Transparency data

Government Procurement Card data - August 2014

Updated 17 December 2024
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Transaction reference number Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Description
2967899993 01/08/2014 WWW.BDADYSLEXIA. 540 Training for 1 member of staff
2967899989 01/08/2014 NEWS UK & IRELAND COMM 600 Recruitment advert for the role of Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists, a new post overseeing regulation of the lobbying industry
2967899979 01/08/2014 INFOCOMM - GBP 720 Training for 1 member of staff
2967899981 01/08/2014 INFOCOMM - GBP 720 Training for 1 member of staff
2967899991 01/08/2014 BRITISH GAS BUSINESS 1363.61 Utility charges
2976422122 05/08/2014 CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING 738 Training for 1 member of staff
2976422076 05/08/2014 WP-CERTITEC (TA PD 1109.93 Training for 2 members of staff
2976422100 05/08/2014 MSFT ONLINE 1224.5 46 software licenses
2978544708 06/08/2014 RSS (SERVICES) LTD 501.12 Catering for 29 people at Policy Making workshop 
2978544640 06/08/2014 O2 UK PAYMENT 612 20 Netgear 'MiFi' aircards
2984486214 08/08/2014 WWW.PMGLTD.CO.UK 534 Training for 1 member of staff
2984486164 08/08/2014 WWW.QA.COM 561.6 Toner for secure printers
2988149698 11/08/2014 THE HUB EVENTS 576 Training for 1 member of staff
2988149710 11/08/2014 MMS.CARDSAVEONLINEPAYMENT 1434 Training for 1 member of staff
2995304022 13/08/2014 CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING 618 Training for 1 member of staff
2995304012 13/08/2014 BANNER BUSINESS SERVICES 796.74 Office stationery
2998212972 14/08/2014 MMS.CARDSAVEONLINEPAYMENT 1434 Training for 1 member of staff
3001308386 15/08/2014 PAYPAL MINDTHEPROD 798 Conference attendance for 2 members of staff
3005071940 18/08/2014 WWW.TOGETHERLONDON.COM 718.8 Conference attendance for 1 member of staff
3010203568 19/08/2014 COMPASS SERVICES UK LT 536.22 Catering over 3 days for 40 attendees at cross-Governmental workshop
3010203540 19/08/2014 WP-CERTITEC (TA PD 554.96 Training for 1 member of staff
3010203550 19/08/2014 DRI VMware 1900.03 IT software for CERT UK system
3010203552 19/08/2014 DRI VMware 1900.03 IT software for CERT UK system
3012400042 20/08/2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 500 Training for 1 member of staff
3012399986 20/08/2014 COLLIS BIRD & WITHEY 565.8 Production of City Deals Report
3012400022 20/08/2014 BANNER BUSINESS SERVICES 821.88 Office stationery
3015482250 21/08/2014 WWW.TONERGIANT.CO.UK 577.52 Toner for secure printers
3015482232 21/08/2014 WWW.UNWIRED.EU.COM 598.8 Conference attendance over 2 days for 1 member of staff
3015482244 21/08/2014 BANNER BUSINESS SERVICES 643.39 Office stationery
3015482258 21/08/2014 CIVIL SERVICE LEARNING 813.6 Training for 1 member of staff
3015482260 21/08/2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1500 Training for 1 member of staff
3018683060 22/08/2014 BANNER BUSINESS SERVICES 597.96 Office stationery
3018683062 22/08/2014 BANNER BUSINESS SERVICES 597.96 Office stationery
3022623490 25/08/2014 EvernoteGmbHBusiness 568 IT software for GOV.UK
3022623524 25/08/2014 WWW.TOGETHERLONDON.COM 718.8 Conference attendance for 1 member of staff
3022623412 25/08/2014 ORANGE (A/PM/01) 1509.2 Mobile wifi service
3036167996 29/08/2014 MMS.CARDSAVEONLINEPAYMENT 1434 Training for 1 member of staff