Corporate report

Instructions for Research Overview

Updated 2 July 2018
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Libraries Taskforce: Research Programme
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Purpose of this spreadsheet
This spreadsheet includes information on completed, ongoing and planned research
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Instructions for use
There are separate tabs in this document (see bottom of the page) for recording each of the following:
Policy landscape in England
Completed research
Ongoing research
Planned research [meaning research that has not yet begun but which is committed to being delivered: the specification for the research has been produced, funding has been secured and (broad) timelines agreed, etc]
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Definition of research
For the purposes of this exercise, we are using a wide definition of research. This could include primary and secondary research, as well as literature reviews, etc. We quite like the definition given by Godwin Colibao: "In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information, and facts for the advancement of knowledge"
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Research categories
We have categorised all the research to make it easier for people to find what they want. The categories we are using align with the headings in the Libraries Deliver: Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016-2021 document ( There are also two general 'catch all' headings. The heading are as follows:
General: The Future role of libraries
- General: Cross-cutting surveys [for those surveys that cover a range of Outcomes]
- Outcome 1: Cultural and creative enrichment
- Outcome 2: Increased reading and literacy
- Outcome 3: Improved digital access and literacy
- Outcome 4: Helping everyone achieve their full potential
- Outcome 5: Healthier and happier lives
- Outcome 6: Greater prosperity
- Outcome 7: Stronger, more resilient communities
- How we'll achieve this [this covers a range of topics including different models for delivering and funding library services, use of date and evidence, partnership working and workforce development]
- Making the case for libraries [this covers advocacy and communications activity]
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In many cases, a particular piece of research will cover more than one category. Where this is the case, the primary category and one secondary category are indicated
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Geographical area of research
We have categorised all the research by geographical area to make it easier for people to find what they want. The categories we are using are: - local - ie. smaller than countrywide - national - UK / England / Scotland / Wales / NI - international - anything outside the UK
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Completed research
We have gathered summary information on the content of the research and how it was produced so readers of the spreadsheet can quickly assimilate the information and decide whether they want to follow the link to the research itself for more details
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We have primarily focused on gathering details of research that has been completed in the last 3 years (to ensure the research is timely and to make the process not too onerous). But if a significant piece of research has been completed prior to this, then it has been added. If you are happy to provide the details, we are happy to receive the information!
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We have primarily focused on research conducted in the UK as this will usually best reflect the context under which our library services are operating. However, international research has been added where it is relevant to UK circumstances and would be of interest and benefit to readers.
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Ongoing research
Comments as for completed research. However the date of publication has been replaced by the actual start date and planned publication date (where known)
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Planned research
Comments as for completed research. However the date of publication has been replaced by the planned timescale for the research. The person / organisation undertaking the research may not yet be known.