Official Statistics
Wave 23 - Variable labels
Updated 2 November 2017
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Variable | Label |
respnum | Respondent number |
q2 | Q.2 - Level of thought given to saving energy in the home |
q3 | Q.3 - Level of support for renewable energy for providing electricity, fuel and heat |
q8 | Q.8 - Awareness and ownership of smart meters |
q13_01 | Q.13_01 - On-shore wind - Whether support or oppose renewable energy developments |
q13_02 | Q.13_02 - Biomass - Whether support or oppose renewable energy developments |
q13_03 | Q.13_03 - Off-shore wind - Whether support or oppose renewable energy developments |
q13_04 | Q.13_04 - Wave and tidal - Whether support or oppose renewable energy developments |
q13_05 | Q.13_05 - Solar - Whether support or oppose renewable energy developments |
q14a | Q.14A - Opinion in relation to nuclear energy in the UK - level of support |
q15a | Q.15A - Awareness/knowledge of 'fracking' |
q15b | Q.15B - Whether support or oppose hydraulic fracturing for shale gas |
q15c1 | Q.15C1 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Good for local jobs and investment |
q15c2 | Q.15C2 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Reduces dependence from other countries for UK s energy supply |
q15c3 | Q.15C3 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas :Reduces dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil) |
q15c4 | Q.15C4 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Need to use all available energy sources : |
q15c5 | Q.15C5 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Will have positive impact on climate change \ meeting carbon reduction targets |
q15c6 | Q.15C6 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : May result in cheaper energy bills |
q15c7 | Q.15C7 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Will have positive impact on UK economy |
q15c8 | Q.15C8 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Won't affect me\my local area so no personal impact |
q15c9 | Q.15C9 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Positive reports in the media |
q15c10 | Q.15C10 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Community benefits |
q15c11 | Q.15C11 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Shale Wealth Fund |
q15c12 | Q.15C12 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : No specific reason |
q15c13 | Q.15C13 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Other |
q15c14 | Q.15C14 - Reason for supporting hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Don't know |
q15d1 | Q.15D1 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Loss\destruction of natural environment |
q15d2 | Q.15D2 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Increased traffic\noise\disruption |
q15d3 | Q.15D3 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Local house prices will fall |
q15d4 | Q.15D4 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Use of chemicals in the process |
q15d5 | Q.15D5 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Should focus on developing renewable energy sources |
q15d6 | Q.15D6 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Should focus on developing other energy sources |
q15d7 | Q.15D7 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Risk of contamination to water supply |
q15d8 | Q.15D8 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Risk of earthquakes |
q15d9 | Q.15D9 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Negative impact on climate change \ meeting carbon reduction targets |
q15d10 | Q.15D10 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Not a safe process |
q15d11 | Q.15D11 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Will not be regulated effectively |
q15d12 | Q.15D12 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Negative reports in the media |
q15d13 | Q.15D13 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Too much risk \ uncertainty to support at present |
q15d14 | Q.15D14 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : No specific reason |
q15d15 | Q.15D15 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Other |
q15d16 | Q.15D16 - Reason for opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Don't know |
q15e1 | Q.15E1- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Don't know enough about it |
q15e2 | Q.15E2- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Not interested in it |
q15e3 | Q.15E3- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : I can see the positives and negatives |
q15e4 | Q.15E4- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Haven't made up my mind yet |
q15e5 | Q.15E5- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Will have no impact on me |
q15e6 | Q.15E6- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : There are many vocal campaigns and I don't know what to believe |
q15e7 | Q.15E7- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Have never heard of it |
q15e8 | Q.15E8- Reason for not supporting or opposing hydraulic fracturing for shale gas : Other |
q16a_01 | Q.16A_01 - Energy bills - Level of worry about outgoings over last 3 months: |
q16a_02 | Q.16A_02 - Food and other household shopping - Level of worry about outgoings over last 3 months: |
q16a_03 | Q.16A_03 - Transport, including petrol\diesel and public transport costs - Level of worry about outgoings over last 3 months: |
q16a_04 | Q.16A_04 - Mortgage or rent payments - Level of worry about outgoings over last 3 months: |
q17b | Q.17B - Whether plan to switch gas and electricity supplier |
q18_01 | Q.18_01 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Give customers a fair deal |
q18_02 | Q.18_02 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Provide you with a bill which accurately reflects the energy you have used |
q18_03 | Q.18_03 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Provide a breakdown of the components of your bill |
q18_04 | Q.18_04 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Inform you about the best tariff for you |
q18_05 | Q.18_05 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Improve your home to make it more energy efficient, if you paid them to do this |
q18_06 | Q.18_06 - Level of trust in energy supplier - Provide impartial and accurate advice on energy efficiency measures |
q23a_01 | Q.23A_01 - Steep rises in energy prices in the future - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23a_02 | Q.23A_02 - Power cuts becoming more frequent in the future - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23b_01 | Q.23B_01 - UK supplies of fossil fuels not being sufficient to meet the UK's demand for them - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23b_02 | Q.23B_02 - The UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23b_03 | Q.23B_03 - The UK not investing fast enough in alternative sources of energy - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23b_04 | Q.23B_04 - The UK not developing technology to use existing sources of fossil fuels sufficiently - Level of concern about various things happening in next 10-20 years in relation to energy security |
q23c1 | Q.23C1 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : No specific sources |
q23c2 | Q.23C2 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : Oil |
q23c3 | Q.23C3 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : Gas |
q23c4 | Q.23C4 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : Electricity |
q23c5 | Q.23C5 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : Other source |
q23c6 | Q.23C6 - Concern about the UK becoming too dependent on energy from other countries - what energy sources : Don't know |
q26a | Q.26A - Amount known about the way the UK currently manages radioactive waste |
q26b | Q.26B - Amount known about UK’s plans to dispose of radioactive waste in Geological Disposal Facilities in the UK |
q37_01 | Q.37_01 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Electricity |
q37_02 | Q.37_02 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Natural gas (mains gas) |
q37_03 | Q.37_03 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Bottled gas |
q37_04 | Q.37_04 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Oil |
q37_05 | Q.37_05 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Wood |
q37_06 | Q.37_06 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Coal |
q37_07 | Q.37_07 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Other |
q37_08 | Q.37_08 - Which of these are used as energy sources in your home : Don't know |
q38 | Q.38 - Which type of energy does your household spend the most money on? |
q39 | Q.39 - Which type of energy does your household spend the next most money on? |
q20a | Q20A - Which of these do you think uses the most energy in your home? |
q20b | Q20B - Which of these do you think uses the second most energy in your home? |
q27 | Q.27 - Property type |
q28 | Primary heating method |
q29 | Q.29 Whether connected to mains gas |
q30 | Q.30 Whether use mains gas |
q31 | Q.31 - Whether any pensioners living in household |
q32 | Q.32 - Whether any one in household has a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity |
q33 | Q.33 Gross household income |
q34 | Q.34 Gross household income (Banded) |
q33_34 | Q.33/Q.34 Gross household income (Banded)- Total |
cage2 | AGE |
cads | Number of adults in household |
chhs | Number of people in household (including children) |
child | Whether any children (under 16) present in household |
classde | Social Class |
csex | Gender of respondent |
cten | Tenure |
cwork4 | Working Status of respondent |
brkq33 | Household income (banded) |
weight0 | Weight0 |