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BEIS Government Major Projects Portfolio Data, September 2017 (csv)
Updated 4 July 2018
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Project Name | Geological Disposal Facility Programme (GDF) | Heat Networks Investment Project | Local Land Charges (LLC) Programme | Magnox & RSRL PBO Competition | New Polar Research Vessel | Sellafield Model Change (SMC) | Smart Metering Implementation Programme | UKRI Implementation Programme | ||||||||
Department | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | BEIS | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Amber/Red | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Amber | Amber | Amber/Green | Amber/Green | Amber | Amber | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Description / Aims | The primary objective of the programme is to site and construct a permanent geological disposal facility (GDF) as the safe, secure and environmentally responsible solution to the long-term management of higher-activity radioactive waste in the UK, excluding Scotland. The programme also supports the delivery of the UK's nuclear new build programme because before development consents for new nuclear power stations are granted, the Government needs to be satisfied that effective arrangements exist or will exist to manage and dispose of the wastes they will produce. The programme complies with all public procurement policy obligations including the guidance in Procurement Policy Note 16/15. The developer will be able to provide data once we are in the implementation phase of the programme i.e. we have a designated site and a site specific rather than a generic design. | The Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) is helping create a self-sustaining heat network market through £320 million capital investment and short term actions to address market barriers. | A Local Land Charge (LLC) is a restriction or prohibition on land which binds successive owners and occupiers. The LLC Programme will deliver a single LLC Register Service for England (the inclusion of the LLC Registers in Wales will be subject to a further business case), implementing the powers granted to HM Land Registry under the Infrastructure Act 2015. The Programme continues to build the digital Register and Service, in addition to ensuring HM Land Registry can absorb this into business as usual functions, with this being on target for mid-2018. In line with the Chief Secretary to the Treasury’s advice in early November, the Programme has reviewed how local authority data can be introduced into the Register quicker and cheaper than the proposed original Programme Business Case. By March 2019 we will digitise, standardise and centralise LLC data and associated services from approximately 26 Local Authorities on a voluntary basis. During this time, we intend to migrate those registers: • that are wholly paper and electronic based; • from the most engaged and ready authorities; • that have high search volumes, high fees and long turnaround times. | The objective of the procurement (the Magnox Competition) is the delivery of a series of outputs largely based on the extant baselines of Magnox and RSRL, currently defined as outcomes of the Magnox Optimised Decommissioning Plan (MODP) and Optimised RSRL Baseline (HOP and WOP) at 10% lower cost. The performance obligations associated with delivery of this objective are embodied within a Client Specification which forms the basis of the Site Licence Company Agreement (SLCA) and Parent Body Agreement (PBA). | NERC/British Antarctic Survey has a business need to replace its two aging science/logistics support vessels with a new dual role purpose vessel. The FBC calculated that the NPV of the option selected as best overall Value For Money, (design, build operate a new dual role science/logistics support vessel) resulting in a saving of £102m over a period of 25 years representing the anticipated lifetime of the new asset. The reduction in vessel capacity and attendant running costs is predicted to deliver significant savings with only a minor impact of delivery of science days at sea. The Specification/Statement Of Requirements for the new vessel was developed in consultation with the key stakeholders including, but not limited to, the scientific user community; logistics support staff within the British Antarctic Survey and the Supply Side. Working with the selected shipyard, Cammell Laird we are optimising the design and on track to deliver the vessel in Q4 2017/18. NERC is not purchasing any steel. Steel purchased by the main contractor has due regard for the guidance and commercial best practice. | Changing the model for engaging the private sector at the Sellafield Site from the current Parent Body Organisation model to a new Market Enhanced Site Licenced Company characterised by public sector retention of the uncertainties intrinsically associated with Sellafield. | The Government's vision is for every home in Great Britain to have smart electricity and gas meters by 2020. Smart Meters will give consumers up-to-date information about how much gas and/or electricity they have used in pounds and pence, as well as units of energy. Smart meters will have benefits for consumers, suppliers and energy networks. Consumers will have near real-time information about their energy use, enabling them to monitor and manage their energy consumption, save money and reduce carbon emissions. Switching between suppliers will also be made simpler and faster. Energy suppliers will have access to accurate data for billing and will be able to offer a wider range of services and tariffs. Energy networks will have better information to manage and plan current activities and support the move towards the development of a smart grid. | The UKRI Implementation Programme will create UK Research and Innovation, a single new NDPB that will integrate nine research and innovation funders: the seven Research Councils, Innovate UK, and the research funding functions of HEFCE (creating Research England). | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | The rating reflects the early stages of a long term programme that involves working in partnership with communities and which has experienced slippage due to a number of external factors. In November 2017 the IPA completed a project assessment review and reported an overall Delivery Confidence Assessment of Amber. Further progress was achieved in January 2018 with the launch of two consultations: the draft Working with Communities policy and the draft National Policy Statement for Geological Disposal Infrastructure. | HNIP has undertaken detailed project planning to ensure teams are fully resourced and key risks are identified. Mitigating actions have been developed and implemented to ensure that the project is de-risked sufficiently for the successful launch of the main scheme. Specialist advice has been sought for technical project areas. Lessons learned and process evaluation from the Pilot Scheme have fed into Main Scheme design in order to increase delivery confidence. | In line with the newly approved Phase1 approach, we have : • defined our high level delivery plan; • redrafted and agreed our procurement strategy; • reshaped our delivery team structure to focus on implementation; • started re-engaging with Phase 1 local authorities to ensure we can move to migration. | The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy approved the termination of the target cost contract with the Cavendish Fluor Partnership (CFP) effective 1st September 2017, with a two year notice period. As a result of the decision to terminate the contract the original Business Case benefits will not be realised as planned. A revised set of milestones (benefits) has been agreed as part of BEIS/HMT Ministerial sign off to the termination arrangements. In line with the notice provisions in the original target cost contract, revised arrangements have been put in place with the CFP for the period to the end of August 2019. Of the agreed 49 contract milestones for the termination phase, all are currently forecast to be delivered by the end of the current contract. At the end Quarter 3 of 2017, 14 milestones have been achieved, 23 are on target, 4 are behind with a possibility of recovery, and 8 are forecast to miss their individual milestone dates but will be achieved before the contract formally closes at the end of August 2019. | NERCs Programme Office has been monitoring all the IPA actions, which are now all in progress or closed. This activity is on schedule. | This complex programme of work is progressing well, completing its consolidation phase in line with the original 12-18 month estimate and setting out plans for transforming the Sellafield business. Engagement with Government regarding Sellafield Model Change (SMC) has been improved through the establishment of an SMC Engagement Group which meets regularly to consider the requirements of Government in light of the progress made. Plans have been developed to bring an update on the Outline Business Case to Major Projects Review Group in 2018, and Nuclear Decommissioning Authority are working with Government representatives to ensure that this update sets out the progress made in delivery, as well as setting out the plans for safeguarding the future delivery of benefits within the established subsidiary Model. | The most recent IPA review assessed the Programme as Amber. This reflected good progress but recognised that there remained a number of areas requiring close management attention. | Success framework is being developed, organisational design completed and process on track for completion on Day 1, and new Corporate HR Function established and recruitment is being handed over. Three year transformation plan in progress and first draft has been reviewed by the UKRI Board. UKRI Board has been established and Senior Operation Roles in place. Freedoms and Flexibilities in the Governance Framework have been endorsed by BEIS ExCo. | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 30/06/08 | 25/11/15 | 01/03/14 | 03/04/12 | 01/05/14 | 13/01/15 | 02/12/09 | 01/01/16 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 31/12/40 | 31/03/21 | 17/11/23 | 31/08/15 | 31/12/22 | 24/05/17 | 31/12/20 | 01/10/18 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Planning schedules are in line with the ambition to identify a site and construct a GDF by the 2040s and are kept under review by the developer, Radioactive Waste Management Ltd. | HNIP main scheme schedule is on track to revised launched dates, with key milestones baselined as part of the Outline Business Case approval process. | Programme has been re-planned in January 2018, to reflect the recently approved Phase 1 approach, by HM Treasury. All milestones have been reviewed and updated in the new plan. | The current contract with CFP will terminate at the end of August 2019 after 5 years rather than its full term of 14 years. The NDA has established a Transition Project that will establish arrangements for a replacement operating model / contracting structure for Magnox to be put in place by the time the current contract ends. | Programme is on track to deliver to its agreed schedule. | In 2014, the original Sellafield Model Change programme set out four tranches (decision, transition, consolidation and transformation). The programme of work has now completed its consolidation phase with the plans for transformation at Sellafield receiving approval from the Sellafield Board, within the original 12-18 month estimate set out in SMC. The overall approach to transformation at Sellafield is making good progress towards delivering real impact in FY 17/18, and continuing work to deliver change within the organisation to deliver against the stated SMC benefits | On schedule for 2020 subject to energy suppliers accelerating their rollouts in line with their plans provided to Ofgem. | Schedule on track. | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
2017/18 TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £32.24 | £33.67 | £25.80 | £572.00 | £113.00 | £2,341.70 | £736.51 | £9.40 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
2017/18 TOTAL Forecast £m (including Non-Government costs) | £32.25 | £21.60 | £13.60 | £555.00 | £111.00 | £2,260.70 | £737.76 | £9.40 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
2017/2018 Variance %age | 0% | -36% | -47% | -3% | -2% | -3% | 0% | 0% | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Whole Life Cost TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £12,131.50 | £365.98 | £193.30 | £3,081.00 | £1,403.00 | £30,011.20 | £17,215.78 | £9.40 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2017/18 (if variance is more than 5%) | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget is underspent due to main scheme set up being moved back as part of re-planning. This has caused delivery costs to move into latter years. | The in year underspends reflect the delays to approvals of the Programme Business Case. Activities have now been re-baselined and the spend profile rephased accordingly. | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | Whole Life Cost figure represents the estimated cost of designing, constructing and operating the GDF out to the 2130s. Note that the figure reported here only covers costs related to a GDF for legacy waste and waste arising from the existing fleet of nuclear reactors, it does not include any provisions for waste disposal from a new nuclear build programme, as this will be funded by new nuclear operators. The increase in costs since last year is primarily down to inflation and revised assumptions (such as manpower) during the siting and construction phases. All figures are provided in real rather than nominal values due to the long timescales associated with this project. | As part of the 2015 Spending Review agreement, £320m of capital funding was allocated to BEIS to support investment in heat network projects. The funding comprises £170m of fiscal spend and £150m non-fiscal. The profile of capital spending is currently under consideration as part of Treasury Approval Point for the OBC. Costs are calculated in nominal terms. | Following approval of phase one activities, the project schedule has been re-baselined and the spend profile rephased accordingly to remain within budget. | The Whole Life Cost covers the 5 year contract period with CFP to the point of termination (1st September 2014 to 31st August 2019) when revised arrangements will be out in place for the remaining work to take the Magnox sites into care and Maintenance. This varies from previous years’ reporting which included the Phase 1 costs through to 2021. Costs are calculated in nominal terms. | The whole life cost represents costs until 2043/44. These costs include the project costs until closure and recurring Antarctic Partition and Logistics infrastructure budget costs. Costs are calculated in nominal terms. | The budgeted whole life costs relate to the whole of Sellafield Site costs to the end of financial year 2028/29 and our forecast RDEL and CDEL numbers reflect the allocation of funding to Sellafield from the NDA's Spending Review (SR) settlement agreement. Costs are calculated in real terms, indexed to 2014. | The total budget whole life cost figures in this return are presented in undiscounted nominal terms, for comparability with other programmes. The figure differs from the total cost figure forecast in the Smart Meter Programme's 2016 Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), which expresses net costs and benefits over 2013-30 in 2011 real prices and discounted to 2016 present values (in line with HM Treasury appraisal guidance) giving net present value benefits of £5,746m. | The programme recognised there was potential that additional costs would be required for Digital and Technology and Estates, which amounts to c. £2m exclusive of VAT for Estates and , c £1.6 exclusive of VAT for Digital and Technology; however this was subject to business case clearance which was not expected until Q3 and therefore has not been included in the September figures. | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
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