Transparency data
DCMS: Senior officials' travel, 1st January to 31st March 2018
Updated 28 June 2018
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Senior Officials Name | Start date of trip | Duration of Visit (Days) | Destination | Purpose of trip | Mode of transport | Class of travel | Accommodation/Meals | Other (including hospitality given) | Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£) | Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car |
Yasmin Brooks | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Joe Butler | 25/02/2018 | 3 days | Barcelona | Attending the Mobile World Congress | Air | Economy | nil return | nil return | 434 | Not set |
Joe Butler | 05/03/2018 | 1 day | Watford | Attending a meeting with external bodies | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 36 | Not set |
Joe Butler | 13/03/2018 | 1 day | Oxford | Attending a meeting | Car | Economy | nil return | nil return | 95 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 18/01/2018 | 1 day | Camberley | UK-France Summit | Rail | Economy | nil return | 22.8 | 22.8 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 23/01/2018 | 3 days | Cambridge | Cambridge Fellowship Programme | Rail | Economy | nil return | 84.5 | 84.5 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 30/01/2018 | 1 day | Brussels | Joint DCMS / Home Office visit | Rail | Economy | nil return | 178 | 178 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 15/02/2018 | 2 days | Cheltenham Spa | Visit to GCHQ | Rail | Economy | 95 | 114.3 | 209.3 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 05/03/2018 | 2 days | Cambridge | Cambridge Fellowship Programme | Rail | Economy | nil return | 43.4 | 43.4 | Not set |
Sarah Connolly | 21/03/2018 | 3 days | Gatwick Airport | Wilton Park dialogue: Computational propaganda | Rail | Economy | nil return | 36.7 | 36.7 | Not set |
Graham Floater | 31/01/2018 | 1 day | Brussels | External meeting | Rail | Economy | 140 | nil return | 573.5 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 24/01/2018 | 1 day | Cambridge | Visit to GCHQ | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 59 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 31/01/2018 | < 1 day | Cambridge | IWF | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 59 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 26/02/2018 | 1 day | Brussels | EU engagement | Rail | Economy | 148 | nil return | 246 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 08/03/2018 | < 1 day | Oxford | MPLA course | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 47.8 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 08/03/2018 | 1 day | Cambridge | CSaP Policy Leaders Fellowship | Rail | Economy | 91 | nil return | 116 | Not set |
Matthew Gould | 22/03/2018 | 2 days | Newcastle | Sector engagement | Rail | Economy | 75 | nil return | 183 | Not set |
Georgia Hutchinson | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Hugh Harris | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
James Heath | 21/01/2018 | 2 days | Brussels | Meeting with MEPs and UKREP | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 286.54 | Not set |
James Heath | 18/01/2018 | 3 days | Seoul | Meetings with Korean Officials and KORAIL and ICT Policy Forum | Air and Rail | Business | nil return | nil return | 3376.76 | Not set |
James Heath | 24/02/2018 | 1 day | Barcelona | Media World Congress 2018 | Air and Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 405 | Not set |
James Heath | 15/03/2018 | 1 day | Paris | Meetings with French Gov and Orange | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 505.84 | Not set |
Kate Joseph | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Helen Judge | 16/01/2018 | 1 day | London | Top Flight Training Session | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | 179 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 19/01/2018 | 1 day | Newcastle | Creative Challenge Session for the Great Exhibition of the North | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 135 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 25/01/2018 | 2 days | Newcastle | Great Exhibition of the North Board Meeting | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 221 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 14/02/2018 | 2 days | York and Leeds | External meetings with stakeholders and visits to ALBs | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 192 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 27/02/2018 | 1 day | Newcastle | Full Programme announcement for the Great Exhibition of the North | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 135 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 21/03/2018 | 1 day | London | Top Flight Training Session | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | 179 | Not set |
Helen Judge | 26/03/2018 | 1 day | Birmingham | Gambling Commission Interviews | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 142 | Not set |
Raj Kalia | 19/03/2018 | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Claudia Kenyatta | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
David Knott | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Debra Lang | 20/03/2018 | 1 day | Croydon | Smart Working Delivery Board meeting | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 3.2 | Not set |
Liam Maxwell | 17/02/2018 | 6 days | Auckland and Wellington | HMG Representative at D5 Summit of advanced digital nations. | Air | Business | nil return | nil return | 4898 | Not set |
Liam Maxwell | 07/03/2018 | 2 days | Rome and Milan | Engage Italy's digital transformation organisation and speehes at universities to encourage UK as an entrpreneur's destination. (this trip was paid for by FCO from the Embassy in Rome) | Air and Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 520 | Not set |
Liam Maxwell | 01/02/2018 | 2 days | Almaty | Speech at regional forum on digital government and enhancement of technology trade opportunities. (this trip was paid for by the government of Kazakhstan) | Air | Business | nil return | nil return | 2005 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 01/02/2018 | < 1day | London | From Opera House | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 15 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 05/02/2018 | < 1day | London | Dinner Event | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 10 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 08/02/2018 | 1 day | Liverpool | Terracotta Warriors Exhibition | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 37 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 18/02/2018 | < 1day | London | BAFTAs | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 42 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 19/02/2018 | < 1day | Windsor | Keynote Speaker at Windsor Leadership | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 10 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 27/02/2018 | < 1day | London | Windsor Leadership Trustee meeting | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 6 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 06/03/2018 | < 1day | London | Irish Embassy Lunch - return | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 17 | Not set |
Sue Owen | 06/03/2018 | < 1day | London | Picasso exhibition, Tate Modern | Car | nil return | nil return | nil return | 15 | Not set |
Clare Pillman | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
David Rossington | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Gila Sacks | 19/03/2018 | 2 days | Brussels | Conference | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 489.51 | Not set |
Giles Smith | 27/02/2018 | 2 days | Sofia | Informal Culture Ministers meeting | Air and Car | Economy | 24.07 | nil return | 511.86 | Not set |
Giles Smith | 07/03/2018 | 1 day | Edinburgh | Working Internationally Conference and meetings | Air and Car | Economy | 8.95 | nil return | 136 | Not set |
Giles Smith | 14/03/2018 | 2 days | Hull | Cultural Transformations Dinner and Conference | Rail | Economy | nil return | nil return | 161 | Not set |
Tim Sparrow | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |
Andrea Young | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | nil return | Not set |