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Birthday Honours 2008: CSV
Updated 25 March 2015
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List | Year | Order | Level | Award | Name | Citation | County |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the Companions of Honour | CH | Companion of Honour | Lord Richard George ROGERS | For public service and for services to Architecture. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Knighthoods | Kt | Knight Bachelor | Mr Moir LOCKHEAD OBE | Chief Exeutive, First Group. For services to Transport. | Aberdeen |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the Bath | DCB | Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath | Mrs Helen Frances GHOSH | Permanent Secretary, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Mr Timothy John BURR | Comptroller and Auditor-General, National Audit Office. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Ms Louise CASEY | For public service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Mr Jeremy Carl GROOMBRIDGE | Director of Transformation and Product Management, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Mrs Lin HOMER | Chief Executive, Border and Immigration Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Mr William Roy JUNKIN | Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Companions of the Order of the Bath | CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath | Mr Stephen QUINN | Permanent Secretary, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Executive. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Joan Dawson BAKEWELL CBE | Broadcaster and Writer. For services to Journalism and to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Christine Joan BEASLEY CBE | Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Hilary Sharon Braverman BLUME | For services to the Voluntary Sector. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Janet Valerie FINCH CBE DL | Vice-Chancellor, Keele University. For services to Social Science and to Higher Education. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Clara Hedwig Frances FURSE | Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange. For services to the Financial Services Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Lady Margaret HOLROYD CBE | Author. For services to Literature. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Donna KINNAIR | Director of Clinical Leadership, Southwark Primary Care Trust. For services to Nursing in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Monica Margaret MASON OBE | Director of the Royal Ballet. For services to Dance. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire | DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Barbara Mary STOCKING CBE | Chief Executive, Oxfam GB. For services to Humanitarian work. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Khurshid AHMED | Chair, British Muslim Forum. For services to Community Relations in Birmingham. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Lady Janet BALFOUR | For public and voluntary service in Scotland. | Clackmannanshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael William BATEMAN | Non-Executive Director, Dollond and Aitchison. For services to the Optical Profession and to Charity. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William Blackledge BEAUMONT OBE | For services to Rugby and to Charity. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Charles Stuart BELL | Chief Executive, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Archibald Anderson BETHEL OBE | Lately Chair, Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire. For services to Business and to Economic Development in Lanarkshire. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Mary BLACK | For services to Healthcare and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Bernard BORLAND | Principal, St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College, Clapham. For services to Further Education in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Thomas Sebastian BROOMAN | Co-founder and Lately Artistic Director, World of Music, Arts and Dance Festival. For services to Music and to Charity. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard CALVOCORESSI | Director, Henry Moore Foundation. For services to the Arts, particularly in Scotland. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Joseph William CALZAGHE MBE | Boxer. For services to Sport and for voluntary service in Wales. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Graham Stanley CARTLEDGE | Chair, Benoy. For services to Architecture and to Charity. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof John CLELAND FBA | Professor of Medical Demography, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. For services to Social Science. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Anthony COHEN FRSE | Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. For services to Higher Education in Scotland. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Paul COLLIER | Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford. For services to Scholarship and Development. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Rosemary COOK | Director, Queen's Nursing Institute. For services to Healthcare. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Maxwell COPPEL | Chair, Tourism Ireland Limited. For services to the Tourism Industry. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David DARLING | Co-founder, Codemasters. For services to the Computer Games Industry. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard DARLING | Co-founder, Codemasters. For servcies to the Computer Industry. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher Kenneth DAVIDSON | National Business Director, HM Revenue and Customs. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Lloyd DORFMAN | Chair, Travelex Group. For services to Business and to Charity. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Brian Ion DUERDEN | Professor of Medical Microbiology, Cardiff University School of Medicine. For services to Medicine and to Charity. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Christopher Charles DYER FBA | Professor of Local and Regional History and Director, Centre for English Local History, University of Leicester. For services to Scholarship. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John EDWARDS | Lately Chief Executive, Advantage West Midlands. For services to the Rural Economy. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Nigel Robert ELWES | Chairman, Racing Welfair and Chairman, British Racing School. For services to the Horse Racing Industry. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward Hamilton FITZGERALD QC | Lawyer. For services to Human Rights. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edmond Charles Paul FIVET | Lately Principal, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. For services to the Arts and to Higher Education in Wales. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Edward FOSTER FRSA | Lately Chief Executive, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council. For services to Local Government. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof William David GEORGE | Lately Regius Professor of Surgery, Western Infirmary, Glasgow. For services to Medicine. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard GILLINGWATER | Chair, Shareholder Executive. For services to the Financial Services Industry. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Anthony Howard GOLDSTONE | Consultant Haematologist, University College London Hospital Trust and Director, North London Cancer Network. For services to Medicine. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Theresa Mary GREEN | Chairman, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Guy Rhodri GRIFFITHS | Managing Director, BAE Systems Integrated Technologies. For services to the Defence Industry. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John GRIMSHAW MBE | Founder and Chief Executive of Sustrans. For services to the Development of the National Cycle Network. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Antony HALES | Chair, Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes. For services to the Armed Forces. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Joe HARLEY | IT Director-General and Chief Information Officer, Department for Work and Pensions. | Renfrewshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Paul HARVEY FRS | Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. For services to Science. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael George HAYES | Chief Executive, West Northamptonshire Development Corporation. For services to Local Government and to the Voluntary Sector. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mark HAYSOM | Chief Executive, Learning and Skills Council for England. For services to Education and to Training. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter John HEWITT | Lately Chief Executive, Arts Council England. For services to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Charles Adrian HOBBS | For services to Road Safety. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Graham Aubrey HONEYMAN | Chief Executive Officer, Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. For services to Industry. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Fionnuala Mary JAY-O'BOYLE MBE | For services to Heritage in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Aileen Margaret KEEL | Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Executive. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Gerard KENNEDY | Chief Operating Officer, Crown Prosecution Service, lately President and UK National Member of Eurojust. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Coun Mohammed Afzal KHAN | For services to Community and Inter-Faith Relations and to Local Government in Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lynda LA PLANTE | Writer and Producer. For services to Literature, Drama and to Charity. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Frederick John LANDEG | Lately Acting Chief Veterinary Officer and Director, Veterinary Policy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Paul LEINSTER | Director of Operations, Environment Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Peter Simon LISS | Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia. For services to Science. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr John Menzies LOW | Chief Executive, Charities Aid Foundation. For services to the Voluntary Sector and to Deaf People. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Francis LYNCH AM | Chief Executive, Southbank Centre. For services to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian MAGENIS | Senior Civil Servant, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Howard Leslie MATHERS | Senior Civil Servant, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian Edward MCHENRY | Lately General Counsel, Office of Fair Trading. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Hugh MCKENNA | Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, University of Ulster. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William Robert MCQUEEN | Lately Deputy Chief Executive, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Executive. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Janet MEACHAM | Deputy Director, Emergency Preparedness Division, Department of Health. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robin Ernest Vincent MIDDLETON | Lately Secretary of State's Representative for Salvage and Intervention, Department for Transport. For public and voluntary service. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin McLeod MILNE | President, Employment Tribunal, Scotland. For services to the Administration of Justice. | Inverness-shire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Duncan MITCHELL | Senior Vice President, Cisco Systems UK and Ireland. For services to Business. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Michael John MORE | Lately Chief Executive, Suffolk County Council. For services to Local Government. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roy Alfred MORRIS DL | For services to Economic Development and to the community in Merseyside. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Paul NEWDICK | Chair of LawWorks. For services to Pro Bono Legal Services. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Peter Raymond NOYCE | Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Manchester. For services to Healthcare. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Laurence NYMAN | Composer, Musician and Music Critic. For services to Music. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Desmond Bernard O'CONNOR | For services to Entertainment and to Broadcasting. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan PARKER | Chief Executive Officer, Whitbread Group. For services to the Hospitality Industry. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Graham PARKER | Head of Public Sector Finance Team, HM Treasury. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Ian PHILP | Lately National Director for Older People's Services and Neurological Conditions. For services to Healthcare. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Michael John PILLING | Lately Director, Natural Environment Research Council Distributed Institute for Atmospheric Composition, University of Leeds. For services to Chemistry. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew William REID | Lately Divisional Manager, Institutional Inspections and Frameworks Division, Ofsted, Department for Children, Schools and Families. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Randolph RICHARDS | Professor in Aquatic Veterinary Studies, University of Stirling and Director, Institute of Aquaculture. For services to Veterinary Science. | Clackmannanshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Duncan ROBINSON DL | Lately Director, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. For services to the Heritage of Art. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Willis ROGERS | Lately Chief Executive, Environment and Heritage Service, Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland Executive. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Denis ROONEY MBE | Chair, International Fund for Ireland. For services to Economic Development and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony Paul ROSSI | For services to Heritage and to Conservation. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gerald Anthony SCARFE | Cartoonist and Caricaturist. For services to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Heather SCHROEDER | Director of Children, Schools and Families, London Borough of Camden. For services to Social Care. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Denys John SCOTT QC | Chair, Panel on Takeovers and Mergers. For services to Business, the Legal Profession and to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Francis John SHEEHAN QFSM | Chief Fire Officer, West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service. For service to Local Government. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard David SHEPHERD OBE | Artist. For services to Charity and to Wildlife Conservation. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Philip Douglas SILVESTER | Headteacher, Westfield Technology College, Dorset. For services to local and national Special Needs Education. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Coun Nicholas William SKELLETT | Leader, Surrey County Council. For services to Local Government. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Thomas SMITH | Director, Business Relations, Special Projects, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter David SMITH QC | Chairman, Life Sentence Review Commissioners. For services to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Graham Nigel SPITTLE | Director, IBM Hursley Laboratory and Chair, Technology Strategy Board and Vice President, Software, UKISA (UK, Ireland & South Africa) IBM. For services to Industry. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Henry Leonard TEE | Chair, Electronics Leadership Council. For services to the Electronics Industry. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maria Donata THORPE | Co-Founder, Leeds International Pianoforte Competition. For services to Music. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stewart Ronald TOWE | Managing Director, Hadley Industries and Chair, Black Country Consortium. For services to Business in the West Midlands. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Martin Peter TUNE | Headteacher, Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets, London. For services to local and national Education. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Marina Sarah WARNER FBA | Writer. For services to Literature. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Mela Lesley Jane WATTS | Principal Private Secretary, Department for Children, Schools and Families. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Lindsay Diane WILKINSON | Head of Cancer and End of Life Care Policy, Department of Health. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Dianne Marie WILLCOCKS | Vice-Chancellor, York St John University. For services to Higher Education and to the community in Yorkshire. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Derek Maurice WISE | Headteacher, Cramlington Community High School, Northumberland. For services to local and national Education. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Commanders of the Order of the British Empire | CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Victoria WOOD OBE | Comedian and Writer. For services to Entertainment. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Muhammad ABDEL HALEEM | King Fahd Professor of Islamic Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies. For services to Arabic Culture and Literature and to Inter-Faith understanding. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Duchess Alexandra ABERCORN | For voluntary service to the community in Northern Ireland through the Pushkin Trust. | Tyrone |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Charles ABNETT | For services to Intellectual Property Rights. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jennifer ADAMS LVO | Director of Open Spaces, City of London Corporation. For services to the Environment and to Local Government | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Fayyaz AFZAL | Barrister. For services to the Judiciary and to voluntary service to Disabled People. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Riaz AHMAD JP | For services to Local Government, the Administration of Justice and to the community in Oldham. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mervyn John AINSWORTH | Lately Chief Executive, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. For services to Business. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Jim AL-KHALILI | Professor of Physics and Professor of Public Engagement in Science, University of Surrey. For services to Physics. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Sayyid Yousif AL-KHOEI | Director, al-Khoei Foundation. For services to Community Relations. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Dennis ANDERSON (DECEASED) | For services to the Energy Industry. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Cynthia ATWELL | Chair, Royal College of Nursing Society Occupational Health Nursing. For services to Healthcare. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony John James BAILEY | For services to Inter-Faith Relations and to Charity. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael BALFOUR | Co-founder and Co-chair, Fitness First Health Clubs. For services to Business. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Frances Rosemary BALKWILL | Professor of Cancer Biology, Queen Mary, University of London. For services to Science Communication to Children. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Tunde BANJOKO | Chief Executive, Local Employment Access Projects. For services to Employment and to Training in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Christine Frances BANTOCK | Section Head, Industry Sponsorship, Medical Devices, Department of Health. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Jennifer Lucy BATE | Concert Organist. For services to Music. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Peter Martyn BEACHAM | Heritage Protection Director, English Heritage. For services to the Historic Environment. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Elizabeth BERRY | Chair, British Children's Ski Team Selection Panel. For voluntary service to Sport. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Simon BEST FRSE | Chair, UK BioIndustry Association (BIA). For services to the Pharmaceutical Industry. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Iqbal BHANA DL | For services to Community Relations in West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Giles BIRD | Headteacher, Kingsmead School, Enfield, Middlesex. For services to Education. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Malorie BLACKMAN | Writer. For services to Children's Literature. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Roger Ferrant BLAND | Head, Department of Portable Antiquities and Treasure, British Museum. For services to Heritage. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Virginia BOVELL | For voluntary service to Autistic Children. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Sheridan BOWLING | Painter and Writer. For services to Art. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Henry John BRAGG | For voluntary service to the community in East Kent. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Timothy John BRAIN QPM | Chief Constable, Gloucestershire Constabulary. For services to the Police and to the community in Gloucestershire. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Trevor BROADHURST | Lately Recreation Officer, Forestry Commission. For public and voluntary service. | Midlothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Air Cmde (Retd) Jack BROUGHTON DL | For voluntary service to the Aircrew Association. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William Alan BROWN | Senior Manager A, HM Prison Liverpool. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond Alfred BROWNE | Business Continuity Manager, Technology Strategy Board, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Frederick Michael BURDEKIN FRS | Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester. For services to Nuclear Safety. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robin BURGESS DL | Chief Executive, CN Group Ltd. For services to the Newspaper Industry and to the community in Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Yvonne Ann BURNE | Lately Headteacher, City of London School for Girls. For services to Education in London. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Janet CALLENDER | Chief Executive, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Local Government. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Brigid CAMPBELL | Member, Social Security Advisory Committee. For services to Social Security Law and to Charity. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Donington CAMPBELL | Chair, Scottish Financial Enterprise. For services to the Financial Services Industry. | Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Rosamond Isobel CASSY | Chair, Local Strategic Partnership. For services to the community in Southampton. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Henry Greville CATOR DL | Chairman, Norwich Cathedral Campaign. For voluntary service to the community in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Lorraine CAVANAGH | For services to the community in East London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Derek Anthony CHADBON | Lately General-Secretary, Retained Firefighters' Union. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Charles Ting Yim CHAN | For voluntary service to the Chinese community in Greater Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William John Yendell CHAPPLE | Deputy-Leader, Buckinghamshire County Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Aylesbury and Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Jashvant CHAUHAN | Inspector of Taxes, Leicester, HM Revenue and Customs. For public and voluntary service. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Tim CLARK | For voluntary service to UNICEF UK. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Guy CLARKE TD DL | For voluntary service to the community in Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof John Richard COGGINS FRSE | Vice-Principal, Faculties of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow. For services to Science. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr David John COMLEY | Lately Director of Housing and Social Work, Glasgow City Council. For services to Local Government. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Dinsmore COOKE | Head of Near-Market Research and Development, Innovation, Research and Technology Division, Invest Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Executive. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Dinah COX | Chief Executive, Race on the Agenda. For services to Community Relations in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Harriet Mary CRABTREE | Director, Inter Faith Network for the UK. For services to Community Relations. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Denis CRAWFORTH | Chief Probation Officer, Greater Manchester. For public and voluntary service. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof John CUMMINGS | Professor of Experimental Gastroenterology, University of Dundee. For services to Medicine and to Nutrition. | Dundee |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Candace CURRIE | Director, Child and Adolescent Health, University of Edinburgh. For services to Healthcare. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Bronwyn CURTIS | For services to Business Economics. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sally DAGHLIAN | Lately Chief Executive, Scottish Refugee Council. For services to Human Rights. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Victor DALBY | Headteacher, St Philip's Church of England Primary School, Hulme. For services to Education in Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Lawrence Bruno Nero DALLAGLIO MBE | England Rugby Union Player and Captain, London Wasps Rugby Team. For services to Rugby and to Charity. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin Robert DAVIES | Head, Complex Casework Unit, Merseyside and Cheshire, Crown Prosecution Service. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stephen Russell DAVIES | Television Screenwriter. For services to Drama. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Wendy DAVIES FBA | Professor of History and lately Pro-Provost-Europe, University College London. For services to Research in the Humanities and to Higher Education. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Malcolm Edward DAWSON | Lately Pay and Grading Director, Ministry of Justice. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lois Elizabeth DEVEY | Team Leader, Commercial and Procurement Services, Department for Children, Schools and Families. For public and voluntary services. | Durham |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Col Charles George DICKIE TD | For voluntary service to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association in the West Midlands. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Maurice DJANOGLY | For services to Business and to the Arts. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan DONOVAN | Headteacher, Holmewood Nursery School, Lambeth, London. For services to Early Years Education. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | The March Antonia Elizabeth Brigid Luise DOURO | President, Guinness Trust. For voluntary service to Social Housing. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Glynis DOWLING | Grade A, Northern Ireland Office. For public and voluntary service. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony DUGGAN | Councillor and Chair, Bedfordshire and Luton Combined Fire Authority. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and to Local Government. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof John Harry DUNNING | For services to International Business Scholarship. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Chiwetel EJIOFOR | Actor. For services to Drama. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia ELLISON | Business Change Manager, Barnardo's. For services to Children and to the community in Stockton-on-Tees. | Durham |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Vivienne EVANS | Chief Executive, AdFam. For services to Families and Carers in Drug Education and Prevention. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Kevin Bruce EVELEIGH | Headteacher, Barnby Road Primary and Nursery School. For services to Education and to Sport in Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Richard FAWCETT | Principal Inspector, Historic Scotland. For public and voluntary service. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Deborah Kim FERN | For charitable services. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susannah Kate FISH | Assistant Chief Constable, Nottinghamshire Police. For services to the Police. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Chris FREEGARD | Managing Director, Newport City Council. For services to Local Government in South Wales. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andy GALE | Lately Specialist Adviser, Housing Needs Team, Department for Communities and Local Government. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David GARDINER | Tenant Member, Estate Board, St Martin's Community Partnership. For voluntary service to Social Housing in South London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Malcolm Grenville GASKING | Lately Grade B1, Ministry of Defence. | La |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Brian GILLOW | Chairman, Shropshire County Council. For services to Local Government and to the Voluntary Sector. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Godfrey Harold GLYN | Principal, Barton Peveril Sixth Form College, Eastleigh, Hampshire and Council Representative, Sixth Form Colleges Forum. For services to Further Education. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian Ogilvie GORDON | For services to the community and to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Edward GREEN | Head of Forensic Science, Police Standards Unit, Home Office. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Russel GRIGGS | For services to Business in Scotland. | Dumfries |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Daniel Edward GUNN | Governor, HM Prison Glenochil. For public and voluntary service. | Perth and Kinross |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Romesh Chand GUPTA | Consultant Physician & Hospital Lead for Stroke Services, Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Medicine and to the community in Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian John HARBORD | Head of Intelligent Transport Systems Development, Department for Transport. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine HAUGH | Deputy Director, Human Resources Recruitment and Redeployment Unit, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Louise HENDERSON | Team Leader, Skills for Life Strategy Unit, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Irene HIGGINSON | Professor of Palliative Care and Policy, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London. For services to Medicine. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Matthew MacDonald HILLIN | Client Services Manager (Northern Area), Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Renfrewshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Elizabeth HOGARTH | Head of Women's Policy Team, Criminal Justice Group, Ministry of Justice. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Paul Andrew HOLLINSHEAD | Lately Director of Science and Technology, Ministry of Defence. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Jeremy Thomas HOPKINSON | For charitable services. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Pamela HOWARD FRSA | Theatre Designer. For services to Drama. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Graham HOYLE | Chief Executive, Association of Learning Providers. For services to Skills Training. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Uzoamaka Linda IWOBI | For services to Community Relations and to the community in South Wales. | Swansea |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Vincent JACK | Headteacher, Willowbank School, North Lanarkshire. For services to Education. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ken JAMES | Lately Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. For public service. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Susan Ann JEBB | Head of Nutrition and Health Research, Medical Research Council Human Nutritian Research Unit, Cambridge. For services to Public Health. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Anthony Michael JENNER | Deputy Chief Dental Officer, Department of Health. | Flintshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James JOHNSON | Deputy Head of Banking Operations, HM Revenue and Customs. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Arthur Anthony JOINER JP | Lately Chair, Bristol Magistrates' Bench. For services to the Administration of Justice. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Vincent KELLY | Lately Grade B1, Ministry of Defence. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Richard Donovan KENWAY FRSE | Vice-Principal, High Performance Computing and e-Science and Tait Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Edinburgh. For services to Science. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter KERSHAW | Head of Upstream Infrastructure and Median Line Fields, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond KIDDELL | Vice-President, Football Association and Founder of Football in the Community. For services to Sport and to the community in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr James Kerr KIRKWOOD | For services to Animal Welfare. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Margaret Elizabeth KNIGHTS | Policy and External Communications PAYE, HM Revenue and Customs. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Joyce LAING | For services to the Arts in Fife. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elaine LAKEN | Justices Clerk for Bath, North Avon and Mendip, Her Majesty's Courts Service. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Phillip LARGE | For services to Business and to the community in the East of England. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Gloria LAYCOCK | Director, Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London. For services to Crime Policy. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Deborah LEARY | Founder, Forensic Pathways Ltd. For services to Entrepreneurship and to the community in Staffordshire. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Jane LEWINGTON | Chief Executive, North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus. For services to Social Care. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Mary Margaret LIDDELL | Chief Executive, Aparna Charitable Trust (UK). For services to Social Care in India. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony William LILLEY | Chief Creative Officer, Magic Lantern Productions. For services to Media and Creative Industries. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian LISTER | Principal, Cumbernauld College. For services to Further Education and to the communities in Lanarkshire and Dunbartonshire. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John LIVERMORE | For services to People with Hearing Difficulties and to the Newbury Spring Festival in Berkshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David James Duncan LIVINGSTONE | Chairman, The Clyde Group. For services to Maritime Training, Shipping Industry and to the community in Glasgow. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Lady Evelyn LLOYD | For services to Journalism and to Broadcasting. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter LOBBAN | Chief Executive, CITB-ConstructionSkills. For services to Further Education, Skills and Training. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof George Gordon LUNT | Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Bath. For services to Higher Education. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher John MACGOWAN | Lately Chief Executive, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. For services to the Automotive Industry. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Patrick John MACHRAY | Chair, Scottish Enterprise Grampian. For services to the Economy and to Charity in North East Scotland. | Aberdeen |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mary MACLEOD | Chief Executive, Family and Parenting Institute. For voluntary and public service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Edward MAJOR | Lately Clinical Director, Intensive Therapy Unit, Swansea. For services to the NHS. | West Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Rosemary MANNING | For voluntary service to the community in Knowle West, Bristol. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Geoffrey Conway MARKS | For services to Golf. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Keith McCosh MARSHALL | Chief Executive, SummitSkills. For services to Skills Training in the Building Services Industry. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gordon Grier Thomson MASTERTON | Vice-President, Environment Business Centre, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. For services to Civil Engineering in Scotland. | Renfrewshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Carolyn MCCALL | Chief Executive, Guardian Media Group plc. For services to Women in Business. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Robert John MCCLELLAND | Consultant Psychiatrist, Belfast City Hospital and Emeritus Professor of Mental Health, Queen's University Belfast. For services to Medicine. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan Moore MCCULLA | Chief Executive, Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation. For services to the Fishing Industry and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hamish George MCDONALD | For public and voluntary service to Maritime Safety. | Kincardineshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ciaran Michael MCGUIGAN | Head of Examinations and Assessment, National Policing Improvement Agency. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine MCKEEVER | Quality Director, Bombadier Aerospace, Belfast. For services to Industry in Northern Ireland. | Armagh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Carmel MCKINNEY | Principal, Vere Foster Primary School. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Janet MCTEER | Actor. For services to Drama. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Azra MEADOWS | For services to UK and International Community Relations. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Trevor John MILLINGTON | Senior Lawyer, Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Catherine Susan MINSHULL-BEECH | Chief Executive, Aitua Limited. For services to Technology and Innovation. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Merron MITCHELL | Director of Offender Learning, City College Manchester. For services to Education and Skills. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Abdalla Yassin MOHAMED | For services to Community Relations in Wales. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Julia Kay MOORE | Consultant Anaesthetist, Wirral Hospital Trust and Senior Medical Officer, Strategic Medical Workforce Issues. For services to Medicine and to the community in Merseyside | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Judith Helen MOORHOUSE | Chair, General Teaching Council for England. For services to Education. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Anne MORAN | Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ulster. For services to Higher Education in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin Steel MORGAN | Managing Director, Ethicon. For services to the Medical Devices Industry. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Frederick David MORGAN | Lately Chair, England and Wales Cricket Board. For services to Cricket. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hugh Richard Vaughan MORGAN-WILLIAMS | Chair, Canford Group plc. For services to Business in the North East. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Hilary Alexandra MORRELL | Headteacher, Dounby Community School. For services to Education and to the community in Orkney. | Orkney |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter John MORRIS | Chief Executive Officer, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Karl Albert NAPIERALLA | Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning, Neath Port Talbot Council. For services to Education in Wales. | Swansea |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sara Catherine NATHAN | Lately Chair, Ofcom Fairness Committee. For services to Broadcasting and to the Communications Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony Arthur NICHOLS | Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments, Cabinet Office. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Patricia NINER | Senior Lecturer, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham. For public and voluntary service to Social Issues. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Mutale Rose NYONI | Chair, Care Council for Wales. For services to Social Care and to the Voluntary Sector in Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Magdalene Anyango Namakhiya ODUNDO | Ceramicist. For services to Art. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Maurice O'NEILL | Editor, Ballymena Guardian. For services to Journalism in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Charles ORRIN | Senior Policy Adviser, Aviation Security, Department for Transport. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Michael David OSBALDESTON | Director, Cranfield School of Management. For services to national and international Higher Education. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Nicholas PAGE | Lately Chair, Home Grown Cereals Authority. For services to the Cereals and Oilseeds Industry and to the Voluntary Sector. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Eileen Margaret PATCHING | Grade 7, HM Revenue and Customs. For public and voluntary service. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Don PATERSON FRSL | Poet. For services to Literature. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Michael Charles PATERSON | Consultant Clinical Psychologist. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Ann PEGGIE | Chair, British Sports Trust and Vice-President, Central Council of Physical Recreation. For services to Fitness, Dance and Sport. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr James Michael PENMAN | Head of Response Strategies Branch, Climate, Energy and Ozone Science and Analysis Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Mrs Sybil Theodora PHOENIX MBE | For services to the community in Lewisham, South London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Maureen PIGGOT | Director, MENCAP (Northern Ireland). For services to People with Learning Disabilities. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Rachel PINTER | Headteacher, Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' School, Hackney. For services to Education in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Thomas PREST | County Adviser for Design and Technology, Cornwall County Council. For services to local and national Design and Technology Education. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Colin PRICE | For public service and for services to Business. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John PRICE | For services to Music Education. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Dorothy Rose PURDEW | Chair, Champneys. For services to the Health Spa Industry and to Charity. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mark RADCLIFFE DL | Chair, Youth Options. For services to Young People and to the community in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James Blair RAEBURN | For services to the Scottish Newspaper Industry. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Katherine RAKE | Director, Fawcett Society. For services to Equal Opportunities. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Gladys RHODES | Deputy Director for Children's Services, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. For services to Social Care. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Coun George Edward RICHARDS | For services to Local Government and to the community in Solihull, West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Steve RILEY | Information Technology Strand Manager, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Lesley Christine RIMMER | Chief Executive, United Kingdom Homecare Association. For services to Older People and to Social Care. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Paul ROBERTS | Chair, Creative and Cultural Education Advisory Board. For services to Education and to the Creative Industries. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Brian Turnbull ROBSON | Director, Centre for Urban Policy Studies, University of Manchester. For services to Urban Regeneration. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth ROBSON | Managing Director, Robson Builders (Hexham) Ltd. For services to the Construction Industry, to Women in Business and to the community in the North East. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Susan ROWLANDS | Lately General-Secretary, Immigration Law Practitioners' Association. For services to Human Rights. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Martin Frank RUDDUCK | Lately Head, UK Chemical Weapons Convention National Authority, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony Norman SALTER | For public and voluntary service to Older People and to the community in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Jane SCOTT PAUL | Chief Executive, Association of Accounting Technicians. For services to the Accountancy Profession. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter SCOTT-BLACKMAN | Chief Executive Officer, Afiya Trust. For voluntary services to Black and Minority Ethnic Healthcare. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alfred Charles SHEDDEN | For services to the Voluntary Sector in Scotland. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian SIBBALD | For services to Local Government and to the community in Edinburgh. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sarah SILLARS | Chief Executive, Institute of the Motor Industry. For services to Skills Training and to the Automotive Retail Industry. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward SIRR | Lately Principal, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. For services to Drama and to the community in the South West. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Julia Mary SLINGO | Director of Climate Research, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading. For services to Environmental and Climate Science. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roger John Gladstone SMITH | Director, JUSTICE. For services to Human Rights. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan SOMMERVILLE | Lately Chief Executive, British Gymnastics. For voluntary service to Sport. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Barry Neil SPEKER DL | For services to Business and to the community in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof John SPENCE | Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Strathclyde University. For services to Engineering. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Kenneth Maurice SPENCER | For services to Education and to the voluntary sector in Birmingham. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Bridget Rosita STEPHENS JP | Lately Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Nurse, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hugh STEWART | Executive Chair, Caledonian Alloys Ltd. For services to Industry. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert William Hardy STRANGE | Chief Executive, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. For services to Health and Safety. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John SURTEES MBE | For services to Motorsport and to Charity. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Per Olof SVANBERG | Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Sure Start, Sunderland. For services to Infants and their Families. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maire Gabrielle Patricia SYMONS | Headteacher, Bishop Challoner Catholic School, King's Heath, Birmingham. For services to local and regional Education. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Frances Mary TARGETT | For voluntary service to the Citizens' Advice Service in Wales. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Linda Joan TAYLOR | Career Guidance Practitioner and Chief Executive, Connexions South London. For voluntary and public service to Young People. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Paul Noel THORNTON | For services to the Actuarial Profession. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan Claude TOLHURST | For voluntary service to the community in South Yorkshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Nigel John TURNER | Director of Human Resources, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust. For services to the NHS and to the community in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Walter Harold William TUTTLEBEE | Chief Executive, Mobile VCE. For services to the Telecommunications Industry. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sandra Anne VERKUYTEN | Chief Executive and Registrar, Hearing Aid Council. For services to Healthcare and to the community in London and Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Sylvia WALBY | Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University. For services to Equal Opportunities and to Diversity. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Rhiannon Ellis WALKER | President, Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales. For services to Education and to the community in North Wales. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Reginald WATSON | County Councillor and Chair, Cumbria Police Authority. For services to the Police and to the community in Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Arthur WEBSTER | Traffic and Road Safety Manager, London Borough of Hillingdon. For services to Local Government. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Amelia Lindsey WHARMBY | Education Consultant, Association of School and College Leaders. For services to Education. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John WHITING | Chartered Tax Adviser. For public service. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Valentine WILLIAMS | Lately Director Qualifications and Curriculum Group, Welsh Assembly Government. For public and voluntary service. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roy Samuel WILLIAMS | Playwright. For services to Drama. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Louise Janet WILSON | For services to Education and to the Fashion Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Julian WOOLFSON | Chair of Governors, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, London. For voluntary service to Higher Education. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mark WORRALL | Leader, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council. For public and voluntary service to Local Government. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Timothy WREGHITT | Regional Microbiologist, Health Protection Agency, East of England. For services to National Health Virology Service Provision. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Officers of the Order of the British Empire | OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John YEANDLE | Deputy Director of Employment Policy, EEF. For services to Engineering and Manufacturing Employers. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marilyn Lesley ADDIS | For voluntary service to the community in Long Ashton, Bristol. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Wale ADEYEMI | Designer. For services to the Fashion Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Shaukat AHMED | Chair, Action for Business (Bradford) Ltd. For services to the community of Bradford, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine Ann AIKEN | For voluntary service to Oxfam in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James AKERS | For voluntary service to Tulip Horticulture. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Angela Mary ALEXANDER | Governor, College of Pharmacy Practice. For services to Pharmacy Practice, Education and to the Voluntary Sector. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stephen John ALLEN | Governor Dogs, Security Group, HM Prison Service. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Victor Grant ALLISON | Deputy Managing Director, Wychavon District Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Worcestershire. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Janet Christine ANDERSON | For voluntary service to Oxfam GB in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Anne ANDERSON | Pension Centre Manager, Stockport, The Pension Service, Department for Work and Pensions. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila Scott ANDERSON-WITTY | Lately Head of Communications, Natural Environment Research Council. For services to Science. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Frederick ANDREWS | For voluntary service to the community in Twyford, Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Christine ANTHONY | For services to Music in Guernsey. | Channel Islands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Countess Eleanor ARRAN DL | For voluntary service to the community in Devon. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Geoffrey Paul ARROWSMITH | Lately HM Specialist Inspector of Health and Safety (Fire Inspector), Health and Safety Executive. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Joan Mary ASHTON JP DL | Lately Deputy Leader, Boston Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in the East Midlands. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Parveiz ASLAM | For services to the community in Chesham, Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter ATKINSON | For services to the community in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Michele Elise ATTFIELD | Director, Freed of London Ltd. For services to the Manufacturing Industry and to Dance. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Phyllis May AVERY | President, England Netball. For voluntary service to Netball. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ken AVIS | Inspector, Special Movement, British Transport Police. For services to the Police. | Not set |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian AYLOTT | For voluntary service to the communities of Dean and Shelton, Bedfordshire. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Desmond BACKHOUSE | For voluntary service to the Cubs and Scouts in Cardiff. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard BAGGALEY | Grade C1, Ministry of Defence. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William George BAILLIE | For voluntary service to Brass Band Music in Scotland. | East Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher James BAKER | Chair, Audit Committee, Training and Development Agency for Schools. For services to Education and Business. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia Ann BAKER | Executive Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Martyn Thomas Noel BARNSLEY | Principal Officer, HM Prison Hull. | East Riding of Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Charles BARWICK | For services to Banking and to Charity. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sherma BATSON | Member, Stevenage Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Hertfordshire. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maureen Roberta BATTY | For services to the Licensed Trade Charity. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Peter Ward BEAMAN | For voluntary service to the community in Merseyside. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Robert BEARMAN | Archivist, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. For services to Heritage. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Barbara BEAUCHAMP | Governor, Wray Common Primary School, Reigate. For voluntary service to Education and to the community in Redhill, Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Keith BEAUMONT | Chair, Braunstone Community Association. For services to the Regeneration of Leicester. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Erinma BELL | Chair, Community Alliance for Renewal, Inner South Manchester Area. For voluntary service to the community in Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jane Meta BELL | For services to Music and to the community in Cookstown, Northern Ireland | Tyrone |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margery Megan BENNETT | For services to the Voluntary Sector in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. | Herefordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gwendolene BERRY | For services to Animal Welfare and to the community in Sheffield. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Frank BERRY | Footpath Work Officer, Ramblers' Association. For voluntary service to Footpath Access in the Mendip Hills. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Philip Anthony Andrew BIANCO | Leader, Rugby Gateway Club. For voluntary service to People with Learning Disabilities. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin BIGGS | For voluntary service to the community in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Melvyn John BIRCH | For services to the NHS in Shropshire. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian David BITHELL | Retained Duty System Watch Manager. For services to Local Government and to the community in Wrexham. | Wrexham |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine BLACK | For services to Nursing and to the community in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert John BLACKMAN | National Secretary for Construction, T & G Section of Unite the Union. For services to improving Occupational Health and Safety. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marigold Deirdre BLACKWELL | For voluntary service to Malvern Theatres in Worcestershire. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan BLAKE | Chair, Essex Children's Fund. For services to Children and Families. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Jean Emilie BLAND | For voluntary service to the community in Tyersal, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Yvonne BOBB | Policy Analyst, Workforce Pay and Pensions Team, HM Treasury. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert BOUSTEAD | Leader, Cleveland Hall Community Association, Gateshead. For voluntary service to Young People in Tyne and Wear. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Prof June Barbara BOYCE-TILLMAN | Professor of Applied Music, University of Winchester. For services to Music and Education. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Henry BRADLEY | Chair and Coach, Belfry Youth Football Team. For voluntary service to Young People and to Sport in Liverpool. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Hilary BRADT | Chair, Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. For services to the Tourist Industry and to Charity. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sandra BREEN | For services to Mary Ward Adult Education Centre and to the community in Holborn, London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew BRETTLE | For voluntary service to the community in Thornton, Leicestershire. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sharon BREWARD | Infant Feeding Specialist, North West Wales NHS Trust. For services to Infant Feeding. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard John BRIERS | Detective Sergeant, South Yorkshire Police. For services to the Police and to Charity. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Jackie BRIERTON | For services to Women's Enterprise. | Perth and Kinross |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Angela Mary BRIGGS | For voluntary service to the community in Puttenham, Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Patricia Doris BRITTAIN | For voluntary service to the community in Deddington, Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Daphne Sylvia BROMLEY | For services to the British Red Cross Society in Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Maj Raymond George BROOKS | Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew BROWN | For charitable services. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Audrey BROWN | For voluntary service to the Royal British Legion in the Isle of Man. | Isle of Man |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James William BROWN | For services to Scottish Heritage, the Highland Games and to Charity. | Kincardineshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss June Muriel BROWN | Actor. For services to Drama and to Charity. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Lonsdale BROWN | For charitable services to the community in Burgh-by-Sands, Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Alexandra BUCHAN | Neighbourhood Renewal Officer, Greater West Team Belfast Regeneration Office, Department for Social Development, Northern Ireland Executive. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Kevin BUCK | For voluntary service to WaterAid. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gloria Eleanor BUCKLEY | Member, Norfolk Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Group. For services to Community Relations. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marie Ann BUCKLEY | Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Dorothy BULLED | For services to the community in Maesgeirchen, Bangor, Gwynedd. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Mary BURD | Lately Director of Therapies, East London and City Mental Health Trust and Head of Psychology, Tower Hamlets. For services to Healthcare in East London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alfred Peter Paul BURDEN | For voluntary service to the Malaya and Borneo Veterans' Association. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret BURKE | Officer, Dundee Contact Centre, HM Revenue and Customs. For public and voluntary service. | Tayside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Molly Margaret BURKETT | Author. For services to Animal Welfare in Lincolnshire. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ann MacDonald BURN | Chair, Moredun Community Association. For voluntary service to the community in Moredun, Fernieside and Craigour, South Edinburgh. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Celia BURN | Lately Parental Involvement Co-ordinator for Scotland. For services to Education. | Dunbartonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Alan Kenneth BURNETT | Head of The Department of Haematology, Cardiff University School of Medicine. For services to Medicine. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Doreen BURNS | Staff Officer, Personnel Division, Department for Regional Development, Northern Ireland Executive. For public and voluntary service. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Kenneth Cyril BUTCHER | For voluntary service to Sport in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian William BUTLER | Director, Resource and Operations, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council. For services to Environmental Science. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Thomas John BUTLER JP | Technical and Information Specialist, Cabinet Office. For public and voluntary service. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Linda CAIRNCROSS | Administrative Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Stirling and Falkirk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian CAMPBELL | For services to the Pig Industry and to the Voluntary Sector. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roy CANHAM | For services to Heritage in Wiltshire. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Paula CARPENTER | For services to Disabled People in Carmarthenshire. | Carmarthenshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Janet CARTER | For services to the Carter School of Dance and to the community in Hertford. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael CASHIN | Operations Manager, PAYE and Processing Office, Rochdale, HM Revenue and Customs. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward CASSIDY | Lately Chair, East Midlands Regional Cultural Consortium, Culture East Midlands. For services to the Arts. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Dorothy May CHARLES | For voluntary service to the community in Leicestershire. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert CHICKEN | Founder, R J Chicken and Sons. For services to the Cycle Industry. | Not set |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Curtis CHORLTON | For services to Young People through the Woodmansterne Operatic and Dramatic Society in Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Angela CHRISTOPHER | Manager E, HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter William CLARE | Foundation Governor, The New Rosary Catholic Primary School, Hounslow, Middlesex. For voluntary service to Education. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan Macdonald CLARK | Member, Dartford Community Fundraising Committee, Cancer Research UK. For charitable services. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ernest CLARK | For services to Hopefield Animal Sanctuary, Brentwood, Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Paula CLARK | For services to Hopefield Animal Sanctuary, Brentwood, Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Coun George Kenneth CLEARY | Chair, National Association of Local Councils. For services to Local Government and to the community in Merseyside. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sheila COATES | For services to Women's Issues and to the communuity in South Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Sarah Elizabeth COHEN | For voluntary service to Older People in Angus. | Angus |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sonia COODE-ADAMS | For services to the Contemporary Arts and to the community in Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marcelle Anita COOK | Headteacher, Bedwas High School. For services to Education in Caerphilly. | West Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jill COOPER | Head Occupational Therapist, Royal Marsden Hospital. For services to the Allied Health Professions in the South East. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Keith COPELAND | Improvement Engineer, One NorthEast Regional Development Agency. For services to Skills Training. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter COUSINS | For services to People with Disabilities in West Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Stephen COX | Lately Chief Executive, Surrey Council for Voluntary Youth Services. For voluntary services to Young People. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Yvonne Elise COYNE | For services to Children and Young People in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Andrea CRAIG | Group Leader, Sunny Days Playgroup, Redcar. For services to Children and Families. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Carole CRESSEY | Director, Contact Services at Families Forward, Leeds. For services to Children and Families. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Martin CROOKS | For voluntary service to the community in Guildford, Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond Grant CUMIN | For voluntary service to People with Learning Disabilities in Cheshire. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James CURRIE JP | Chair, Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem. For services to Disadvantaged Young People in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Laurence Joseph CURRY | For voluntary service to the Cheshire Yeomanry Association. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David CURTIS | Executive Director of Nursing and Organisational Development, Pennine Care NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare in Greater Manchester. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Derek George CURTIS | For voluntary service to Community Transport in Plymouth. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Charles DAMMS | Chief Executive, East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. For services to Business in the North West. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Sharon Nicola DANIELS | For charitable services in Warwickshire. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr James Hunter DANSKIN | Sustainable Energy Policy Analyst, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Jane DARBY | For voluntary service to the community in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Naghma DARR | For public service. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Elaine Margaret DAVEY | For voluntary service to the Girl Guides in Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Lt Col Eric William DAVIDSON DL | For voluntary service to the community in Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Sarah DAVIDSON | For services to the British Red Cross Society. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Celia DAVIES | Artistic Director, Peckelton Arts. For services to Music in Leicestershire. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Godfrey William DAVIS | Chair of Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority. For services to Local Government. | Herefordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mark James DAVISON | For services to the community in Gloucestershire. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sandra DAWE | Director, Strategy and Communications, VisitBritain. For services to the Tourist Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr George Steven DAWES | For voluntary service to Abbeyfield, Irvine and District Society and to the community in Dundonald, Ayrshire. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John DAWSON | For voluntary service to the community in Lemington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Esther DEANS | Chair, Management Committee, Support Against Racist Incidents. For voluntary service to Community Relations. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Pamela DENNIS | For services to Visually Impaired People in South East Wales. | Monmouthshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Samatiben DESAI | Link Worker, Royal Bolton Hospital. For services to Social Care. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Eileen Mary DEVENISH | For voluntary service to the community in Burbage, Marlborough, Wiltshire. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Balraj Singh DHESI | For services to the NHS and to the community in Warwickshire. | Warwickshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian DICKENS | Director of Lambeth and Southwark Sport Action Zone. For services to Community Sport in London. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr George Hickman DIGWEED | Clay Pigeon Target Shooter. For services to Sport and to Charity. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mark Alexander Albert DILLIWAY | Constable, City of London Police. For services to the Police. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward DILLON | Commissionaire, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare in Merseyside and Cheshire. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maureen Denise Rusk DISSON | Administrator, Health and Safety Executive. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Norman John Richard DIXON | Inspector, Lothian and Borders Police. For services to the Police. | Midlothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Madge Esme Mary DOBINSON | For services to the British Red Cross Society in London. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Barbara Ruby DOHERTY | For voluntary service to Isabel Hospice, Hertfordshire. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Philip DOLAN | For voluntary service to Haemophiliacs in Scotland. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Christine Hazel DOUGLAS | Head of Child Psychology Department, Solihull NHS Care Trust. For services to Children and Families. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Keith DOWNING | Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Leslie Ernest DRAIN | For voluntary service to the Environment in South Oxfordshire. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Eleanor DRAPER | For services to the Voluntary Sector in Wallasey, Cheshire. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Eunice DUNKLEY | Lately Head, National Association of Probation and Bail Hostels. For services to Disadvantaged People. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gary Hugh DUTTON | Chair, Synseal Holdings Ltd and Synseal Extrusions Ltd. For services to the Manufacturing Industry in Nottingham. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marjorie Catherine Chrissie EAST | For voluntary service to HM Prison and Young Offenders' Institution Reading. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian EDWARDS | For voluntary service to the community in Overseal, Derbyshire. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Simon Barrington William EDWARDS JP | For voluntary service to the Administration of Justice and to the community in Leicester. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stanley Edward ELDON | Chair, English Federation of Disability Sport in the South East. For voluntary service to Athletics. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher William ELLIOTT | Higher Officer, Processing, South Directorate, HM Revenue and Customs. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Peter Richard ELLIOTT | Lately General Medical Practitioner. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Suffolk. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Bryan John EMERY | For voluntary service to the Royal British Legion in Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John EMSLEY | Executive Officer, Disability and Carers' Service, Department for Work and Pensions. For public and voluntary service. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony EUSTANCE | For services to Education and to Young People in Liverpool and Cheshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David William EVANS | Chair, Grass Roots Group plc. For services to Corporate Social Responsibility. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Dee C EVANS | Chair a:gender - Civil Service Diversity Network, Home Office. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian EVANS | For voluntary service to the community in Dorset. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Jillian EVANS | Producer, National Video Archive of Performance, Victoria and Albert Museum Theatre Collections. For services to Arts Heritage. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard EVANS | For services to the community in Gloucestershire. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Can Robert Arthur EVANS | For voluntary service to the Maritime Industry in Merseyside. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Ann EVANS | Head of Development, Central Scotland Forest Trust. For services to Forestry. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Charles John FAIRBRASS | Leader, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. For services to Local Government. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Kieran FALLON | General Dental Practitioner. For services to the NHS and to the community in Glasgow. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Zahida FAZALEY | Witness Care Officer, Bury, Crown Prosecution Service. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Marianne FELLOWES | For services to Domestic Violence issues in Suffolk. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Christine Ann FERGUSSON | For voluntary service to Sport and to the community in Newark, Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Thomas FESTING | President, Royal Society of Portrait Painters. For services to Art. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John FIDDY | Chair, Norfolk Zipper Club. For charitable services to Cardiac Patients. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Sheila Ernestine FILSHIE JP | For services to the Administration of Justice in Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael David FINN | Chair, Building Regulations Advisory Committee. For services to Building Standards. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Bridget Mary FITZGIBBON | Deputy Court Manager, Birkenhead County Court, HM Courts Service. For public and voluntary service. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Julie FLEETING | For services to Women's Football. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anne Pearson FLEMING | For services to the British Red Cross in Lothian. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Justin FLETCHER | Television Presenter. For services to Children's Broadcasting and to the Voluntary Sector. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Owen FOULKES | Deputy Head Teacher, St Margaret's Church of England High School, Liverpool. For services to Education and to the community in Tuebrook | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Martyn Richmond FOX | For voluntary service to the community in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Alison FRANKLAND | For voluntary service to Swimming in Guernsey. | Channel Islands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Christine Elizabeth FRETTEN | Librarian, House of Commons. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Alexandra FRITH | For services to the Performing Arts, Young People and to Charity in Swansea. | Swansea |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Neil FROGGETT | Day Centre Officer, Langdale Centre, Blackpool Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the Voluntary Sector. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Sister Christine FROST | For voluntary service to Children, Older Adults and to the community in Poplar, East London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Timothy William FROST | Solicitor. For services to the Criminal Justice System in Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Ena FRY | Young People's Project Manager, Fostering Network. For services to Children in Care. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ethel Joan FRY | For voluntary service to the community in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jane FRY | Manager of Salisbury Tourist Information Centre. For services to Tourism in the South West. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Christine FULTON | President, Care of Police Survivors. For voluntary service to the Families of Police Officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Kate Sandra FYFE | For services to the Kiltmaking Industry in Scotland. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Pamela Bridget GALLIERS | For services to Foster Care and to the community in the London Borough of Merton. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Jonathan Edwin GAMBLE | Director for Adults and Lifelong Learning, Learning and Skills Council. For services to Further Education. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stephen Geoffrey GAMGEE | Chief Excutive, The Wallich, Cardiff. For services to Homeless People. | Vale of Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mahamad GARDI | Interpreter and Translator, Ministry of Defence. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anne Bernice Abdy GARDNER | For services to Mental Health through the Crumbs Project in Bournemouth, Dorset. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia Elaine GATES | Personal Secretary, Health and Safety Executive. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David GEE | For services to the Police and to the Voluntary Sector. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Dorothy Olive GEE | For voluntary service to the community in Nottingham. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael GEE | For voluntary service to the community in Nottingham. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Brian Albert GENNERY | Lately Chair, Medical and Healthcare Products Regulation Agency, Independent Scientific Advisory Committee. For services to Public Health and to the Voluntary Sector. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Satbir Singh GIANY | Special Constable, Hampshire Constabulary. For voluntary service to the Police. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret GIBBINGS | Manager, St Kilda Residential Home NHS Care Trust, Brixham, Devon. For services to Social Care in Torbay. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Matthew GILL | For services to NHS Dentistry. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Owen GILLARD | Arts and Music Journalist. For services to Journalism and to Charity. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gudrun GILSON | Higher Executive Officer, Higher Education Governance Team, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Boyd Jamieson GLEN | For services to the Lanthorn Community Complex, Livingston, West Lothian. | West Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Shaista GOHIR | Director, Muslim Voice UK and Director, Muslim Women's Network UK. For services to Muslim People and to Community Relations. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Karin GOODBURN | Secretary-General, Chilled Food Association. For services to the Food Industry. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Donald GORDON | For services to the Trimontium Trust and to the community in Melrose, Scottish Borders. | Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Maj Alan George GOWER | For services to the Army Benevolent Fund in Berkshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Baldev Krishan GOYAL | For voluntary services to the community in the London Borough of Havering. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Lorraine GRADWELL | Chief Executive, Breakthrough UK Ltd. For services to Disabled People in Greater Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Lt Com Robert GRAHAM RNR (RETD) | For voluntary service to the Sea Cadet Corps in Musselburgh. | East Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward Lawrance GRAVES | For services to Gamekeeping. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret GRAY | Lately Higher Executive Officer, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Leonard GRIFFITHS | Director, Salon Culinaire in London and Birmingham. For services to the Hospitality Industry. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Janice Ann GRIGG | For voluntary service to Disabled People in the London Borough of Havering. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Alan GRISENTHWAITE | For voluntary service to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association and to the community in Fife. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Joel Merrien GRUNNILL | Chair, Lifeboat Management Group, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Skegness. For voluntary service to Maritime Safety. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Tanika GUPTA | Playwright. For services to Drama. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Patrick Kevin HAGAN | Neighbourhood Manager, Toll Bar, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Daisy May HALL | For voluntary service to the community in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Melanie HALL | Regional Director (South West) National Farmers' Union. For services to Animal Welfare and to the community in Gloucestershire. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila HAMILL | For services to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland and to the Voluntary Sector. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Eric Mansell HAMMONDS | For charitable services in South Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Winifred Eileen HANNA | Personnel Manager, Northern Ireland Office. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Alice Mary HARBEY | For voluntary service to the community in Starkholmes, Derbyshire. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Yvonne Susan HARDING | Head of Nursing, North East Wales NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare and to the community in North East Wales. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael James Henry HARDWICK | Chair and Chief Executive, Bristol Children's Help Society. For voluntary service to Children and Families. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Barry HARDY | For voluntary services to Lifelong Learning and to the Open University in Inverness. | Inverness-shire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr John Richard HARPER-SMITH | For voluntary service to the community in Horncastle, Lincolnshire. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Bridget HARRINGTON | Caretaker and Lunchtime Welfare Supervisor, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Primary School. For services to Education and to the community in Blackburn. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Shannon HARRISON | For services to Photography in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine Ann HART | For voluntary service to Physically Disabled People in Leeds. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila Maureen HARVEY | Librarian, Landscape Institute. For services to Landscape Architecture. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Meraj Uddin HASAN | Director, South Wales Managed Clinical Network in Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Pontypridd & Rhondda NHS Trust. For services to Medicine & to the community in South Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Howey HASSAN | For voluntary service to Young People in Cleveland through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Desmond David HASSON | Principal, Ballysally Primary School, Coleraine. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Joyce Ann HAVARD | For services to the community in Neath Port Talbot. | Neath Port Talbot |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gloria HAWKES | Housekeeper, House of Commons. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Alexander HAY | Senior Lecturer, Deaf Studies, Wolverhampton University. For services to Higher Education and to Deaf People. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert John HAYCOCK | Senior Reserves Manager, Countryside Council for Wales. For services to Nature Conservation in Pembrokeshire. | Pembrokeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Jonathan HEALY | For services to Football and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Somervell HENSON | Director, International Projects, National Physical Laboratory. For services to Measurement Science. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Angela HESKETH | Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jacqueline Edith HESLOP | For services to the community in Spennymoor, County Durham. | Durham |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alexander HIGHLANDS | For services to the Voluntary Sector in Greater Manchester. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sharon HILDITCH | Founder, Crystal Clear Beauty. For services to Business. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Elizabeth HILL | For voluntary service to the community in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Frank Smyth HILL | Human Resources Manager. For services to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Frances Betty HINDE | Lately Deputy Headteacher, Swanley Technology College, Kent. For services to Education and to Vulnerable People. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Geoffrey Roger HINDE | Teacher, Wirral Grammar School for Boys. For services to Education and to the Performing Arts in Merseyside. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher Ian HINES | For services to the Environment. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David HIRST | Group Station Manager, Embankment, London Underground. For services to Public Transport. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher Neville HOBSON | For voluntary service to the community in the East Riding of Yorkshire. | East Riding of Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maria HODGKINSON | Lately Constable, Greater Manchester Police. For services to the Police and to the community in Stalybridge. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Philip HODGSON | Corporate Director of Community Services, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. For services to Local Government. | Monmouthshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Jean HOLDEN | For voluntary service to the community in Oxford. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Denis Edwin HOLLIDAY | For voluntary service to the community in Dorchester, Dorset. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David HOLLINGSHEAD | Lately Executive Officer, Disability and Carers' Service, Department for Work and Pensions. For public and voluntary service. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Margaret HOLMES | Chair, North Belfast Senior Citizen's Forum. For voluntary service to the community in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter William HOLMES | For services to Sport in the West Midlands and to the community in Wolverhampton. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Christine Alison HOLVEY | Chief Executive and Project Director, Opportunity Wales. For services to eCommerce for Small Businesses. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Lee Martin David HOPGOOD | For services to Animal Welfare in Gloucestershire. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lynda HOSKINS | Senior Development Worker of FRIEND. For services to Mental Healthcare in North Somerset. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William Peter HOWARD | Vice-Chair, Abbeyfield UK (Northern Ireland). For voluntary service to the community in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Dennis HUGHES | For voluntary service to the community in Blaenau Gwent. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Woodward Frederick HUGHES | For voluntary service to the community in Chelmsford, Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Mary Collette HUGHES | Lately Surgical Ward Manager, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Erne Hospital. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. | Fermanagh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia Pauline HUGHES | For services to the Water Industry in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Hamish HUMPHRIES | Lately Interpretation Manager, Cadw, Welsh Assembly Government. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter David HUNT | Senior Water Sanitation Consultant Engineer, Mott MacDonald. For public service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roderick James HUNT | For services to Education, particularly Children's Literacy. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Zulfiqar HUSSAIN | Chief Executive, Global Synergy Solutions. For services to Business and to Charity in Yorkshire and the Humber. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter HUTCHINSON | For services to the Insurance Industry and to Charity. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Charles HUTTON | Senior Steward, Edinburgh Castle. For public and voluntary service. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Mary HUXHAM | For voluntary service to the community in Princes Park, Liverpool. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Janette HYNES | Founder and Director, Positive Mental Attitude Football League. For services to Disability. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alfred Coutts INGRAM | For voluntary service to Mountain Rescue in Scotland. | Dundee |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Mabel IRVING | For services to the Arts in Scotland. | Renfrewshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian JACKSON | Director, Dyscover. For voluntary service to People with Speech and Language Disabilities. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Norman George JACOBS | Founder and Managing Director, Jacobs Theatre and Leisure Group Ltd. For services to Business and to Charity in East Anglia. | Cambridgeshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stephen JAGGER | Assistant Director (Strategic Housing), Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hugh Richard JAMES | Distinguished Specialist and Research Leader, Material Modelling Group, AWE. For services to the Defence Industry. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond JEFFERY | For voluntary service to the Thrapston Town Band and to the community in Thrapston, Northamptonshire. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alfred Edward JENKINS | For services to Heritage and to the community in Clee Hill, South Shropshire. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Myra Gillian JENNINGS | Chair person, The Blenheim Project (Bradford and West Yorkshire Methodist Housing Ltd). For voluntary service to the community in Bradford, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Linda JERMAN | Administration Officer, The Butts Primary School, Alton, Hampshire. For services to Education. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Pamela JERVIS | Headteacher, Brookfield High Sports College and Chair, Knowsley Community Sports Network. For services to Sports Education. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan JOHNSON | For services to Vintage and Veteran Vehicle Restoration and Heritage. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian Patrick JOHNSON | Senior Operational Manager, HM Revenue and Customs. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Judith Amy Waterlow JONES | For services to Healthcare and to the community in Taunton, Somerset. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Loretta Janet JONES | Ward Sister, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Musgrave Park Hospital and Branch Secretary, Royal College of Nursing. For services to Healthcare. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Malcolm Brian JONES | For voluntary service to Pen Trade Heritage in Birmingham. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Thomas JOSEPHS | Outpatient Clerk, Barts and The London NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare and to the community in East London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Prakash Chandra KAKOTY | General Medical Practitioner, Barnsley. For services to Healthcare and to the community in South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Kulwant KAUR | General Catering Assistant, University of Birmingham. For services to Higher Education and to the community in Birmingham. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Denise Frances KEENAN | For services to the community through the St Augustine's Centre in Halifax, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr George KELLEY | For services to Apethorpe Hall, Northamptonshire. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Aileen Probert KELLS | For voluntary service to the Girls' Brigade in Scotland. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Lynne Marie KEMP | For services to Buckenham House Riding for the Disabled Group in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev David James KERR | Chaplain, East Belfast Mission and lately President, Methodist Church in Ireland. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robin Timothy KIEL | Higher Executive Officer, Music and Dance Scheme Team, Department for Children, Schools and Families. | Durham |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Maureen KIERNAN | For voluntary service to the community in Catrine, Ayrshire. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Hilary KING | President, World Indoor Bowls Council. For services to Bowls in Wales. | Rhondda, Cynon, Taff |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alexander KIRK | Deputy Principal, John Wheatley College. For services to Further Education and to the community in Glasgow. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Capt David Martin KIRKLAND | For services to the Aviation Industry in the Orkney Islands. | Orkney |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Desmond Robert KITTO JP | For voluntary service to the community in South Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Carl KLEMM | Deputy Managing Director, Toyota (UK), Deeside. For services to the Automotive Industry and to the community in North Wales. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Edna Margaret KNIGHT | Founder, Unique Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group. For voluntary services to People with a Chromosome Disorder and their Families. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Elizabeth KNOWLES | Lately Director, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall. For services to Art and to Charity. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Stanley Keith KNOWLES | For services to the City of London Corporation. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alvin KOFI | Examiner, Identity and Passport Service and Chair, Disability Support Network, Home Office. For public and voluntary service. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Kumar Jayant Shamrao KOTEGAONKAR | General Medical Practitioner, Bury. For services to Healthcare and to Education. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anthea Vivienne LACEY | For services to Pharmacy and to the community in Ashford, Middlesex. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lilian Mary LADLE | For services to Archaeology in Wareham, Dorset. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert LAMBERT | Lately Detective Inspector, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Joseph Ernest LAMBTON | Estates Manager, St Vincent's School for Blind and Partially Sighted Children, Liverpool. For services to Education. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Yuet-Wah Emily LAM-KWOK | Centre Manager, Learndirect, Chinese Centre (North of England), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For services to Learning and Skills and to the Chinese community in the North East. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin LANG | Lately Police Constable, Norfolk Constabulary. For services to the Police and to Young People in Norwich. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William LANKESTER | For voluntary service to the community in Sidmouth, Devon. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gordon William LAWRENCE | Assistant Project Manager, HMS Victory Project, Fleet Support Ltd. For services to Naval Heritage. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Phyllis Lilian LAWRENCE | For charitable services. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Michael Kenneth LEE | Lately Director of Geology and Resources, British Geological Survey. For services to Science. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian Mary LEWIS | Lately Manager E, HM Prison Bedford. | Bedfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ajibha LINNEY | Director of Public Health & President, Twins and Multiple Births Association and Vice-President, Woking Community Relations Forum. For services to Healthcare. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Anthony LINTON | Manufacturing Director, NP Aerospace Ltd. For services to the Armed Forces. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Thomas George LINTON | Reserve Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to the Police. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Bernard Mathias LLEWELLYN | For services to Rural Affairs and to the Tourist Industry in Wales. | Carmarthenshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Sally Elizabeth LLOYD | Customer Care Manager, Tribunals Service, Ministry of Justice. For public and voluntary service. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Hilary Anne LOFTUS | Lately Cook, Framework Housing Association. For services to Homeless People in Nottingham. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Joyce LONG | For voluntary service to the community in Ley Hill, Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Paula LOVITT | Head of Enquiry Unit and Night Duty Office, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond Charles LUCAS | Gardener, Newman College of Higher Education, Birmingham. For services to Higher Education and to Shire Horses. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Esther Malvina LUDLAM | For voluntary services to Elderly People in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Evelyn Olive LYNN | Lately Mealtime Assistant, Stokenham Area Primary School, Devon. For services to Education. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Nicola Jayne LYONS | For voluntary service to the Search and Rescue Dog Association for England and to Mountain Rescue. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Scott MACARTHUR | Office Manager, Baghdad, Department for International Development. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James Stewart MACKAY | For services to the Environment in South East Wales. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Phillip Reginald MAGGS | For voluntary service to Sport and to the community in Llanhilleth and Brynithel. | Gwent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Iqubalhusein Ismail MAKATI | Returns Liason Officer, Home Office. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Neil MANTLE | Conductor. For services to Music in Scotland. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maureen Susie MAPLESDEN | Chair, Buckland Park Play Centre, Portsmouth. For voluntary service to Young People. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Michael Francis MARKS | For voluntary service to Healthcare in the Third World. | Channel Islands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Violet Joan MARSHALL | For services to Foster Care in Northern Ireland. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Kathleen Mary MARTIN | Private Secretary, The Health and Safety Executive, Department for Work and Pensions. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Shane Wellings MASSEY | For charitable services in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard MATCHETT | For services to Dance and to the Heritage of Black Dance. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila Anne MATTHEWS | For volunatry service to the community in Henfield, West Sussex. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elaine Mary MAWSON | Lately General Manager, Harrogate Hospital. For service to the NHS and to the community in West and North Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Frank MAYO | For voluntary service to the Boys' Brigade in Cannock, Staffordshire. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Theophilus Augustus MCCALLA | Chair, Nehemiah Housing Association. For services to the community in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Mary Louise MCCORDICK | For voluntary service to the community in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. | Fermanagh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Mukami Irene Ndegwa MCCRUM | For services to Community Relations and Human Rights in Scotland. | West Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Pascal MCDONALD | Chair, Development Committee, Foyle University of the Third Age. For services to Older People in Northern Ireland. | Londonderry |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Allegra Sarah Bazzett MCEVEDY | Chef, Restauranteur and Cookery Writer. For services to the Hospitality Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Hazel Elizabeth MCGAHEY | For voluntary service to Youth Football in South Birmingham. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Charles MCGINNITY | For voluntary service to Disadvantaged People in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Keith MCGOWAN | Head Waiter, Lloyd's. For services to the Financial Services Industry in London. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Michael Joseph MCGUCKIN | Chief Executive, Cookstown District Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Tyrone |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth MCGURK | For voluntary service to HM Prison and Young Offenders' Institution, Low Newton, Durham. | Durham |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John MCKECHNIE | Executive Officer, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service. | Lanarkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ann Scott MCLEAN | For services to People with Disabilities and to the community in Swale, Kent. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Joan MCLOUGHLIN | School Crossing Warden, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council. For services to Education in Huyton, Knowsley. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Alexander MCMINN | For services to the community in Ormskirk, Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Mona MCNEE | Teacher of Reading and Writing. For voluntary service to Education. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gordon MCQUILTON | Managing Director, Specialised Orthotic Services Ltd. For services to Business. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Yvonne Annette MCVIE | Grade D, Ministry of Defence. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gerald Rudyard Struan MEE | For voluntary service to Heritage in Leek, Staffordshire. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Felicity MENDELSON | Learning Council Project Manager, Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council. For services to Skills Training in Local Government. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Russell METCALFE | For voluntary service to Dorchester Abbey in Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila Edith MILLARD | Vice-President and Archivist, Odiham Society. For voluntary service to the community in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian Kenneth MILLER | Commandant, City of London Special Constabulary. For service to the Police in London and Tayside, Scotland. | Angus |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Valerie Ann MILLER | Subject Librarian, University of Kent. For services to Higher Education. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Irene MILSON | For voluntary service to the community in Princes Park, Liverpool. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hemendra Chhaganlal MISTRY | For charitable services. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Winston George MITCHELL | Higher Executive Officer, Equality Mainstreaming Team, Department for Children, Schools and Families. For public and voluntary service. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin MITTON | Construction Works Manager, Costain Ltd. For services to Civil Engineering and to Health and Safety. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Irene Anne MOFFETT | For voluntary service to the Girls' Brigade in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew David William MOGER | Senior Executive Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James MOONEY | For services to Disadvantaged and Unemployed People in Scotland. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Clifford John MOORE | Chief Executive, Milibern Trust. For services to Social Housing in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth MOORE | For voluntary service to the community in Constantine, Cornwall. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Judith MOORE | Lately County Court Manager, Sheffield Combined Court Centre, Her Majesty's Courts Service. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret MOORE | For voluntary service to the community in North Anston, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Susan Elizabeth MOORE | Telephonist, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. For services to Education and to Visually Impaired People. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Ann MORGAN | Psychotherapist. For public and voluntary service in Shropshire. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Huedel MORGAN-ISAAC | Clinical Lead, Midwifery Led Unit, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anne Vivien MORRISON | For services to Agriculture in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Austin Guy MORSE-BROWN | Founder, Wombourne School of Millinery. For services to the Millinery Industry and to Skills Training. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Sidney MORTIMER | For services to the Civil Service Benevolent Fund, Department for Work and Pensions and for public and voluntary service. | Stirling and Falkirk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David MUIRHEAD | For voluntary service to the Cornish Fishing Industry and to the Marine Environment. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Tracey Lorraine MULLINGS | Executive Officer, JobCentre Plus. For public and voluntary service. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Prof David McKenzie MUNRO | President, Kinross-shire Civic Trust. For services to the Environment and to the community in Perth and Kinross. | Perth and Kinross |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Annette MURPHY | Founder and Chair, Beacon of Hope. For voluntary service to the community in Ceredigion. | Ceredigion |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Haworth MYERS | For voluntary service to the community in Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Surina NARULA | For charitable services in India. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Barbara Jean NATASEGARA | Chief Executive Officer, Safer Wales. For services to the community in Cardiff. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Doreen Buglass NEIL | Teaching Assistant, Lukes Lane Community Primary School, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. For voluntary service to Education. | Tyne and Wear |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Susan NELSON | Learning and Development Consultant, Maritime and Coastguard Agency. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Martin NEVILLE | Executive Officer, Child Support Agency. For public and voluntary service. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lynda NEWMAN | For services to Stroke Patients in Blackwater Valley, Hampshire. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Francis NEWNHAM | For voluntary service to the Royal Marines Association in Shropshire. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Coun Robert Gray NEWTON MLA | Councillor, Belfast City Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Derek NOBLE | Chair, Wirral Heart Beat. For services to Healthcare and to the community in the Wirral. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Paterson NOBLE | For voluntary service to Equestrian Sport in Ayrshire. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Paul James O'GRADY | Comedian and Television Presenter. For services to Entertainment. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ann OLDKNOW JP | For voluntary services to the community in Leeds, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Christopher ORR | Artist and Head, Printmaking Department, Royal College of Art. For services to Art. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Myra ORR | For services to the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Anastasia OSBOURNE | Team Leader, Special Projects, Operations Directorate, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard OSCROFT | For voluntary service to the community in Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia Violet OST | For charitable services. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lilian Barbara OSTLE | School Secretary, Walesby Church of England Primary School, Newark, Nottinghamshire. For services to Education and to the community in New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marion Elizabeth O'SULLIVAN | Commercial Director, D J Murphy (Publishers) Ltd. For services to the Publishing Industry and to Animal Welfare. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Naana OTOO-OYORTEY | For services to Human Rights Issues for Women. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Avril OWTON | Hotelier. For services to the Hospitality Industry and to Charity in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Lt Col Brian Arthur PAGE | For services to the community in Andover, Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Albert Edward PALLENT | Amatuer Boxing Trainer. For services to Sport and for voluntary service to the community in Tonbridge, Kent. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sandra PARK | Lately School Crossing Warden, Oxgangs Primary School. For services to Education and to the community in Edinburgh. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Rebecca PARKER | Head of Physics, Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury. For services to Science and to Education. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher PARKIN | Lately Senior Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service. | West Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Colin Howard PARSONS | Chief Executive Officer, North and Midlands School of Music. For services to Music Education and to Charity. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Balwantbhai Dayabhai Unka PATEL | President, Hindu Association of Bilston. For services to the community in Wolverhampton. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hitesh Kaji PATEL | For services to Pharmacy and to the communities in Rothwell and Desborough, Leicestershire. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anne PATER | Conducter-in-Charge of Music Performance, The Queen Katherine School, Kendal. For services to Education and to the Voluntary Sector in Cumbria. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher PEARMAN | For service to the Voluntary Sector and to Disadvantaged Young People. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Betty Pauline PEARSON | For services to Animal Welfare. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Wendy PEEK | For voluntary service to Visually Impaired Children and Young People in Sussex. | West Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine Latimer PEERS | For services to the Hereford Garrison Play School and Creche. | Herefordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alan PENDLEBURY | For services to Agriculture in the South West. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David George PERKINS | For voluntary service to the community in Ewhurst Green, East Sussex. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ina Elaine PERRY | Higher Officer, HM Revenue and Customs. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Philippa PERRY | For services to the Natural Environment and to the community in North East Wales. | Flintshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Richard Edward William PETTIFER | Executive Director, Royal Meterological Society. For services to Science and to the community in Sherborne St John, Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Lady Laura Clare PHILLIPS | For voluntary service to Contemporary Dance. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William John PIKE | For services to the Hospitality Industry in Scotland and to Charity. | Ayrshire and Arran |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David PINNIGER | Entomologist. For services to Pest Control and to Museum Conservation. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John POPE | For services to School Rugby and Athletics and to the community in Northamptonshire. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Christopher Anthony George POWELL | For services to the community in Starbeck, North Yorkshire. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gloria Jean POWELL | For voluntary service to the community in Hadleigh, Suffolk. | Suffolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David John PRATT | Senior Officer, HM Prison and Young Offenders' Institution New Hall, Wakefield. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Graham PRIAULX | Racing Driver. For services to Sport and for voluntary service to the community in Guernsey. | Channel Islands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Daphne Anne PRICE | Governor, Northgate High School, Dereham, Norfolk. For voluntary service to Education. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edward Godwin PRICE JP FSA | Lately President, Gloucester and District Archaeological Group. For voluntary service to Archaeology in Frocester. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Jack PRIME | Higher Officer, HM Revenue and Customs. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Nicholas James PURDIE | Temporary Inspector, Northamptonshire Police. For services to the Police. | Northamptonshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Joan PURVES | For voluntary service to the community in Hutton, Berwick-upon-Tweed. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Saleem Arif QUADRI | Artist. For services to Art. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheliagh Ann RAM | For voluntary services to the Samaritans in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Rosemarie RAMSAY | Founder and Headteacher, Mount Zion Supplementary School, Lewisham. For services to Education and to the community in South East London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Moira RANDALL | Sergeant, South Wales Police. For services to the Police. | West Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jocelyn RAWLENCE | For voluntary service to the community in Pulham Market, Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Juliet RAWLINGS | Chair, Tenant Management Organisation. For services to Social Housing. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Linda RAYMONDE-PARKER | Manager, Lemon Tree Nursery, Taunton. For services to Early Years Education. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Vivienne RAYNER | Policy Development Officer, Federation of Small Businesses. For services to Business in the South West. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Bernard REES | For voluntary service to the community in St Just, Cornwall. | Cornwall |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Leslie Raymond REES | Councillor, Caerphilly County Borough Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Caerphilly. | Mid Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Cyrille REGIS | For services to the Voluntary Sector and to Football. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Claudine REID | For services to Social Enterprise and to the community in South London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Geoffrey Keith RENNIE | For voluntary service to the community in North Yorkshire. | North Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter John Robert RICHARDSON | For services to Foster Care in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Wendy Diane RICHARDSON | For services to Foster Care in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John RILEY | Chair, Strathfillan Community Council. For voluntary service to the community in Strathfillan, Perthshire. | Perth and Kinross |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Kathleen RISHWORTH | For voluntary service to the Civil Service Benevolent Fund. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter John RISLEY | For voluntary service to People with Diabetes. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Penelope RITCHIECALDER | For services to Museums and to the Voluntary Sector. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David ROBERTS | For voluntary service to the community in Ottery St Mary, Devon. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Dennis Hughes ROBERTS | Lately Deputy Chair, Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales. For services to Local Government and to the community in Gwynedd. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lorraine ROBERTSON | Grade E1, Ministry of Defence. For public and voluntary service. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Maureen Leonard ROBERTSON | Chair, Glasgow Children's Panel Advisory Committee. For voluntary service to the Children's Hearings System. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Eileen Mary ROBINSON | For voluntary service to the Caterpillar Club. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Gillian Ann ROBINSON | Founder, Milton Keynes Community Cardiac Group. For services to Healthcare and to the community in Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs June ROBINSON | For public service. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Desiree Leila Margaret RODERICK | For voluntary services to the Commandos Benevolent Fund. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Shirley Julianne RODWELL | For voluntary services in the field of Appeals and Public Relations, for people with Learning Disabilities in Westminster, London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr David Barter ROGERS | Lately Sergeant, Ministry of Defence Police. For services to the Police. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian Anthony ROPER | For charitable services in Bath. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew Dixon ROSE | Lately President, Irish Hockey Association. For voluntary service to Sport in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jacqueline Mary ROSS | Head, Population Management Unit, National Offender Management Service, Ministry of Justice. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Prof Margaret ROSS | Professor of Software Quality, Southampton Solent University. For services to Higher Education. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roger Hannant ROWE | For voluntary service to Music in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Iris ROY | Non-Teaching Assistant and lately School Crossing Warden, St James Church of England Primary School, Haslingden, Lancashire. For services to Education. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Ann Margaret RUDDICK | Chair, Tynedale Talking Newspaper Association. For voluntary service to Visually Impaired People in the North East. | Northumberland |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Lesley RUSHTON | For services to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian James RUSSELL | Curriculum and Quality Leader, Forth Valley College. For services to Further Education in Central Scotland. | West Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Farouk SAEED | Deputy Director, Export Control Compliance and Regulations, Thales UK. For services to the Defence Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Paul SALVESON | Head of Government and Community Strategies, Northern Rail. For services to the Rail Industry. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian Samuel SAMUELS | Regional Field Officer, East Midlands Region, National Association of Head Teachers. For services to Education and to the Voluntary Sector. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Henry SANDON | For services to Broadcasting, the Ceramics Industry and to Charity. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Dudley Alexander Temple SAVILL | For charitable services in London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Matthew Thomas SAVILL | Grade C1, Ministry of Defence. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Diane SCOTT | For voluntary service to North London Hospice. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Phyllis Mary SELF | Director, Whitehall Garden Centre. For services to the community in Lacock, Wiltshire. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Uanu SESHMI | Co-Founder, From Boyhood to Manhood Foundation. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic People. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter SHAROTT | Director, East and South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services. For services to Pharmacy. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Vanessa SHAW | Head of Dietetics, Great Ormond Street Hospital. For services to Children's Healthcare. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Harry Lawton SHERRATT | For voluntary service to the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ronald SIMISON | For services to Archaeology and to the Tourist Industry in Orkney. | Orkney |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr James White SIMPSON | Chair, Scottish Coastal Forum. For services to the Environment and to the Voluntary Sector. | Fife |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Anne SINCLAIR | Higher Executive Officer, The Pension Service. For public and voluntary service. | Glasgow |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Bernard Gerald SINCLAIR | For voluntary service to Redbridge Jewish Youth and Community Centre, London. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Sheila SLINGSBY | Chief Emergency Planning Officer, Sheffield City Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Andrew SMITH | Purchasing Director, BSW Timber plc. For services to the Scottish Forestry Industry. | Dumfries |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian John Robert SMITH | Administrative Officer, HM Prison Stocken, Rutland. | Rutland |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Douglas Young SMITH QVRM | For services to the Water Industry, particularly Overseas. | Argyll and Bute |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian Trevor Gordon SMITH | Lately Conductor, Southampton Youth Brass Band and Senior Music Teacher, Southampton Music Service. For services to Young People. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jennifer Mary SMITH | For voluntary service to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Wilson SMITH | For voluntary service to the community in Newchurch, Isle of Wight. | Isle of Wight |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Kelly SMITH | Striker, Arsenal Ladies and England. For services to Football. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Pauline SMITH | Deputy Head of Communications, Staffordshire Police. For services to the Police. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Philip Harold SMITH | Co-ordinator, Teacher Scientist Network. For services to Science Education. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond John SMITH | Sailing Instructor, Mersea Island. For voluntary service to Young People and to Sport in Essex. | Essex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roger William SMITH | For services to Young People in the London Boroughs of Barnet and Brent. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Steve SMITH | For services to the NHS and to the community in Hampshire. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Linda Diane SODERBERG | Manager, Radiological Sciences Directorate, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Healthcare in Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Joanna Christonie Annie SPIERS | Founder and Trustee, Big Buzz, Everton, Liverpool. For voluntary service to Children. | Merseyside |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Robert Percival SPRATT | Lately Prison Chaplain, HM Prison Preston, Lancashire. For public and voluntary service. | Cumbria |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John STAFFORD | For services to Rural Crafts, particularly Hedge Laying. | Derbyshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Giles Justin Maxwell STIMSON | For services to the Financial Services Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Francis STOCKER | For charitable services to the Hospice Movement and to the community in St Albans, Hertfordshire. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Diana Miranda STRATTON | For charitable services in Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Louise STUART | Consultant Podiatrist, Manchester Primary Care Trust and Senior Lecturer in Podiatry, University of Salford. For services to the Allied Health Professions. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Giles Patrick STURDY DL | For services to the community in Dorset. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Brian SUMMERS | Chair, Tourism West Midlands. For services to the Tourist Industry and to the Voluntary Sector. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Veronica SUMMERS | For voluntary service to Older People in Cranbrook, Kent. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Peter Berkeley Douglas SUTHERLAND | Founder and President, Upper Thames Rowing Club. For voluntary service to Sport. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Raymond Albert SYKES | For services to Brass Band Music and to the community in South Elmsall, West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Shahien TAJ | Founder and Executive Director, Henna Foundation. For services to Diverse Community Engagement. | South Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Gerald TASKER | For voluntary service to the community in Royton, Lancashire. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Anthony Peter TAYLOR | Chair of Governing Body, Walsall College. For voluntary service to Further Education. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Paul Duncan TAYLOR | For charitable services in West Yorkshire. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan TERRY | For voluntary service to the community in Shellingford, Oxfordshire. | Oxfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Mahesh Paul THAPAR | Special Constable, Hertfordshire Constabulary. For services to the Police. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Tyndale THOMAS | For services to African Caribbean Gospel Music and to the community in the North. | Greater Manchester |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John Andrew Kershaw THOMPSON | Lately Deputy Headteacher, Derby Moor Community Sports College, Derby. For services to Education. | Staffordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin THOMSON | For services to the NHS and to Charity in Wales. | Mid Glamorgan |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Lady Beryl Julia TINDLE | For voluntary service to the community in Farnham, Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Elizabeth TOBIN | For voluntary service to Children and Families in Leicestershire. | Leicestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Anne Rosemary TOOTLE | For voluntary service to the Leprosy Mission, West Bengal, India. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr George TORRANCE | Lately Facilities Management Team Leader, Linlithgow Academy, West Lothian. For services to Education. | West Lothian |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Louis Andreas TTOFA | For voluntary service to the community in Ormskirk, Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Can William Reginald TWADDELL | Chair of the Board of Governors, Clounagh Junior High School Portadown. For voluntary service to Education in Northern Ireland. | Armagh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Anne Elizabeth TYRRELL | Founder and Managing Director, Anne Tyrrell Design Consultancy. For services to the Fashion Industry. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Honor USSHER | For voluntary service to the community in Gloucester. | Gloucestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Morgan Lewis VAUGHAN | Former Councillor, Gwynedd County Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in Tywyn. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Amanda Elizabeth WADSWORTH | Senior Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus. For public and voluntary service. | Cheshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr John WAINWRIGHT | Regional Winter Service Officer, Highways Agency. | West Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Janet WALES | Study Support Manager, Runshaw College. For services to Special Needs Further Education and to the community in Preston, Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Eric WALKER | For voluntary service to the Wey and Arun Canal. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Richard Edward WALKER | Acting Sergeant, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to the Police. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Jennifer WALLACE | Co-ordinator, Central England, Women's Royal Volunteer Service. For services to the community in the West Midlands. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Edwin John WALSH | For services to the community in Blackburn, Lancashire. | Lancashire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Marian WALTERS | Lately School Secretary, Kempsey Primary School, Worcester and Clerk to the Governors, Kingfisher School, Redditch. For services to Education and to the Arts. | Worcestershire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr Anthony Edward WARN | For services to the Water Industry. | Bristol |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Don WARRINGTON | Actor. For services to Drama. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Hilary Odette WATKINS | For voluntary service to the Citizen's Advice Bureau and to the community in the South West. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Roy Victor WATKINSON | Lately Hazardous Waste Policy Manager, Environment Agency. For public service. | East Sussex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Rodney James WATSON | Managing Director, Killyhevlin Hotel. For services to the Tourist Industry in Northern Ireland. | Fermanagh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Herbert Ronald WATTS | For voluntary service to Horticulture. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Frederick Richard WEBB | For voluntary service to the Scouts in Middlesex. | Middlesex |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Kitty Elaine Joan WEBBER | Volunteer Ambulance Hospital Driver. For services to the community in Devon. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Leslie WEBBER | For voluntary service to Angling and to Young People. | Berkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Catherine WEGWERMER | Principal, St Joseph's Primary School, Crumlin. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Elizabeth Isabella WEIR | Field Officer, Rural Support. For services to Farmers and to the community in Northern Ireland. | Tyrone |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Wendy WELLS | For services to the community in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. | South Yorkshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Ms Paulette WEST | For services to Banking and to Business for Black and Minority Ethnic People. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Judith Ann WESTACOTT | For services to the community in Totnes, Devon. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alex Alphonso WHEATLE | Writer. For services to Literature. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr William Charles WHEATLEY | For voluntary service to the community in Beeston, Nottinghamshire. | Nottinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin John WHEELER | Chief Executive, Licensed Trade Charity. For services to the Voluntary Sector. | Devon |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Derek WHEELER | For voluntary service to Heritage in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Charles David WHITE | For voluntary service to the Royal Naval Association. | Dorset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Patricia WHITE | Member, Technical Support Team, Department of Oncology, Queen's University, Belfast. For services to Biomedical Research. | Belfast |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Doris Irene WHITING | For voluntary service to the community in Trowbridge, Wiltshire. | Wiltshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Jim WILES | For voluntary service to the community in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Sheila WILES | For voluntary service to the community in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire. | Buckinghamshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Margaret Ann WILKINSON | Head of Projects, Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation. For services to Town and Country Planning. | Shropshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Susan Mary WILKINSON | Librarian, HM Prison Birmingham. For services to Reading and Literacy. | West Midlands |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Barbara WILLIAMS | For services to the communities in Deal and Walmer, Kent. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Rev Diane Patricia WILLIAMS | Chaplain, University of Edinburgh. For services to Higher Education. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Dr John Hugh WILLIAMS | Lately Head of Heritage Conservation, Kent County Council. For services to Local Government. | Kent |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Alexander Maybin WILSON | Chairman of Broughshane and District Community Association. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. | Antrim |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss April Geraldine WILSON | For charitable services to the community in Sheringham, Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Colin Gordon John WILSON | Chair, Portishead and Bristol Lifeboat Trust. For voluntary service to Maritime Safety. | Somerset |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Gillian Mary WILSON | For charitable services to the community in Sheringham, Norfolk. | Norfolk |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert Henry WILSON | Conductor and Musical Director, Donaghadee Male Voice Choir. For voluntary service to Music in Northern Ireland. | Down |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Patrick Hugh MacKenzie Smyth WOOD | Chair, Harpenden Branch, Royal National Lifeboat Institution. For voluntary service to Maritime Safety. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ronald James WOOLLACOTT | For services to the community in the London Borough of Southwark. | London |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Miss Jane WOOLLEY | For voluntary service to the community in Hambledon, Surrey. | Surrey |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Cdr Michael William WORRALL RN (RETD) | Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. | Hampshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Neil Francis WRAGG | Chief Executive, Youth at Risk UK. For services to Young People. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Robert John WRIGHT | Coxswain, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Pwllheli. For voluntary service to Maritime Safety. | Gwynedd |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mrs Alice Elizabeth Primrose WYBORN | For services to People with Eczema. | Hertfordshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Hai Shuet YEUNG | Artist. For services to Chinese Art and to the community in North East Lincolnshire. | Lincolnshire |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Ian Macrae YOUNG | Lately Director of International Development, NHS Scotland. For services to Healthcare. | Edinburgh |
Birthday | 2008 | Members of the Order of the British Empire | MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | Mr Morris YOUNG | Senior Officer, Audit Service, E-Commerce and International Team Leader, HM Revenue and Customs. | Middlesex |