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MOJ Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2017 (csv)
Updated 4 July 2018
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Project Name | Electronic Monitoring | Future IT Sourcing Programme (FITS) | Shared Services (ISSC2) Evolve | CJS Common Platform | Berwyn Programme | HMCTS Reform | MoJ Future FM | Prison Estate Transformation Programme (PETP) | NOMS Digital Transformation Programme | Criminal Justice System Exchange Re-provisioning | Transforming Compliance Enforcment Programme (TCEP) |
Department | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ | MoJ |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Amber/Red | Amber | Amber/Green | Amber/Red | Amber/Green | Amber/Red | Amber | Amber/Red | Amber | Amber | Amber/Red |
Description / Aims | The Electronic Monitoring Programme is set up to implement a new electronic monitoring system and a service for the day to day monitoring of subjects wearing the devices. | The FITS programme aims to deliver at least £95m per annum reduction in MoJ ICT operating costs through the design and implementation of a new ICT Operating Model. | The MoJ Shared Services Programme’s aim is to deliver transformation in the approach to the provision of back office services in MoJ. | The Common Platform Programme aims to deliver a technology platform which supports business transformation across the Criminal Justice system. CJS Common Platform Programme moved to become part of the MoJ Crime Programme in 2018. | The Berwyn Programme aims to build a new prison in Wrexham (North Wales) that will be operational in 2017.Compliance with Steel Guidance: the programme is compliant with PPN Action Note 16/15 and associated guidance. | The aim of the HMCTS Reform Programme is to: modernise the infrastructure and deliver a better and more flexible service to court users; modernise and transform courts and tribunal service to increase efficiency, improve service quality and reduce the cost to the tax payer. | The Future FM programme is the re-procurement of time expired Total Facilities Management contracts, covering the FM requirements of a number of Government Departments over a five year period, with an value of circa £288 million. The project also includes the reorganisation and improvement of the internal FM operational and contract management (client) unit. | The PETP will change the way the prison population is managed. It will create reception prisons which will service the courts and manage those on remand. The training estate for sentenced prisoners will be improved and expanded so that the supply of places meets demand. For prisoners nearing the end of their sentence or on short custodial sentences there will be enhanced resettlement prisons. PETP will improve how female offenders are managed through the creation of small community prisons.These changes will be delivered through the reconfiguration of the existing custodial estate and the construction of new prisons and smaller houseblock units within existing prisons. The programme's capital value is in excess of £10m and will likely have a steel element within it. | The Digital & Change programme vision is to: • Improve security, reduce self-harm and re-offending and increase safety in prisons by implementing new digital technology. • Provide better more flexible IT to NOMS staff, for less cost. • Make existing and new NOMS applications more responsive, joined up and the data they contain more accessible. | The Criminal Justice System Exchange (CJSE) provides a platform that enables structured and semi-structured data to be exchanged and shared between various Criminal Justice Organisations within England and Wales. It is a key enabler that the police forces, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) rely upon heavily for case preparation and the conduct of court proceedings on a daily basis. Any interruption to its service would have a major impact on the criminal justice system in a very short space of time. The legacy infrastructure and applications that comprise the CJSE use legacy systems and out of date technology and must be re-provisioned. | The Transforming Compliance and Enforcement Programme (TCEP) was initiated in 2015 to address an outdated, underinvested, largely manual service. TCEP will deliver full transformational change delivering significant benefits through increased effectiveness in fine recovery and increased efficiency. Improving automation and embedding intelligence-led systems will reduce the resourcing required, whilst reducing/ consolidating the estate will also deliver reduced running costs. Utilising modern data tracing and analytics tools will drive a significant increase in performance on recovery of debt and at a lower unit cost than at present. |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Since Q2, the Electronic Monitoring Programme is progressing the programme towards Green through the following key actions: • Completing early integration testing on existing software and systems and beginning redevelopment to accommodate the new generation tags; • Completing the build of the supporting IT hardware and commissioning the production of the new tags; • Finalising and contractualising the EM Delivery Plan with suppliers; • Agreeing with stakeholders the approach to training and transition, embedding learning from the pilots; • Reviewing and updating the FBC, to include costs of change and new plan dates. | Timescales remain challenging and whilst deployments are accelerating, further simplification of solution deployment is required. Increase in supplier resources has been requested to help tackle supplier delays | As SOP had been accepted into service, the programme was closed. As there was a continuing need to manage ongoing SOP defects, a service management arrangement was formed involving eight key suppliers. There was also a move away from contractor-based support to managed service leading to resourcing and cost benefits. There continued a good collaboration with SSCL Business Partner & Delivery Teams (both within SSCL and the business) leading to stabilisation of service following SOP go live and improving KPI/SLA performance. There was strong leadership of the change from fixed to volumetric pricing for SSCL transactional services, driving significant cost savings for MoJ. SOP Optimisation: projects completed included DWP Go Live, Hyperion, Strategic Reachback, Skins Beta, Dom1 Windows 10/Office 365 compatibility, Apex Portal and Qlik proof of concept. | The Common Platform Programme and Crime Service Model has now been brought into a single Crime Service Programme and good progress has been made. Digital mark-up (in-court resulting) has been rolled out nationally and has over 3000 users in our courts. 2000 online pleas are now made weekly using our new online ‘make a plea tool’ for traffic offences. This service has been extended to fare evasion with the first non-guilty plea moving to a summons in less than 24 hours. The first cases have also now been moved through the Crown Court end-to-end platform for the first time. | The Amber Green confidence assessment is reflecting the near completion of the total build. There remains some additional work within the industries complex, which includes the completion and enabling of the 11 workshops within Berwyn. | 2017 and in the IPA Assurance of Action Plan in March 2018 the programme’s RAG status was improved to amber in acknowledgement of the improved structure and effectiveness of the portfolio’s management and governance. The programme continues to make regular releases of new services to the public: • The programme launched Civil Money Claims on 26 March 2018 allowing the public to issue, respond to and settle claims online, with 1938 claims issues in the first 19 days and user satisfaction at 88%. • In social security and child support, we deployed the ‘track your appeal’ service nationally, bringing an additional 47,379 members of the public into scope and with user satisfaction currently tracking at around 70%. • The probate service private beta is developing well with processing time is more than twice as fast as the current service (9 days against 28 days) with 91% users saying that the service was easy to complete, and 96% saying it was easy to understand. • Since January 2018 users of the online divorce service can now submit their application online, make a payment and upload documents. Since the release went live just 0.7% of applications have been rejected because of errors (compared with 40% in the paper-based system) and over 90% of marriage certificate uploads have been completely successfully. Take-up is running at over 80%. • Work to move hearings from in-court to digital channels is progressing well. The first-ever web-based video hearing took place in the tax tribunal in February and further hearings are taking place fortnightly. | Considerable progress has been made since the Q2. Report. The project has now successfully gone live with all phases of the new Future FM contracts. Work is ongoing with the 5 suppliers to ensure successful transition to BAU, with the project expected to close in June 18. | The issues in the custodial estate that PETP was created to assist in resolving (replacing inappropriate prisons and conditions with modern, resettlement focused prisons and ensuring prisoners were held in appropriate conditions) have continued, and, while population pressures are also an ongoing concern, the vision of the programme remains intact and relevant. Despite challenges faced, the programme continues to progress. Bids have been received for the sale of HMP Holloway, and the detailed design contracts for construction to begin at the Wellingborough and Glen Parva sites are in the final drafting stages. Reconfiguration of the estate has progressed well and the second Video Conferencing Centre has now been installed in Wandsworth and is operating to the satisfaction of all affected. | Steady progress has been made; an internal review has concluded that the current roll out of in-cell telephony and kiosks on prison wings should be completed and an evaluation undertaken to inform next steps. | The new CJSE service is now live having commenced on time, against the revised plan on 23 September 2017 and is running at full volume with all Criminal Justice Orginisations connected. The Xhibit portal service has been disaggregated from the new CJSE service and will be run as a separate standalone project and the project will now produce a formal closure report. The programme has re forecasted to completion and consequently have released £1.5m RDEL. | The Programme was rebaselined, including costs and milestones in January 2018. It was expected that by now all procurements would have been made, however, contracts cannot be signed until the outcome of the financial allocation is known. |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 10/05/2011 | 01/03/2011 | 07/09/2013 | 01/11/2012 | 10/01/2013 | 05/01/2015 | 01/07/2016 | 01/04/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 31/10/2015 | 04/01/2016 |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 31/08/2024 | 30/11/2017 | 05/11/2015 | 29/03/2019 | 31/05/2018 | 31/03/2022 | 01/04/2018 | 31/12/2021 | 31/03/2021 | 31/10/2017 | 26/04/2019 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Slippage remains the key risk on the Programme, as the Delivery Plan continues to be under threat of delay, due to Lot 1's view of the development and testing timelines. Lot 1 plans are being actively challenged and assumptions assured by workstreams. We are making progress in understanding the logic behind Lot 1's plans, which will enable us to reach consensus and produce a new delivery plan in February. The next step will be to agree inter-dependencies with the other Lots. Plans have been received from all 4 lots and are being assimilated to articulate dependencies across workstreams for all parties to formally agree and create a single plan identifying deliverables and milestones. This is scheduled for completion in line with the contract re-set timeline in February. The programme has achieved two key milestones with the signing of the Lot 3 contract (tag supplier) with G4S in November and the signing of the Interface Translation Platform (ITP, the service’s ‘interface engine’) contract with Capita in December, hence enabling ITP implementation to commence. The Programme is on track to end commercial negotiations in early spring 2018. All quality gates are aligned to key delivery milestones, and have been included in the Programme delivery plan. Preparation work has started for Quality Gate 0 (Programme Restart), which is scheduled to take place in March. Work is underway to confirm that the required controls and a thorough approval route is in place to maximise the chance of successful programme delivery, in line with contract re-set. The aim is to complete all Quality Gate activies by the first week of March 2018, in line with the baselined delivery plan. | There is confidence that the majority of work streams within the Programme will be able to deliver. EUCS and WAN/LAN deployment remain behind the original plans but should see completion by Summer 2018. Probation deployments are due to start at the end of November, and there is currently significant pressure on this date, both from technical and service readiness perspectives. | Programme is now closed. | The Programme has successfully delivered a number of services and iterations to services that are live. The initial functionality for two of the releases, which will provide the digital end to end service for criminal case management, have been delivered. The first releases for Charge to Initial Details of the Prosecution case (C2I) and Crown Court End to End (CCE2E) are live for Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) users in Mersey-Cheshire and HMCTS users in Liverpool Crown Court. This was a key milestone for the Programme. Automated Track Case Management continues to produce regular releases. Digtial Mark Up rollout has commenced. The Business Case has been finalised and is going through the approval process. | The project maintained the schedule with the opening of Berwyn taking place on 27th February. | Good progress has been made although challenges remain on the path to IS2 and robust Implementation planning aligned with tight management of inter programme dependencies is being put in place to support ensuring achievement of planned deliverables by our baselined end date. All CFT Tranche 1 services are now in pilot stages and WiFi is on track to be installed in the planned 113 CFT courts by end March. Under our Estates rationalisation plans we have now fully exited 111 sites with 50 freehold properties disposed of. Sales receipts continue to exceed forecast figures bringing in £82m in 2017/18. A sale was agreed on Hammersmith Magistrates at a figure of £43m which will be receipted this Financial Year as planned | The new contract commencement date has been moved back by four weeks due to an extension of time being awarded to bidders during the tender period. The overall start and end dates of the programme are unaffected by the extension of tender time. Tenders have been successfully received and the initial evaluation and moderation of the qualitative bids has been completed to time. The programme is on target to complete evaluation and commence the FBC approvals by early April 2017. | Approval of outstanding OBC which will require a change to planned dates. | HMPPS 2018 aims to put services in place that enable HMPPS to exit NICTS by 31st Dec 17. For the Fix & Go programme work is ongoing to re-platform the core and a selection of non-core, smaller applications (P-NOMIS, CSR, OASys and Mercury) onto cloud environments. HMPPS have also developed an Analytics Platform which will receive data feeds from the major applications and is going through the final stages of testing before a revised go-live date of mid-July. The Digital Prisons Programme has now deployed Release 2. 0 in HMP Cookham Wood, HMP High Down, and HMP Durham, with non transactional self service functionality on communal kiosks. Deployment of Release 2.0 in subsequent prisons has been temporarily delayed due to issues with scalability of the Unilink / pNomis integration components. These issues appear to have been resolved in the short to medium term and an agreed usage ramp up has been agreed with all parties and close monitoring of performance is taking place as the load profile increases. | The new CJSE service is now live having commenced on time, against the revised plan on 23 September 2017 and is running at full volume with all CJOs connected. The Xhibit portal service has been disaggregated from the new CJSE service and will be run as a seperate stand alone project. | The rating reflects the HMCTS Change Portfolio Highlight Report (August 2017) and is due to the combination of delays caused by two events. Firstly Purdah, which delayed the signing of the Debt Management System contract, and secondly unforseen procurement complexities surrouding the Finance and Accounting Solution. Recent legal and commercial advice, due to an exclusivity clause with an existing MOJ contract, is SSCL need to be engaged and this has caused delay in identifying the solution and the timescale for delivering it. The risk of not procuring the Finance and Accounting Solution in line with the Debt Management System has become an issue during the last quarter. A 3 month requirements phase is about to start following which the solution, costs and timeframe will be understood. A revised plan is being developed to align the FAS and the DMS. The programme are currently looking at options to minimise any impact on timescales and benefits. During the last quarter the integration and hosting solutions have been procured. |
2017/18 TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £79.30 | £314.30 | £43.86 | £73.59 | £43.80 | £192.85 | £43.30 | £- | £37.80 | £16.06 | £27.40 |
2017/18 TOTAL Forecast £m (including Non-Government costs) | £74.03 | £314.30 | £46.03 | £52.33 | £60.60 | £192.85 | £25.90 | £- | £48.10 | £19.91 | £27.40 |
2017/2018 Variance %age | -7% | 0% | 5% | -29% | 38% | 0% | -40% | 0% | 27% | 24% | 0% |
Whole Life Cost TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £580.50 | £2,879.25 | £398.07 | £380.96 | £2,269.70 | £1,647.02 | £430.20 | £- | £212.20 | £39.88 | £123.00 |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2017/18 (if variance is more than 5%) | The 2017 EM Full Business Case rebaselined the Programme, which set the new service go live date at September 2018. Due to delays to the Programme driven by the General Election and changes in the scope of the Programme, the rebaselined plan moved the Go Live date to April 2019. This is being reviewed and will be re-baselined, once contract re-set is complete. The spend profile for the Programme will be reprofiled accordingly across financial years. | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | The majority of the in year variance relates to Voluntary Early Departure Scheme (VEDs) which was not required. | The majority of the variance is a result of the ongoing captial works required in the Industries complex, mobilising design and build has legthened the schedule of work and is yet to be covered within 17/18. Detail updated post programme office closure (closure of PMO September 17) | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | The programme's business case has progressed through internal governance, although HMT approval is awaited, and therefore there are no approved baseline figures to report against. | As there is no HMT approved business case change since last year, we expect to see NO CHANGE to any baselines, particularly milestones, costs and benefits. | “The Xhibit Portal service has been disaggregated from the new CJSE service and will be run as a separate standalone project. The additional cost is the continued run costs for the legacy Xhibit Portal system until we can replace it.” | Budget variance less than 5% |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | The 2017 FBC is based on historic contract prices and the reset of the contracts and new prices will impact the baseline. This will also prompt an update to the FBC. This activity has a dependency on contract reset, which is expected to complete in early 2018. | The FITS Programme Whole of Life Costs cover the financial years 2011/12 through to 2021/22 and include both the cost to deliver the project and also the ongoing running cost of the services. | The Whole Life Costs (WLC) represent the move to a fully outsourced service of the MoJ’s back office functions in line with the Government's Next Generation Shared Services Strategy. The current WLC includes Resource costs covering: programme team delivery, training, legal and development costs. In addition, capital investment has been made to create IT infrastructure assets i.e. Merge and SOP asset. These costs are derived from the original Financial Business Case. There is no significant changes to the figure since quarter 3 2017/18. | The whole life costs include both the cost to deliver the programme and also the ongoing operating costs of the new service. The whole life costs for the programme will be updated as part of the latest business case refresh. | The whole life costs include both the costs to implement the project and also the ongoing running costs of the new prison over its 60 year lifetime. | Overall whole life costs for the Portfolio remain largely constant. Since quarter 2 revised business cases for Reform and CJS Common Platform have been approved by MPRG in November 2017. These enompassed an agreed transfer of £43m costs and £23m benefits from Reform to CJSCPP for delivery of crime reform with some reduction in the scope of CJSCPP. | The whole life costs include the one off project setup, delivery and mobilisation costs and the contract costs for the 5 year life of the new contracts. The cost also include the reorganisation costs associated with the new FM contract management unit. There are no variances from the previous forecast £288m whole life cost at this stage. The tender costs are currently being evaluated and the financial models for the FBC are in development. | The programme's business case has progressed through internal governance, although HMT approval is awaited, and therefore there are no approved baseline figures to report against. | As there is no HMT approved business case change since last year, we expect to see NO CHANGE to any baselines, particularly milestones, costs and benefits | The costs forecasted represent the cost horizon after a retendering the CJSE managed service. The result of which is a net reducing cost and one which is detailed within the cost section. There is no captial requirement for this project. • The FBC and proposal from bidder delivers a significant reduction, 68.5% (inc. OB) on existing CJSE baseline operating costs. • A number of services have been disaggregated, and have been remediated and moved to cloud • CCMT, DBS and Darts will have been removed from the core CJSE Service, with Xhibit Portal to be provided via CPP from FY17/18. • Enhanced DR and 24/7 availability for Bichard 7 and ExISS. • Core Service simplified with annual running costs reduced by 68.5% (inc. OB). • Future BAU service management and change management will now be less complex. This will reduce future change management costs as a consequence. • Predicted savings in a full year are £12.27m (see section 4.6, table 5). So after one-off and project team costs in FY16/17 through to FY17/18, payback occurs in April 2018. | The TCEP Resource One-off costs £25m consist of £12m for staff exits, £4m for Non Capitalisable ICT costs & £10m of pregramme costs. The £32.6m of Capital One-off costs includes £30.6m of ICT costs and £2m for Estates refurbishment costs for existing buildings. The One-Off costs will result in new expenditure on ICT over a 10year period of £45m, expenditure on additional floor space of £10m, an increase in support services costs of £9m and addtional staff during transition of £2m. |