Transparency data

Department for Education and executive agency spend over £500 by ePCS: February 2017

Updated 21 April 2017
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Department Entity Date Supplier Amount Expense Description
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 21/02/2017 LEXIS NEXIS 2407.00 Four copies of Law of Education Issue 147 for DfE legal library.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 01/02/2017 SANDHILL CONSULTANTS LTD 1020.00 Fee for erwin software licence renewal which supports the work of the Information Standards Board.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 09/02/2017 HAMMICKS LEGAL BOOKSHO 976.99 Four legal books for the Higher Education and Further Education legal teams.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 03/02/2017 ST MATTHEWS CONFERENCE CENTRE 570.00 Venue hire for team workshop attended by 30 DfE officials.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 01/02/2017 WWW.SERIF.COM 538.20 Payment for software licence for developing graphic design work.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 08/02/2017 CH & CO CATERING 500.00 Venue costs for a workshop to deliver the Commissioning Academy Programme to combined authorities.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 28/02/2017 None 0.00 No spend over £500 for the Standards and Testing Agency in February 2017.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency 28/02/2017 None 0.00 No spend over £500 for the National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency in February 2017.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Education Funding Agency 28/02/2017 None 0.00 No spend over £500 for the Education Funding Agency in February 2017.