Transparency data

Staff costs

Updated 11 July 2016
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£'000 2015-16 2014-15
Not set Permanently employed staff Others Special advisers Ministers Total Total
Wages, salaries and fees 101,839 - 4,044 417 106,300 108,726
Social security costs 9,623 - 484 39 10,146 10,314
Other pension costs 21,348 - 573 - 21,921 20,946
Agency/temporary - 28,477 - - 28,477 32,343
Termination benefits 1,081 - -138 - 943 1,969
Sub total 133,891 28,477 4,963 456 167,787 174,298
Inward secondments - 5,252 - - 5,252 6,285
Total 133,891 33,729 4,963 456 173,039 180,583
Less: Recoveries in respect of outward secondments - -3,541 - - -3,541 -2,805
Total staff costs 133,891 30,188 4,963 456 169,498 177,778
Less: Staff engaged on Capital projects -2,207 -1,485 - - -3,692 -1,174
Total net staff costs 131,684 28,703 4,963 456 165,806 176,604