Transparency data
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Updated 25 September 2017
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£000 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | |
Not set | Not set | Restated*1 | |
Not set | Note | Departmental | Departmental |
Not set | Not set | group | group |
Cash flows from operating activities | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Net operating expenditure | Not set | -435,881 | -405,221 |
Adjustments for non-cash expenditure | 4 | 24,754 | 23,723 |
Adjustments for non-cash income | 5 | -10,073 | -7,146 |
Remove dividend income | 5 | -2,000 | -2,000 |
Increase in trade and other receivables | 18 | 2,928 | -16,400 |
Less movements in receivables relating to items not passing through the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Movement in amounts relating to provision for doubtful debt | 4 | 191 | -1,001 |
Amounts relating to bad debt write-off | 4 | -2,340 | -68 |
Increase in inventories | Not set | -8 | -79 |
Decrease in trade and other payables | 19 | -12,317 | -21,356 |
Less movements in payables relating to items not passing through the Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Amounts due to the Consolidated Fund for Supply | 19 | 13,378 | 25,276 |
Cash surrenderable to the Consolidated Fund | 19 | 30 | -150 |
Movement in capital accruals relating to investing activities | Not set | -5,660 | 1,018 |
Returning Officers' expenses, England and Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Excess cash surrenderable to the Consolidated Fund | Not set | Not set | Not set |
- 2015 UK Parliamentary general election | 19 | -500 | -2,500 |
- 2014 European Parliamentary election | 19 | 681 | -681 |
- 2016 Police and Crime Commissioner elections | 19 | -1,000 | - |
Use of provisions | 20 | -4,484 | -1,164 |
Net cash outflow from operating activities | Not set | -432,301 | -407,749 |
Cash flows from investing activities | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (PPE) | 6 | -33,948 | -22,961 |
Purchase of intangible assets | 8 | -13,621 | -4,278 |
Proceeds of disposal of PPE | 6 | - | 145 |
Proceeds of disposal of assets held for sale | 16 | - | 64,221 |
Dividends received from Crown Commercial Service | 5 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Dividends received from associates | 14 | 1,720 | 6,030 |
Movement in capital accruals | Not set | 5,660 | -1,018 |
Net cash outflow from investing activities | Not set | -38,189 | 44,139 |
Cash flows from financing activities | Not set | Not set | Not set |
From the Consolidated Fund (Supply) – current year | Not set | 404,501 | 418,069 |
From the Consolidated Fund (Supply) – in respect of machinery of government transfers of functions | 2 | - | -175,646 |
From the Consolidated Fund (Non-supply) – current year | Not set | 51,663 | 104,523 |
Interest (expense)/income | Not set | -2 | 63 |
Net financing | Not set | 456,162 | 347,009 |
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents in the period before adjustment for receipts and payments to the Consolidated Fund | Not set | -14,328 | -16,601 |
Payments of amounts to the Consolidated Fund – consultant lobbyists’ registration fees | 19 | -158 | -10 |
Returning Officers' expenses, England and Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Forfeited deposits surrendered to the Consolidated Fund | Not set | Not set | Not set |
- 2015 UK Parliamentary general election | 5 | - | -676 |
#NAME? | 5 | -28 | -2 |
- 2016 Police and Crime Commissioner elections | 5 | -25 | - |
Excess cash surrendered to the Consolidated Fund | Not set | Not set | Not set |
- 2015 UK Parliamentary general election | 19 | -2,500 | - |
- 2015 UK Parliamentary general election – consolidation adjustment*2 | Not set | -1,340 | - |
- 2014 European Parliamentary election | 19 | -681 | - |
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents in the period after adjustment for receipts and payments to the Consolidated Fund | 17 | -19,060 | -17,289 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 17 | 49,393 | 66,682 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period | 17 | 30,333 | 49,393 |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
1 See Note 2 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
2 Returning Officers' Expenses, England and Wales, Statement of Accounts 2015-16 were authorised for issue on 14 July 2016 after the Cabinet Office Consolidated Accounts were authorised for issue on 5 July 2016. A reduction in accruals and corresponding increase in excess cash surrenderable to the Consolidated Fund of £1,339,582 was made in the Returning Officers Expenses' Accounts after 5 July 2016 | Not set | Not set | Not set |