Transparency data
BEIS exceptions to spending controls: information and communications technology, October to December 2017
Updated 25 October 2018
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Case Name | Case Description | Department | ALB | Total value approved (Revised value) | Decision Sent to Department |
Innovation Funding Service (IFS) Public Beta to Live extension | In order to take the Innovation Funding Service (IFS) from public beta to live by July 2018 we require funding to complete a Live Service Assessment before moving the service into BAU, whereby no further spend approval is required. | BEIS | Innovate UK | £2,000,000 | 24/10/2017 |
Small Business Commissioner beta phase | A digital service to provide advice and guidance to small businesses and enable them to submit a complaint to the Small Business Commissioner. The first iteration of the complaints element of the service will be served by publishing an email address for users to contact. | BEIS | Not set | £201,000 | 30/10/2017 |
JASMIN Phase 4 - Compute and Peta-Scale Storage Upgrade for Climate and Earth Observation Scientific Research | An upgrade to existing JASMIN infrastructure for Compute and Peta-Scale Storage Upgrade for Climate and Earth Observation Scientific Research | BEIS | Science and Technology Facilities Council | £6,583,000 | 07/11/2017 |
Identity and Access Management (IDAM) Beta Phase Development | Beta Phase Development of a production grade Identity and Access Management (IDAM) solution to integrate with Intellectual Property Office digital services and transition to live operations. | BEIS | Intellectual Property Office | £315,600 | 14/11/2017 |
ICT Support for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority | The procurement and award of a new contract for ICT services provision for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and a number of its subsidiaries. This is required to replace an existing contract which is ending and does not constitute new scope. The new contract will be for a total term of 5 years made up of an initial term of 4 years and an optional 1 year extension. The procurement will be run through the Crown Commercial Services. | BEIS | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority | £9,124,000 | 12/12/2017 |