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HMRC Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2017 (csv)
Updated 4 July 2018
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Project Name | Columbus (formerly Aspire Replacement Programme) | Building Our Future Locations Programme | CUSTOMS DECLARATION SERVICES (CDS) Programme | Making Tax Digital for Business | Tax-Free Childcare | Compliance For The Future Programme | Making Tax Digital for Individuals |
Department | HMRC | HMRC | HMRC | HMRC | HMRC | HMRC | HMRC |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Amber/Green | Amber | Amber | Amber | Amber/Red | Amber | Amber |
Description / Aims | To manage the safe exit of HMRC's ASPIRE IT contract that ends in June 2017.The Programme aim, as reflected in the Business Case, is to:• achieve a safe transition from the ASPIRE contract to the new HMRC IT operating and sourcing model, enabling HMRC’s digital and data transformation and deliver the benefits of the new model thereafter.The Programme objectives, as reflected in the Business Case, are to:• Ensure there is continuity of IT supply to the Department and its customers once the current contractual arrangements through the ASPIRE contracts end in June 2017;• Ensure that new sourcing arrangements provide better value for money, drive out savings compared to current baseline and are market aligned and consistent with Government standards for ICT contracts and IT delivery;• Ensure IT in HMRC is transformed to enable HMRC’s digital and data transformation and to ensure that changes can be made more flexibly and at greater speed through a new target Operating and Commercial Model and re-engineered processes;• Ensure HMRC has the capacity and capability to operate its new IT Operating and Commercial Model on a sustainable basis;• Ensure the transition from ASPIRE contracts to the new Operating Model is as smooth as possible with minimal disruption to service (same or better SLAs) and project delivery (time, cost, quality as agreed for each project) during the transition period. | HMRC’s transformation is the biggest modernisation of the UK tax system in a generation making fundamental changes to the way it operates. The ambition is to become one of the most digitally-advanced tax authorities in the world. This will be done by becoming a smaller, more highly-skilled and flexible organisation. The Locations Programme is key to HMRC’s wider transformation, by changing the working environment it will help change the way they work. The estate will be made up of 13 Regional Centres, 6 Transitional Sites and 5 Specialist Sites and a London Headquarters. This will enable HMRC to create modern, adaptable work spaces that will support the digital infrastructure, staff collaboration and development that HMRC requires to modernise. This Programme also supports the wider Government agenda to transform the Civil Service estate; all of our chosen locations for HMRC Regional Centres align with the siting of Government Hubs. The Programme will deliver both financial and non-financial benefits. The financial benefits are largely based on reduced accommodation costs. The Programme are also confident that it can enable a wide range of non-financial benefits, including increased use of flexible working patterns, more effective management of peaks, improved IT delivery and people benefits including improved recruitment and staff retention. | HMRC is responsible for delivering an end to end Customs declaration processing service for imports to and exports from the UK. The current system is the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight service (CHIEF). Each year this business critical service handles c.60 million declarations and collects £34bn revenue, set in a context of an international trade supply chain that is worth £700bn p.a. to the UK economy. CHIEF operates real time, 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year.The current CHIEF system is more than 23 years old and based on aging Virtual Machine Environment (VME) technology which is becoming difficult to maintain. The service has reached a point where any changes will be both expensive and technically difficult to implement. HMRC is seeking to replace CHIEF with a robust, scalable set of import /export services, capable of delivering this critical function into the future. | Delivering requirements to modernise IT architecture, bring tax reporting closer to the point of transaction, removing the need for customers to complete tax-specific returns and/or provide information HMRC already holds, enhancing digital services for businesses and agents and delivering a better customer experience. | Under TFC the intention is to provide childcare accounts for all eligible children for which the first £8,000 deposited by parents or others is topped up by government by 20p for every 80p deposited, up to a maximum of £2,000 per child per year (£4,000 for each disabled child). The TFC programme will design and implement the TFC scheme. Accountability for TFC is divided between HMRC and HM Treasury (HMT). HMRC are responsible for TFC delivery and for outcomes on customer service such as correct payments and data security. HMT have responsibility for ensuring the scheme delivers its intended policy outcomes and for advising ministers on any further policy changes needed to ensure the outcomes continue to be achieved. HMRC will also deliver, for DfE who are the accountable Department, the functionality to support the enhanced 30 hours free childcare provision for 3 and 4 year olds. | The strategic objective of the Compliance for the Future (CftF) programme is to enable HMRC to transform its Compliance business and meet the compliance challenge set out in the SR15 settlement by maintaining the compliance revenue baseline at lower cost. The programme contributes efficiencies to maintaining the compliance revenue baseline and thereby helping ensure that the additional revenue to which the Department is also committed (£5bn a year by 2019-20) is truly ‘additional’. | Delivery of the Making Tax Digital for Individuals Programme is a key building block in HMRC’s transformation. It is the biggest change for individual taxpayers in a generation and is a vital part of moving to multi-channel digital delivery, supporting greater real time working and allowing risk and compliance activity to move upstream. It is the vehicle through which much of the Government’s “Making Tax Digital” agenda will be delivered. Ultimately the work of the Programme over this Spending Review period could provide the platform to allow the Personal Tax Account ("PTA") to become the digital front door for Government, opening up a host of opportunities to improve customer experience with Government as a whole through modernised systems and processes supporting the move to real time working and abolish the tax return. |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | 1. Delivery confidence is Amber/Green at the end of Quarter 2. The Programme successfully ended the Aspire Contract on 30 June as part of the phased exit plan. In keeping with the phased transition the new suppliers have taken on the scan, bulk print, managed desktop and managed printer services with the final elements being consolidated by 31 March 2018. This improves delivery confidence but the overall amber rating is due to : 1. Work continues following to define and seek approval for Phase 3 which will realise the transformation required by the operational and commercial model and embed a rolling programme of supplier management and re-procurement. 2. The plans to roll out a new service management tool are being reviewed to assess the optimum implementation plan to avoid impact on operational peaks. This tool would be used by suppliers and our technical and customer call centres. | The Programme is large with a challenging schedule involving the creation of 13 Regional Centres and the migration of 40,000 staff over 5 years. • The programme has delivered the first Regional Centre at Croydon and a transitional site at Canary Wharf. • Eight leases have now been secured and 3 regional centres are now under construction. • The Programme is delivering within its 5 year cost envelope. • The Programme is on schedule to deliver its benefits realisation targets. • The quality of offices and the ability to support new ways of working across locations to date has been favourably received. | We have made good progress on delivering CDS since the NAO report in July 2017. Overall delivery confidence continues to be rated as ‘amber’ We have successfully delivered the critical milestones for November and December 2017 the creation of the trade test environment and the start of trade testing, This has resulted in supplementary declarations entering the system and the correct response being received back from CDS.” We are on plan to deliver the next critical path milestones Trade Test 3 scheduled for the end of February 2018. Engagement with Software houses and CSP’s has deepened and widened as phased migration in August approaches and detailed complex e2e planning is in action. The programme remains large and complex so programme control is a major focus in our activities allowing for risks and issues to be understood and managed. | The RAG status remains AMBER. Delivery plans are in place and being closely managed to meet the change in scope and timetable announced in Written Ministerial Statement in July 2017. We have closed 5 out of 7 recommendations in IPA gateway review of April 2017. We have clear plans in place to manage the closure of the remaining 2 recommendations in line with plans for the Income Tax Self-Assessment public beta. | TFC Programme’s RAG is Amber/Red due to performance and stability issues affecting a minority of users. An Improvement Plan is in place to stabilise the service as a priority. | Overall RAG status for the Programme has improved to Amber. Key decision points reached included approval for the business and technical design via presentation of the Business Case (SOC) to HMRC's Investment and Design Board (IDB) securing funding approval to continue key activities in 2017/18. The Programme underwent a Project Assessment Review (PAR) which gave a Delivery Confidence Assessment of Amber. The PAR will be followed by a 'less formal' Treasury Approval Point (TAP) and we will work towards re-submission of Programme Business Case with a clearer view on the Compliance Strategy and options for 2018/19 delivery. Work will continue with Customer Compliance Group (CCG), Solicitor's Office and Legal Services (SOLS) and Chief Digital Information Officer (CDIO) on prioritising, refining requirements and developing the delivery plan for 2018/19. A full TAP will follow re-submission of the Business Case. The Programme Director recently took over the role of Programme Director for the Making Tax Digital for Individuals (MTDI) Programme as well as her present responsibilities for CftF. This is a real opportunity to build on the synergies between our digital ambition with our customers and our ambition for transforming compliance of which CftF is a part. Two Delivery pipeline Deputy Directors have now been appointed to the Programme, which completes CftF SLT structure. | The delivery confidence assessment of the Programme remains at Amber. Programme Board endorse this rating. Work is underway to define scope for our 18/19 deliverables with further work expected to understand our entire lifecycle commitments and associated costs and benefits given the shifted baseline as a result of reprioritisation. Updating of project/Programme documentation and business case will follow once key stakeholders are content with the prioritised view of the Programme. |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 01/01/2014 | 05/01/2016 | 16/10/2013 | 01/04/2016 | 10/09/2013 | 01/04/2016 | 01/04/2016 |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 31/12/2021 | 31/03/2026 | 31/12/2018 | 31/03/2021 | 30/09/2018 | 31/03/2021 | 31/03/2021 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | On Schedule | The end date of the 10 year Locations Programme is 2025/26. The changes in the Regional Centre opening dates have been due to lease negotiations and approvals, and changes to project and detailed construction plans | Extended Programme Closure (end date) includes Programme closure processes. | On Schedule | The programme had a public commitment to start its phased, age based rollout of TFC from early 2017. The programme started a Trial of the childcare service in November 2016 and decided to extend the Trial through to April 2017 in order to deliver and test new functionality as part of the Trial. This pushed the planned go live date back slightly and moved the programme end date out by 3 months. | The programme is currently completing the Design phase with options for delivery under consideration by investment design board in May. As part of the Option Appraisal a 3 year and 5 year delivery were considered, the 3 year plan delivering the capabilities within the SR Period as well as achieving the efficiency challenge. However it is recognised that as part of our ongoing transformation prioritisation process a 5 year plan may be the most affordable option so this is the preferred option. The programme Economic Case describes the forecast of how the programme activities will aim to deliver the £171m SR15 requirements by 2020/21 (Project End Date) and further benefits beyond that point. CftF will consist of a number of projects, built around four key capabilities; all to be delivered by March 2021. | Not set |
2017/18 TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £266.00 | £310.80 | £35.70 | £76.83 | £78.29 | £22.70 | £62.30 |
2017/18 TOTAL Forecast £m (including Non-Government costs) | £70.30 | £316.50 | £36.42 | £49.70 | £68.66 | £22.30 | £41.60 |
2017/2018 Variance %age | -74% | 2% | 2% | -35% | -12% | -2% | -33% |
Whole Life Cost TOTAL Baseline £m (including Non-Government costs) | £694.00 | £2,835.80 | £133.22 | £234.46 | £356.86 | £188.25 | £205.62 |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2017/18 (if variance is more than 5%) | The lift and shift infrastructure was a contingency budget that was put in the business case if exiting Aspire had resulted in moving physical infrastructure onto the HMRC estate, in reality the transition was subsumed into existing servers and on to Cloud infrastructure, therefore this budget was not required. | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% | The budget of £76.8m for 2017/18 is based on the latest OBC approved by HMT Treasury Approval Point on 8th May 2017. Spending approval for the programme was capped at £49.6m, and following internal prioritisation, the funding allocated to the Programme at the start of the financial year for 2017/18 was reset to £44.6m. The forecast figure reflects the latest estimate as at end-September 2017. | The 2017/18 budget of £78.3m is taken from the TFC Full Business Case approved by HMT and Cabinet Office in March 2016. Forecast spend for 2017/18 is below budget due to lower than expected operational, marketing and VAT costs. | Budget variance less than 5% | The budget for MTDI was aligned with re-baselined delivery plan for 17/18 following departmental review. |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | The Bugdeted Whole Life Costs are rep[orted in Real terms with an index year of 2014 | Budgeted Whole Life Costs are reported as Nominal | Budgeted Whole Life Costs are reported in Real Terms with an index year of 2017 | Budgeted Whole Life Cost is reported as Nominal | Budgeted Whole Life Costs are reported as Nominal | Budgeted Whole Life Cost id reported as Nominal | The Budgeted Whole Cost is reported as Nominal |