x Improper Use of a public electronic communications network Guilty 80 Days detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Catterick 24-Apr-17 2 x Battery Guilty œ550 Fine Not set
Ex-Sapper Army 101 Engr Regt Colchester 25-May-17 1 X Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 162 Regt RLC Colchester 22-Feb-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army SIB Regt RMP Bulford 17-Mar-17 4 x Making an indecent image of a child Guilty 2 Year Service Community Order; 150 hour unpaid work requirement; reduced to the ranks; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Brigadier Army DMS Colchester 14-Mar-17 Negligently performing a duty Guilty œ11,750 Service Compensation Order; severe reprimand and forfiet all seniority as a Brigadier Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 17-Nov-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 25 Trg Regt RLC Bulford 02-May-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 7 Regt RLC Colchester 09-Oct-17 1 x Careless Driving. Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 09-Mar-17 2 x Using disrespectful behavior towards an officer 1 x Not Guilty. 1 x Guilty œ450 Fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army 35 Engr Regt Catterick 27-Sep-17 Ch 1 & 5 - ABH, Ch 2, 3, 4 & 6 - Battery Guilty 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Rifleman Army 4 Rifles Bulford 17-Feb-17 1 x Unfittness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty œ200 Fine Not set
Private Army ATR Bulford 20-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Cyprus/Bulford 05-May-17 1 x Misapplying or wasting public or service property Guilty 14 Days restriction of privileges Not set
Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 05-May-17 3 x Battery Guilty 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 05-Oct-17 Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2: Sexual Assault Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Riflemen Army 4 Rifles Bulford 27-Jan-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Mercian Catterick 27-Mar-17 1 x Desertion Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sapper Army 22 Engr Regt sennelager 21-Jul-17 Ch 1: Stalking. Ch 2: Communicating a bomb hoax Guilty 2 Years imprisonment and a restraining order Not set
Sapper Army 1 RSME Regt Catterick 27-Sep-17 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army ATR Bulford 20-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army QRH Sennelager 02-Nov-17 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty 50 Days detention and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army 14 Sig Regt Bulford 08-Nov-17 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 2 Scots Catterick 08-Dec-17 Ch 1 to 3: Sexual intercourse with a girl under 13. Ch 4 to 6: Sexual activity with a child. Guilty 14 Years and 4 months imprisonment Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA Bulford 02-Feb-17 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 4 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army RL Catterick 11-Dec-17 1 x Fraud Guilty 6 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and œ1,246.50 Service Compensation Order Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 13-Mar-17 1 x Battery Guilty 60 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order and œ400 Service Compensation Order Not set
Ex Sapper Army 24 CDO ENGR Regt Bulford 19-Jul-17 1 x Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply. Guilty 12 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army 5 Rifles Bulford 22-Jun-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army AFC Harrogate Catterick 16-Nov-17 1 x ABH Guilty 12 Month conditional discharge Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 14-Dec-17 Ch 1: Wounding with intent. Ch 2: Attempted Wounding with Intent. Guilty 6 Years and 6 months imprisonment. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army 1 Scots Catterick 07-Jun-17 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug. 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots Catterick 20-Mar-17 1 x Possession of a controlled drug Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant ARMY 1 Regt AAC Bulford 18-Oct-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline. 1 x Contravention of standing orders Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Gunner Army 12 Regt RA Bulford 13-Nov-17 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 30 Days detention Not set
2nd Lieutenant Army The Armour Centre RAC TR Bulford 29-Jun-17 1 x Arson. 1 x Damaging Service Property Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCR Colchester 30-Jan-17 3 x Fraud Ch 1-2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty 90 Days detention suspended for 12 months. œ650 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army KRH Bulford 10-May-17 2 x Theft Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 90 Days detention, reduced to the rank of Private and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and œ400 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 3 Med Regt Catterick 19-Jul-17 1 x Affray Guilty 16 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 2 Mercian Catetrick 18-Jul-17 4 x AWOL Ch 1, 3 & 4: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Months and 15 days detention Not set
Corporal Army 5 FS BN REME Bulford 26-May-17 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman Army RAF Cosford Catterick 27-Oct-17 Ch 1, 18 & 22 - Attempted causing a child to watch a sexual act. Ch 2, 8, 10, 13, 20 & 24 - Attempted meeting a child following sexual grooming. Ch 3, 4, & 5 - Attempted arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence. Ch 6 - Causing a child to watch a sexual act. Ch 7 & 25 - Attempted intentionally causing or inciting a child under 18 yrs to be sexually exploited in any part of the world. Ch 9, 15, 16 & 23 - Intentionally causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Ch 11 - Possessing an indecent photograph of a child, Ch 12 - Possession of an extreme pornographic image, Ch 14, 17, 19 & 21 - Attempted intentionally causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Guilty Extended sentence of 11 Years Imprisonment with a custodial term of 7 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Staff Sergent Army 1 Regt RLC Bulford 24-Apr-17 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty Admonished Not set
Private Army 1 SIG Regt Catterick 02-Feb-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Craftsman Army 26 Regt RA Catterick 15-Dec-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 18 Days detention Not set
Drummer Army 7 Coy Coldstream Guards Colchester 17-Oct-17 13 x Fraud Guilty 6 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army 9 REGT RLC Bulford 14-Dec-17 Ch 1 to 3: Rape. Ch 4 & 5: Stalking. Ch 6 & 7: Sexual Assault. Ch 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 - Not Guilty. Ch 5 & 7 - Guilty. 11 Months detention, Reduced to the Ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army 4 Scots Catterick 30-Mar-17 1 x Exposure Guilty Reduced to the Ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Colchester 03-Apr-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army DMSTC Phase 2 Trg Colchester 22-May-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Common Assault Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Admonished Not set
Staff Sergeant Army DPHC North Region Medical Centre ITC Catterick 19-Sep-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Sergeant Not set
Private Army AFC Harrogate Catterick 16-Nov-17 1 x ABH Guilty Admonished Not set
Sergeant Army 2 Rifles Catterick 01-Jun-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Corporal Army HQ 1 RRF Bulford 21-Sep-17 Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 2 & 3: Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty œ750 Service Compensation Order and dismissed for Her Majesty's Service Not set
Gunner Army 19 Regt RA Bulford 23-Oct-17 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 111 Days detention Not set
Sapper Army 22 Engr Regt Bulford 21-Jul-17 1 x GBH with Intent Guilty 8 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex-Sergent Army 1 Para Bulford 06-Mar-17 2 x Buggery, 2 x Indecent assault, 1 x Making a threat to kill Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 3 PARA Colchester 15-Aug-17 1 x Affray Guilty œ1,500 Service Compenstation Order Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR BFG 28-Nov-17 2 x Battery Guilty 14 Days detention suspended for 1 year Not set
Rifleman Army 1 Rifles Colchester 15-Aug-17 3 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army HCR Colchester 31-Jan-17 1 x Possesssion of ammunition without a certificate, 3 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 8 Months detention. Not set
Sergeant Army 22 Sig Regiment Bulford 05-Oct-17 1 x Contravention of standing orders Not Guilty Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 5 FS Bn REME Bulford 08-Dec-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ700 Fine, œ250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army RDG Catterick 14-Nov-17 2 x Theft Guilty œ350 Fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army 21 Engr Regt Catterick 19-Oct-17 1 x GBH Guilty 7 Months detention, Reduced to the Rank of Sapper and œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set
N/A Army N/A Bulford 25-Apr-17 1 x Indecency with a child, 1 x Attempted Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 26 Regt RA Sennelager 01-Dec-17 1 x Having an imitation firearm in his possession with intent to cause a person to believe unlawful violence will be used against him or another Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 3 PARA Colchester 09-Mar-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 14-Dec-17 2 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Guilty 30 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army 32 Engr Regt Catterick 27-Mar-17 1 x ABH Guilty 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months. Reduced in Ranks Not set
Sergeant Army 19 Regt RA Bulford 29-Mar-17 Ch 1 & 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service conduct. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind 3 x Guilty 60 Days detention. Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 3 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army WDSU Bulford 30-May-17 Ch 1 - Fraud, Ch 2 - Theft. Ch 1 - Guilty, Ch 2 - Not Guilty Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 4 Scots Catterick 09-Feb-17 1 x GBH Guilty 150 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ1500 Service Compenstation Order. Not set
Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 11-Jan-17 2 x Ill treatment of subordinates Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army ITC Sp Bn Catterick 22-Feb-17 1 X Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty œ500 Fine. œ2230.20 Service Compensation Order Not set
Ms Army HQ Paderborn Stn Sennelager 13-Jul-17 1 x Contravention of standing orders Guilty 12 Month Overseas Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work, substituted by œ1,000 fine Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order and 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Failure to perform a duty Guilty 3 Months detention. Reduced to the ranks Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 03-Nov-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 4 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Not set
Lance Corporal Army 35 Engr Regt 77 SQ Sennelager 07-Jul-17 8 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 ITB Colchester 19-Jan-17 4 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Private Army 2 ITB Portsmouth 20-Mar-17 Ch 1: Attempted murder. Ch 2: Possession of ammuntion. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order Guilty 6 Years youth custody. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 1 R Irish Catterick 24-Apr-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's service Not set
Private Army 4 Scots Catterick 17-Jul-17 Ch 1 - Misconduct on operations, Ch 2 - Negligently performed a duty Guilty 11 Months detention Not set
Signaller Army 230 Sig SQN Catterick 31-Jan-17 2 x Contravention of standing orders, 1 x Escape from lawful custody Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 1 Regt AAC Bulford 18-Oct-17 1 x Contravention of standing orders. Guilty œ2,000 Fine Not set
Corporal Army 21 Sig Regt Bulford 06-Jun-17 1 x Assault by penetration, 2 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 SCOTS Catterick 25-Apr-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Sergent Army 1 Gren Gds Bulford 27-Jul-17 Charge Sheet 1 -2 x Misconduct through alcohol, Charge Sheet 2 - 1 x Sexual Assault (Charge 1), 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind (Charge 2) Charge Sheet 1 Charges 1 & 2 - Guilty. Charge sheet 2 Charge 1 Not Guilty, charge 2 Guilty œ2,000 Fine and severe reprimand Not set
Highlander Army 4 Scots Colchester 11-Dec-17 1 x AWOL Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Scots Catterick 13-Jan-17 1 x ABH, 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 60 Days detention Not set
Corporal Army HQ Hereford Garrison Bulford 28-Apr-17 4 x Theft Guilty 3 Months detention. Reduced to the ranks Not set
WO2 Army 1 Coldm Gds Colchester 16-Feb-17 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 2 ITB Catterick 02-Feb-17 Ch 1 & 3: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 5: Common assault. Ch 6: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1,3 & 5: Guilty. Ch 6: Not Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Highlander Army 4 Scots Catterick 17-Jul-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 4 Regt RLC Bulford 05-Apr-17 1 X Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 13 AA SP Regt RLC Colchester 14-Nov-17 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Not set
Corporal Army 1 R Irish Catterick 08-Jun-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, 1 x Commom assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Captain Army HAC Colchester 22-Mar-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Captain Army 10 QOGLR Colchester 02-Jul-17 2 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 36 Engr Regt Colchester 21-Jul-17 1 X Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Signaller Army 21 Sig Regt Bulford 16-Feb-17 7 x Fraud Guilty œ2,050 Service Compensation Order, Service Community Order with a 180 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army 34 Field Hospital Catterick 10-Jul-17 1 x Aggravated Vehicle Taking Guilty 30 Days detention suspended for 12 months and œ300 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 1 Yorks Colchester 07-Mar-17 Ch 1: Escape from lawful custody. Ch 2, 3 & 4 : AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 30-Oct-17 Ch 1 to 8: Possession of an indecent image of a child. Ch 9 to 12: Possession of extreme pornograhpic image. Ch 13 & 14: Attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity. Guilty 28 Months imprisonment Not set
Private Army 1 R Irish Catterick 22-May-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 14-Jun-17 1 x Racial aggravated fear or provocation of violence Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Gren Gds Colchester 11-Jul-17 Ch 1-6: Posession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7-11: Making an indecent photograph of a child Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3-11: Not Guilty 1 Year Service Community Order with a 60 day activity requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army 27 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Jul-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 7 RLC Colchester 31-Jan-17 3 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 12 month Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Private Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC Bulford 20-Feb-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ1,500 Fine Not set
Craftsman Army 26 Regt RA Wksp Sennelager 06-Oct-17 1 x Battery Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for one year Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA Bulford 02-Feb-17 1 x Commiting a service offence, namely conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 4 Months detention Not set
Private Army 3 PARA Colchester 15-Aug-17 1 x Affray Guilty œ750 Fine and œ1,500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Fusilier Army 4 LANCS Catterick 31-May-17 1 x Desertion Guilty 2 Years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 250 hours unpaid work requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 RLC Bulford 16-Feb-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ300 Fine Not set
Private Army 13 AA SP Regt RLC Colchester 05-Dec-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 60 Days detention Not set
Trooper Army Royal Lancers Catterick 26-Jun-17 Ch 1 - Sending a electronic communication of a grosssly offensive nature, Ch 2 - Failing to attend a duty Guilty 127 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army 2 Mercian Catterick 02-Jun-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 127 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army 5 Rifles Sennelager 22-Sep-17 Ch 1: Unlawful wounding. Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 5 Months detention Not set
Private Army ATR Bulford 20-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 1 R Anglian Colchester 21-Aug-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 1 year Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Trooper Army Household Cavalry mounted regt Colchester 06-Apr-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Ranger Army 1 R Irish Bulford 18-Oct-17 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Staff Sergent Army 16 Sig Regt Catterick 12-May-17 Ch 1, 3 & 4: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1, 2 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty œ1,500 Fine Not set
Fusilier Army HQ 1 RRF Bulford 21-Sep-17 Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 2 & 3: Battery Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty œ450 Fine and œ150 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 30-Oct-17 Ch 1 - Racially aggravated harrassment, Ch 2 - Using threatening, abusive, Insulting or provocative behaviour. Guilty 90 Days detention Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 12-Jan-17 Ch 1 & 2: Possessing a controlled drug. Ch 3 - 5: Supplying a controlled drug Guilty 2 Years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Not set
Corporal Army 74 SP BTY RA Bulford 27-Apr-17 Ch 1: GBH with intent. Ch 2: GBH Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 5 Years imprisonment; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Coldstream Gds Colchester 17-Jul-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention Not set
Trooper Army QRH Colchester 15-Nov-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; 2 year Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
WO2 Army 32 Sig Regt Catterick 05-Jun-17 3 x Rape, 1 x Assault by penetration, 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs Catterick 19-Sep-17 1 x Malingering 2 x Using a false instrument Guilty 11 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army QRH Sennelager 22-May-17 2 X Harassment 1 x Criminal damage 1 x Battery 1 x Intimidation 1 x Perverting the course of public justice Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 29 Regt RLC Sennelager 18-May-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army ARRC Spport Battalion 14 Transport Sqn Bulford 26-May-17 1 x Theft, 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority, 1 x Fraud Guilty 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal army 2 ITB Bulford 02-Feb-17 2 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Guilty œ1,200 Fine Not set
Ranger Army 1 R Irish Catterick 12-Jan-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Major Army 1 Med Regt Sp Sqn BFG 01-Dec-17 1 x Battery Guilty Severe reprimand Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 42 Engr Regt Colchester 23-Jun-17 8 x Rape Ch 1 - 5, 7 & 8: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty 11 Years and 6 months imprisonment Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA Bulford 02-Feb-17 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 4 Months detention Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 27-Jan-17 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex Staff Sergeant Army 1 Regt AAC Catterick 10-Jan-17 1 X Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Corporal Army 2 Mercian Catterick 11-Dec-17 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the Ranks Not set
Private Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC Cattreick 12-Jan-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army 2 Rifles Catterick 01-Jun-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ650 Fine Not set
Private Army 1 RRF Colchester 07-Mar-17 1 x Fraud Guilty œ400 Fine Not set
Ex Gunner Army Formerly 12 Regt RA Bulford 06-Oct-17 1 x Possessing a controlled durug with the intent to supply Guilty 3 years 7 months imprisonment. Not set
Lt Col Army EJSU Bulford 28-Apr-17 3 x Making a false document Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army QDG Sennelager 03-Jul-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army 22 Engr Regt Bulford 25-Oct-17 6 x Theft Guilty 6 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Riflemen Army 4 Rifles Bulford 27-Jan-17 1 x Exposure Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 26 Engr Regt Catterick 13-Jun-17 1 x Manslaughter Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sapper Army 32 Engr Regt Catterick 25-Apr-17 Ch 1: Manslaughter. Ch 2: Negligent performing a duty Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 9 Months detention Not set
Sergeant Army MPS Regt (MCTC) Colchester 16-Aug-17 Ch 1 & 3 - Battery, Ch 2 - Sexual Assault Guilty 18 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 80 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Trooper Army Sp Bn ITC Colchester 20-Sep-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service; 12 month Service Community Order with 250 hour unpaid work requirement. Not set
A/Major Army Tayforth UOTC Catterick 27-Nov-17 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty Dismissed with disgrace from Her Majesty's Service; œ2,000 fine and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 12-Dec-17 1 x Burglary Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 16 Sig Regt Bulford 17-Feb-17 1 x ABH Guilty 3 Months detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Trooper Army Scots DG Catterick 01-Jun-17 3 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex Trooper Army Scots DG Colchester 16-Aug-17 1 x Improper use of a public electronic communications network Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 40 hours unpaid work requirement and 10 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement Not set
Staff Sergeant Army RMAS Support Unit Colchester 17-Jul-17 Ch 1: Exposure. Ch 2: Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 42 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal. Not set
Sergeant Army QRH Sennelager 15-May-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Threatening insulting abusive behaviour. Ch 1, 2 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty. Admonished Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 3 Months detention Not set
Corporal Army 4 Scots Bulford 21-Jul-17 2 x Contravention of standing orders Guilty, Not Guilty Reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Rifles Bulford 16-Jun-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol, 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Sig Regt Colchester 21-Aug-17 Ch 1 - Using threatening behaviour, Ch 2 - Failing to attend a duty Guilty œ2,000 Fine Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots Catterick 02-May-17 1 x Possession with intent to supply, 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 2 Years detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots Catterick 09-Jun-17 Ch 1 - Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, Ch 2 - ABH. Guilty 10 Months detention and reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Rifleman Army 1 Rifles Catterick 24-Mar-17 Ch 1: Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle whilst unfit through drink Charge. Ch 2 & 3: Disobying a lawful command Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty œ150 Fine Not set
Private Army ATR Bulford 23-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Corporal Army 7 Military Intelligence Battalion Bulford 03-Oct-17 1 x Battery Guilty 30 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Signaller Army 22 Sig Regiment Catterick 05-Apr-17 2 x Burglary Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 : Not Guilty 1 Year imprisonment; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and œ123 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 MERCIAN Catterick 23-Mar-17 1 x ABH Guilty 60 Days detention and reduced in rank Not set
Sergeant Army 2 CS Bn REME Catterick 06-Dec-17 Ch 1 - Misconduct through alcohol, Ch 2 - Exposure, Ch 3 - Gonduct Prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Sapper Army ATR(W) Bulford 30-Jan-17 2 x Digraceful conduct of the indecent kind Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army Scots DG Catterick 15-Nov-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ600 Fine Not set
Ex Private Army 2 Yorks Catterick 27-Feb-17 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2, 3, 4 & 5: Attempted Theft. Guilty 6 Months imprisonment; suspended for 2 years and 200 hour unpaid work requirement Not set
Corporal of Horse Army HCMR Colchester 12-Jan-17 4 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ranger Army 1 R Irish Bulford 24-Jul-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Welsh Guards COLCHESTER 06-Apr-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Sapper Army 1 RSME Regt Catterick 27-Sep-17 Ch 1: Wounding. Ch 2: Fighting Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 12 Months detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army QRH Bulford 08-Nov-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Sergeant Army 7 Para RHA Colchester 13-Jul-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Sig Regt Bulford 27-Sep-17 Ch 1: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 2 : Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Guilty 18 Days detention, suspended for 1 year and reduced to the ranks Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Yorks Catterick 24-May-17 1 x Causing a child to be involved in pornography, 1 x Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity Guilty 9 Years imprisonment Not set
Private Army 25 TRG REGT RCL COLCHESTER 06-Apr-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 27-Mar-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Sergeant Army 3 Regt RLC Colchester 30-Jan-17 1 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to rank of Corporal Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army RA TDU Bulford 07-Jul-17 Ch 1 - GBH, Ch 2 - Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Captain Army The Armour Centre RAC TR Bulford 29-Jun-17 Ch 1: Arson. Ch 2: Damaging Service Property Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Severe reprimand and œ10,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army MPGS INFBS Brecon Colchester 08-Nov-17 1 x Indecent assualt Not Guilty Not set Not set
Colour Sergeant Army 2 Lancs Catterick 14-Nov-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ300 Fine Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Scots Guards Bulford 25-Jul-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army 3 RHA Catterick 16-Oct-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Bn REME Bulford 08-Dec-17 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind Guilty œ250 Fine Not set
Corporal Army 3 REME Sennelager 17-May-17 3 x Possession of a indecent photograph of a child 1 x Possesing an extreme pornographic image Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army ATR Bulford 23-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, Guilty 30 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Colour Serjeant Army 5 Rifles Bulford 24-Feb-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty Reduced to the rank of Serjeant Not set
Trooper Army HCMR Colchester 09-Mar-17 1 x Racially aggravated assault occasioning ABH Guilty Admonished Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 16-May-17 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Fighting Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty œ400 Fine Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army 14 Sig Regt Bulford 06-Jul-17 3 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC Bulford 20-Mar-17 8 x Assault on a male person, 1 x Indecency with a child Guilty 5 Years imprisonment Not set
WO1 Army 23 Para Engineer Colchester 17-May-17 2 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army COSU Ops Wing JLS CYPRUS 10-Feb-17 3 X Battery 1 x Coercive and controlling behaviour Ch 1-3: Guilty. Ch 4: Not Guilty œ2,250 Fine Not set
Trooper Army QRH Sennelager 02-Nov-17 1 x Negligently Performing a Duty Guilty 50 Days detention and œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 1 R Anglian Colchester 18-Jul-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ350 Fine Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 29 CDO Regt RA Bulford 25-Oct-17 Ch 1 & 3: Burglary. Ch 2: Theft. Ch 4 & 5: Fraud by False Representation. Ch 6: Fraud by abuse of Position. Guilty 22 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Colour Sergeant Army 1 ITB Catterick 04-Dec-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Not set Colchester 18-Jan-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 20 WKS GP RE AIR SP Colchester 31-Jan-17 1 x ABH, 1 X Misconduct through alcohol Guilty 6 Month detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Staff Sergent Army MPS Regt MCTC Colchester 11-May-17 1 x Sexual Assault, 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Scots Catterick 03-May-17 1 x Attempted wounding with intent. Substitute charges- 1 X Affray 1 x Offensive weapons Charge 1 Not Guilty. Substitute charges 2 x Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army 1 MI Bn Catterick 29-Mar-17 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army 25 Trg Regt RLC Colchester 04-Apr-17 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 4: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 1-3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty œ100 Fine. Not set
Sergeant Army 2 RGR Colchester 31-Jan-17 2 x Using a False Instrument Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 3 Months detention Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 21 Sig Regt Bulford 14-Sep-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 29-Mar-17 1 x GBH Guilty 11 Months detention and œ4,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sergeant Army 1 RRF Bulford 17-Feb-17 3 x Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty 90 Days detention; reduced to the rank of Corporal and œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Scots Sennelager 10-May-17 1 x GBH Guilty 9 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and 2,832 Euros Service Compensation Order Not set
Ex Gunner Army 1 RHA Bulford 04-Feb-17 1 x Commiting a criminal offence Guilty 4 Months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 Rifles Catterick 07-Dec-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ250 Fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army RLC MOD Leighton House Bulford 14-Dec-17 1 x Fraud Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; reduced to the ranks; 12 month Service Community Order with 50 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Gunner Army 12 Regt RA Bulford 13-Nov-17 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 21 Days detention Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 19-Jul-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 2 PWRR Cyprus 16-Oct-17 3 x Battery Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty Admonished Not set
Lance Corporal Army PRU BFG 18-Jan-17 2 x Voyeurism 1 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army 1 RHA Bulford 22-Jun-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Not Guilty Not set Not set
Captain Army 4 Scots CATTERICK 18-Sep-17 1 x Negligent performance of a duty Guilty Severe reprimand and œ2,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Rifleman Army 4 Rifles Catterick 24-Apr-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Colchester 21-Aug-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 08-Dec-17 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting. Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Bombadier Army 12 Regt RA Bulford 13-Nov-17 1 x Fighting Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Bombardier Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 Ch 1: Failure to perform a duty. Ch 2: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 3: Doing acts intending to pervert the course of justice Guilty 11 Months detention and reduced to the ranks Not set
Major Army National Reserve HQ and HW Woolwich Station Colchester 20-Sep-17 3 x Failing to perform a duty. 1 x Disobediance of a lawful command Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; 12 month Service Community Order with a 30 day Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement Not set
Bombadier Army 4 Regt RA Catterick 10-Jul-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army 6 Bn REME Bulford 13-Jun-17 1 x Rape, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order and 100 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set
Gunner Army 3 RHA Catterick 05-Apr-17 1 x Desertion, 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order and 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 19-Jul-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 32 Engr Regt Catterick 25-Apr-17 1 x Manslaughter 1 x Negligent performing a duty Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 8 Months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months and subject to a curfew requirement Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC Catterick 13-Mar-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: GBH Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 15 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and œ750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army 1 Yorks Bulford 06-Oct-17 1 x ABH Guilty 6 Months detention Not set
Sapper Army 75 Engr Regt BFG 28-Nov-17 Ch 1 & 3 - Battery, Ch 4 - ABH. Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 4 Rifles Colchester 30-Nov-17 1 x GBH Guilty 18 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Rifleman and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Welsh Guards Bulford 13-Sep-17 1 x ABH Guilty Reduced to the rank of Guardsman Not set
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 02-May-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 35 Engr Regt sennelager 24-Jan-17 1 x Battery, 1 x Making a threat to kill Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 17-Mar-17 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service disipline Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order and 100 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set
Kingsman Army 2 LANCS Catterick 23-Oct-17 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 12 Month Service Community Order with 70 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Private Army 3 SCOTS bulford 27-Sep-17 2 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention Not set
Private Army 3 PARA Colchester 13-Jul-17 4 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Staff Sergent Army Global information services Bulford 02-Feb-17 Ch 1-3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order Ch 1-3 Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty Reprimand and œ1000 fine. Not set
Private Army 2 R ANGLIAN Colchester 15-Feb-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Ex Corporal Army 3 CS Med Regt Catterick 18-Sep-17 11 x Possession of extreme pornographic image Ch1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 - 11: Guilty Severe reprimand Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 RIFLES Bulford 28-Jun-17 Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex Lance Corporal Army 4 Rifles Colchester 30-Nov-17 1 x GBH Guilty 16 Months imprisonment; reduced to the rank of Rifleman and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lieutenant Colonel Army Collective Training Group Headquarters Bulford 31-May-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman ARMY 1 IG Colchester 26-Oct-17 3 x AWOL Guilty 18 Days detention Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 19-Jul-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 60 Days detention Not set
Corporal Army 1 RLC Bulford 16-Feb-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ550 Fine Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 2 MERCIAN Catterick 03-Jul-17 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Lancs Portsmouth 22-May-17 2 x Battery 1 x Guilty 1 x Not Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 8 months Not set
Mr Army HQ Bielefeld Station Sennelager 26-Jul-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 7 Coy Coldstream Guards Colchester 14-Dec-17 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army 4 Scots Catterick 17-Jul-17 1 x Negligent performance of a duty Guilty 120 Days detention Not set
Colour Sergent Army 2 PWRR Portsmouth 30-Mar-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Reduced to the rank of Sergeant Not set
Private Army 2 R ANGLIAN Colchester 09-Jun-17 1 x Desertion Guilty 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sapper Army 22 Engr Regt Bulford 24-May-17 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 07-Jul-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Regt RLC Bulford 01-Feb-17 4 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 37 Signal Regiment Bulford 11-Sep-17 4 x Making a False Record Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army BATUS Bulford 25-Oct-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC Bulford 05-Jul-17 3 x AWOL Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty 5 Days detention Not set
Ex Col Army Formerly Dept of CGS JSAU (L) Bulford 26-Jul-17 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army MPGS Chilwell Colchester 06-Apr-17 1 x Theft Guilty 90 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 22 Engr Regt Bulford 25-Oct-17 1 x Theft Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Signaller Army 31 SIGN REGT Colchester 26-Oct-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind Guilty 90 Days detention Not set
Trooper Army HCMR Colchester 20-Sep-17 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
EX Chief Tech Civilian RLO(S) RAF Brize Norton Chelmsford 13-Jan-17 Ch 1 to 9, 15, 17: Indecent Assault on a Man. Ch 10, 11, 12, 14, 16: Incitement to commit indecent conduct towards a Child. Ch 13: Indecency with a child Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17: Guilty. Ch 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16: Not Guilty 5 Years imprisonment* to commence once the offender has served his current sentence of 13 years. Not set
Mr Civilian NAFFI Bulford 27-Jul-17 1 x Arson Guilty 12 Month Overseas Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Mr Civilian RAF Honington Colchester 16-Jan-17 Ch 1- 4 & 6: Indecent Assault on a Man. Ch 5, 7-9: Indecency with a Child Ch 1-4, 6-9: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty 3 years imprisonment Not set
N/A N/A BFC Catterick 12-Oct-17 Ch 2 & 6: Rape. Ch 3 & 7: Sexual activity with a child (joinder trial) Ch 2, 6 & 7: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty Overseas Community Order with a 3 month curfew Not set
N/A N/A HQ BFC Catterick 12-Oct-17 Ch 1 & 4: Rape. Ch 5: Sexual activity with a child (joinder trial) Ch 1 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty 2 years detention in Young Offenders Institute, suspended for 2 years. 2 Years supervision Order with curfew requirement and 150 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Marine Navy Cdo Log Regt Not set 08-Mar-17 1 x ABH Guilty Admonished Not set
Marine Navy 45 CDO RM Not set 12-May-17 1 x ABH Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirementof 160 hours. œ450 Service Compensation Order Not set
SAC RAF RAF Coningsby Bulford 24-May-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Brize Norton Bulford 13-Sep-17 1 x Burglary Guilty 30 Service Supervison and Punishment Order and œ3669.13 Service Compensation Order Not set
SAC RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 23-May-17 Ch 1 - 7: Offering to Supply a controlled drug. Ch 9: Offering to Supply. Ch 10 & 11: Possession of Extreme Pornographic Image Guilty 3 Years and 10 months imprisonment Not set
SAC RAF RAF Coningsby Colchester 29-Mar-17 3 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Waddington Catterick 28-Mar-17 Charge Sheet 1: Ch 1 & 2: Posessed an extreme pornographic image. Charge Sheet 2: Ch 1 to 4: Supplying a Controlled Drug. Ch 5: Possessing a prescription only medicine with intent to supply. Ch 6: Selling a prescription only medicine Guilty 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Akrotiri Bulford 27-Jul-17 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Sergeant RAF RAF Police Colchester 27-Jan-17 9 x Indect assault on a boy Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF AKROTIRI Cyprus/Bulford 06-Jun-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Northolt Colchester 31-Oct-17 3 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Mr RAF RAF Honington Catterick 20-Jan-17 7 X Indecency with a child, 5 x Indecent assault, 1 x Buggary, 1 x Attempted Buggary Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Benson Bulford 28-Feb-17 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal. Not set
SAC RAF RAF Odium Colchester 30-Jan-17 2 x GBH Guilty 12 Month detention and œ4,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Halton Colchester 26-May-17 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 100 Days detention Not set
Ex Junior Technician RAF RAF Wegburg Colchester 09-Mar-17 Ch 1 - 3: Rape. CH 4 & 5: ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Cosford Colchester 07-Nov-17 Ch 1: Sending a malicious communication. Ch 2 & 3: Voyeurism Guilty 36 month Service Community Order, 30 Days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 120 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Coningsby Colchester 27-Feb-17 2 x Theft Guilty œ2,000 Fine Not set
Lance Corporal RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 01-Feb-17 1 x Violent disorder Guilty œ100 Fine Not set
Lance Corporal RAF RAF Honington Catterick 01-Feb-17 1 x Violent disorder Guilty œ100 Fine Not set
SAC RAF TSW Colchester 27-Feb-17 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 2 Years and 6 month imprisonment Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Brize Norton Bulford 09-Nov-17 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 01-Feb-17 1 x Violent disorder Guilty œ100 Fine Not set
SAC RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 01-Feb-17 1 x Violent disorder Guilty œ100 Fine Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Akrotiri Bulford 22-Sep-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Coningsby Catterick 07-Jul-17 3 x Rape Not Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Brize Norton Bulford 13-Oct-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Flight Lieutenant RAF RAF Cosford Colchester 09-Jan-17 1 x Sexual Assault 1 x Disgraceful conduct Guilty 12 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
OCDT RAF RAFC Cranwell Catterick 01-Mar-17 2 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Brize Norton Bulford 10-Nov-17 6 x Theft Guilty 150 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Reduced to the rank of Corporal and a œ3,023 Service Compensation Order Not set
Ex Gp Captain RAF Wyton JSU Colchester 10-Jul-17 Ch 1-3 & 6: Fraud. Ch 4 & 5: Negligent performance of a duty Guilty 22 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 150 Hours unpaid work requirement Not set
SAC RAF RAF Honington Colchester 27-Feb-17 1 x Improper use of public communications network Guilty 28 Days detention Not set
Squadron Leader RAF RCDM Bulford 02-Nov-17 Ch 1 & 2: Making an indecent photgraph of a child. Ch 3 to 17: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Guilty 18 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
SAC RAF RAF Coningby Catterick 05-Apr-17 1 x ABH Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ400 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal RAF JITG Colchester 17-Oct-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
SAC RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 01-Feb-17 1 x Violent disorder Guilty œ100 Fine Not set
Flight Lieutenant RAF Brize Norton Bulford 03-Mar-17 Ch 1 & 2: Making a false statement. Ch 3: Making a false record. Ch 4: Negligently performing a duty Ch 1 - 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Not set
Flight Lieutenant RAF RAF Digby Colchester 04-Dec-17 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Severe reprimand and œ1,800 fine Not set
Ex-Corporal RAF RLO(S) RAF Brize Norton Bulford 19-Jan-17 1 x Indecent Assault on a Man, 1 x Indecency with a Child Not Guilty Not set Not set
Flight Lieutenant RAF RAF Halton Colchester 27-Feb-17 1 x Theft Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Leeming Catterick 06-Feb-17 Ch1: Indecency with a child. Ch2 to 5: Voyeurism. Ch6 to 10: Possession of an indecent image of a child. Guilty 2 Years and 9 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex Corporal RAF RAF Henlow Catterick 12-Jul-17 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty 6 Years imprisonment Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Boulmer Catterick 14-Sep-17 Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2 & 3: Sexual Assault Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty 90 Days detention Not set
Cpl RM Cdo Log Regt Portsmouth 26-Sep-17 10 x Ill Treatment Not Guilty Not set Not set
Cpl RM 45 Cdo RM Portsmouth 01-Dec-17 2 x Ill Treatment Not Guilty Not set Not set
Cpl RM CTCRM Lympstone Portsmouth 01-Dec-17 3 x Ill Treatment Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal RM 45 Cdo RM Portsmouth 09-Mar-17 Ch 1, 5 & 9: Fraud. Ch 2 - 4, 6 - 8 & 10: Using a False Instrument. Guilty 12 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Marine, œ7,443.50 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Royal Marines 42 Cdo RM Portsmouth 27-Jul-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening to Kill Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 13 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, with 100 hours unpaid work requirement Not set
Corporal Royal Navy CTCRM Lympstone Portsmouth 08-Mar-17 1 x ABH Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS SUTHERLAND Portsmouth 21-Nov-17 1 x Criminal Damage Not Guilty Not set Not set
Marine Royal Navy CHFHQ(Sea) Portsmouth 17-Jul-17 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour Not Guilty Not set Not set
Colour Sergeant Royal Navy HMS NEPTUNE Portsmouth 06-Sep-17 1 x Assault occassioning actual bodily harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 09-Mar-17 1 X Battery Guilty œ700 Fine Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS CATTISTOCK Portsmouth 10-Jan-17 1 x ABH Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS SCOTT Portsmouth 06-Oct-17 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty Not Guilty Not set Not set
PO(MW) Royal Navy COMFASFLOT Portsmouth 29-Mar-17 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months, reduced in rank to Leading Hand and pay a œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sergeant Royal Navy HMS EXCELLENT Portsmouth 07-Jun-17 1 x Failing to Perform a Duty Not Guilty Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Daring Portsmouth 20-Jul-17 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Guilty 120 Days detention, reduced to the rank of Leading Hand and pay a œ250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM Portsmouth 03-Jul-17 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Navy RM Poole Portsmouth 29-Mar-17 4 x Theft Guilty 6 Months detention, œ5,943.59 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex Able Rate Royal Navy HMS NELSON Portsmouth 14-Jul-17 12 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty œ613.55 Service Compensation Order and Admonished Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS VICTORIOUS Portsmouth 10-May-17 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Navy Cdo Log Regt Portsmouth 27-Mar-17 1 x ABH Guilty 120 Days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS DUNCAN Portsmouth 24-Oct-17 2 x Disclosing sexual photographs with the intention to cause distress Guilty 28 Days detention Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS SEAHAWK Portsmouth 17-Mar-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Heron Portsmouth 07-Sep-17 1 x Battery Guilty Reprimand and œ700 fine Not set
Marine Royal Navy HMS NELSON Portsmouth 06-Sep-17 2 x Theft Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy HMS SEAHAWK Portsmouth 07-Apr-17 3 x Making a False Record Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS OCEAN Portsmouth 12-Jul-17 Ch 1 & 4 - Using Threatening behaviour, Ch 2,3 & 5 - Battery. Ch 1, 3 & 4 : Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 5: Guilty 10 Months detention Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS IRON DUKE Portsmouth 14-Jul-17 Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour causing fear of violence. Ch 2-4: Racially aggravated harassment Ch 1,2 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty œ2,000 Fine Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 10-Jan-17 1 x ABH Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 2 years. œ1,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Royal Navy CTCRM Lympstone Portsmouth 17-Jul-17 1 x Battery Guilty œ1,000 Fine Not set
Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy FOST(S) Portsmouth 09-Feb-17 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Marine Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM Portsmouth 09-Mar-17 Ch 1 - Unlawful wounding, Ch 2 - Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 15 Months detention, œ500 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Marine Royal Navy Cdo Log Regt Portsmouth 19-Jan-17 Ch 1 & 2: Supply of a controlled drug. Ch 3, 5, 7 & 9: Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply. Ch 4, 6, 8 & 10: Possesing a controlled drug Ch 1,2,4,6,7,10: Guilty. Ch 3,5, 8 & 9: Not Guilty 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
LLOGS Royal Navy HMS SOMERSET Portsmouth 07-Mar-17 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: GBH Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Admonished Not set
Ex Marine Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM Portsmouth 24-Nov-17 Ch 1: Wounding with Intent. Ch 2: Unlawful Wounding. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 5: Common Assault. Ch 1, 2 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 3 & 5: Guilty 2 Year Service Community Order, with 150 unpaid work requirement Not set
LET(WE) Royal Navy HMS SUTHERLAND Portsmouth 06-Apr-17 1 x Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 21 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 13-Jul-17 Ch 1: Disobedience of a Lawful Command. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Admonished Not set
Sub Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS DIAMOND Portsmouth 25-Jul-17 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy Cdo Log Regt Portsmouth 23-Nov-17 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind Guilty œ3,500 Fine Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS EXCELLENT Portsmouth 05-Sep-17 2 x Using Disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Guilty œ500 Fine Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS TORBAY Portsmouth 15-Feb-17 1 x Failing to attend for a duty Guilty œ450 Fine Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS AUDACIOUS Portsmouth 09-Mar-17 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 5 Days restriction of privilages Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS NELSON Portsmouth 09-Mar-17 1 X Battery Guilty œ350 Fine Not set
Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS COLLINGWOOD Portsmouth 13-Jul-17 2 x Making a False Record Guilty Admonished Not set
LET(WE) Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 11-Jan-17 1 x Fighting Guilty Admonished Not set
Lt RN Royal Navy Abbey Wood Portsmouth 14-Jun-17 3 x Rape; 1 x Assault by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set
POWS(SSM) Royal Navy HMS ASTUTE Portsmouth 30-Mar-17 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS DUNCAN Portsmouth 16-Mar-17 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Using Violence against a superior officer Ch 1: Not guilty by direction. Ch 2: Not guilty œ750 Fine Not set
Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy HQBF Gibraltar Portsmouth 05-Sep-17 Ch 1: Harrassment. Ch 2: Disobedience of a lawful command Guilty Forfeit of 2 years seniority Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS EXCELLENT Portsmouth 20-Jul-17 1 x Theft Guilty 18 Months detention; œ28,430 Service Compensation Order and reduced to the ranks Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy RAF Waddington Portsmouth 10-Feb-17 2 x Fraud Guilty Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement; œ2,684 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 03-Nov-17 1 x GBH Guilty 12 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 150 unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS TRENCHANT Portsmouth 17-Mar-17 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. œ2,000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Warrant Officer 1 Royal Navy Defence Diving School Colchester 15-Feb-17 3 x Sexual Assault 2x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty 9 Months imprisonment and dimissed from Her Majesty's Service with disgrace Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS COLLINGWOOD Portsmouth 27-Jul-17 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ500 Fine Not set