Transparency data
CMA’s spending over £25,000 for June 2018
Updated 26 October 2018
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Department Family | Entity | Payment Date | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier Name | Transaction Number | Amount | Description | |
CMA | CMA | 21/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | CAMDEN COUNCIL NNDR | 20023893 | 65,408.00 | Business rates | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 21/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | CAMDEN COUNCIL NNDR | 20023895 | 114,143.00 | Business rates | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 06/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | JONES LANG LASALLE | 20023646 | 701,722.96 | Rental and utility charges | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 06/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | JONES LANG LASALLE | 20023647 | 649,870.80 | Rental and utility charges | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 06/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | JONES LANG LASALLE | 20023648 | 618,001.80 | Rental and utility charges | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 29/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | MAINTEL Europe Limited | 20023944 | 37,707.01 | Maintenance and support charges | Not set |
CMA | CMA | 25/06/2018 | Behavioural Research | Compliance and Strategic Comms activity | GVA Grimley Limited | 20023827 | 78,678.00 | Professional services (Estates) | Not set |
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