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DfT’s senior officials’ expenses, January to March 2019

Updated 21 June 2019
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Senior Officials Name Start date of trip Duration of Visit (Days) Destination Purpose of trip Mode of transport Class of travel Accomodation/Meals Other (including hospitality given) Cost of Travel Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£) Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car
Alan Over 2019-01-29 2 Birmingham Joint Department for Transport and High Speed Two Limited Senior Team Meeting Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £123.10 £123.10 NIL RETURN
Alan Over 2019-02-19 1 Birmingham Meetings with High Speed Two Limited Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £90.25 £90.25 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-01-02 2 Ben Rhydding Providing Director General Cover National Rail Uk NIL NIL NIL £105.00 £105.00 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-01-07 1 Paris, France External visit to Paris, Brexit related Eurostar UK NIL £7.34 NIL £314.08 £321.42 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-01-09 1 Dover Priory Port of Dover Site Visit Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £33.90 £33.90 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-01-13 2 Brussels, Belgium Brexit negotiations in Brussels Air/Eurostar/Underground ECONOMY £374.55 5.45 £591.67 £971.67 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-01-30 2 Madrid, Spain Brexit negotiations in Mardrid Air ECONOMY £168.97 NIL £467.04 £636.01 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-02-05 2 Dorking HDPS Session Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £18.40 £9.20 NIL RETURN
Benjamin Rimmington 2019-02-12 2 Warsaw, Poland Brexit Negotiations in Warsaw Air ECONOMY 500.92 NIL £91.10 £592.02 NIL RETURN
Bernadette Kelly 2019-03-13 2 Birmingham Speaking at the Women in leadership event Train STANDARD £110.00 NIL £88.50 £88.50 NIL RETURN
Caroline Botwood 2019-01-29 2 Birminham Joint DfT/HS2 Ltd Senior Team Session with DG, Directors and HS2 Rail STANDARD 100 NIL £207.70 £307.70 NIL RETURN
Caroline Low 2019-01-17 1 Gerrard Cross Meering with Heathrow Strategic Planning Group Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £17.70 £17.70 NIL RETURN
Cavendish Elithorn 2019-01-03 1 Bedford CENTRAL SECTION SITE VISIT Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £54.60 £54.60 NIL RETURN
Cavendish Elithorn 2019-01-10 1 Oxford MAJOR PROJECT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY COHORT 22 Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £25.90 £25.90 NIL RETURN
Cavendish Elithorn 2019-01-18 1 Leatherhead MEETING WITH COAST TO CAPITAL CHAIR Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £11.60 £11.60 NIL RETURN
Cavendish Elithorn 2019-03-11 5 Oxford MAJOR PROJECT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY COHORT 22 Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £40.85 £40.85 NIL RETURN
Christina Duncan 2019-03-07 1 Reading HR EXECUTIVE AWAY DAY Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £49.20 £49.20 NIL RETURN
Clive Maxwell 2019-01-17 1 Birmingham MEETING WITH HS2 LTD - Return Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £117.35 £117.35 NIL RETURN
Clive Maxwell 2019-01-29 2 Birmingham HS2 LTD BOARD AND MEETINGS Rail STANDARD £215.40 NIL £75.50 £290.90 NIL RETURN
Clive Maxwell 2019-02-27 1 Birmingham HS2 LTD BOARD Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £178.00 £178.00 NIL RETURN
Clive Maxwell 2019-03-27 1 Birmingham HS2 LTD BOARD Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £104.85 £104.85 NIL RETURN
Conrad Bailey 2019-02-07 1 Settle Site Visit to Tarmac Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £164.50 £164.50 NIL RETURN
Conrad Bailey 2019-03-08 1 York East Coast Partnership Working Group Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £186.00 £186.00 NIL RETURN
Daniel Micklethwaite 2019-03-26 Unknown Paris, France MEETING WITH EXTERNAL BODIES Eurostar STANDARD NIL NIL £338.00 £338.00 NIL RETURN
Graham Pendlebury 2019-02-22 1 Battle working at DfT office in Hastings Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £60.20 £60.20 NIL RETURN
Graham Pendlebury 2019-03-29 1 Grantham Board meeting of Greater Lincolnshire LEP Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £76.00 £76.00 NIL RETURN
Ilona Blue 2019-01-10 1 Southampton Chairing the Future of Shared Services Programme Board Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £73.50 £73.50 NIL RETURN
Ilona Blue 2019-01-22 2 Liverpool Lime Street Annual Government Finance Conference Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £168.00 £168.00 NIL RETURN
John Parkinson 2019-02-14 2 Brussels, Belgium Transport meeting at UKREP Eurostar STANDARD £169.69 NIL £185.86 £355.47 NIL RETURN
John Parkinson 2019-03-28 2 Paris, France TMB meeting at ITF Eurostar STANDARD £54.61 NIL £503.32 £557.93 NIL RETURN
Lucy Chadwick 2019-01-30 1 Waterloo Airline Operators Association Dinner Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £16.00 £16.00 NIL RETURN
Lucy Chadwick 2019-01-31 1 London EU EXIT PLANNING meeting to Senior Management Group Event Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £10.00 £10.00 NIL RETURN
Matthew Lodge 2019-02-21 1 Reading Great Western Programme Board Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £20.70 £20.70 NIL RETURN
Matthew Lodge 2019-03-01 1 London IEP 9 Car Acceptance - QTA Sign off Regular Taxi NIL NIL NIL £41.80 £41.80 NIL RETURN
Matthew Lodge 2019-03-04 1 Heathrow Heathrow Visit to T5 Terminal and Rail Box Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £18.60 £18.60 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-01-21 1 Manchester Meeting: Transport for the North & Manchester local authorities Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £85.80 £85.80 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-01-29 1 Birmingham Joint DfT / HS2 Ltd Senior team session (booked by DG office) Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £118.70 £118.70 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-02-05 1 Manchester Booked in error unable to obtain a refund for outbound as time has passed Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £148.00 £148.00 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-02-07 2 Manchester Transport for the North Board Rail STANDARD £85.00 NIL £408.80 £493.80 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-02-11 1 Birmingham Meetings: HS2 Ltd Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £47.30 £47.30 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-02-18 1 Leeds Meetings: Transport for the North, Chambers of Commerce Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £140.75 £140.75 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-03-04 1 Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy, Cambridge Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £50.20 £50.20 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-03-15 1 Southampton Southampton University (Engineering Dept) Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £37.50 £37.50 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-03-25 1 Manchester Meetings: Transport for the North, Manchester local authorites, Manchester Airport Group Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £89.60 £89.60 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-03-26 1 Crewe Meeting: Transport for the North, Manchester local authorities Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £132.50 £132.50 NIL RETURN
Nick Bisson 2019-01-03 1 Manchester Meetings: Transport for the North, Manchester local authorities Rail Hotel £52.50 NIL NIL £52.50 NIL RETURN
Nick Joyce 2019-01-21 1 Liverpool Lime Street 2019 GOVERNMENT FINANCE FUCTION EVENT Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £193.50 £193.50 NIL RETURN
Patricia Hayes 2019-02-07 1 Chester TRANSPORT FOR THE NORTH PARTNERSHIP BOARD Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £164.30 £164.30 NIL RETURN
Patricia Hayes 2019-02-20 1 Birmingham MIDLANDS CONNECT STRATEGIC BOARD Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £122.00 £122.00 NIL RETURN
Patricia Hayes 2019-03-08 1 Cambridge CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - POLICY LEADERS EVENT Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £44.10 £44.10 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-01-23 2 Swansea Day 1 – DVLA , Audit Risk Committee Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £70.00 £70.00 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-01-24 Not set Totnes Day 2 - Heads of Procurement Board Meeting. ( DFT, ALB’S, Agencies) Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £78.60 £78.60 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-01-18 1 Totnes Cabinet Office – Contingency Planning Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £56.60 £56.60 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-02-26 2 Leeds Day 1 Cabinet Office (Commercial Function Leadership Group) Meeting Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £29.00 £29.00 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-02-27 Not set Exeter Day 2 Government Commercial Organisation Conference Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £157.85 £157.85 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-03-21 1 Birmingham Heads of Procurement Board Meeting (DfT, ALB’s, Agencies) Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £63.00 £63.00 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-01-23 1 Swansea DVLA (As above) Hotel Hotel £89.00 NIL NIL £89.00 NIL RETURN
Paul Rodgers 2019-02-26 1 Leeds Government Commercial Organisation (as above) Hotel Hotel £80.00 NIL NIL £80.00 NIL RETURN
Peter Wilkinson 2019-01-22 2 Leeds Naming & Unveiling of Leeds-Morecambe Community Rail Partnership and Northern Rail Dementia Friendly Project & Paul Salveson, Group Adviser Community Rail Rail STANDARD £87.50 £105.00 £245.00 £437.50 NIL RETURN
Peter Wilkinson 2019-03-14 1 York MEETING WITH NORTHERN RAIL Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £186.00 £186.00 NIL RETURN
Polly Payne 2019-01-17 1 Derby Rail Supply Chain Visit hosted by Midland Rail Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £160.50 £160.50 NIL RETURN
Polly Payne 2019-02-06 1 Chippenham Visit to Chippenham factory hosted by Siemens Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £133.10 £133.10 NIL RETURN
Polly Payne 2019-03-15 1 Swindon GWR (Great Western Railway) Women in Rail International Women's Day event - Polly to speak at event Rail & Taxi STANDARD NIL NIL £35.80 £35.80 NIL RETURN
Ruth Hannant 2019-03-15 1 Ipswich Training Course - Ruth on Whitehall Industry Exchange 2019 Module 2 Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £124.60 £124.60 NIL RETURN
Ruth Hannant 2019-03-29 1 Manchester Site Visit with Network Rail Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £246.50 £246.50 NIL RETURN
Richard Bruce 2019-01-17 1 Battle Visit to Ashdown House Hastings to meet DfT staff Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £83.80 £83.80 NIL RETURN
Richard Bruce 2019-03-14 1 Battle Visit to Ashdown House Hastings to meet DfT staff Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £62.80 £62.80 NIL RETURN
Roger Hargreaves 2019-02-04 1 Hilton, Park Lane, London Taxi to Chamber of Shipping annual dinner Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £22.00 £22.00 NIL RETURN
Roger Hargreaves 2019-01-24 1 London Travel from DfT to NAO offices Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £6.80 £6.80 NIL RETURN
Roger Hargreaves 2019-01-04 1 Sutton Taxi after last train Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £10.80 £10.80 NIL RETURN
Roger Hargreaves 2019-01-03 1 Cheam Taxi after last train Black Cab NIL NIL NIL £10.00 £10.00 NIL RETURN
Rosalind Wall 2019-02-26 1 Nuneton Travel to and from the VCA board Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £126.25 £126.25 NIL RETURN
Rosalind Wall 2019-02-27 2 Swansea DVLA Board Rail STANDARD £87 NIL £177.60 £264.60 NIL RETURN
Sacha Hatteea 2019-01-15 4 Rugby, York, Manchester To chair programme boards, conduct site visits & meet key personnel Rail STANDARD 257.04 Not set £168.95 £425.99 NIL RETURN
Sacha Hatteea 2019-02-27 1 Manchester To chair the North of England Programme Board Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £192.80 £192.80 NIL RETURN
Sacha Hatteea 2019-03-13 1 York To chair the Midland Mainline & East Coast Mainline Programme Boards & to meet with key NR personnel Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £141.25 £141.25 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-01-09 1 Manchester Trip to Manchester to visit International Depot with Transpennine Express Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £238.40 £238.40 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-01-16 3 York Travel to York for MML & East Coast MainLine ,Programme Boards, East of England Programme Board, Northern Connect and Board Meeting Rail STANDARD £149.80 NIL £201.30 £351.10 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-01-22 2 Lincoln, Leeds Travel to Lincoln for EMT Site Visit & Rail North Partnership Board Rail STANDARD £109.40 NIL £165.50 £274.90 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-02-05 2 York Travel to York for regular meeting with Northern Rail Rail STANDARD £100.90 NIL £141.25 £242.15 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-02-07 1 Chester Rail North Committee Rail STANDARD £11.00 NIL £142.80 £153.80 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-02-13 1 London Zone 1-6 Attended a Programme and Procurement Excellence Event at Marble Arch Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £13.10 £13.10 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-02-27 1 Manchester Travel to Manchester and back for North of England Programme Board Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £219.80 £219.80 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-03-13 1 York MML & East Coast Mainline Programme Boards Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £189.25 £189.25 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-03-14 2 Edinburgh, Glasgow Travel to Edinburgh for meeting with Bill Reeve Transport Scotland Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £188.85 £188.85 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-03-19 1 Leeds Rail North Partnership Board Meeting Rail STANDARD £184.50 NIL £298.50 £483.00 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-03-29 1 Manchester Site Visit Newton Heath Depot Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £114.00 £114.00 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-04-01 2 Leeds Rail North Committee Rail STANDARD £162.50 NIL £132.50 £295.00 NIL RETURN
Samuel Caughey 2019-04-03 1 Manchester, Birmingham Meeting with Leo Goodwin TPE Manchester & Malcolm Holmes WMRE Birmingham Rail STANDARD £85.00 NIL £261.30 £346.30 NIL RETURN
Simon Smith 2019-01-29 1 Cambridge Graduate recruitment event Cambridge Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £41.20 £41.20 NIL RETURN
Suzanne Edmond 08-Mar-19 1 Bristol Meeting with DVSA Communications team Rail & Taxi STANDARD NIL NIL £174.70 £174.70 NIL RETURN
Suzanne Edmond 15-Mar-19 1 Southampton Meeting with MCA Communications team Rail STANDARD NIL NIL £43.10 £43.10 NIL RETURN