Transparency data

DWP's exceptions to spending controls: marketing and advertising: April to June 2015

Updated 25 September 2015
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Department Organisation Name Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value Approved (£) Date of approval
DWP Not set DWP 'Personal Independence Payment (PIP) full roll-out 15/16 To ensure the 1.5m claimants have access to the information they need to make a decision about claiming PIP before the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) ends. Build awareness of the changes and the timescales. Ensure claimants take the right actions to make a claim for PIP. Establish working with key stakeholders to provide information and support to claimants during PIP roll-out. 740,000 23/06/2015
DWP Pensions Regulator DWP, The Pensions Regulator, Automatic Enrolment Campaign 2015/16 DWP are requesting approval for the continuation of the Automatic Enrolment The aim of this specific activity is to build awareness and understanding of the benefits of the Automatic Enrolment, with some 930,000 eligible workers who will be automatically enrolled over the period 1st April to 30th September 2015, so they stay in pension saving. 2,405,500 20/04/2015
DWP Not set DWP, Pension Automatic Enrolment Campaign - Individual and employers 15/16 Raise understanding, acceptance and social norms of workplace pensions and Automatic Enrolment through: 1. Encourage Employers to enage with Automatic Enrolment and educate them of their obligations to ensure compliance. 2. Maximise the 10m individuals being enrolled to encourage them to stay enrolled 3.Encourage people to save/save more for their retirement 4. Reassure individuals they have made the right decision for their retirement and future dignity/security 5. Continue to affirm positive behaviour 6,144,500 23/06/2015
DWP Not set DWP, Childcare Campaign 15/16 Campaign to: Promote government-funded childcare, in order to improve understanding and encourage take-up. Promote the positive benefits. 516,390 23/06/2015
DWP Not set DWP New State Pension Communications 15/16 Build acceptance in our target audience that the new State Pension is changing. Build people's understanding of the new State Pension through increasing individual's knowledge about where to find information about the new State Pension. Enable people to access information to estimate the expected value of their State Pension 2,580,000 23/06/2015
DWP Not set DWP, Disability Confident campaign to increase the employers employing disabled people 15/16 Increase the number of employers who sign up to Disabilty Confident. Increase the number of partners who take action or more action to be Disabilty Confident employers. Increase belief among targeted employers that it's easy and benefical to be Disabilty Confident. Make the bisness case for employing and retaining disabled people through advise and use of support materials. 606,800 23/06/2015
DWP Not set DWP, Changing Futures Together - An employment campaign supporting people from disadvantaged groups into work 15/16 Work with employer organisation to encourage the recruitment of people from disadvantaged groups. Increase the number of people from disadvantaged groups who access employment opportunities. 525,355 23/06/2015