Transparency data
Home Office’s exceptions to spending controls: information communications technology July to September 2017
Updated 25 October 2018
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Department | Organisation Name | HMG Ref Number | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of approval |
HO | Not set | HMG1410b | Digital Right to Work checking service. | The first service being delivered by the Status Checking project is a digital Right to Work service – enabling migrant job applicants to view their own right to work status and share this securely with employers and recruiters. The service will initially be available for Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) holders, but will thereafter be expanded to other cohorts and document types. The service will additionally act as a proof of concept for other digital, automated status checking services, such as Right to Rent. | £599,916 | 04/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1701ha | National Law Enforcement Data Programme (NLEDP) - DOS procurement for the Application Development Service (formerly referred to as Build Partner) requirement. | Returning for approval as per previous condition. (HMG1701h approved a staged release of the funds so the department can spend up to £1.4m out of a total project spend of £12m, to allow them to proceed to alpha for 4 months before returning to CO to seek further approval to continue their activity.) | £2,525,000 | 11/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1701k | National Law Enforcement Data Programme (NLEDP) - G-Cloud contract for the Client Side Delivery Partner. | Following G-Cloud procurement in May/June 2016, HO awarded a contract to BAE Systems for 2yrs: 1/08/16 to 31/07/18. CO approval for £5m spend was granted under the 16/17 PBC approved by the MCO on 21/12/16; this was used up by 17/04/17. HMG1701g granted £2.54m interim approval until 30/06/17. Now returning for 1 month's interim approval of £1.123m for July 2017. Bringing total to >£10m. | £1,123,000 | 11/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG3371a | New General Aviation Report (GAR)Alpha development and release | Implementation and development (Inception, Alpha, Private Beta) of the electronic General Aviation reporting service to allow the electronic submission of General Aviation reports. | £787,726.00 | 11/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG3575 | Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority. Licensing Software Replacement Project | The project will replace the existing licensing system with a modern system that will include the flexibility required to meet expected future legislative requirements. The GLAA requires approval for moving from discovery to development following completion of a procurement exercise. Retrospective approval for discovery and approval to move to Alpha development. | £172,000 | 11/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG816g | Home Office Atlas Caseworking (Contract Extension) | The existing contract expires July 2017. Extension request required for 6 months from August 2017 to January 2018. The existing contract term expired July 2017. Extension request was required for 6 months from August 2017 to January 2018. | £6,200,000 | 25/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG816i | Digital Customer Journey - Access UK (Immigration Development) Deloitte Extension | The Digital Customer Journey contract for the customer-facing Access UK portal was due to expire on August 5th 2017. HO sought approval for £5.9M to award a replacement contract to provide up to 9 months continuity and transition support whilst Home Office undertook a procurement for a longer term replacement via a CCS Framework agreement. | £5,950,000 | 25/07/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1701hb | National Law Enforcement Data Programme (NLEDP) - DOS procurement for the Application Development Service spend approval for August | Returning for approval as per previous condition. (HMG1701h approved a staged release of the funds so the department can spend up to £1.318m to 31/08/17 out of a total project spend of £12m, to allow them to continue their alpha work before returning to CO to seek further approval to continue their activity.) | £1,318,000 | 10/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1490c | Home Office Data Analytics Capability (HODAC) Programme transition to live | We are in a Beta phase, and are seeking approval for programme closure and transition to Live in the next FY. HODAC as a programme is closing and transitioning to the Data Analytics Competency Centre is near completion. It is in a Beta phase at present and transitioning to live in 2018/19. | £26,700,000 | 11/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG3926 | ASPeL new 1 year contract (for delivery end August 2017) | This document seeks approval for the spend for a new contract with the current supplier for managed service and hosting for 1 year. Business continuity is essential while a replacement system is built. ASPeL is a complex bespoke e-licensing system which cannot be passed to another supplier to host and manage the service for the 1 year contract. The system would have to be rebuilt and the data migrated in an impossibly short time. This spend gives us sufficient time to design, build, test and deploy a solution that meets the Government Service Standard and provides good value for money. | £241,818 | 14/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG2436a | Digital Application Processing (DAP) | Digital Everywhere (DEW) was a key delivery vehicle for HMPO transformation. HO have subsequently further refined and focused portfolio and project structure and scope. Passport exemplar continues as the vehicle for the customer-facing aspects, & HO will ensure integration with this as part of the overall service design. This Spend Control is looking to build on existing business approval to proceed from DAP Discovery and the engagement of a multi-disciplinary project team into Alpha and Beta in order to deliver services as part of a wider programme of transformation of our passport business. | £19,894,000 | 18/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG816h | Home Office Atlas Caseworking | Caseworking is a major agile project with the goal of building a new extensible and reusable framework to meet the needs of caseworkers processing immigration and asylum claims within UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). As a result of delivering the framework a number of business critical legacy systems will be replaced. Atlas Caseworking is a major agile project with the goal of building a new, extensible, and reusable framework to meet the end-to-end needs of caseworkers processing immigration and asylum claims within UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and Immigration Enforcement (IE). As a result of delivering the framework, a number of business critical legacy systems will be replaced. Additionally, the framework will facilitate UKVI & IE business transformation by increasing automation, reducing handling costs, improving speed of processing and increasing the reliability of service. | £18,480,000 | 19/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG816k | Home Office Client Side Programme Partner | The Immigration Technology Portfolio has a requirement for a partner to provide large scale IT programme and project delivery expertise and guidance. HO sought budget approval for re-procurement of the Client Side Programme Partner service. | £10,000,000 | 23/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1701j | National Law Enforcement Data Programme (NLEDP) Business Case | NLEDP 17/18 PBC approved by Cabinet Office on 10/08/17, for the period to 31 March 2018, at a value of £34.7m within an overall value of £115.5m (over 4 years). | £34,700,000 | 24/08/2017 |
HO | Not set | HMG1701ka | National Law Enforcement Data Programme (NLEDP) - G-Cloud contract for the Client Side Delivery Partner | RETROSPECTIVE A further request is submitted covering the period from August 2017 onward. If HO expects the overall spend on BAE services through this framework to exceed £10m, then this should include a request for retrospective approval of the commercial arrangements | £5,337,000 | 14/09/2017 |