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Commercial: DFID's exceptions to spending controls July to September 2017
Updated 25 October 2018
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DFID cost controls (commercial) quarter 2, July to September 2017 | |||||
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Department | HMG Ref Number. | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of approval |
DFID | HMG3701 | Green Economic Growth for Papua | To promote low-carbon enterprises to demonstrate viable economic alternatives to deforestation in Papua. | £11,507,314 | 10/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3811 | Work and Opportunities for Women | This new women's economic empowerment programme will work in partnership with global and British business to improve women's access to economic opportunities in supply chains, enable DFID and UK economic development investments to deliver better economic outcomes for women, and support the UK response to recommendations for action from the UN High Level Panel for Women's Economic Empowerment | £10,212,680 | 19/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3814 | Support to Reaching All Children through Education II (RACE II) Formal Education Programme (SR2) - Technical Assistance | To support the Government of Lebanon's Reaching All Children with Education in Lebanon II through financing the delivery of formal education for Lebanese and refugee children aged 3-18 in Lebanon. To support the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education to strengthen their national education system and improve the quality and equity of education, including strategic technical assistance | £5,800,000 | 19/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3810 | DfID - General Economic Framework Agreement and Specialist Economic Framework Agreement | Two frameworks for the procurement of International Development Economic Development technical assistance in the following sectors - Growth, Institutions and Inclusion, Trade and Regional Integration, Markets and Productive Sectors, Manufacturing and Industrial Development, Agricultural Market Development, Business Services and other Service Sectors Development, Infrastructure and Urban Development | £10,000,000 | 20/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3850 | Wealth Creation Framework (Extension request) | This framework is for the procurement of International Development Economic Development technical assistance in the following sectors - Growth, Institutions and Inclusion, Trade and Regional Integration, Markets and Productive Sectors, Manufacturing and Industrial Development, Agricultural Market Development, Business Services and other Service Sectors Development, etc. | £10,000,000 | 20/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3851 | Nepal Skills for Employment Programme (SEP) | Provision of skills training and migration support in Nepal, including Technical Assistance, M&E and Challenge Fund management. | £17,000,000 | 25/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3859 | Nepal Climate Smart/Urban Development Programme | This programme will strengthen disaster resilience in Nepal, particularly to earthquakes. It will work with disaster prone urban centres to build and plan more safely; support the strengthening of critical public infrastructure to earthquakes; work to strengthen national capacity to respond to natural disasters and ensure that the international community is also prepared for large-scale emergency | £22,500,000 | 25/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3860 | Support to the Moderate Education Directorates for Teacher Stipends and Set Rates | The programme is currently paying a stipend of $100 per school staff member per month in Aleppo and Idlib, as well as set rates for education officials at various rates. | £10,700,000 | 25/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3883 | Punjab Education Sector Programme II | The Punjab Education Sector Programme (PESP 2) will build on the UK's previous support to the Government of Punjab (GoPb), to reform and transform delivery of education in Punjab. It will complement the UK-supported Punjab Education Reform Roadmap. | £8,500,000 | 25/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3928 | GIRLS EDUCATION CHALLENGE | Fund Manager for the Girls Education Challenge Programme. Increase for Fund Manager's Fees & Expenses and does not include the project Grant Fund envelope. | £19,300,000 | 28/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3874 | Subsidised Temporary Employment Programme (STEP) | DFID is procuring a Service Provider to implement a £15 million intervention in Lebanon which aims to incentivise SMEs to expand production and create new jobs for low-skilled Lebanese workers as well as temporary jobs for Syrian Refugees. | £14,074,196 | 31/07/2017 |
DFID | HMG3898 | Programme addressing unsafe irregular Migration Through and From Ethiopia | To improve the quality of life and reduce vulnerability of refugees, host communities and migrants in underdeveloped, peripheral regions of Ethiopia. | £21,000,000 | 21/08/2017 |
DFID | HMG3892 | Service Provider for implementing DFID Nepal Safer Schools Project | Technical Assistance. The Nepal Safer Schools Project will have three main results areas in line with the Government of Nepal's commitments on safer schools in the School Sector Development Plan and Comprehensive School Safety Framework | £12,000,000 | 01/09/2017 |
DFID | HMG3991 | Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning (SESIL) | Technical Assistance to improve learning outcomes for all girls and boys through an effective and accountable education system. Support will be directed mainly at primary education but there will be some support for improved pre-primary and secondary education, including through Public Private Partnerships. The programme will ensure that at least 325,000 children (half of whom are girls) are supported to gain a decent education and so contribute to Global Goal 4 on education. | £33,000,000 | 19/09/2017 |
DFID | HMG4030 | Improving Market Systems for Agriculture in Rwanda (IMSAR) | DFID wish to contract a Service Provider to complete the following components: Component 1: will provide market development services that will hire experts to identify market failures and design and establish interventions to overcome them. Component 2 will provide short/medium term grant finance to private sector companies. | £13,500,000 | 26/09/2017 |
DFID | HMG3885 | Sustaining and Accelerating Primary Health in Ethiopia (SAPHE) | A Technical Service Provider to work with the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia and its directorates and agencies, in particular with the Office of the Health Minister (HM), Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA), Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency (PFSA), the Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency (EHIA), Financing and Resource Mobilization Directorate. | £10,000,000 | 26/09/2017 |