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Updated 1 June 2017
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HM Land Registry Data Inventory This Data Inventory is a list of data sets. The definition of a data set for the purposes of this inventory is a collection of factual data items held in electronic form (structured or unstructured) at a point in time, where all or most of the data in the group has been obtained or recorded for the purpose of providing a public authority with information in connection with the provision of a service by the authority or the carrying out of any other function of the authority. The dataset is not the product of analysis or interpretation other than calculation and is not an official statistic (within the meaning given by section 6(1) of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007). The contents of this inventory are: - A master list, with all the datasets in a single table. - Separate sub-section pages for each data subject area for ease of reference. The sub-sections are: - Register of Title: Data covering all registered land in England and Wales including owner details, mortgages and other registered interests, Land Charges and property price information. - Geographical Information: Spatial data that is linked to a location. - Customer: Information about Land Registry's customers including customer details, marketing, communications and customer information available via our website. - Performance & HR: Information about Land Registry's performance data and detail on our staff and organisation. - Finance: Information about Land Registry's spending and contracts. - Estates: Information about Land Registry's s property and estates management including relevant contracts. - Survey: Results from key surveys run by Land Registry. - Information Technology: Data related to the design, development, application, implementation, support and management of Land Registry's computer-based information systems. - Other: Data not fitting into the above categories such as governance and various guides and publications authored by Land Registry. Each page sets out the following for each data set: - General information: what the data is, how it was collected, the security marking assigned by Land Registry and whether it is disclosive or not (this helps inform the potential for publication). - Availability information: whether the data is already published (the entire dataset is available without the need for a request), and if so, where and how. Other details re the availability are given eg. licencing, resource details, charging and update frequency. -Other information: any additional geographic information and temporal extents. Some of the information for a particular data set may have been intentionally left blank. This may be for one of a number of reasons e.g. there may be no particular licence in place under which published information can be re-used or the information may not be pertinent to the particular data set. The intention is to review the contents of this inventory annually from the date of initial publication. The data within the datasets contained in this inventory has been collected from a variety of sources including the land registration process. Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the data we collect is as accurate as possible errors may arise for various reasons such as human error when the data is captured. We cannot guarantee it is fit for your intended purpose or use should you wish to obtain and re-use the data. If you intend to re-publish or quote from any Land Registry data that is already published, please let us know in advance of publication. Version 1.2, May 2014, Changes to: Overview, Master List, Register of Title, Geographical Information, Customer, Estates, Survey, Information Technology and Other worksheets Version 1.3, Aug 2014, The following columns have been added for the Full version: Information Asset ID, Security Marking Aggregate, Security Marking Single, Business Impact Level (BIL), Statement Confidentiality, Statement Integrity, Statement Availability, Special Handling and Comment Version 1.4, Jan 2015 changes - Re-naming & clarification in the description of the Register of Title (RoT) datasets - Removals after further investigations with Data Stewards (CUST-002) Prospect Lists, (PERF-023) Quality Assurance data & (EST-002) Organisational Units - Splitting of the Register of Title (RoT) datasets to denote where data is held, released or treated differently (for example Non-private individual proprietor data where overseas companies and charities need to be licenced separately and have differing fraud implications) - Data Classifications October updates for: GI-007 Administrative Areas, GI-014 Ordnance Survey Code-Point, GI-015 Ordnance Survey 1:50 000 Scale Colour Raster, GI-016 Ordnance Survey 1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster, GI-017 Ordnance Survey Miniscale, GI-018 Ordnance Survey OS Locator, GI-019 Ordnance Survey Boundary Line & GI-020 Ordnance Survey Code Point Open - Impact assessments have been completed on any newly created datasets alongside the data stewards - A review of the disclosure value for all datasets and reworking of the definition Version 2.0 - 2015 Annual Review changes Version 2.1 - 2016 Annual Review changes - Method of data storage column populated - Cusomer consolidate record (CUST-018) and Cheques dataset (FIN-030) added - Customer Checklists (CUST-015), Software change size data (IT-019) & Landlines (OTH-018) removed - Survey section reworked: Historical Copies Electronic Applications Survey (SURV-003); Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Survey (SURV-004); New Product Development Survey (SURV-005); Website satisfaction Survey (SURV008); Public Guides Survey (SUR-009); and, Internal Social and Sports Committee Survey (SURV-010) – all removed following data steward confirming they are no longer collected. HR support desk satisfaction survey (SURV-011), Property alert survey (SURV-012), Customer barometer (SURV-013) and Ad-hoc survey (Surv-014) all added following data steward confirming they are collected. Version 2.2, May 2017. All references to Land Registry changed to HM Land Registry. Data Steward information updated. |
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