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DWP's special advisers' meetings, Apr to Jun 2018

Updated 18 October 2018
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Alex Hitchcock NIL NIL NIL Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 HMA Egypt Aviation Security Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16
Sophie Dean NIL NIL NIL Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16 UKBSC Animals in Science Ben Wallace 10-Jan-16
Jean-Andre Prager NIL NIL NIL Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16 Louise Ellman CF Bill Ben Wallace 25-Jan-16
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16 Ship Security International and Charlie Elphicke Security Industry Engagement Ben Wallace 31-Jan-16