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CO Government Major Projects Portfolio Data, September 2017 (csv)
Updated 4 July 2018
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Project Name | Commercial Capability Programme | Gov UK Verify | Common Technology Services | Foxhound Programme | Government Hubs Programme | Government as a Platform | ISSC2 | 1617 New Property Model Programme |
Department | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber/Green | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber/Red |
Description / Aims | The Commercial Capability Programme is delivering a step change in commercial capability by putting in place the key enablers that lead to a more effective function, aligned with the new functional model for Government, and staffed with professionals who are more capable and confident. To do this we are recruiting, retaining, developing and growing our own best commercial talent, helping to drive commercial common sense. | GOV.UK Verify is the new way to prove who you are online and for public service providers to be assured you are who you say you are. The programme delivered a live service in May 2016, and implementing it across central government services. | The Common Technology Services programme enables Government to transform the way Civil Servants work by supporting departments during the adoption of modern, flexible and secure technology that will increase their efficiency and deliver value for money. This includes working in partnership with Departments to develop patterns and standards for common technology components and supporting Government Property Agency with the design and delivery of shared technology at the Canary Wharf hub, including a design template for future hubs. | Design, development, build and deployment of an IT Shared Service across Government that enables them to work effectively and securely. | The Hubs programme will consolidate the office estate by creating a network of large, cross-government strategic hubs and supporting estate | Deliver cross-government technology platforms to cut costs and improve productivity by providing common components and accelerate business transformation in government. | The aim of the programme was to deliver greater value and efficiency by transforming back office operations, consolidating transactional services and sharing HR, procurement, finance and payroll functions and processes, and developing a Single Operating Platform (SOP) to further enable convergence of processes and data for government departments. | The GPA will transform the way property is managed in the civil estate, arising from the need to manage assets more strategically and commercially. It will do so through UK-wide and departmental portfolio strategies, allied with a number of programmes including the Government Hubs programme, Smarter Working, the Whitehall Campus Strategy and the Warehouse, Storage and Depot (WSD) Strategy. The portfolio strategies and programmes promote collaboration between departments, in turn, driving productivity and efficiency. |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Over 17/18 the Commercial Capability Programme has firmly established the Government Commercial Organisation (GCO) as the central single employer of senior commercial staff across central government. Service maturity activities to enhance GCO services to recruit, retain and develop staff are underway and the population it employs and services continues to grow. This programme impacting senior commercial staff across central government is transitioning into full BAU operations by the end of the year. | The programme's status is amber. This reflects the programme's technical delivery, which was rated GREEN by the IPA review team, but also reflects the challenges in achieving the necessary user volumes to the timescales initially planned. A revised strategic approach to digital identity, and business case, have since been developed and work is ongoing to agree this revised approach. | The programme has developed an action plan to respond to the IPA's recommendations, and is on track to complete this during quarter 4 17/18. The plan includes continuing to improve programme governance processes and reporting on benefits realisation. | The Programme has moved from an 'Amber' RAG status by the IPA in 2016 to an 'Amber-Green' one in 2017, reflecting the substantial progress made by the Programme over the last year. | Final working arrangements for the phase 1 Joint Delivery Team are currently being worked through. A new organisational structure for the Programmes Directorate in GPA came into effect on 1 August 2017 and there has been a distinct shift in the focus of work to encompass a wider portfolio of programmes within the Directorate. Ann Carter-Gray continues to act as SRO and Programme Director. GPA are conducting an internal challenge session to review the programme plan for Phase 2 projects. ensuring those projects that deliver the greatest benefits are given the most priority. Key risk areas include a dip in engagement from Departments - mitigated by programme directors presence on DWP and HMRC programme boards, MGER commitment to the programme, continual engagement at the Customer Board. The Lack of commitment by occupiers to Smart Working - mitigated by cross-government Smart Working Policy (PAS3000). Cross-government delivery board agreement received for the smart working programme strategy making smart working a discrete programme separate to the hubs programme. The Disclosure of commercial information prejudicing negotiation position - mitigated by firm control of documentation and information, NDAs and media handling strategy." | The programme is still experiencing difficulties recruiting to a number of technical roles. The programme is augmenting Civil Servant capability with interims and services where needed to maintain delivery. Progress against targets remains good and business Case benefits remain on target. | Since last report all departments have now successfully migrated onto the single operating platform, taking into account IPA recommendations. | Significant progress made by Shadow GPA since the OBC was approved. A revised Business case was issued in autumn of 2017 at which point there was another IPA review to assess progress, risks and viability of the business case. |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 01/01/2015 | 01/04/2012 | 01/04/2016 | 01/09/2013 | 01/05/2015 | 31/12/2015 | 28/12/2012 | 01/04/2015 |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 31/03/2018 | 31/03/2020 | 31/03/2020 | 31/12/2018 | 31/03/2025 | 31/03/2021 | 28/03/2021 | 01/04/2021 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | On track to deliver key enablers within scope by end March 2018 | User volumes have been lower than forecast due to slower than anticipated digital transformation across government. Work is underway to develop cross-government agreement on the approach to digital identity in the intermediate term. The programme continues to iterate the product to ensure that it meets HMG's needs. | The programme remains on track to complete in March 2020. | The Programme has continued to make good progress with all core components of the system now underway and in the delivery pipeline. The Programme has now implemented the system to its Full Business Case partners as well as consuming a number of new Brexit-driven Partners. The overall risks around technology development timelines continues to reduce but challenges remain around enhanced roll-out to multiple new partners to time. The Programme agreed with the IPA in autumn 2017 that end March 2019 is an achievable target date for Programme closure. The Service Organisation is well established and is increasingly picking up work transitioning from the Programme. The Target Operating Model aims to deliver significant Programme transition to the DfID organisation managing the Service through 2018. | The programme was rebaselined from 31/3/2015. This reflected later than anticipated project initiation for some hubs. The change ensures benefits are properly captured on a 10 and 20 year NPV basis | Progress has been good in quarter 2 with adoption of Notify ahead of target (49 adopting services vs a target of 50 for end of 17/18), and the adoption of Pay and PaaS increasing (Pay 3 adopting services vs a target of 11 for end of 17/18, PaaS 8 adopting services vs a target of 10 for end of 17/18), and delivery of features to enable further adoption progressing. Challenges continue to remain around recruitment and resourcing, with all teams operating below target headcount. | All government go-lives on the Single Operating Platform (SOP) have now taken place. MPs go-live onto separate P-SOP took place in Feb 2018. 2021 is the date of the final contractual milestone. With the P-SOP go-live in Feb 2018, the programme is expected to formally close and transition to service delivery. | The NPM Programme remains on schedule to launch on 1 April 2018 |
2017/18 TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £9.20 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £12.20 | £27.60 | £86.50 | £23.00 | £380.30 | £11.10 |
2017/18 TOTAL Forecast £m (including Non-Government costs) | £9.20 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £11.70 | £33.05 | £86.50 | £22.00 | £323.00 | £11.10 |
2017/2018 Variance %age | 0% | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | -4% | 20% | 0% | -4% | -15% | 0% |
Whole Life Cost TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £20.60 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £52.60 | £174.30 | £638.87 | £90.00 | £2,728.50 | £93.93 |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2017/18 (if variance is more than 5%) | Budget variance less than 5% | The majority of the programme’s budget (~75%) is allocated to payments for identity verification, these are driven by user volumes and commercial negotiations with suppliers. Lower than anticipated user volumes have resulted in reduced spend in 2017/18. | The 17/18 forecast is lower than budgeted due to an extended business case approval period (Apr-Sept 2017) which limited the programme's ability to recruit and commit funding during 17/18. | Higher forecast for 17/18 now identified as a result of provisioning more of the system to new partners, but not at the Cabinet Office's expense | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | Revised forecast is as the result of a comprehensive exercise to re-baseline the programme's costs and benefits. | Budget variance less than 5% |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | Increased budget and costs in 17/18 to support staff transitions into the GCO and service maturity activities. Funding for 17/18 is higher as this was the year where the bulk of senior commercial staff transitioned into the GCO and more GCO services went live - with an increased volume of staff impacted. this figure reflect the assumed funding at end September - as per the GMPP return | The programme’s whole life costs cover the fixed costs of running the programme, and the verification and account maintenance for 25m users. The costs of identity verification are dependent on user volumes and commercial renegotiations with suppliers and contain significant uncertainties. | Baseline costs have been derived from the Programme Business Case approved in September 2017. The Programme has now submitted an updated version of the Programme Business Case for approval. Once this has been approved, the costs will need to be reduced in line with the PBC. | Whole Life Costs refer to the costs of maintaining an enduring Service (including the FOXHOUND Programme element). Forecast costs have varied historically whilst the full solution has still been in development. | The scope of our PBC has changed dramatically since the last year return (and has been now approved by HMT). Previously all government hubs (both GPA led and HMRC led) had been included in our PBC and therefore in our GMPP return, since then following conversations with HMRC we have stripped out the costs of the HMRC led hubs. This was agreed with HMRC/HMT/IPA as to avoid any potential double counting in costs/benefits. The new PBC & GMPP includes only costs and benefits associated with the GPA led hubs. HM Treasury approved a change in the scope of the programme business case (PBC). Previously it included all government hubs. Now it relates only to the costs for GPA-led hubs as the costs of HMRC hubs are included in the Building Our Future Locations PBC. This removes the risk of double counting. | The programme underspent considerably in the last financial year due the difficulty with recruiting staff to the programme. Also the ratio of civil servants to interims is at 86% vs the 50% ratio forecast and this has reduced costs. Efforts are being made to improve forecast reliability within this financial year, however changes to GDS structure and governance and continued challenges recruiting is likely to have an impact on spend this year as well. | The costs included are those spent via the Cabinet Office, and costs across individual customer departments (BEIS [former DECC element], CCC, CO, Defra, DfE, DWP, EA, FSA, HSE, JNCC, MMO, MoJ, NE, ONR, HO, MPS) | The Whole Life Cost figures reported by NPM relate to the setup and operation of a new Government Property Agency. The investments costs and the recurring costs therefore relate to the creation and operation of the agency rather than the value or operating costs of the properties (which already exist). GPA running costs at the Outline Stage business case have been calculated with a ‘bottom-up’ approach: Incremental costs for the Strategic Intervention option based on the ‘thin’ operating model and organisation structure described in the Commercial Case average £9.4m per annum are within the £9 - £11m range estimated at the ‘Strategic Stage’. |