PHE spend over £25,000: April 2014
Updated 20 August 2014
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Department Family | Entity | Date | Expense Type | Expense Type Code | Expense Area | Expense Area Code | Supplier | Transaction Number | Amount | Post Code | Description | Vendor Type Lookup Code | Wga Ref. |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 04-Apr-14 | Non-PHE Grant monies | 96985 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | MISC: One-off Payments | 3838734 | 256,345.35 | NULL | REFUND FOR EBISC | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA6 | Livity Ltd. | 3521860 | 26,588.68 | SW9 8DJ | Marketing Activation (Youth) - Creative Development - New Youth Platform | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Direct Mail Shot | 59001 | H&W | UMA5 | OGILVYONE | 3699122 | 165,000.00 | E14 4QB | Smokefree eCRM production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | COO | SPA1 | NHS CENTRAL SOUTHERN CSU | 3721878 | 11,825.53 | WF3 1WE | Additional amount for increase in hours - Aug - Dec 2013 | NULL | NHT0AE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | COO | SPA1 | NHS CENTRAL SOUTHERN CSU | 3721878 | 27,823.52 | WF3 1WE | Secondment recharge for Oct-Dec 2013 | NULL | NHT0AE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | LEWISHAM AND GREENWICH NHS TRUST | 3729828 | 128,970.00 | WF3 1EW | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRJ2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | LEWISHAM AND GREENWICH NHS TRUST | 3729829 | 128,970.00 | WF3 1EW | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRJ2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | CEJ1 | BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3745811 | 83,514.00 | BN2 3EW | Microbiology -RSCH for the period of 01.04.2013-31.12.2013. Fee for collaborating work for PHE as agreed | VENDOR | NHTRXHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | APN1 | LANCASHIRE TEACHING FT | 3766851 | 54,000.00 | WF3 1WE | Microbiology SLA, Lancashire Teaching FT, April to December 2013, Invoice Number 15233808 | NHS | NHTRXNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | CKO | KDF4 | ELSEVIER | 3773052 | 26,267.00 | OX5 1GB | Scopus Fee for period from Jan 1-31 Dec 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777161 | 9,114.00 | YO42 2PX | Class 2 Microbiological Safety Cabinet (1200mm size) Double HEPA extract, Cabinet support-lockable castors & foot rest, sealable night door, x1 splashproof electrical socket, recirculating unit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777161 | 10,584.00 | YO42 2PX | Class 2 Microbiological Safety Cabinet (1200mm size) Double HEPA extract, Cabinet support-lockable castors & foot rest, sealable night door, x2 splashproof electrical sockets, recirculating unit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777161 | 10,584.00 | YO42 2PX | Class 2 Microbiological Safety Cabinet (1200mm size) Double HEPA extract, Fumigation pot, sealable night door, x2 splashproof electrical sockets, recirculating unit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777161 | 2,400.00 | YO42 2PX | Delivery, install & Commissioning x3 MSC Class 2 units. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 10,914.00 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Additional site work | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 7,434.00 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Class I cabinet CAS 1200mm wide exhaust type includes two internal splashproof sockets and a gas tight manual shut off damper. Commissioning and testing included as per HPA specification Project 614, ITT526 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 8,994.00 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Class I cabinet CAS 1800mm wide exhaust type includes two internal splashproof sockets and a gas tight manual shut off damper. Commissioning and testing included as per HPA specification Project 614, ITT526 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 778.1 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Formalin vaporiser Contained Air Solutions fixed position, for all BioMAT1 and BioMAT2 safety cabinets | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 1,140.00 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Night door 100% sealed | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | WOLF LABORATORIES LTD | 3777166 | 420 | YO42 2PX | 2C54 - Polished worksurface | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | COO | AVF4 | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3778485 | 166,074.45 | NE7 7DN | Subcontracted laboratory services - Serology | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA5 | DARE DIGITAL LIMITED | 3782841 | 27,912.28 | W1W 6XH | Production & usage for Smokefree Homes and Cars 2014 - TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | MJX0 | BRE GLOBAL LTD | 3787943 | 36,000.00 | WD259XX | Purchase Order for the duration of 3 year Ingress Project : Year 2 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | CEJ1 | UNI HOSPITALS SOUTHAMPTON NHS FT | 3788012 | 31,553.70 | WF3 1WE | PHLS Overheads - Contract (Non Staff) February and March 2014 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRHMNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 3789600 | 42,824.88 | NE1 7RU | August 13 - January 14 invoice for Distinction Award. Invoice number 9000260460 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3789610 | 6,261.60 | WV10 6UH | Atos Implementation Service Charge (T&M) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3789610 | 18,966.00 | WV10 6UH | Subcontractor Hardware Indicatively Priced | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3789610 | 1,951.20 | WV10 6UH | Subcontractor Implementation Service Charge (T&M) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BRUKER UK LTD | 3790178 | 34,236.00 | CV4 9GH | MALDI BIOTYPER MICRO FLEX LT AND ASSOCIATED PC AND SOFTWARE | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BRUKER UK LTD | 3790178 | 2,106.00 | CV4 9GH | UPS | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | NHS Grant Awards | 69521 | HP | VBA1 | NHS ENGLAND | 3797986 | 300,000.00 | WF3 1WE | PHE contribution to SDU funding for 2013/14 | NHS | NSP033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Advertising (non recruitment) | 64105 | HR | PYJ1 | BEACHCROFT LLP | 3800579 | 49,843.80 | BS99 7UR | Invoice for Beachcroft invoice - 10155746 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | FMA Centre Accruals | 96895 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3800824 | 41,856.00 | SW3 3XB | 6372359 PO ON WRONG ACCOUNT-SEE FULL CREDIT V.912534 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 4,200.00 | WF3 1WE | 1mbit/sec Committed Data Traffic - N3, Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 480 | WF3 1WE | 1mbit/sec Committed Data Traffic - WWW, Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 7,020.00 | WF3 1WE | ICT Network Services Support Charge (N3 and WWW), Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 25,272.00 | WF3 1WE | ICT System Services Support Charge, Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 1,800.00 | WF3 1WE | SSL Certificate for HCAI DCS Servers Hosted by HSCIC. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 3,000.00 | WF3 1WE | SSL Certificates, Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804715 | 468 | WF3 1WE | Standard ICT Services VPN Maintenance, Quotation attached to order. | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | CKO | KBB4 | UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER | 3804717 | 43,850.41 | LE1 7RH | Provision of a Congenital Anomaly Register for the East Midlands and South Yorkshire region (EMSYCAR) | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE | 3804920 | 49,717.57 | CB2 2SP | Invoice RA 812172 for CEA for May 13 - Feb 14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Books and Periodicals | 51405 | COMS | RFJ1 | PROLOG | 3805334 | 161,488.86 | CO10 1RE | PROLOG February 2014 Invoice OP/I138481 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Market Research | 64110 | COO | SFA1 | CENTRE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC STRATEGIES LTD | 3805578 | 30,630.00 | M4 5DL | Inquiry into Health Equity in the North of England | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Molecular Test Kits | 41125 | COO | BFB3 | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3805733 | 59,416.70 | B9 5SS | INVOICE 913418 JANUARY 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Molecular Test Kits | 41125 | COO | BFB3 | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3805733 | 2,970.84 | B9 5SS | INVOICE 913418 JANUARY 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES ADMIN FEE @ 5% | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3805769 | 137,920.54 | HA4 7BD | Project 109152: itt_1063 Controlled Environment Facility. To undertake works as specified within documentation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Vaccine Stocks - Other Costs | 58319 | HP | VEA7 | LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST | 3806051 | 40,000.00 | LE5 0TD | Recharge for equipment and project support for Childrens' influenza Pilot. | NHS | NHTRT5NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST | 3809553 | 109,200.00 | DA2 8DA | WEST KENT AND MEDWAY SCREENING CENTRE: PROVISION OF BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING SERVICES AS PER THE ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRN7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST | 3809557 | 103,600.00 | DA2 8DA | WEST KENT AND MEDWAY SCREENING CENTRE: PROVISION OF BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING SERVICES AS PER THE ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRN7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST | 3809560 | 64,000.00 | DA2 8DA | WEST KENT AND MEDWAY SCREENING CENTRE: PROVISION OF BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING SERVICES AS PER THE ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRN7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3813871 | 25,900.03 | UB8 1PH | VS5-ENT-PL-A Academic VMware vSphere 5 Enterprise Plus for 1 processor SNS is required - quote E253240 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Minor Computer Software | 61605 | F&C | PPS1 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3813872 | 34,029.12 | UB8 1PH | VS5-ENT-PL-3P Academic Production Support/Subscription for VMware vSphere 5 Enterprise Plus for 1 processor for 3 years - E253240 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Market Research | 64110 | COO | SFA1 | CENTRE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC STRATEGIES LTD | 3813922 | 30,630.00 | M4 5DL | Inquiry into Health Equity in the North of England | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 68425 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 1,169.47 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Cleaning Costs | 68105 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 1,389.83 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Insurance | 74405 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 100.58 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Property Service Charges | 66107 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 4,193.61 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rates | 66110 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 6,087.73 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 11,435.46 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Site Catering Costs | 68135 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 870.45 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 68140 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813941 | 4,630.47 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3813952 | 37,482.00 | NG5 1PB | ADDITION TO PO 6342256 - PART B SERVICES - BOWEL AGE EXTENSION HUB FUNDING - AS PER ATTACHED SLA AND FUNDING SCHEDULE | NHS | NHTRX1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 68425 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 1,170.29 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Cleaning Costs | 68105 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 1,390.82 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Insurance | 74405 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 100.65 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Property Service Charges | 66107 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 4,196.56 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rates | 66110 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 6,092.01 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 11,443.47 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Site Catering Costs | 68135 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 871.07 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 68140 | COO | SFB1 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3813967 | 4,633.73 | LS2 7UE | Property Costs | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Direct Mail Shot | 59001 | H&W | UMA5 | OGILVYONE | 3813984 | -40,601.40 | E14 4QB | Smokefree eCRM production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - Inserts | 59023 | H&W | UMA7 | OGILVYONE | 3814011 | 35,097.60 | E14 4QB | Third party dementia offline packs production – illustration, artwork, design | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - Inserts | 59023 | H&W | UMA7 | OGILVYONE | 3814013 | 27,991.20 | E14 4QB | Third party dementia partner pack production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | BTN5 | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 3815341 | 46,124.19 | WF3 1WE | Accommodatoon costs | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3815358 | 29,883.52 | M13 9WL | Reimbursement of CEA for April - November as this was incorrectly invoiced to the Trust by the university | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | MLA7 | NHS LOTHIAN | 3815600 | 152,500.00 | EH14 1TY | NHS Lothian - charges in respect of National Poisons Information Service 2013/14. Income in respect of services relating to diagnosis and treatment / care of poisons patients. Quarter 4, January - March 2014 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Property Service Charges | 66107 | COO | ESE1 | QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON | 3816030 | 31,075.79 | E1 4NS | Annual service charge costs for accommodation at Mycobacterium Reference Unit, Clinical Research Centre, Barts and the London, Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2 Newark Street, London for the period 25/03/14 to 24/03/15 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Vaccine Stocks - Other Costs | 58319 | HP | VEA7 | SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3816221 | 52,991.32 | RM16 2PX | Anglia & Essex Centre - Flu Pilot Flu Vaccination for School-aged children. South East Essex | NULL | NHTRWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3816363 | 122,301.81 | B18 7QH | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF EXETER | 3816393 | 63,820.00 | EX4 4QJ | Invoice EMD0114810 for CEA / 0.5 APA / 3 DPs April 13 - March 14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | NORTHUMBRIA HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3816517 | 281,771.16 | NE27 0QJ | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRTFFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 3816550 | 68,925.00 | LS9 7TF | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3816725 | 26,594.00 | WV10 0QP | PROVISION OF HPV TRIAGE AND TEST OF CURE SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRL4NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Property Service Charges | 66107 | COO | AQP5 | SANDERSON WEATHERALL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 3816731 | 12,786.90 | LS1 4WG | Service Charge in Advance for PHE offices for period 25.3.14 - 23.6.14 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | AQP5 | SANDERSON WEATHERALL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 3816731 | 25,261.20 | LS1 4WG | Rent in Advance for PHE offices for period 25.3.14 - 23.6.14 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Books and Periodicals | 51405 | CKO | KEA1 | CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FT (THE) | 3816751 | 86,750.00 | CH63 4JY | CLATTERBRIDGE CENTRE FOR ONCOLOGY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST re Q4 | NHS | NHTRENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 59002 | H&W | UMA5 | SERCO LIMITED | 3816769 | 61,959.23 | RG27 7FR | Fulfilment for January Health Harms campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3816976 | 256,027.50 | M13 9WL | PART B SERVICES - HPV PRIMARY SCREENING SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA 3/6/13 TO 31/3/15 | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BRUKER UK LTD | 3818629 | 72,684.00 | CV4 9GH | MALDI BIOTYPER MICRO FLEX LT AND ASSOCIATED PC AND SOFTWARE | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Agency Pay: Admin & Clerical | 26705 | HP | JKH0 | NHS DIRECT | 3818674 | 27,324.59 | MK14 6DY | Charge for providing staff for Emergency Health line in Sep 13. As per invoice 702227 | NHS | ST1370 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3818699 | 30,075.80 | SO53 3YE | Reactive maintenance services for research and ancillary services at Porton site. This replaces previous requistion dated April 2013 & details the correct VAT value | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3818744 | 32,637.54 | SO53 3YE | Reactive maintenance services for research and ancillary services at Porton site. This replaces previous requistion dated April 2013 & details the correct VAT value | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | COO | AVF9 | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3818887 | 47,581.80 | NE7 7DN | Secondment professional salaries (50%) | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3818897 | 78,800.00 | WV10 0QP | NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - WOLVERHAMPTON SCREENING CENTRE - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRL4NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3818910 | 52,228.00 | HP7 0JD | PROVISION OF HPV TRIAGE AND TEST OF CURE SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NULL | NHTRXQNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3818912 | 78,800.00 | WV10 0QP | NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - WOLVERHAMPTON SCREENING CENTRE - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRL4NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | POOLE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3818922 | 32,354.13 | BB3 0FG | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRD3NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3818934 | 89,600.00 | HA1 3UJ | NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - ST MARKS SCREENING CENTRE - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | BFD7 | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3818989 | 64,436.40 | B9 5SS | INVOICE 914203 MARCH 2014 ACCOMODATION RECHARGE BIRMINGHAM HEARTLANDS HOSPITAL | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | BASILDON AND THURROCK UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS | 3819012 | 194,842.20 | SS16 5NL | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTR01FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | H&W | UIA1 | SOUTHWARK COUNCIL | 3820609 | 27,497.28 | SE16 2LS | Payment for Secondment | TAX AUTHORITY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LUD0 | THERMO ELECTRON LTD T/AS THERMO FISHER | 3821634 | 210,513.10 | HP2 7GE | Termo Scientific iCAP Q and ICS 5000 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (IC-PMS) Ref itt_1135 Quote no. 14795 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | BECTON DICKINSON UK LIMITED | 3822725 | 33,600.01 | OX4 4DQ | BACTEC MGIT 960 Automated System as tender ITT_735 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3822786 | 126,421.42 | WC1X 8RX | Radio advertising for Health harms campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UMA3 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3822793 | 13,416.99 | WC1X 8RX | Smart Swaps campaign Jan 2014 Digital media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Paid search | 59026 | H&W | UMA3 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3822793 | 38,907.46 | WC1X 8RX | Jan 2014 Smart Swaps Digital media - UPWEIGHT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UMA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3822805 | 173,177.30 | WC1X 8RX | Search and display advertising for Smokefree January health harms | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | GEMINI TECHNOLOGY(READING)LTD | 3822865 | 8,400.00 | RG7 1AW | Commissioning -part of contract CRCE/CAP/11/12/023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | GEMINI TECHNOLOGY(READING)LTD | 3822865 | 46,511.35 | RG7 1AW | Construction -part of contract CRCE/CAP/11/12/023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | GEMINI TECHNOLOGY(READING)LTD | 3822865 | 3,786.24 | RG7 1AW | Design detail -part of contract CRCE/CAP/11/12/023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | GEMINI TECHNOLOGY(READING)LTD | 3822865 | 19,211.34 | RG7 1AW | Installation -part of contract CRCE/CAP/11/12/023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | GEMINI TECHNOLOGY(READING)LTD | 3822865 | 514.12 | RG7 1AW | Manufacture -part of contract CRCE/CAP/11/12/023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3822868 | 33,549.00 | HP7 0JD | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NULL | NHTRXQNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | Cancer screening | URC2 | NCSCT COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY | 3822956 | 173,209.67 | W1J 7BU | Provision of five service strands related to smoking cessation services. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | Cancer screening | URC2 | NCSCT COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY | 3822961 | 105,190.31 | W1J 7BU | Provision of five service strands related to smoking cessation services. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 253.75 | HP12 4DP | 1241850 : HIV I + II REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 5,835.62 | HP12 4DP | 1318450 : HCV REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 2,413.32 | HP12 4DP | 1787753 : ANTI-HBS REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 1,961.94 | HP12 4DP | 6801461 : ANTI-HAV TOTAL : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 4,403.52 | HP12 4DP | 6802131 : HBSAG ES REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 2,469.60 | HP12 4DP | 6842803 : SYPHILIS TPA REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS ; VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 1,302.98 | HP12 4DP | 8211880 : HBEAG REAGENT PACK : 52 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 436.02 | HP12 4DP | 8321200 : HIGH SAMPLE DILUENT B : 100 WELLS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 1,564.32 | HP12 4DP | 8450124 : ANTI-HAV IGM REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 3,787.56 | HP12 4DP | 8496812 : ANTI-HBC REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 1,718.78 | HP12 4DP | 8536195 : RUBELLA IGG REAGENT PACK : 100 TESTS ; VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 868.65 | HP12 4DP | 8577413 : ANTI-HBC IGM REAGENT PACK : 52 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 676.49 | HP12 4DP | 8864860 : ANTI-HBE REAGENT PACK : 52 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 3822967 | 5 | HP12 4DP | Created by Allocation :8864860 : ANTI-HBE REAGENT PACK : 52 TESTS : VITROS ECI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3823905 | 189,914.20 | HA4 7BD | Project_1286-Colindale Main Chiller Replacement Project. To undertake works as specified within tender return documentation Ref:171821/L issue 2.0 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3823910 | 134,511.32 | HA4 7BD | Project 109370: Project_1184 - PHE (Colindale)-Corporate_Controlled Environment Facility. To undertake work as specified within documentation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | QIAGEN LIMITED | 3823966 | 29,793.60 | M15 6SH | Supply a 5 Plex HRM Rotorgene system as Tender HPA 29/2009 Bravo ecm 194 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | MISCO COMPUTER SUPPLIES LTD | 3824357 | 2.41 | NN8 6GS | Created by Allocation :Quote PHE 0218 1156 DDN WOS etc with installation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | MISCO COMPUTER SUPPLIES LTD | 3824357 | 240,012.06 | NN8 6GS | Quote PHE 0218 1156 DDN WOS etc with installation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | CALDERDALE & HUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824806 | 412,618.87 | HD3 3HE | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRWYFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA5 | DARE DIGITAL LIMITED | 3824883 | -25,557.28 | W1W 6XH | Production & usage for Smokefree Homes and Cars 2014 - TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Payroll: Admin and Clerical | 21705 | H&W | UBA3 | SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824896 | 271,647.27 | BR3 3BX | SLAM Quarter 4 payment Injectable Opioid Treatment (IOT) | NHS | NHTRV5FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | FVJ1 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3824937 | 40,501.45 | SW7 2AZ | The Lead Applicant/Principle Investigator at Imperial. The project name is “Chlamydia seroprevalence for Health Survey for England”. The total project grant award for the period of 1 January 2014 for 6 months is £4 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | F&C | PMS1 | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824955 | 73,876.00 | NW3 2QG | MWB Business Exchange Centre- office suite 310-319 | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UCD7 | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824955 | 2,000.00 | NW3 2QG | • Fire safety management one off cost | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UCD7 | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824955 | 11,000.00 | NW3 2QG | • One off management cost | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | H&W | UCD7 | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824955 | 21,298.00 | NW3 2QG | Deposit for accommodation(MWB Business Exchange Centre) for the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme and Newborn Infant Physical Examination Programme, office suite 310-319 | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 3824959 | 94,710.00 | W12 0HS | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRYJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 3824961 | 135,703.00 | W12 0HS | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRYJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | LEWISHAM AND GREENWICH NHS TRUST | 3824966 | 127,378.00 | WF3 1EW | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRJ2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | THE ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3824972 | 34,503.00 | RG1 5AN | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRHWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | LWG0 | NUVIA LIMITED | 3824990 | 66,438.00 | WA3 6TW | The Provision of Shield Epidemiology Database Services: To be paid monthly (£18455) changing to quarterly (£55365). | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | BRT5 | DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT | 3824991 | 79,080.66 | HP2 4XN | Annual Property Costs for Anglia & Essex Centre, for the period 01/04/13 to 31/03/14. | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | DPM085 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | HP | FYA4 | ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS | 3824993 | 26,250.00 | B17 9DB | LAIV SURVEILLANCE PROJECT FINAL INVOICE 15/03/14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | HP | FYA4 | ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS | 3824995 | 26,250.00 | B17 9DB | LAIV SURVEILLANCE PROJECT INTERIM INVOICE 15/1/14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Property Service Charges | 66107 | COO | BWC7 | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3825078 | 51,092.00 | BS1 5TR | Non-Domestic Rate Bill 2014/2015 Account no: 500051958414 property code: 00012745001008 | TAX AUTHORITY | E0102 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA2 | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3825150 | 12,549.00 | SE5 9RS | KCH NHSFT - NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION AS PER ATTACHED SLA. FURTHER TO PREVIOUS PO6338731 FOR £362,472.00 | NHS | NHTRJZFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3825150 | 112,458.00 | SE5 9RS | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRJZFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Minor Computer Software | 61605 | CKO | KEA1 | CONCENTRA | 3825330 | 116,400.00 | SE1 0HX | Concentra - Additional developments | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Travel & Subsistence | Various | Various | Various | REDFERN TRAVEL LTD | N/A | 545,317.10 | BD1 3AZ | T&S | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | CKO | KCA2 | UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER | 3825563 | 60,000.00 | M13 9PL | NDTMS NDEC Variation to Contract 2013 – 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | CKO | KCA2 | UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER | 3825567 | 87,500.00 | M13 9PL | NDTMS Main NDEC Contract 2013 to 2015: 4th Quarter January 2014 to March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 59039 | H&W | UMA4 | 23RED LIMITED | 3825582 | 39,840.00 | N1 9BG | Older people campaigns - partnership activity/evaluation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UBA2 | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 3825597 | 35,400.00 | W1U 6PZ | •Materials will include provision of guidance documentation (this may include printed packs for the training events or data-keys will all the key documents contained within – we will choose the most cost-effective option) for 300 individual | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UBA2 | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 3825597 | 12,000.00 | W1U 6PZ | •Training material, printing and production (cost around £10,000) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rates | 66110 | COO | GGM1 | LONDON BOROUGH OF BARNET | 3825599 | 1,074,280.00 | N11 9AG | 01.04.14-31.03.15 FOR NW9 5HT | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | E5031 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UBA2 | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 3825607 | 27,000.00 | W1U 6PZ | - Provision of a suitably qualified trainer & 9 events to match regions plus one ‘wash-up’ event | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UBA2 | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 3825607 | 9,000.00 | W1U 6PZ | Create a publication-ready document for dissemination to wider prison-based community of practitioners | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | ESSEN BIOSCIENCE LIMITED | 3825616 | 79,132.80 | AL73AX | Essen Bioscience: Cell Analyser as per quotation NJ30494 Zoom. Order for item 4473 ONLY less 5% discount | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Medical | 26210 | HP | RPW1 | OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3825668 | 27,501.10 | OX3 7HE | Recharge for Jan-Mar 14 £27,501.10 | NHS | NHTRTHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Market Research | 64110 | H&W | UIA3 | ITSA LTD | 3825702 | 42,000.00 | SS15 6TH | Test purchasing of electronic cigarettes | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3825768 | 114,029.29 | NR4 7UY | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRM1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3825769 | 90,000.00 | NR4 7UY | N&NUH NHSFT - NON PROCUREMENT PART B SERVICES - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER THE ATTACHED SLA | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRM1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3825773 | 94,800.00 | NR4 7UY | N&NUH NHSFT - NON PROCUREMENT PART B SERVICES - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER THE ATTACHED SLA | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRM1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Molecular Test Kits | 41125 | COO | BFB3 | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3825774 | 44,469.07 | B9 5SS | INVOICE 914553 FEBRUARY 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Molecular Test Kits | 41125 | COO | BFB3 | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3825774 | 2,223.45 | B9 5SS | INVOICE 914553 FEBRUARY 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES ADMIN FEE 5% | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | H&W | UFG4 | NHS ENGLAND | 3825807 | 50,905.00 | WF3 1WE | Secondment | NHS | NSP033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | H&W | UPA1 | MEDFASH | 3825854 | 70,000.00 | WC1H 9JP | Payment to MEDFASH for the commissioning of the National Framework for HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Services. NOTE: The tender reference is 1081 (project 1242). | COMPANY | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | H&W | UCD5 | NORTHGATE INFORMATION SOLUTIONS UK LTD | 3825861 | 173,571.60 | HP2 4NW | Final Charges for Newborn Bloodspot 'go-live' sites | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | H&W | UCD5 | NORTHGATE INFORMATION SOLUTIONS UK LTD | 3825861 | 89,617.20 | HP2 4NW | Quarter 4 Charges for Newborn Bloodspot Failsafe Services from Northgate | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 1,511.64 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Link, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120296 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 9,975.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Portacabin 4993RC, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120296 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 9,975.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Portacabin 4996RC, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120297 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 9,975.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Portacabin 4999RC, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120297 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 9,975.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Portacabin 6287RC, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120296 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825878 | 1,596.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Staircase and Landing, (PHE B31 Chrysalis) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120296 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825881 | 29,868.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Portacabin 6668RC, (PHE H08 ERD) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120291 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | WERNICK HIRE LIMITED | 3825881 | 1,596.00 | SS11 8BL | The purchase of Staircase and Landing, (PHE QC) from Wernick Hire Limited previous hire contract SHA-120291 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | HP | LWB0 | NORMAN SHAWCROSS ROOFING LTD | 3825908 | 28,130.14 | WN1 3BJ | Replacement roof for B block. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | AWS1 | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 3825932 | 154,319.00 | WF3 1WE | Accommodation Costs for 2013/14 | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Grant Awards | 69523 | COO | CJJ1 | ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS | 3826270 | 28,249.00 | B17 9DB | PHE support for Proposal to deliver an e-learning package for health and social care professionals on Hepatitis C (option A) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | QUADRANT BROMLEY LIMITED | 3826281 | 28,818.85 | BR5 3NL | itt_1155- Garage Freezer Bank - Colindale, carry out construction services | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Other Costs | 93360 | F&C | PJU0 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3826303 | 216,314.04 | WF3 1WE | Development of a new National Child Measurement Programme IT system for local production of result letters for parents return of data to the HSCIC | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Website | 59102 | H&W | UMA2 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3826305 | 78,780.00 | WF3 1WE | Information Service for Parents quarterly running costs | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Grant Awards | 69523 | COO | CJJ1 | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY | 3826312 | 120,000.00 | SE10 1AP | PHE support for GLA: Transport & Special Planning | VENDOR | E5100 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | IT Licences | 61615 | H&W | UCF1 | NORTHGATE INFORMATION SOLUTIONS UK LTD | 3826314 | 30,384.00 | HP2 4NW | Northgate CCN 13-004 AAA software release 8.4 for User Change Requests | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Grant Awards | 69523 | COO | CJJ1 | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY | 3826315 | 250,000.00 | SE10 1AP | PHE contribution to London Health Commission | VENDOR | E5100 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | BERTIE SAMUELSON CONSTRUCTION LTD | 3826344 | 57,540.00 | WD3 4HJ | Project 109419: Carry out construction services as per tender: itt_1045 - Water Tanks - Colindale | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | KEELE UNIVERSITY | 3826364 | 153,408.00 | ST5 5BG | Invoice 0499-07794 for remaining recharges Jan - March 14 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | MPL | 3826366 | 36,000.00 | WD19 4HG | Project 109371: 1C16-19 refurbishment. Schedule rates as per tender itt 1023. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | ROYAL SURREY COUNTY HOSPITAL | 3826424 | 40,000.00 | WF3 1WE | NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - SURREY SCREENING CENTRE - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRA2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LVJ0 | TRACK ANALYSIS SYSTEMS LIMITED | 3826440 | 44,400.00 | BS11 9PJ | Additional Image Analysis systems, as per PHE ITT865 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LVJ0 | TRACK ANALYSIS SYSTEMS LIMITED | 3826440 | 26,400.00 | BS11 9PJ | Image Analysis system including development costs, as per PHE ITT865 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | F&C | PMT0 | PICK EVERARD | 3826448 | 58,723.14 | LE1 1HA | 130073- PHE six Facet Surveys - of 54 sites | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | R.E DEW & COMPANY LIMITED | 3826467 | 228,398.40 | RG8 7JW | Independent Critical Alarm Replacement project 168041, Conditions of contract will be agreed NEC3 - ECC option 'A' | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | 59030 | H&W | UMA4 | TNS UK LIMITED | 3826473 | 96,960.00 | W5 1UA | Blood pressure research evaluation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Surveys | 59029 | H&W | UMA4 | TNS UK LIMITED | 3826476 | 67,914.00 | W5 1UA | Blood pressure exit interviews | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LYF0 | PHOENIX DOSIMETRY LTD | 3826489 | 196,197.60 | GU15 3AJ | "Harshaw 8800" TLD Reader as per PHE tender ref. ITT 1046, to include first two years' maintenance. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LUD0 | THERMO ELECTRON LTD T/AS THERMO FISHER | 3826494 | 52,628.22 | HP2 7GE | Termo Scientific iCAP Q and ICS 5000 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (IC-PMS) Ref itt_1135 Quote no. 14795 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | QIAGEN LIMITED | 3826499 | 28,800.00 | M15 6SH | EZ1 Extractor as Tender ecm_425 for delivery to PHE NMRL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3828991 | 27,404.05 | SO53 3YE | Reactive maintenance services for research and ancillary services at Porton site. This replaces previous requistion dated April 2013 & details the correct VAT value | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | CKO | KDA7 | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3829028 | 25,546.00 | BS1 5TR | Bristol City Council Tax Bill 2014/15 (account number 500098190814) for second floor. | TAX AUTHORITY | E0102 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | CKO | KDA7 | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3829033 | 25,787.00 | BS1 5TR | Bristol City Council Council Tax bill 2014/15 (account number 500098046814) first floor Grosvenor House | TAX AUTHORITY | E0102 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UCD4 | UK FORUM ON HEAMOGLOBIN DISORDERS | 3829054 | 70,000.00 | N18 1QX | Peer Review of Services for Children and Young People with Haemoglobin Disorders | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | FMA Centre Accruals | 96895 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3829069 | -41,856.00 | SW3 3XB | 6372359 FULL CREDIT AGAINST V.901499 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 1,989.35 | SO53 3YE | 180552 INSTALLATION OF FAN IN LAB 123 68440/108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 1,016.06 | SO53 3YE | BUILDERS WORK & VENTILATION - LAB 123 - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182223 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 5,393.50 | SO53 3YE | COLD WATER STORAGE TANK BYPASS - CANTEEN - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182414 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 3,939.83 | SO53 3YE | EXTENSION REFURBISHMENT - ECCAC BLD 17 - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182796 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 5,106.89 | SO53 3YE | INSTALL NEW SWIPE SYSTEM ON FIRE EXIT DOOR - E5 MAIN BUILDING - MAIN BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182663 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 11,269.91 | SO53 3YE | NEW CAR PARK LIGHTING TO CARK PARK 5 - MAIN SITE - AS PER QUOTE - 182148 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 6,372.29 | SO53 3YE | PARTS USED ON SERVICE TO AUTOCLAVE 16771 - MAIN BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182898 - 108912 /68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 1,525.06 | SO53 3YE | PHE ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING POINT CANTEEN BIN AREA - MAIN BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182802 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 3,175.19 | SO53 3YE | REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS FROM WHITE HUTS - 11D - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182775 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 4,998.67 | SO53 3YE | REMOVAL OF REDUNDANT CALORIFIER EAST END - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182489 - COST CODES 108912/30 68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 29,327.87 | SO53 3YE | SPARES REQUIRED FOR CELESTAR AUTOCLAVE - BIG - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182420 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 6,993.45 | SO53 3YE | STEAM SUPPLY TO AUTOCLAVE - MAIN BUILDING ROOM 108 - AS PER QUOTE - 182740 - 10892/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 3,136.31 | SO53 3YE | SUPPLY AND INSTALL LED FLOODLIGHTS AT CAR PARK 6 - MAIN SITE - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 181305 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 2,177.27 | SO53 3YE | SUPPLY OF TEMPORARY LIGHT - CAR PARK 5 - MAIN SITE - AS PER QUOTE - 182640 - COST CODE 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829096 | 3,830.97 | SO53 3YE | TWO NEW WATER HEATERS - FPP MAIN BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182709 - 108911/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL | 3829149 | 30,324.08 | L69 7ZX | Recharge of CEA July 13 - Feb 14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | MILLANE CONTRACT SERVICES LIMITED | 3829279 | 50,943.88 | SS14 3BS | Project 108952: 2A37-38 Laboratory Refurbishment as per tender no 1136 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LXD0 | PYCKO SCIENTIFIC LIMITED | 3829290 | 6,480.00 | NG2 4DH | STS Dosi - SAFE, Quote ref: 460. £1800.00 unit price | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LXD0 | PYCKO SCIENTIFIC LIMITED | 3829290 | 13,680.00 | NG2 4DH | STS SAFE-MINISOURCE, Quote ref: 460. £950.00 unit price | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LXD0 | PYCKO SCIENTIFIC LIMITED | 3829290 | 17,280.00 | NG2 4DH | STS SURVEY SAFE, Quote ref: 460. £2400.00 unit price | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 3829292 | 32,807.70 | AL10 9TW | HP Enclosure & Blade - For Fulll details please see attached quote and business case. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 3829305 | 67,862.02 | AL10 9TW | HP Enclosure & Blade - For Fulll details please see attached quote and business case. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Other Costs | 93360 | F&C | PQB4 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829310 | 27,882.07 | UB8 1PH | Q 36887 - Porton LAN - Building 1 Horizontal Containment Riser solution - 150mm Containment works, as per quote SS396120 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Other Costs | 93360 | F&C | PQB4 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829314 | 28,753.81 | UB8 1PH | ITQ 36887 - Porton LAN - Building 1 Horizontal Containment Riser solution - Core Cut New Panels works, as per quote SS385187 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | HP | VEA6 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3829327 | 109,867.20 | WF3 1WE | IT management services provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre towards the the annual preparedness testing of the pandemic flu related IT systems, processes and materials | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 3829346 | 32,180.89 | AL10 9TW | HP Built to Order Server Build for Public Health England Ready Built Including Storage, Network Switches INCLUDING INSTALLATION | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Desk Research | 59034 | H&W | UMB2 | DEFINE | 3829366 | 40,671.60 | EC2 4RR | in home experiment project for summer Disney/C4L campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV | 59018 | H&W | UMA9 | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3829381 | 41,856.00 | SW3 3XB | stroke creative tv fees | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829400 | 46,800.00 | CF31 9AP | Post Infection Review Business Solution Design Completion | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829400 | 45,072.00 | CF31 9AP | Post Infection Review High Level Design Completion | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829413 | 6,884.40 | CF31 9AP | Authorise Account Requests Enable Authorise Button For Unverified Requests, HCAI Project, Supplier Code CCN006 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829413 | 10,611.60 | CF31 9AP | Logica Deletions, HCAI Project, Supplier Code CCN004 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829413 | 8,160.00 | CF31 9AP | Manage Account Requests For Local Administrator Roles, HCAI Project, Supplier Code CCN007 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | AFM0 | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 3829413 | 3,054.00 | CF31 9AP | Seach Infection Episodes Data Parameters, HCAI Project, Supplier Code CCN005 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Waste Disposal Costs | 68130 | COO | GGM1 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829527 | 41,154.86 | SO53 3YE | COST OF WASTE DISPOSAL ON SITE IN THE SUM OF £34295.72 + VAT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3829537 | 46,341.03 | SO53 3YE | Reactive maintenance services for research and ancillary services at Porton site. This replaces previous requistion dated April 2013 & details the correct VAT value | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | PNP1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3829618 | 1,297,625.33 | B11 2LE | ESA/EAP/EC1 Agreement (3 year) for Microsoft Software - This is the year 2 of the contract as per quote QT-1419388 v1 - Account - H1037 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | CKO | KDC6 | LANCASTER UNIVERSITY | 3829639 | 64,899.18 | LA1 4RW | Work for Learning Disability Observatory. Contract under negotiation. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | EJM0 | P & I GENERATORS LTD | 3829647 | 58,734.00 | PO9 2NJ | Project 108698: Option 3 (Using Gantry) 180M run with 800Amp MCCB 3 x 185mm 4 core cable and 2 x 150mm Earth with a run of 180M. Carry out works as per spec. itt_1015 - Controlled Environment Facility Power Supply | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor | 59013 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829751 | 86,493.86 | WC1X 8RX | Ovarian cancer campaign - out of home media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor | 59013 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829753 | 159,362.30 | WC1X 8RX | Ovarian cancer campaign - out of home media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor | 59013 | H&W | UMB2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829756 | 54,264.05 | WC1X 8RX | Blood pressure campaign out of home media March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor | 59013 | H&W | UMB2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829758 | 25,495.30 | WC1X 8RX | Breathlessness media OOH | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor | 59013 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829760 | 71,212.92 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - out of home advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829761 | 43,681.84 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Digital- social Media | 59103 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829763 | 37,557.40 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - VOD advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3829782 | 74,511.32 | HA4 7BD | Project 109370: Project_1184 - PHE (Colindale)-Corporate_Controlled Environment Facility. To undertake work as specified within documentation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829784 | 47,996.51 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - digital display advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829796 | 50,399.43 | WC1X 8RX | Ovarian cancer campaign - TV advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers | 59010 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829801 | 162,493.05 | WC1X 8RX | Breast cancer campaign - press advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers | 59010 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829805 | 233,204.54 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - press advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829806 | 258,923.08 | WC1X 8RX | Breast cancer campaign - TV advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829810 | 29,606.73 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - BME TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Regional newspapers | 59011 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829814 | 54,661.73 | WC1X 8RX | Ovarian cancer campaign - press advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - Digital ads | 59021 | H&W | UMA3 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829815 | 125,354.96 | WC1X 8RX | Start4Life Display Advertising March 2013 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers | 59010 | H&W | UMB2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829818 | 21,717.99 | WC1X 8RX | blood pressure campaign press media March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Regional newspapers | 59011 | H&W | UMB2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829818 | 4,758.54 | WC1X 8RX | Blood Pressure Media: Additional Press bookings | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers | 59010 | H&W | UMA2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829819 | 75,575.89 | WC1X 8RX | Start4Life Press March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829823 | 53,693.73 | WC1X 8RX | Ovarian cancer campaign - radio | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829828 | 247,732.94 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829830 | 185,680.20 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - radio advertising | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829833 | 570,588.72 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Digital- social Media | 59103 | H&W | UMA9 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829840 | 49,492.01 | WC1X 8RX | Stroke media VOD | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829842 | 100,566.42 | WC1X 8RX | Emergency flooding advice - radio advertising costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829845 | 42,988.20 | WC1X 8RX | Emergency flooding advice - radio advertising costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 59009 | H&W | UMA9 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3829847 | 923,559.56 | WC1X 8RX | Stroke TV media spend | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Nursing | 26310 | COO | CGK1 | UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX | 3829872 | 85,000.00 | BN1 9RH | Invoice University of Sussex - Two year scabies - Year 2 payment (final) | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Laboratory: Leases | 44110 | H&W | UHE5 | NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH | 3829878 | 30,000.00 | EC1V 0AX | National Diet and Nutrition Survey urinary sodium boost Scotland | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | F&C | PNQ0 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829891 | 30,600.00 | UB8 1PH | Install IT Hardware as per quote Ref: J63218a | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | F&C | PNQ0 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829901 | 90,000.00 | UB8 1PH | ITT- 1244 - Proposal for the Expansion of the NGS OM4 Blown Fibre Project at PHE Colindale - Proposal No. : J62307 version d (Pub62307d - Insight Quote) - For full details please see the attached documents | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Other Costs | 93360 | F&C | PQB4 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829903 | 26,904.37 | UB8 1PH | ITQ 36887 - Porton LAN - Building 1 Horizontal Containment Riser solution - Access Panel works, as per quote SS385186 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | F&C | PNQ0 | INSIGHT DIRECT (UK) LTD | 3829918 | 90,038.46 | UB8 1PH | Warehouse Contorlled Environment Hardware Kit - For full details Please see the attached Business Case. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | CEPHEID UK LIMITED | 3829984 | 93,753.60 | HP10 0HH | GeneXpert XVI Laptop - 12 Modules - Reference NFA1005MTC | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | CKO | KBA3 | CHRISTIE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3829992 | 105,977.67 | M20 4BX | ACCOMMODATION: 63-65 PALATINE RD OCCUPIED BY NWCIS 01/04/13 - 31/03/14 | VENDOR | NHTRBVFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | CKO | KDA5 | CHRISTIE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3829992 | 30,279.33 | M20 4BX | ACCOMMODATION: 63-65 PALATINE RD OCCUPIED BY NWCIS 01/04/13 - 31/03/14 | VENDOR | NHTRBVFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | GGZ0 | BULL INFORMATION SYSTEMS LTD | 3830566 | 185,114.40 | HP2 7DZ | High Performance Cluster Computer | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSN0 | TSL PROJECTS LTD | 3830604 | 143,801.17 | SL7 1DD | 167038 Freeze Dryer construction project (as detailed in contract doc's attached) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSN0 | TEMPORARY SITE MANAGEMENT LIMITED | 3830608 | 46,346.40 | SO30 2AU | Project 167038- Freeze dryer enabling works as detailed in NEC3 ECC short contract (attached) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 89,280.00 | M33 2SW | AKTAready liquid chromatography system- item No 28-9062-61 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 10,003.20 | M33 2SW | AxiChrom 140/300/glass/20PE, item No 29-0165-35 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 10,884.00 | M33 2SW | AxiChrom140/500/Glass/20PE, 29019900 - item No 29-0199-00 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 5,820.00 | M33 2SW | IQ/OQ AKTA ready - item No 28-9334-43 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 3,288.00 | M33 2SW | IQ/OQ AxiChrom Pilot, item No 44-8100-78 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 1,183.20 | M33 2SW | Mechanical locking -AxiChrom140, item No 28-9499-88 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3830654 | 973.2 | M33 2SW | Tool kit complete AxiChrom - 50-70-100-140-200, item No 28-9442-61 as GE quote 1- XJR7L 6 = Capital project 170077 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Medical | 26210 | HP | BLV1 | UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM | 3830659 | 26,821.05 | NG7 2RD | Salary Recharges for the period March 2014 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Secondments : Medical | 26210 | HP | BLV1 | UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM | 3830660 | 26,821.05 | NG7 2RD | Salary Recharges for the period of February 2014 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | CKO | RQV0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3830664 | 39,612.90 | SW7 2AZ | Services by named collaborator on grant - 1077726 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3830680 | 65,871.45 | B11 2LE | NDTMS Optimisation items 24.02.2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FREEZE DRYING SERVICES LTD | 3830706 | 83,820.00 | RH12 4RQ | CL3 Freeze Dryer System for NCTC | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | LAB MODE LIMITED | 3830835 | 20,196.00 | WD6 3TN | Freezer monitoring >150 Integrated sensors as Item 8 on quote LM085972 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | LAB MODE LIMITED | 3830835 | 33,000.00 | WD6 3TN | Freezer monitoring PT1000 sensorsas Item 4 on quote LM085972 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | LAB MODE LIMITED | 3830835 | 5,994.00 | WD6 3TN | Freezer monitoring installation of integrated probes as Item 10 on quote LM085972 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | LAB MODE LIMITED | 3830835 | 4,662.00 | WD6 3TN | Freezer monitoring installation of probes as Item 9 on quote LM085972 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | GGZ0 | LAB MODE LIMITED | 3830835 | 11,322.00 | WD6 3TN | Receiver & LAN Modem 434 etc as Item 1 on quote LM085972 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830860 | 0 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom HDX 7000 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830860 | 0 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom RealPresence Group 500-720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830860 | 29,057.30 | WV10 6UH | RealPresence Group 500-720p: Group 500 HD codec, EagleEye III camera, mic array | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | HP | JKJ0 | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY | 3830867 | 39,495.68 | LE11 3TU | Delivery of DipHEP 2 in North, Mids, South and London as per invoice 50845834 | VENDOR | AAL022 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 1,431.32 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom HDX 7000 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 17,175.94 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom RealPresence Group 500-720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 5,639.99 | WV10 6UH | Atos Project Manager | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 2,387.99 | WV10 6UH | Atos Project Manager Office Support | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 579.82 | WV10 6UH | Avecta Wheeled VC Trolley | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 1,256.51 | WV10 6UH | Cabling and Sundries | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 226.18 | WV10 6UH | Delivery | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830906 | 4,092.74 | WV10 6UH | HDX 7000 HD 720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 0 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom HDX 7000 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 0 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom RealPresence Group 500-720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 2,714.28 | WV10 6UH | HDX 7000 HD 720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 1,128.24 | WV10 6UH | NEC V463 46" LCD Display with Built-in Speakers | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 6,826.72 | WV10 6UH | NEC V651 65" true HD LCD | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 1,300.59 | WV10 6UH | Quad BRI Module for HDX Series. Includes four ISDN 20ft/6m cables | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 33,236.81 | WV10 6UH | RealPresence Group 500-720p: Group 500 HD codec, EagleEye III camera, mic array | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 279.26 | WV10 6UH | Slimline Mount for up to 65" Screens | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 673.23 | WV10 6UH | Speakers For NEC P402/P462/V422 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 5,783.16 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Installation & configuration | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 3,253.02 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Project Management | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830912 | 219.91 | WV10 6UH | delivery charge | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 4,512.00 | WV10 6UH | ATOS project management | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 238.8 | WV10 6UH | ATOS project management office support | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 10,551.20 | WV10 6UH | Access Director Appliance, 25 Call Licenses | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 1,590.36 | WV10 6UH | Implementation, RP Access director | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 9,922.40 | WV10 6UH | Implementation, Super-Node Dual DMA 7000 Servers w/H.323 GK and SIP Registrar. 100 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 10,518.07 | WV10 6UH | Lync Server 2010 (Enterprise Edition) Integration-UC Professional Services Integration Full Solution Deployment.Includes design, plan and on-site integration of Polycom | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 2,162.89 | WV10 6UH | Premier Plus, One Year, RP Access Director, 25 call licenses | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 6,436.63 | WV10 6UH | Premier Plus, One Year, Super-Node Dual DMA 7000 Servers w/H.323 GK and SIP Registr | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 29,176.99 | WV10 6UH | Super-Node Dual DMA 7000 Servers w/H.323 GK and SIP Registrar. 100 concurrent callsspeakers, freeview tuner, Avecta stand Supports up to 64 MCUs (RMX & Codian) & 15K registrants. Super-clustering,H.323/SIP Gateway. Extra call licenses up to | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3830913 | 1,373.49 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Project Management | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3830960 | 110,473.66 | B11 2LE | PTBSW001 PTBSW001 NCE SSV Additional Node Incl 240TB Capacity for Colindale Site - QT-1420056 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | PPS1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3830961 | 55,721.74 | B11 2LE | PTBAMN01 PTBAMN01 Software Support for(NCE SSV Additional Node Incl 240TB Capacity for Colindale Site) - QT-1420056v1 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | TBA1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3830962 | 32,832.00 | B11 2LE | 400 days of deployment engineering resource reporting at PHE Colindale at a day rate of £190 at a total cost of £76,000 (For full details please see the attached quote) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3831587 | -134,511.32 | HA4 7BD | Project 109370: Project_1184 - PHE (Colindale)-Corporate_Controlled Environment Facility. To undertake work as specified within documentation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 13,586.40 | CB10 1XL | MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (300 cycle) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 18,825.60 | CB10 1XL | Nextera XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 244.8 | CB10 1XL | PhiX Control v3 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 6,069.60 | CB10 1XL | TruSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample Loading Kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 9,309.60 | CB10 1XL | TruSeq Rapid PE Cluster Kit - HS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831593 | 25,704.00 | CB10 1XL | TruSeq Rapid SBS Kit - HS (200 cycle) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | F&C | JTK0 | OMNIPLEX LIMITED | 3831604 | 51,000.00 | HP4 1EH | ELearning for Public Health England- 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development | 59101 | H&W | UMA6 | Livity Ltd. | 3831671 | 80,746.80 | SW9 8DJ | Youth campaign and 401 Show delivery: Nov 13 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Website | 59102 | H&W | UMA6 | Livity Ltd. | 3831672 | 52,395.60 | SW9 8DJ | Youth campaign website build | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 59041 | H&W | UQA1 | IPLATO HEALTHCARE LTD | 3831706 | 29,928.00 | W6 0NB | Cervical cancer screening - interface development, licences, SMS bundle | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 3831942 | 184,264.20 | HA4 7BD | To undertake works as specified within documentation E-tender -Project 997 Dual Duct Mixing Boxes Replacement Project - Zone 3B | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | PNP1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3832003 | 100,712.40 | B11 2LE | ESA/EAP/EC1 Agreement (3 year) for Microsoft Software - This is the year 2 of the contract as per quote QT-1419388 v1 - Account - H1037 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3832004 | 60,720.98 | B11 2LE | NDTMS Optimisation items 24.02.2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | TBA1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3832006 | 26,448.00 | B11 2LE | 330 days of deployment engineering resource for PHE Countywide, reporting to PHE Colindale at a day rate of £190 at a total cost of £62,700 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | JSM0 | PURETECH PROCESS SYSTEMS LTD | 3832008 | 131,092.63 | RH1 5DZ | Provision of Chilled Water Replacement works to main building. Terms and Conditions will in accordance with NEC3 ECC Option A contract. | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3832566 | 6,735.64 | WV10 6UH | AV & VC for 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3832566 | 72,000.01 | WV10 6UH | Audio Visual & Video Conferencing. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | COO | GGZ0 | BULL INFORMATION SYSTEMS LTD | 3832589 | 52,919.76 | HP2 7DZ | High Performance Cluster Computer | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Computer Maintenance Costs | 61310 | F&C | PPS1 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 17,175.90 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Maintenance: One Year Standard for Polycom RealPresence Group 500-720p | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 5,076.00 | WV10 6UH | Atos Project Manager | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 2,149.20 | WV10 6UH | Atos Project Manager Office Support | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 5,218.45 | WV10 6UH | Avecta Wheeled VC Trolley | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 1,130.86 | WV10 6UH | Cabling and Sundries | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 678.56 | WV10 6UH | Delivery | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 2,477.70 | WV10 6UH | NEC V422 42" LCD Display | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 10,377.57 | WV10 6UH | NEC V552 55" LCD Display | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 62,242.60 | WV10 6UH | RealPresence Group 500-720p: Group 500 HD codec, EagleEye III camera, mic array | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 2,019.70 | WV10 6UH | Speakers For NEC P402/P462/V422 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 5,204.84 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Installation & configuration | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3833388 | 2,927.72 | WV10 6UH | Yorktel Project Management | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | KEELE UNIVERSITY | 3833453 | 38,352.00 | ST5 5BG | Invoice 0499-07794 for remaining recharges Jan - March 14 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE | 3833473 | 44,993.71 | CB2 2SP | Invoice RA 816364 for CEA April 13 - March 14 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Publishing | 59004 | H&W | UMA5 | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 3833487 | 47,889.95 | NR3 1PD | Smokefree partner materials reprint | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 59002 | H&W | UMA3 | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 3833491 | 64,017.64 | NR3 1PD | Alcohol leaflet reprint | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Promotional Material | 64405 | H&W | UFA2 | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 3833502 | 6,239.17 | NR3 1PD | DOH1124 Reprints of 3 NHS screening leaflets Cervical screening , HPV primary care, Breast screening extending the age | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Promotional Material | 64405 | H&W | UFA3 | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 3833502 | 67,862.25 | NR3 1PD | DOH1124 Reprints of 3 NHS screening leaflets Cervical screening , HPV primary care, Breast screening extending the age | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | ABBOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED | 3833578 | 84,000.00 | ME10 3SU | 3M7402 : ARCHITECT i2000SR Immunoassay System (Abbott Tender Name: PH Bristol) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | ABBOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED | 3833584 | 84,000.00 | ME10 3SU | 3M7402 : ARCHITECT i2000SR Immunoassay System (Abbott Tender Name: PH Bristol) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Publishing | 59004 | H&W | UMA3 | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 3833616 | 62,793.86 | NR3 1PD | reprint of Smart Swap packs | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Mobile Phone Charges | 62115 | Various | Various | VODAFONE LIMITED | N/A | 63,075.08 | RG14 5FF | Mobile Phone Charges | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Insurance | 74405 | F&C | PLD1 | WILLIS LTD | 3837600 | 79,500.00 | BS8 1BQ | INSURANCE - Public/Products Liability & Errors & Omissions Liability | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Insurance | 74405 | F&C | PLD1 | WILLIS LTD | 3837603 | 27,507.00 | BS8 1BQ | INSURANCE - Excess Errors & Omissions Liability (First Layer) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | HP | VEA7 | INFOMAX LTD | 3837621 | 323,316.16 | SE1 8YU | Contract for the Immform service March 2014 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | CKO | RPV2 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3837632 | 239,000.00 | SW7 2AZ | G0801056 MRC-DH Centre for Environment & Health | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES UK LTD | 3837659 | 14,094.54 | RG41 5TP | 2 years additional advantage silver cover as per BRAVO tender itt_1237 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LTE0 | AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES UK LTD | 3837659 | 71,806.65 | RG41 5TP | Surescan Microarray scanner as per BRAVO tender itt_1237 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA3 | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 3837676 | 188,230.80 | W1F 9EE | Fees for 2014 activity campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | KEELE UNIVERSITY | 3838219 | -153,408.00 | ST5 5BG | Invoice 0499-07794 for remaining recharges for Jan - March 14 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Subcontracted Bacteriology | 47220 | COO | FCU0 | ANIMAL HEALTH & VETERINARY LABORATORIES AGENCY | 3838282 | 71,922.00 | YO1 7PX | DH ESBL PROJECT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Pension Conributions | 96930 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | CIVIL SERVICE PENSION | 3838286 | 876,538.34 | RG21 4HG | MARCH PAYOVERS 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | AWS5 | DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT | 3838377 | 120,665.76 | HP2 4XN | Accommodation Rental costs for Regional Office for the period October to March 2014 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | DPM085 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Royalties, etc: UK Accred Serv | 74125 | HP | JMY1 | ESRI (UK) LTD | 3838425 | 118,800.00 | HP21 7QG | ESRI Enterprise Agreement Year 2 and Year 3 (three year contract) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA7 | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3838576 | 36,000.00 | SW3 3XB | Dementia campaign above the line artwork | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 09-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV | 59018 | H&W | UMA7 | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3838578 | 597,865.20 | SW3 3XB | Dementia TV production -30 and 60 second adverts | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BD KIESTRA B.V. | 3806096 | 64,770.05 | 9207 | InoculA connected to exisiting TLA. As quote O-14115 Phase2 30% - Project Finalised | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | MJT0 | CULTEX LABORATORIES GMBH | 3822863 | 17,618.28 | 30625 | CULTEX® EDD - Electrostatic Deposition Device | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | MJT0 | CULTEX LABORATORIES GMBH | 3822863 | 22,410.08 | 30625 | CULTEX® RFS - Radial Flow System | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | PROTEINSIMPLE LIMITED | 3829283 | 81,637.00 | MLZ 2L8 | Procurement of iCE system for PADG: Capital Project 170285 including IQ/OQ Service and Requalification proteinsimple quotation: Q-17858 as attached | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BD KIESTRA B.V. | 3831867 | 64,770.05 | 9207 | InoculA connected to exisiting TLA. As quote O-14115 Phase3 30% - Factory Acceptance | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS LLC | 3838336 | 69,752.10 | 20850 | MESO QUICKPLEX SQ 120 as detailed MSD quote ref; 3001-1666, item 1, catelog No AI0AA-0 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS LLC | 3838336 | 1,091.77 | 20850 | Shipping and handling for MESO QUICKPLEX SQ 120 as detailed MSD quote ref; 3001-1666, item 3, catelog No SHIP | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 10-Apr-14 | Other non-trade creditors | 96965 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | MISC: One-off Payments | 3838580 | 62,335.13 | NULL | AR REFUND ON 62620 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 59041 | H&W | UMB2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3657963 | 64,820.00 | W1T 3EB | Alcohol, Dementia and Mental Health planning Oct 13-Mar 14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | CEO | RTM1 | BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3665774 | 38,358.00 | BN2 3EW | SALARY COSTS QTR 2 JUL-SEPT2013 | VENDOR | NHTRXHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3668196 | 320,996.67 | HA1 3UJ | LEGACY AGREEMENT - PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3707758 | 57,897.83 | HA1 3UJ | LEGACY AGREEMENT - PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3761162 | 28,132.58 | HA1 3UJ | LEGACY AGREEMENT - PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Secondments : Medical | 26210 | H&W | UFD1 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3762990 | 28,670.31 | B29 6JS | Breast Screening QAT Salary recharge (including oncosts and travel expenses for 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRRKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | FYC0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3778510 | 58,846.80 | SW7 2AZ | 9th Instalment - Research services. Payment against Inv. 10113125 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 3789776 | 27,273.50 | CV2 2DX | PART B SERVICES - NORTH WEST BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB - AS PER ATTACHED SLA | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST | 3805220 | 25,076.70 | E1 2ES | PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE - ADDITIONAL VALUE TO PO 6339165 | VENDOR | NHTR1HNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST | 3805220 | 27,995.30 | E1 2ES | PROVISION OF HPV TRIAGE AND TEST OF CURE SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | VENDOR | NHTR1HNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Rates | 66110 | COO | JSR0 | WILTSHIRE COUNCIL | 3806040 | 368,730.00 | BA14 8JN | Porton Down Wilshire council rates for the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 | TAX AUTHORITY | E3933 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Site Catering Costs | 68135 | H&W | UEA5 | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 3814561 | 4,529.94 | LS16 6RF | Uplift for NHS Health Check Conference at Kia Oval on PO 636 5434. Uplift is for extra items as per attached email. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Site Catering Costs | 68135 | H&W | UEA5 | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 3814561 | 33,812.45 | LS16 6RF | Venue for NHS Health Conference | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Secondments : Medical | 26210 | H&W | UFD1 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3818580 | -28,670.31 | B29 6JS | Breast Screening QAT Salary recharge (including oncosts and travel expenses for 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRRKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: General | 41120 | COO | APE1 | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3818883 | 124,222.80 | M13 9WL | SUPPLY OF VIROLOGY CONSUMABLES. OVER ACTIVITY 2013/2014. | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | MLA7 | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3818900 | 183,750.00 | B18 7QH | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Provision of Poisons Information Quarter 4 (January to March 2014) | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE NHS TRUST | 3818930 | 25,000.00 | ST4 7LN | PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE NHS TRUST | 3818930 | 2,000.00 | ST4 7LN | PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE SLA - ADDITIONAL VALUE TO PO 6339294 | NHS | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | F&C | PNC4 | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 3822897 | 76,354.00 | LS2 7UE | Remaining 3 quarters SKH charges | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA5 | NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3826381 | 2,090.56 | NG5 1PB | PROVISION OF HUB SERVICES TO THE AGE EXTENTION POPULATION AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRX1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3826381 | 14,103.18 | NG5 1PB | ADDITION TO PO 6342256 - PART B SERVICES - BOWEL AGE EXTENSION HUB FUNDING - AS PER ATTACHED SLA AND FUNDING SCHEDULE | NHS | NHTRX1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3826381 | 37,483.26 | NG5 1PB | PART B SERVICES - EASTERN BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRX1NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 308.4 | NULL | 310130 : LIAISON ANTI-HBC, 100 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | 310131 : LIAISON CONTROL ANTI-HBC, 15 TESTS, 4 X 1.8ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 7,128.00 | NULL | 310260 : LIAISON XL MUREX HIV AB/AG 200 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 96 | NULL | 310261 : LIAISON XL MUREX CONTROL HIV AB/AG, 4 X 2.5ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 678 | NULL | 310720 : LIAISON RUBELLA IGG, 100 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 1,188.00 | NULL | 310745 : LIAISON® XL CMV IGG II : 100 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | 310746 : LIAISON® XL CONTROL CMV IGG II : 4X700ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 2,358.00 | NULL | 310755 : LIAISON® XL CMV IGM II : 100 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | 310756 : LIAISON® XL CONTROL CMV IGM II : 4X700ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 171.36 | NULL | 310761 : LIAISON CONTROL CMV IGG AVIDITY, 8 TESTS, 4 X 0.5ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | 310801 : LIAISON CONTROL HSV-1/2 IGG, 4 X 1.3ML | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 6 | NULL | Created by Allocation :310130 : LIAISON ANTI-HBC, 100 TESTS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 6,307.20 | NULL | LIAISON XL BIOTRIN PARVOVIRUS B19 IgG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 7,286.40 | NULL | LIAISON XL BIOTRIN PARVOVIRUS B19 IgM | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 413.64 | NULL | LIAISON XL CMV IgG AVIDITY | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 2,028.96 | NULL | LIAISON XL EBNA IgG REAGENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 2,028.96 | NULL | LIAISON XL EBV IgM | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 257.04 | NULL | LIAISON XL EBV IgM CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 150.12 | NULL | LIAISON XL HSV-1/2 IgG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | LIAISON XL MEASLES IgG CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 1,380.00 | NULL | LIAISON XL MEASLES IgG REAGENT KIT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | LIAISON XL PAROVIRUS B19 IgG CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 171.36 | NULL | LIAISON XL PAROVIRUS B19 IgM CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 171.36 | NULL | LIAISON XL RUBELLA IgG CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | LIAISON XL RUBELLA IgM CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 1,586.88 | NULL | LIAISON XL RUBELLA IgM REAGENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 85.68 | NULL | LIAISON XL TOXO IgG II CONTROL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 237.6 | NULL | LIAISON XL TOXO IgG II REAGENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Serology | 41110 | COO | BVY1 | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 3829185 | 2,028.96 | NULL | LIAISON XL VCA IgG REAGENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | CNJ5 | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 3830068 | 100,948.00 | WF3 1WE | Accommodation Charges for South East London Health Protection Team for the period April 2013 to March 2014 | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831596 | 6,069.60 | CB10 1XL | CT-402-4001 : TruSeq® Rapid Duo cBot™ Sample Loading Kit : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831596 | 18,825.60 | CB10 1XL | FC-131-1096 : Nextera® XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (96 Samples) : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831596 | 25,704.01 | CB10 1XL | FC-402-4001 : TruSeq® Rapid SBS Kit – HS (200) Cycle : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831596 | 12,880.90 | CB10 1XL | MS-102-2022 : MiSeq Reagent Kit, v2 (300 cycles) : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3831596 | 9,309.60 | CB10 1XL | PE-402-4001 : TruSeq® Rapid PE Cluster Kit – HS : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 3833440 | 78,128.16 | CV2 2DX | PART B SERVICES - NORTH WEST BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB - AS PER ATTACHED SLA | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3833585 | 114,400.00 | HA1 3UJ | NON PROCUREMENT - PART B SERVICES - ST MARKS SCREENING CENTRE - BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA3 | NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3833587 | 28,132.58 | HA1 3UJ | LEGACY AGREEMENT - PART B SERVICES - HPV TRIAGE AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NHS | NHTRV8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | CEO | RTM1 | BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3833594 | 38,358.00 | BN2 3EW | SALARY COSTS OCT-DEC 2013 | VENDOR | NHTRXHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | CEO | RTM1 | BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3833595 | 38,357.61 | BN2 3EW | SALARY COSTS JAN-MAR 2014 | VENDOR | NHTRXHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Electricity | 66410 | COO | JSR0 | EDF ENERGY | 3838549 | 108,312.05 | PL3 5XQ | Electricity supply to the Porton Down site for March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Books and Periodicals | 51405 | COMS | RFJ7 | PROLOG | 3838550 | 114,440.31 | CO10 1RE | PROLOG March 2014 Invoice OP/I138888 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development | 59101 | H&W | UPA1 | UNIVERSITY OF WEST OF ENGLAND | 3838729 | 40,000.00 | BS16 1QY | Projects to be undertaken by WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments, University of the West of England (UWE) Responsive evidence service for healthier places: To prepare a rapid scoping report for a responsive evidences | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | 59030 | H&W | UQA1 | CABINET OFFICE | 3838809 | 115,957.80 | CF14 3UW | Call off order - 1st Aug 2013-for 12 months costing £231,500 SLA between PHE and CO BIT: design, implement and evaluate the six demonstration projects showing how behaviour insights can help improve health and wellbeing | VENDOR | CAB010 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838854 | 48,000.00 | W1T 3EB | Freud, branding development and production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838856 | 36,000.00 | W1T 3EB | Recipe development for Start4Life weaning app | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA5 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838857 | 45,000.00 | W1T 3EB | 4 quarter joint marketing PO costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838857 | 45,000.00 | W1T 3EB | 4 quarter joint marketing PO costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA6 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838857 | 15,000.00 | W1T 3EB | 4 quarter joint marketing PO costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838857 | 45,000.00 | W1T 3EB | 4 quarter joint marketing PO costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838860 | 36,000.00 | W1T 3EB | PR activity Feb-Mar 14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA9 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838863 | 37,380.00 | W1T 3EB | BME PR and outreach for stroke | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3838864 | 90,000.00 | W1T 3EB | Dementia comms consultant fees | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | EJM0 | MISCO COMPUTER SUPPLIES LTD | 3838902 | 36,928.80 | NN8 6GS | Red HAt Enterprise Linux Openstack platform as quote 2210099 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 1,026.62 | B11 2LE | Autocue 7’ Starter Series Package | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 146.98 | B11 2LE | Autocue Custom Foam Carry Case for SSP07 Prompter | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 423.28 | B11 2LE | BP-U60 Lithium-ion Battery | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 154.3 | B11 2LE | CBK-WA01 Wi-Fi Adapter | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 1,295.71 | B11 2LE | Datavideo TLM700HD Wide Screen SDI / HDMI LCD Monitor - Sony Mount BP-U | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 306.75 | B11 2LE | Delivery chage | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 84.42 | B11 2LE | EX-530Pro Extension Cable | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 457.54 | B11 2LE | Flight Case for NewTek TriCaster 410 Control Surface | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 6,006.09 | B11 2LE | HP 8570w Laptop Quad Core i7-3740QM (2.6Ghz)Webcam15.6’ FHD8GB24GB Flash Memory750GB HDDQuadro K4000mBluRay RWWirelessBluetooth3 Year WarrantyWindows 7 Pro 64 bit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 17,537.68 | B11 2LE | HP Z820 Dual Xeon E5-2687w (20m Cache, 3.1Ghz) 8 Core, 64GB (8 x 8GB)1TB SATA7200rpmNvidia K5000DVDRWWindows 8 Pro with Win 7 Pro Downgrade3 Year WarrantyAdditional 2TB Hard Drive | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 69.73 | B11 2LE | Libec Handle50 Clamp handle for SWIFT JIB50 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 2,559.34 | B11 2LE | Libec REMO 30 (REMO-30) Pan and Tilt Remote Head | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 2,900.47 | B11 2LE | Libec SWIFT JIB50 KIT Including JIB50, T102B and DL-8B with case | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 337.96 | B11 2LE | Libec Standard Weight Kit of 30kg/66lb | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 195.98 | B11 2LE | Libec ZC-9EX SONY PMW EX cameras connectable zoom control | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 165.16 | B11 2LE | MetaSETZ TL-2 Tally Light | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 383.88 | B11 2LE | MetaSETZ TLC-8S Tally Controller for TriCaster 8000, 860, 460 & 410 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 14,190.21 | B11 2LE | NewTek TriCaster 410 Multi-Standard (Includes Control Surface) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 900 | B11 2LE | One Day On-Site eStream Training | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 11,463.26 | B11 2LE | PMW-200 Compact Solid State Memory Camcorder | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 304.2 | B11 2LE | Pelicase 1600 Protector Flight Case with Foam | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 633.1 | B11 2LE | Planet PC Flight Case for NewTek TriCaster 460 with Fold Out Handle & Wheels | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 8,034.00 | B11 2LE | Planet eStream Solution ESTCS/CHW | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 1,344.39 | B11 2LE | RM-IP10 Control Panel | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 3,452.94 | B11 2LE | Sony BRBK-IP10 IP Control Card | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 30,289.95 | B11 2LE | Sony BRC-H900P HD Robotic PTZ Camera | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COMS | RFK0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3838983 | 838.03 | B11 2LE | Tecpro Felloni Bicolour High Output LED Head with soft case and stand | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839003 | 9.24 | B11 2LE | DELNDAY - Delivery | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839003 | 124,758.48 | B11 2LE | LDTUM-L-03 LANDesk Total User Management Bundle License(User Based) 1000-1999, version 9.5 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839003 | 64,204.80 | B11 2LE | LDTUM-L-UPG-05 LANDesk Total User Management Bundle LicenseUpgrade from LDMS (User Based) 5000-9999, version 9.5 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839003 | 51,391.20 | B11 2LE | LDTUM-M-UPG-05 LANDesk Total User Management BundleMaintenance Upgrade from LDMS (User Based)5000-9999 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839003 | 1,639.28 | B11 2LE | SDNISWO-L Service Desk Network Integration- Event ManagerLicense, version 7.7 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839036 | 12,161.12 | B11 2LE | 7220 Trade in rebate Total Price with the rebate £-2,294.55 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839036 | 202.5 | B11 2LE | AP-220-MNT-C2 AP-220 Series Ceiling Rail Mount Kit V2 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839036 | 10,489.50 | B11 2LE | IAP-225-RW Aruba Instant IAP-225 Wireless Access Point, 802.11n/ac, 3x3:3, dual radio, integrated antennas Unrestricted Regulatory Domain | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839036 | 2,950.12 | B11 2LE | MATEC-SUPPORT 12 Month Platinum Support for the 7220 controller. 24x7x365 telephone and email support. 4 hour engineer on site with hardware parts replacement. TAC service via telephone and email. Access to full software updates including m | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PJU0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839036 | 24 | B11 2LE | delivery | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - IT Equipment | 93350 | F&C | PNQ0 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3839044 | 99,726.74 | B11 2LE | NDTMS Optimisation items 24.02.2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | H&W | UFA1 | WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS C/O TEMENOS UK LTD | 3839094 | 62,284.80 | EC3M 4TD | Development of the National Breast Screening System, in accordance with the signed contract to 31 March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | H&W | UFA1 | WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS C/O TEMENOS UK LTD | 3839095 | 40,100.40 | EC3M 4TD | Development of the National Breast Screening System, in accordance with the signed contract to 31 March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Electricity | 66410 | COO | GGM1 | EDF ENERGY | 3839113 | 53,157.71 | PL3 5XQ | ESTIMATED CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY TO PHE AS OUR ACCOUNT NO. 18390582 FOR THE PERIOD 1ST JANUARY 2014 TO 31 AUGUST 2014. PLEASE USE THIS PO NO. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Waste Disposal Costs | 68130 | COO | BWC7 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3839320 | 47,233.82 | SO53 3YE | Year 2 Removal of waste from Myrtle Road Site based on the cost of year 1 to run from November 2013 until October 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other non-trade creditors | 96965 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | COMPUTERSHARE VOUCHER SERVICES LIMITED | 3839326 | 75,814.60 | WS13 8SX | CHILDCARE VOUCHERS APRIL 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | HP | VEA5 | NHS BUSINESS SERVICES AUTHORITY | 3839377 | 152,821.20 | NE1 6SN | Annual fee for management of storage and distribution arrangements for PHE. | NHS | NHTST1450 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | JSK9 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3839386 | 59,298.62 | M33 2SW | CARBOXYMETHYL (CM-) CELLULOSE 32 Please make sure the delivery address is the PHARMACEUTICAL STORES and not the MAIN STORES. Quotation 1-1RFMOH 1 Please supply in a single delivery from a single batch with a certificate of Analysis | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | CKO | RQV0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3839426 | 27,387.33 | SW7 2AZ | Collaboration agreement with Imperial College Year 1 payment SAHSU (INS1324) from HPA R&D fund | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Conferences | 59037 | H&W | UMB2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3839439 | 48,712.80 | W1T 3EB | set up and production for the Projext X health campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Conferences | 59037 | H&W | UMB2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3839441 | 92,400.00 | W1T 3EB | set up and production for the Projext X health campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | FYC0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3839461 | -58,846.80 | SW7 2AZ | 9th Instalment - Research services. Payment against Inv. 10113125 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | FYC0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3839463 | 45,554.42 | SW7 2AZ | 10th Instalment - Research services. Payment against Inv. 10113126 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | HP | FYC0 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3839468 | -45,554.42 | SW7 2AZ | 10th Instalment - Research services. Payment against Inv. 10113126 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | INHEALTH LTD | 3839489 | 34,293.00 | HP11 1JL | PROVISION OF BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | LVO1 | IMPERIAL COLLEGE | 3839528 | 127,482.00 | SW7 2AZ | Imperial College Contract - HPA CRCE Ref Tender No. 77 2010 Yr 4 Period 01/01/14 - 31/03/14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Other Grant Awards | 69523 | COO | CJJ1 | LONDON COUNCILS | 3839563 | 91,305.60 | SE1 0AL | PHE support for support the delivery of the Mental Health work stream of the London Health Board | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UFA1 | PENNINE ACUTE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST (THE) | 3840638 | 57,223.05 | M8 5RB | PROVISION OF BOWEL SCREENING AGE EXTENSION SERVICES AS PER ATTACHED SLA FOR 2013/14 | NHS | NHTRW6NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Kits: Virology | 41115 | COO | BVY1 | GEN-PROBE LIFE SCIENCES LTD | 3840645 | 32,760.00 | M23 9HZ | 301130B : KIT, AC2 TIGRIS 1000 TEST (TIGRIS) : AGREEMENT AA112854/HPA | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 59041 | H&W | UMB2 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3840835 | -64,820.00 | W1T 3EB | Alcohol, Dementia and Mental Health planning Oct 13-Mar 14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | MLA7 | CARDIFF & VALE UNIVERSITY LOCAL HEALTH BOARD | 3841004 | 191,250.00 | CF14 4XW | Cardiff and Vale Local Health Board - Poisons Information Service level Contract 2013 - 2014. Based on revised contract amount of £765,000 - Quarter 4 January to March 2014. Invoice number 357577 | NHS | WNHT02 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LUN0 | ADVANCE IMAGE SOLUTIONS | 3843571 | 27,468.00 | MK46 5FF | SM-S TBS SHUR/MARK Slide Printerincluding 4 years additional warranty as per quote SB0127-14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 15-Apr-14 | Minor Comp Hardware <£5k | 61105 | F&C | PJU7 | FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD | 3844070 | 35,623.21 | WD18 9RX | VoIP system at Oxford SPH migration over to PHE. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | H&W | UIA1 | LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY | 3788993 | 62,818.80 | LS1 3HE | Invoice 6064328 for salary | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UIA4 | UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE | 3813765 | 41,400.00 | LU1 3JU | Honorary Contract Services provided by University of Bedfordshire as Director of Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UIA4 | UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE | 3822632 | -41,400.00 | LU1 3JU | Honorary Contract Services provided by University of Bedfordshire as Director of Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | COO | SHA1 | MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL | 3826320 | 62,568.00 | MK9 3HS | Agreed salary costs for Secondment Agreement between Milton Keynes Council and PHE, for the period from 16th Dec 2013 to 13 Jun 2014 | TAX AUTHORITY | E0401 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | Secondments : Professional | 26610 | COO | SHA1 | MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL | 3831803 | -62,568.00 | MK9 3HS | Agreed salary costs for Secondment Agreement between Milton Keynes Council and PHE, for the period from 16th Dec 2013 to 13 Jun 2014 | TAX AUTHORITY | E0401 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 22-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | H&W | UIA1 | LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY | 3845843 | -62,818.80 | LS1 3HE | Invoice 6064328 for salary | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 28010 | CKO | KGB4 | UNIVERSITY OF WEST OF ENGLAND | 3778519 | 58,856.97 | BS16 1QY | Invoice 10908334 for April 13 - March 14 in respect of Silver Clinical Excellence Award | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV | 59018 | H&W | UMA9 | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3804296 | 115,223.77 | SW3 3XB | Stroke creative fees TV | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 4,898.88 | SO53 3YE | 2 x NEW VOICE AMPS - SERVICE FLOOR - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182370 - 108912/30/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 1,697.76 | SO53 3YE | CLEANING OF WINDOW VOIDS - MAIN BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182599 - COST CODE 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 3,542.67 | SO53 3YE | EXTEND CONCRETE HARD STANDING - MAIN BLDG - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 181983 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 15,954.12 | SO53 3YE | GETTINGE AUTOCLAVE SPARES - MAIN SITE - AS PER QUOTE - 182484 - 108912/30 68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 5,313.60 | SO53 3YE | GLASS PREP VINYL FLOOR REPAIR - MB - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182591 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 4,730.40 | SO53 3YE | GMP ROOF REPAIR - PPC - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 182589 - 108911/68440/30 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 3,368.30 | SO53 3YE | INSTALL PREVENTATIVE MEASURES FOR WATER INGRESS - CHRYSALIS BUILDING - AS PER QUOTE - 182749 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 13,754.48 | SO53 3YE | LTE AUTOCLAVE SPARES - MAIN SITE - AS PER QUOTE - 182485 - 108912/30 68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 1,425.60 | SO53 3YE | NEW DUCTING FOR FIRE ALARM UP0GRADE - IMMUNO SERVICE FLOOR - 182594 - 108911/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 1,964.90 | SO53 3YE | SUPPLY & FIT 4 X FIRE DEVICES AT FPP - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 181241 - 108911/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 5,452.12 | SO53 3YE | SUPPLY & FIT 8 X FIRE DEVICES AT FPP - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 181241 - 108911/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3817017 | 1,876.60 | SO53 3YE | SUPPLY & INSTALL LED FLOODLIGHTS - ON MB FACING CAR PARK 6 - AS PER QUOTE - MAXIMO 181304 - 108912/68440 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | SHD1 | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 3824558 | 25,578.00 | WF3 1WE | 5 x Desk rental space at South West House, Taunton for 9 months April 13 - end Dec 13 | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | COO | AFN9 | INFACT UK LTD | 3830788 | 240,442.80 | BD17 7DB | Annual Support & Maintenance Charge for HPZone 2013-14 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | COO | APE1 | AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 3833565 | 32,483.50 | L9 7AL | FOR PAYMENT OF INVOICES FOR MICROBIOLOGY SERVICES FOR 2013/2014 - QUARTERLY CHARGE. | NHS | NHTREMFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSN0 | MOLECULAR DEVICES LTD | 3838730 | 32,615.90 | RG41 5TS | Plate Reader with current version of SoftMax Pro as per attached Molecular Devices quotation AC1200004 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Reactive Maintenance | 68440 | COO | JSM0 | IBM UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED | 3840907 | 26,226.01 | PO6 3AU | IBM Maximo for Life Sciences Annual SW Subs & Support renewal | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Gas | 66405 | COO | JSR0 | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED | 3843702 | 70,706.65 | WD17 1JW | Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against account No 20404469 for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844645 | 27,002.98 | WC1X 8RX | Radio for No Smoking Day | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Radio | 59008 | H&W | UMA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844654 | 151,895.56 | WC1X 8RX | Radio for No Smoking Day | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Paid search | 59026 | H&W | UMA4 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844663 | 51,495.46 | WC1X 8RX | Lung cancer campaign - paid for search | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UGA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844673 | 49,192.55 | WC1X 8RX | Digital media for NSD | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UMA5 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844679 | 134,029.80 | WC1X 8RX | Search and display advertising for Smokefree January health harms | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Advertising - Digital ads | 59012 | H&W | UMA2 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844702 | 307,377.67 | WC1X 8RX | Start4Life Digital March 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - Digital ads | 59021 | H&W | UMA3 | M4C (Group UK LTD) | 3844731 | -84,128.81 | WC1X 8RX | Start4Life Display Advertising March 2013 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3844862 | 43,425.60 | W1T 3EB | Agency fees Oct 2013-Mar 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUJ0 | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 3844868 | 63,741.60 | W1T 4BQ | Draw down of design services for Stages 0 and 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement xxx - xxx - Ove Arup Contract dated July 2009. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Secondments : Scientific | 26410 | HP | VBA1 | OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3844932 | 30,137.82 | OX3 7HE | Secondment costs, Clinical fellow, Health Protection (2nd Sept 2013 until 31st March 2014) - from Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust to PHE | NHS | NHTRTHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3845604 | 43,425.60 | W1T 3EB | Dementia consumer launch, research, reports, digital development | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3845609 | -43,425.60 | W1T 3EB | Agency fees Oct 2013-Mar 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | COO | EJQ0 | ANIMAL HEALTH & VETERINARY LABORATORIES AGENCY | 3845689 | 138,999.00 | YO1 7PX | Immunohistochemical testing for appendix samples for Appendix III CJD project. Quarterly payment (1st Jan 2014 to 31st March 2014) Contract Tender Ref BSP 605. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | COO | EJQ0 | ANIMAL HEALTH & VETERINARY LABORATORIES AGENCY | 3845695 | 138,999.00 | YO1 7PX | Immunohistochemical testing for appendix samples for AppendixIII CJD project. Quarterly payment (01/07/2013 - 30/09/2013). Contract tender Ref BSP 605 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 47240 | COO | EJQ0 | ANIMAL HEALTH & VETERINARY LABORATORIES AGENCY | 3845697 | 138,999.00 | YO1 7PX | Immunohistochemical testing for appendix samples for Appendix III CJD project. Quarterly payment (01/10/2013 - 31/12/2013). Contract tender Ref BSP 605 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - PR | 59028 | H&W | UMA7 | FREUD COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 3845846 | 142,274.40 | W1T 3EB | Dementia consumer launch, research, reports, digital development | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA7 | DLKW Lowe Ltd | 3846003 | 270,552.00 | SW3 3XB | Agency fees | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Rates | 66110 | HP | LVZ3 | GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL | 3846175 | 33,017.00 | G1 1JE | Rates PHE REMS Glasgow G51 4LS 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 | Private Sector | S016 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | PPS1 | SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTRES PLC | 3847827 | 26,697.60 | B11 2LE | Citrix Support - 12 Months Support - Ref: itt 1246 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3848158 | 56,476.80 | CB10 1XL | Nextera XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3848158 | 12,345.60 | CB10 1XL | Nextera XT Index Kit (192 samples) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3848158 | 11,171.52 | CB10 1XL | TruSeq Rapid PE Cluster Kit – HS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 23-Apr-14 | Chemicals and Reagents | 41145 | COO | FFD3 | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 3848158 | 5,140.80 | CB10 1XL | TruSeq Rapid SBS Kit – HS (200 cycle) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 25-Apr-14 | Non-PHE Grant monies | 96985 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | MISC: One-off Payments | 3858605 | 124,761.20 | NULL | PRE-FINANCING PAYMENT FOR EURIPRED | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | JRW0 | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 3850592 | 44,337.63 | 48105 | OCTOBER CONSULTANCY | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | JRW0 | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 3850594 | 36,618.35 | 48105 | NOVEMBER CONSULTANCY | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | JRW0 | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 3850595 | 26,399.75 | 48105 | DECEMBER CONSULTANCY | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | JRW0 | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 3850596 | 37,455.34 | 48105 | FEBRUARY CONSULTANCY | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | COO | JRW0 | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 3850597 | 34,939.60 | 48105 | JANUARY CONSULTANCY | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Other non-trade creditors | 96965 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | MISC: One-off Payments | 3859596 | 58,890.00 | NULL | AR REFUND 62620 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 28-Apr-14 | Other non-trade creditors | 96965 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | MISC: One-off Payments | 3859639 | 175,823.35 | NULL | AR REFUND | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 29-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | COO | EJK4 | CGM LAB INTERNATIONAL GBMH | 3851833 | 74,446.40 | NULL | Annual Support and Maintenance for MOLIS - 2014 to 2015 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | FMA Centre Accruals | 96895 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST | 3558901 | 42,443.00 | LE5 4QF | SEE NOTES | NHS | NHTRWENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3766666 | 2,919.60 | LE11 5RG | Centrifuge rotor F22/MICRO fixed angle 30 place aluminium 1.5 or 2mL tube capacity max speed 22,000rpm max speed (catalogue No UKPS542) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3766666 | 33,504.00 | LE11 5RG | x2 Centrifuge RC 6 Plus floor standing, superspeed as Capital project 170278 - (Catalogue No UKPS475) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3777049 | 3,697.20 | LE11 5RG | Centrifuge rotor SS-34 fixed angle 8 place aluminium 50mL tube capacity max speed 20,000rpm (catalogue No UKPS543) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3777049 | 15,693.60 | LE11 5RG | Rotor F10-4x1000 LEX fixed angle, 20 degrees, 4 x 1000mL, up to 24,515 xg Fiberlite Bioseal (HPA Porton down certified) catalogue No UKPS478 as Capital Project 170278 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3777049 | 8,606.40 | LE11 5RG | Rotor F14S-6x250y, 14.000 U/min, 30.074 x g 6 x 250mlmax speed 14000 rpm SLC1500 (catalogue No UKPS544) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | ZZZA | FISHER SCIENTIFIC UK LTD | 3777049 | 12,984.00 | LE11 5RG | x2 Centrifuge rotor SLA-3000 fixed angle 6 place aluminium 500mL tube capacity max speed 11,000rpm, Thermo Scientific Sorvall (catalogue No UKPS477) as Capital Project 170278 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Subcontracted Services | 54345 | COO | EUF1 | ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY | 3797852 | 27,000.00 | SY23 2AX | WORK PROJECT RE GASTROENTERITIS | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UIA2 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804650 | 141,188.40 | WF3 1WE | National Child Measurement Programme | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | H&W | UIA2 | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 3804650 | 73,656.00 | WF3 1WE | “hosting and maintenance of the NCMP IT system for 2013/14 by the HSCIC (Health and Social Care Information Centre)” | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | SCC3 | THE LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE | 3813832 | 56,806.23 | IG1 1BD | Secondment | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | JSM0 | FREEZE DRYING SERVICES LTD | 3815118 | 39,360.00 | RH12 4RQ | Upgrade 2x NCTC secondary freeze dryers as detailed Capital project 170238 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | HR | WFA1 | GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPT | 3825094 | 36,317.36 | EC4A 1AB | ACTURIAL SERVICES END 28/02/14 | PUBLIC SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | HP | MLA7 | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3825722 | 594,500.00 | NE7 7DN | The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Poisons Contract. Invoice number R0219047 Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 (2013/14) | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Security Costs | 68110 | COO | JSR0 | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 3825777 | 33,047.32 | SO53 3YE | EMCOR SECURITY BASELINE COSTS April 2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Building Alterations <£5k | 68405 | COO | AVH7 | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3830916 | 12,411.25 | NE7 7DN | Freeman Hospital Rental Charges 2013-14 (Q4) | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Rent | 66105 | COO | AVH7 | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 3830916 | 13,586.00 | NE7 7DN | PHE FACILITIES CHARGES. | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | FMA Centre Accruals | 96895 | Balance Sheet | ZZZA | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST | 3839029 | -42,443.00 | LE5 4QF | FULL CREDIT TO VOUCHER 842006 | NHS | NHTRWENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Outsourced Services | 54360 | H&W | UFA5 | FRIMLEY PARK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 3839088 | 35,403.76 | GU16 7UJ` | PART B SERVICES - SOUTHERN BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB - AS PER ATTACHED SLA | NULL | NHTRDUFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other laboratory Consumables | 41135 | COO | JSK9 | GE HEALTHCARE UK LIMITED | 3843644 | 44,938.80 | HP7 9NA | GE Healthcare RTPUFP-10-9S Ready to Process. Quotation Number: 1-20S53Z 1 manufacturers cat no RTPUFP-10C-9S.Please make sure the delivery address is the PHARMACEUTICAL STORES and not the MAIN STORES | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUJ0 | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 3845156 | 9,231.90 | AL1 3ER | Draw down of design services P14 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev 00 - Aecom contract dated May 09 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUK0 | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 3845156 | 20,075.70 | AL1 3ER | Draw down of design services P14 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev 00 - Aecom contract dated May 09 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | F&C | PJU0 | PICK EVERARD | 3845670 | 34,266.95 | LE1 1HA | Pick Everard- PHE - Birmingham Relocation, spsce planning and project management | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUJ0 | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 3847608 | 35,281.01 | CV21 2DW | Draw down of design services P14 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev 00 - Morgans Sindall Prof Services contract dated May 09 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUK0 | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 3847608 | 20,720.59 | CV21 2DW | Draw down of design services P14 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev 00 - Morgans Sindall Prof Services contract dated May 09 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUF0 | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 3847617 | 65,685.60 | CV21 2DW | Draw down of design services P18.2 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - MDC RD - Morgan Sindall Professional Services contract - Rev 00 Dated July 2009 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | HP | LUD0 | THERMO ELECTRON LTD T/AS THERMO FISHER | 3847724 | 43,320.23 | HP2 7GE | ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extraction system. as per quote Ref:ITT_1165 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BECTON DICKINSON UK LIMITED | 3848182 | 33,600.01 | OX4 4DQ | BD BACTEC MGIT 960 (as per quotation ref Q0969/CG/DS) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | CKO | KGA1 | GEOWISE LTD | 3848703 | 65,527.42 | EH6 6RZ | The Instant Atlas software and supporting hardware is essential to deliver the requirements of the HPA Health Protection Profiles Project as identified in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 HPA Business Plans. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | H&W | UCD7 | NORTHGATE INFORMATION SOLUTIONS UK LTD | 3849580 | 318,564.00 | HP2 4NW | NHSP IT contract with Northgate Q1 (June - August) 14/15 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV | 59018 | H&W | UMA3 | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 3850598 | 300,108.00 | W1F 9EE | C4L Magic Moves campaign production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUF0 | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 3850615 | 86,498.00 | NE12 6QW | draw down of design services P14 for Stage 1 of a six stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev 00 - Faulkner Brown contract dated May 2009 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Market Research | 64110 | COO | SFC8 | TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3850678 | 75,000.00 | M16 9HU | Alcohol Recovery Employment Project - Pilot research - use of SMS technology | TAX AUTHORITY | E4208 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Focus Groups | 59033 | H&W | UMA1 | CORR WILLBOURN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT | 3850685 | 28,800.00 | KT19 8JG | 5 ways to well being strategic qualiatative research | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | HR | WFA1 | GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPT | 3851566 | 46,323.06 | EC4A 1AB | ACTUARIAL SERVICES MAR 2014 | PUBLIC SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 93340 | COO | AFM0 | BECTON DICKINSON UK LIMITED | 3851570 | 33,600.01 | OX4 4DQ | MGIT Bactec 960 Quote Q0969/CG/DS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Other Professional fees | 54115 | COO | JUF0 | WHITE YOUNG GREEN | 3855642 | 136,383.00 | LS6 2WQ | Draw down of design services for Stages 0 and 1 of a five stage contract against and in accordance with the terms and conditions of framework agreement number XXXXX dated July 2009 and the mini tender event of June 2013. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | MPL | 3855939 | 30,420.00 | WD19 4HG | Project 108048: 4B23 4B14 and 4C11 Refurbishment Schedule of rates as per tender 1023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 93335 | COO | GGZ0 | MPL | 3855939 | 6,768.00 | WD19 4HG | Project 108048: Please add additional line to PO 6371244 4B23 4B14 and 4C11 Refurbishment Schedule of rates as per tender 1023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 61610 | F&C | PPS1 | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 3857597 | 27,594.00 | AL10 9TW | NCE SSV Annual Software Maintanance Renewal - Dual Node Config for PHE (Colindale) Due 1/4/2014 2069470 - Quote Ref No. 3549284/1 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Consultancy Fees | 54110 | CKO | KJA2 | OFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS | 3857605 | 87,549.50 | NP10 8XG | For the provision of, and analysis of, National Statistics on Cancer Registration in England. Total value of contract is £350198 plus VAT to be invoiced quarterly in arrears | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | ONS005 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 59027 | H&W | UMA3 | OGILVYONE | 3857641 | 300,000.00 | E14 4QB | C4L Magic Moves campaign digital and print production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | 30-Apr-14 | Social Marketing - Productions cost - Digital ads | 59021 | H&W | UMA3 | OGILVYONE | 3857647 | 120,000.00 | E14 4QB | Ogilvy fees activity campaign | VENDOR | NOT CGA |