Transparency data
Department for Education and executive agency spend over £500 by ePCS: September 2017
Updated 22 August 2018
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Department family | Entity | Date | Supplier | Amount | Expense Description |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 27/09/2017 | DLC TRAINING | 3620.25 | The course is an online level 4 diploma course for Chartered Institute of Procurement and Suppy (CIPS) for three members of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 19/09/2017 | LEXIS NEXIS | 2507 | Four copies of Law of Education Issue 151 for DfE legal library. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 07/09/2017 | LEXIS NEXIS | 2507 | Four copies of Law of Education Issue 150 for DfE legal library. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 18/09/2017 | DOD`S PARLIAMENTARY CO | 1539 | Training course ‘Women Into Leadership’ (20/09/2017) for five members of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 21/09/2017 | BACK SHOP | 1414.9 | occupational health recommended a reasonable adjustment for a specialist equipment and chair for a member of staff |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 06/09/2017 | BACK SHOP | 1106.55 | occupational health recommended a reasonable adjustment for a specialist equipment and chair for a member of staff |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Standards and Testing Agency | 08/09/2017 | CHRISTIAN LIFE MINISTR | 894 | Learning and development event for DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 21/09/2017 | LSR TRAINING AND DEVEL | 804 | Managing analytical projects training course for one member of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 19/09/2017 | CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE | 780 | Training course ‘Next Steps: Preparing for Retirement’ (21/09/2017) for one member of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 08/09/2017 | BANNER GROUP LTD | 727.98 | Stationery for 6 months as account wasn't set up |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 05/09/2017 | PMC ELECTRICS LIMI | 689.94 | Skype audio equipment/headset for VC rollout |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 05/09/2017 | WWW.MISCO.CO.UK | 652.25 | Skype audio equipment/headset for VC rollout |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 28/09/2017 | WWW.CLT.CO.UK | 576 | This is for legal training for one member of staff. Provided by Central Law Training. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 25/09/2017 | Bechtle INVOICE 40 | 542.54 | Camera and filming equipment |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 27/09/2017 | WWW.LOCAL.GOV.UK | 540 | National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS) conference booking for one member of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 22/09/2017 | WWW.LOCAL.GOV.UK | 540 | National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS) conference booking for one member of DfE staff. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 05/09/2017 | Dropbox KCCTBGBMH386 | 540 | 12 month subscrition for the Social Media team - Comms Group |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Department for Education | 13/09/2017 | HILTON GARDEN INN | 500 | This was the cost of venue hire for a Gender Pay Gap event held by the Gender Pay Gap team. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency | 30/09/2017 | None | 0 | No spend over £500 for the National College for Teaching and Leadership in September 2017. |
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Education and Skills Funding Agency | 30/09/2017 | None | 0 | No spend over £500 for the Education and Skills Funding Agency in September2017. |