Transparency data

Department for Education and executive agency spend over £500 by ePCS: March 2017

Updated 21 April 2017
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Department Entity Date Supplier Amount Expense Description
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 06/03/2017 CMS 1582.80 Purchase of a fluke tester unit to diagnose and resolve information technology networking issues.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 10/03/2017 QIPOINT 1270.63 Purchase of an online tool to identify and correct broken links on the intranet and online work areas.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 28/03/2017 UI SHARED SERVICES 1234.37 The first of two registration fees paid to secure one place at the 2017 Equating Workshop at the Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment (CASMA) from 05/06/17 to 09/06/17.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 28/03/2017 UI SHARED SERVICES 1234.37 The second of two registration fees paid to secure a second place at the 2017 Equating Workshop at the Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment (CASMA) from 05/06/17 to 09/06/17.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency 02/03/2017 HAR HARVARD BUSNSS SCH 1007.15 Purchase of intellectual property rights for excerpts of books and articles used in online learning modules for National Professional Qualification programmes.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 23/03/2017 WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK 888.00 One day training course 'Reducing the Risk and Impact of Flooding' for two DfE officials.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 04/03/2017 WWW.GETTYIMAGES.COM 840.00 Annual subscription fee for internal communications images.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 17/03/2017 EB SEEN AMP HEARD-PRE 780.00 Payment for one day training course on effective presenting for one DfE official.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 17/03/2017 EB PERSONAL IMPACT 1 780.00 Payment for one day training course on personal impact for one DfE official.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 07/03/2017 CLIFTON PRINT SERVICES 738.00 Design and printing costs for 450 colour brochures for the annual Education South West Conference.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 07/03/2017 COMPANION CONFEREN 695.00 Three day safety and security training course for one DfE official.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 15/03/2017 WWW.ITSMF.CO.UK 600.00 Payment for one DfE official to attend a two day Information Technology Service Management Conference in Manchester in November 2017.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency 30/03/2017 Amazon UK Marketplace 588.00 Purchase of two digital recorders used to record Teacher Misconduct Hearings and save into digital files.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 29/03/2017 WWW.GETTYIMAGES.COM 550.80 Payment for three image licences used for developing national curriculum tests.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Education Funding Agency 31/03/2017 None 0.00 No spend over £500 for the Education Funding Agency in March 2017.