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DWP's exceptions to spending controls: consultancy April to June 2018
Updated 7 June 2019
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Reference Number | Case Name | Case Description | Department | ALB | Lead Control | Controls Entry Stage | Total value approved (Revised value) | Decision | Decision Sent to Department |
Apr 18 - 09 - CS | Consultancy Support for Future Operating Model design sprints. | Consultancy to support and deliver transformation design sprints as part of finance transformation. DWP's Finance Group’s transformation programme is utilising a ‘design sprint’ approach to develop a more detailed organisational design for some of the key functions within it’s Future Operating Model. The sprints will be focussed agile reviews of DWP's Global Finance Processes and bring together expertise from across DWP and, where appropriate, from wider government and the private sector to challenge how DWP conduct activity. The sprints will also seek opportunities to transform and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DWP financial processes. | DWP | Not set | Consultancy | CCLAB & Ministerial | £420,000 | Approved | 18/06/2018 |