Transparency data
FCO’s exceptions to spending controls: information communications technology January to March 2018
Updated 25 October 2018
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HMG Ref Number | Department | Project Name | Case Description | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of Approval |
HMG2072a | FCO | Oracle Software Support & Maintenance 2018/19 | e-Business Suite software required for the FCO Enterprise Resource Planning system Prism used for the FCO and 1HMG Global. | £2,124,000 | 26/02/2018 |
HMG4068a | FCO | Re-procurement of the FCO's HR appointments system for Locally Engaged jobs worldwide | G-Cloud procurement for the FCO's online Local Staff Job applications system that will support up to 250,000 applications on an annual basis. This procurement follows a one year extension with the current incumbent (WCN) from Nov 17- Oct 18. | £280,000 | 23/03/2018 |
HMG4250a | FCO | SIAM provision for FCO IT management | We have FInal Business Case (FBC) approved by FCO Investment Committee (IIOC). This paper requests approval to continue to contract signature based on BAe's December 2017 pricing. | £23,720,000 | 09/02/2018 |