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HMRC Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2014

Updated 25 June 2015
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Project name Debt Staff Reinvestment Digital Solutions Portfolio Expanding the use of Debt Collection Agencies One Click Organised Crime Real Time Information (RTI) Tax-Free Childcare Volume Crime
MPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) Green Amber Green Amber/Green Amber/Green Amber/Green Amber/Red Green
Description / Aims (From GMPP data) This investment of staff represents the continuation of our existing operations, but increases the resource deployed on debt collection by 909 FTE over the proposed SR10 reduced resource baseline. Benefits are calculated against the SR10 reduced resource baseline as the counterfactual. Investing staff back into our more efficient and effective debt collection model results in additional receipts in the consolidated fund of £1108m over the SR10. Even with this investment, DMB will deliver a 9% net FTE reduction across the SR10 period as well as the additional receipts detailed above. The majority of investment (£56.3m) is paybill with a small amount of capital and resource to enable the transfer of staff into DMB. Operational planning with this investment scenario has demonstrated no scale up costs elsewhere. HMRC's Digital Portfolio will deliver new and enhanced online services for Individuals, Business customers and the Agent community. The Programme will support the delivery of HMRC's Digital Strategy and the introduction of the Cabinet Office new Identity Assurance Strategy by delivering: - HMRC's four Exemplar Digital Services - PAYE for Employees (formerly PAYE Online), Digital SA, Your Tax Account (formerly Tax for My Business) and Agents Online. (The Agent Online Service (AOSS) is a Digital Exemplar but does not form part of this report.) - Underpinning digital capability that will provide HMRC with the capability to respond at pace to change, including the introduction of iforms - New IDA process through PAYE for Employees and our Corporate solution for Business customers. The ambition of the revised 2 year Digital Roadmap goes significantly beyond the scope of the digital exemplars and allows us to meet the commitments made by the Department. This investment to extend the use of Debt Collection Agencies represents a continuation and expansion of our existing operations. (Departmental funding restrictions had meant there would be no DCA activity planned beyond 2010/11 without investment.) It provides additional debt collection capability and capacity to allow more debts to be tackled quicker and more effectively, change the behaviours of more customers and generate more revenue. The One Click Programme of work is made up of 6 projects; Start-up hub, the Tax Dashboard, the Online Tax Registration Service (Registration Wizard), iforms, Transaction Monitoring and VAT Registration Transformation. One Click brings many Tax services (CT, ITSA, VAT and PAYE) that businesses need together in one place, online. Focuses on key events in a business' lifecycle, with information for pre-start ups, a single place to register for business taxes and a self serve facility to view and update details online. The Organised Crime Project will have a significant impact on the Organised Crime segment of HMRC’s Customer-Centric Strategy. The key aim is to prevent, disrupt and reduce deliberate, systematic and large scale attacks by Organised Criminal Groups (OCGs), estimated to cost HMRC between £5bn to £7bn per annum. The threat from OCGs is evolving and we need to prevent significant attempted fraud just to maintain losses at their current level. The project will deploy approximately 500 FTEs across a range of new and established interventions to target organised criminals including; joint working with the Border Force (BF), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and expanding our Fiscal Crime Liaison Officer (FCLO) Network to increase cooperation with foreign administrations. We are also an instrumental part of the Cross Government Strategy to tackle Cyber Crime. We aim to address the threats at each stage of the illicit ‘supply chain,’ improving capabilities in intelligence, civil and criminal investigations. The Project is structured to address the main threats which come from VAT Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC), repayment and registration fraud, diverted alcohol products and cigarette and tobacco smuggling. During 2012-15 we will change our approach to organised crime to target the key individuals behind the fraud using new intelligence gathering methods and new technology capabilities that will support this approach. Real Time Information is the next stage of improving PAYE through the use of real time information. It will deliver a series of projects to implement measures designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the PAYE system. This will underpin the introduction by the Department for Work and Pensions of the Universal Credit regime. At Budget 2013, the Government announced the introduction of Tax-Free Childcare to benefit and support up to 1.9m working families. The Government will provide 20 per cent of working families’ childcare costs, subject to an annual limit of £2,000 contribution from the Government for each child. This is equivalent to basic rate tax relief of childcare costs up to £10,000 a year. The projects aims are to implement this policy. HMRC is revising its approach to tackling fraud in the Rule Breakers customer group, increasing the number of criminal investigations and subsequent prosecutions in this group. This approach is called Volume Crime and will: deter rule breakers and potential rule breakers from fraudulent behaviour; enhance the effectiveness of civil interventions by evidencing the downsides of non-compliance; and show HMRC is relentless in pursuit of those who break the rules. The Volume Crime project aims to significantly increase productivity and resources deployed to criminal investigation. 240 staff years will be deployed as a result of this project in Criminal Investigation and associated Risk and Intelligence Service functions, with prosecution numbers rising through the SR10 period to an additional 1,000 prosecutions delivered per year from 2014/15. The considerable increase in activity in the rule breakers segment increases the perceived risks to potential rule breakers and thus deters individuals from going down the path of tax evasion and therefore an increase in "voluntary compliance" due to the deterrent effect. The project is currently creating a research programme to measure this deterrent effect.
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the MPA RAG rating. Debt Management and Banking resources are being maintained within operational tolerances with key performance indicators showing strong delivery across the business. Two of our four digital exemplars, Your Tax Account and Digital Self-Assessment, moved into ‘public beta’ (opening the service to the wider public whilst continuing to ask for feedback on how it can be improved) on 27th May 2014. Pay As You Earn (PAYE) for Employees (formerly PAYE Online) is ready for public beta. Due to the dependency on the Government Digital Service IDA (Identity Assurance) for Citizens, PAYE will move into public beta mid October 2014. Debt Collection Agencies programme activity treated as business as usual by DMB.  The Debt Market Integrator go live has been delayed and as a result DMB will be looking at extending the Debt Collection Agencies contracts. We have reprofiled the 14/15 Work Programme that identifies debts that are suitable to place in the Debt Collection Agencies process. This takes into account the delayed start for the Debt Market Integrator, to ensure we fully utilise the private sector to maximise the capacity available in order to address the debt balance. We are working to reprofile the benefits and costs. VAT Registration Transformation (VRT) the final delivery of the One Click programme has taken place. The One Click programme full business case will be finally updated following completion of work on the actions arising from the VRT project post implementation review. Work on formal closure of the VRT project and One Click programme are underway. Results for the first part of 2014-15 have exceeded the forecast. The programme are seeking to establish the confidence levels in the year end forecast. Additional IT changes were successfully delivered in the Summer of 2014. A phased approach to the implementation of in-year late filing penalties from October 2014 was approved at the July Programme Board meeting. In-year late filing penalties for large and medium employers will commence in October 2014 and small & micro employers will commence from March 2015. Activities to support this approach are progressing well. Activities are also on-going to support the implementation of in-year late payment penalties from April 2015. The main drivers for the RAG status are the challenging delivery timeline set alongside a legal challenge from voucher providers in the existing employer supported childcare scheme to the decision to appoint National Savings and Investment as the childcare account provider for Tax-Free Childcare. Benefits over the SR10 period are set to total £1,341.3m against a business case total of £1,310m.
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) 01/04/2011 14/11/2012 01/04/2011 24/03/2010 01/11/2010 05/07/2010 01/08/2013 01/04/2011
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) 01/04/2015 05/04/2015 31/03/2015 16/10/2013 30/06/2014 30/06/2015 01/12/2015 29/05/2013
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department
2014/2015 Budget (£million) £22.54m £33.41m £14.49m £8.65m £22.04m £45.87m £30.40m £11.05m
2014/2015 Forecast (£million) £22.54m £28.86m £14.12m £8.73m £21.73m £45.70m £19.07m £11.02m
2014/2015 Variance (£million) £0.00m -£4.55m -£0.37m £0.08m -£0.31m -£0.17m £11.33m -£0.03m
2014/2015 Variance %age 0% -14% -3% 1% -1% 0% 37% 0%
Total budgeted whole life costs (£million) (including non-government costs) £56.42m £116.70m £69.29m £111.06m £74.70m £333.02m £31.79m £42.05m
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2014/15 (if variance is more than 5%) Budget variance less than 5% The variance is due to delivery of the Whole Customer View Project (Bringing together all of the data we hold on our business customers into a single place) being re-planned into 2015/16. Budget variance less than 5% Budget variance less than 5% Budget variance less than 5% Budget variance less than 5% Forecast spend was below budget due to the legal challenge imposing a suspension on the work that could be taken forward with National Savings and Investment. Budget variance less than 5%
Departmental narrative on budgeted whole life costs Data not provided by department The whole life costs have changed since the publication of HM Revenue & Customs Government Major Projects Portfolio data 2013 due to a change in scope and delivery methods. Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department Data not provided by department The budgeted whole life cycle costs represent funding for the early development stages of the project only (13/14 and 14/15 costs) based on the delivery of childcare accounts in partnership with National Savings & Investment. Data not provided by department