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DfT’s permanent secretaries’ meetings, January to March 2019

Updated 21 June 2019
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-07 Mary Grant Discuss rolling stock issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-10 Claire Haigh To discuss sustainabilty issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-14 Dev Amratia Introductory meeting
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-22 Transport for London Regular catch-up with Mike Brown, Commissioner for TfL, covering London transport issues.
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-23 Ron Barclay-Smith - British Transport Police Authority Introductory meeting with new Chair of British Transport Police
Bernadette Kelly 2019-01-24 Mass Transit Railway Regular meeting with Jeremy Long, CEO of European Business, to discuss rail franchising
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-05 Transport for London Telephone call with Mike Brown, Commissioner for TfL to discuss TfL issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-06 Arriva Regular catch-up with Chris Burchell, to discuss rail franchising and bus market issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-07 Crossrail Site visit to Crossrail
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-08 Transport for London & Crossrail Discuss CEO leadership
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-13 SNCF Meeting with Guillaume Pepy, SNCF President, to discuss international rail and rail franchising matters.
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-15 Network Rail Regular catch-up with Bridget Rosewell, non-executive Director of Network Rail, on Network Rail governance issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-02-26 Infrastructure and Projects Authority To discuss major projects
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-18 Capita Meeting to discuss clean air zones and ALB
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-20 Transport Systems Catapult To discuss Transport innovationand future of mobility
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-21 Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee To discuss Transport accessibility issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-22 Whitehall Industry Group Intro to new WIG CEO
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-26 Transport for London & Crossrail Discussion on TfL and Crossrail issues
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-28 Crossrail Attendance at the Crossrail Ltd Board meeting