Transparency data

2016 to 2017 financial year: government procurement card data

Updated 26 February 2025
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Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Amount (GBP) Description
04/04/2016 52133 HR Amazon 824 Books - Legal
18/04/2016 52133 HR Amazon 579.27 Books - Legal
05/07/2016 52145 Communications Don't Panic Projects Ltd 648 Conference Tickets
09/08/2016 Not set Communications Calumet Photographic 1599 Camera Equipment
13/10/2016 52143 Communications Sprout Social 528.19 Social media and customer service management
18/10/2016 52183 Communications 993.6 Webinar software licence
11/11/2016 52145 Communications Sprout Social 510.73 Social media and customer service management
12/12/2016 52143 Communications Sprout Social 511.48 Social media and customer service management
03/01/2017 51155 IT Operations Xink Apps 1,514.00 Cloud Service and Support - annual subscription
11/01/2017 52145 Communications Sprout Social 532.71 Social media and customer service management
11/02/2017 52145 Communications Sprout Social 517.12 Social media and customer service management
04/02/2017 52209 IT Operations avangate 538.8 Software subscription
11/03/2017 52143 Communications Sprout Social 529.43 Social media and customer service management