Transparency data
FCO’s exceptions to spending controls: information communications technology July to September 2017
Updated 25 October 2018
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Department | Organisation Name | HMG Ref Number | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of approval |
FCO | Not set | HMG2188b | Renewal of Cap Gemini ERP (Prism) Support Contract (OBC) | Procurement for ERP System support, integration and management services. Includes an ERP 2nd and 3rd Line Support (Helpdesk), IT Security services, Project services and Management Information services. Most of these will need to be performed on-site -FCO premises. There are no (no) new systems builds. Intention is to ensure business continuity critical service for 2 years to allow transition. | £4,600,000.00 | 11/07/2017 |
FCO | Not set | HMG1790a | FCO Emergency Travel Document Improvement Project | FCO is seeking approval at SOBC stage to spend £2.78m out of £2.78m over 5 years with various suppliers to improve various aspects of the ETD programme, including photo upload process, linking in with legacy systems and some other improvements. | £2,792,600.00 | 03/08/2017 |
FCO | Not set | HMG3866 | Future Prism - Cloud Readiness Assessment (OBC) | FCO is seeking approval at OBC stage to spend £1m out of £48m over 1 years to analyse the existing 'as is' system within the FCO and to identify the steps and actions the FCO must take to implement a new ERP Cloud based solution. | £1,000,000.00 | 15/08/2017 |
FCO | Not set | HMG4068 | Renewal of contract with WCN (World Careers Network) for provision of FCO's applicant system. | Renewal of a G-Cloud contract for online job applications for Local Staff that will support FCO's new increased volume of requirements, up to 250,000 applications on an annual basis. This extension of the existing contract is to allow continuous service provision whilst we re-tender (commencing Mar 2018) in line with Oracle Fusion and wider FCO ERP organisational considerations. | £170,000.00 | 19/09/2017 |