Transparency data

Rt Hon Theresa May MP overseas travel, October to December 2018

Updated 22 March 2019
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Minister Date(s) of trip Destination Purpose of trip Mode of transport Cost of private jet or RAF plane hire, if relevant (œ) Number of officials who accompanied minister if non-scheduled travel was used Accompanied by spouse, family member(s) or friend at public expense? Total cost (for minister only) including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc (œ)
The Rt Hon Theresa May MP Prime Minister 2018/10-17 - 2018-10-19 Brussels, Belgium To attend the EU Council and Asia - Europe Summit No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ7,134.71 12 No œ7,134.71
Not set 2018-10-29 Oslo, Norway To attend the Northern Futures Forum No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ9,808.16 12 No œ10,265.33
Not set 2018-11-8 - 2018-11-9 Brussels, Belgium Albert, France To attend a NATO dinner To attend Armistice Day engagements No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ8,085.60 13 No œ8,085.60
Not set 2018-11-21 Brussels, Belgium To hold bilateral talks with EU leaders No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ2,330.83 10 No œ2,330.83
Not set 2018-11-24 Brussels, Belgium To attend the EU Council No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ6,727.65 15 No œ6,727.65
Not set 2018-11-29 - 2018-12-2 Buenos Aires, Argentina To attend the G20 Summit No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ490,767.44 14 No œ493,994.67
Not set 2018-12-11 - 2018-12-12 The Hague, Netherlands Berlin, Germany Brussels, Belgium To hold bilateral talks No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ8,216.46 11 No œ9,962.53
Not set 2018-12-13 - 2018-12-14 Brussels, Belgium To attend the EU Council No 32 (The Royal) Squadron œ2,527.88 13 No œ2,527.88