PHE spend over £25,000: September 2016
Updated 1 February 2017
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Department Family | Entity | Supplier | Date | Invoice Id | Line Amount SUM | Project# | Po Budget Centre | Expense Area | Po Subjective | Expense Type | Description | Vendor Type Lookup Code | Wga Ref |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FRIMLEY PARK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5377768 | 85399.26 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | **TO JV 19.8.16**BOWEL SCOPE SERVICES INVOICE - NO PO | NULL | NHTRDUFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504194 | 4999.60 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6521935 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504194 | 24998.00 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | April 2016 On Demand fees | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504195 | 5868.24 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6521938 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504195 | 29341.20 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | May, June July On Demand fees | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504219 | 4600.00 | NULL | UMA1 | MKT: Digital Products and Estate | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6518648 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504219 | 23000.00 | NULL | UMA1 | MKT: Digital Products and Estate | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | This is to cover costs for Q1. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504223 | 5344.58 | NULL | UMB3 | MKT: Living Well: One You | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6520577 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5504223 | 26722.90 | NULL | UMB3 | MKT: Living Well: One You | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | One You/eCRM Serco costs/June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5507870 | 13197.60 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 6524558 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5507870 | 65988.00 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | Ogilvy Fees May-July 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5509333 | 4891.60 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6519059 NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5509333 | 24458.00 | NULL | UGA8 | MKT: Data and CRM | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | Ongoing Activity April 2016- OY and C4L | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5512929 | 13049.20 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6524971 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5512929 | 65246.01 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | Smokefree/Serco April-May/July 2017 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5513176 | 6242.77 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6524684 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5513176 | 31213.87 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | Smokefree/Serco June/July 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 05-Sep-2016 | 5516483 | 11869.28 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | 6367717 CENTRE FOR INFECTIONS, 61 COLINDALE AVENUE, LONDON NW9 5HT 01 JUL 16 - 31 JUL 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 05-Sep-2016 | 5516483 | 59397.22 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | 6367717 CENTRE FOR INFECTIONS, 61 COLINDALE AVENUE, LONDON NW9 5HT 01 JUL 16 - 31 JUL 16 O/B | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | B BRAUN MEDICAL LTD | 05-Sep-2016 | 5518491 | 6900.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6497260,6526843? | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | B BRAUN MEDICAL LTD | 05-Sep-2016 | 5518491 | 13800.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 50,000 SELF ADMINISTRABLE ENEMAS - AS PER URN AWAA-80XEBE | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | B BRAUN MEDICAL LTD | 05-Sep-2016 | 5518491 | 20700.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6497260,6526843? NBI | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5526006 | 5469.60 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6516068 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5526006 | 27348.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | P18/P23 Contractor Planning Process Support to provide the services & deliverables quoted in CEN109 on 19/5/16. Inclusive of PAF. CEI106 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5533357 | 287500.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FoundationTrust for Q1 April - June 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536436 | 63712.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 61615 | IT Licences | 6525680 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536436 | 318560.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 61615 | IT Licences | HSCIC -Bowel Cancer Screening (BCSS) Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) conversion - 1st Tranche | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536442 | 217980.80 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6525857 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536442 | 1089904.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | HSCIC -Breast screening Select (BS-S) national cohort management and batch creation system for breast screening. inital rollout & 6 micro-releases to follow within inital 9 mths | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536453 | 528732.60 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 61615 | IT Licences | 6525855 NBI | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 05-Sep-2016 | 5536453 | 2643663.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 61615 | IT Licences | HSCIC - Bowel Cancer Screening (BCSS) - comprising a fully managed service including development for 1 scheduled releases in year . | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TNS UK LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540417 | 9021.00 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | 6525691 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TNS UK LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540417 | 45105.00 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59030 | Social Marketing - Tracking Research | ITT 1740 - 10 Minute Shake Up evaluation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540615 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Sandwell & Walsall (MBD). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540616 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Sandwell & Walsall (MBD). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540618 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Sandwell & Walsall (MBD). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540621 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Sandwell & Walsall (MBD). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540623 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Sandwell & Walsall (MBD). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540803 | 67982.35 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CHARGES | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 632.30 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 66405 | Gas | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 1308.75 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 66420 | Water | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (WATER) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 2838.20 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 66410 | Electricity | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 3128.67 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 3161.52 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 66405 | Gas | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (GAS) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 3887.21 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (XEROX) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 5032.74 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68110 | Security Costs | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 6027.95 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 12014.50 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (CENTRAL FM) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 14191.00 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 66410 | Electricity | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (ELECTRICITY) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 14238.07 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (FM) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 15643.33 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (CLEANING) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 17966.21 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6526259 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 25163.71 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68110 | Security Costs | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (SECURITY) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 40575.41 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (BUILDING MAINTENANCE - VARIABLE) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 49255.64 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (BUILDING MAINTENANCE) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540845 | 88751.48 | NULL | HLN3 | FCD: Wellington House London | 68110 | Security Costs | Q4 205/16 Accommodation Costs (RATES) for 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 32.49 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (AD-HOC RECP/TELECOM) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 125.62 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66108 | Property Insurance | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 628.08 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66108 | Property Insurance | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (BUILDING INSURANE) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 1206.90 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (PHE HOSPITALITY) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 1396.23 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 1931.44 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (PHE LANDLORD CONSENT WORKS) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 4009.72 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66107 | Property Service Charges | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 4121.07 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 4877.85 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (CENTRAL FM) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 5230.28 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 6970.42 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (BUILDING MAINTENANCE (VARIABLE) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 6981.17 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (CLEANING) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 10843.00 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66105 | Rent | 6525173 | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 11397.31 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66110 | Rates | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (RATES) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 11703.49 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68426 | Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (BUILDING MAINTENANCE (FIXED) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 20034.13 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (FM) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 20048.60 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66107 | Property Service Charges | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (SERVICE CHARGE) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540848 | 54215.01 | NULL | HLE4 | FCD: Blenheim House Leeds | 66105 | Rent | Q4 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (RENT) for Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire | NHS | NHTDHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MULLENLOWE LONDON LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540868 | 8762.04 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 6527341 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MULLENLOWE LONDON LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5540868 | 43810.22 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | ITT 1802- Winter- MullenLowe Creative Development fee | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541049 | 14000.00 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6506578 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541049 | 70000.00 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | Smoking in Pregnancy HCP collateral Partnerships | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541155 | 20200.55 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6472997 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541155 | 101002.75 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Core telephony support & maintenance (dormancy), initial 12 months from 1Dec15 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FRIMLEY PARK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541181 | 127788.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | BREAST CANCER SCREENING 2015/16 | NULL | NHTRDUFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ANR MINING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIERS (SL) LIMITED | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541199 | 88663.00 | 110519 | PKG0 | HP: PHS International Office Project Centre | 68405 | Building & Lab alterations, fixtures and fittings | 50% ADVANCED PAYMENT FOR BO HOSPITAL | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541469 | 10896.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 201-17 West Devon & East Cornwall LPL. Fixed Price SLA - June 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRK9NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541469 | 10896.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 201-17 West Devon & East Cornwall LPL. Fixed Price SLA - May 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRK9NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541469 | 10896.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 201-17 West Devon & East Cornwall LPL. Fixed Price SLA - April 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRK9NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541492 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541492 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5541492 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5542087 | 24692.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Avon LAV. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRVJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5542087 | 24692.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Avon LAV. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRVJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST | 05-Sep-2016 | 5542087 | 24692.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | North Bristol NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Avon LAV. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRVJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TRUVEN HEALTH ANALYTICS INC | 06-Sep-2016 | 5540675 | 83864.42 | NULL | LVS4 | HP: CRCE Directorate | 12805 | Clinical Excellence Awards | Database products: Drugdex & Poisindex 30 - 40 users Reprorisk & Tomes 30- 40 users Martindale 30-40 users | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MISC: One-off Payments | 06-Sep-2016 | 5541206 | 47000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96965 | Other non-trade creditors | AR REFUND 58560 FROM HELEN POULTON | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DERBY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5467618 | 14396.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Derbyshire. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRTGFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DERBY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5467618 | 14396.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Derbyshire. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRTGFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DERBY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5467618 | 14396.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Derbyshire. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRTGFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5484561 | 318636.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | raised in error - full credit received | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5486431 | 41669.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Kings College Hospital NHS FT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South East London (GCA). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRJZFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5486431 | 41669.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Kings College Hospital NHS FT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South East London (GCA). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRJZFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5486431 | 41669.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Kings College Hospital NHS FT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South East London (GCA). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRJZFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 07-Sep-2016 | 5488587 | 11329.73 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6482302 Issue 6515499 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 07-Sep-2016 | 5488587 | 56648.67 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Provide contract PM staff supporting delivery of capital works projects at Porton, all costs to be capitalised.A new framework agreement to replace the existing f/work has been tendered with contract award Jun | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5491708 | 11667.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHST: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Aylesbury & Wycombe . Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRXQNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5491708 | 11667.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHST: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Aylesbury & Wycombe . Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRXQNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5491708 | 11667.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHST: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Aylesbury & Wycombe . Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRXQNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5500119 | 11501.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 West Berkshire. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRHWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5500119 | 11501.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 West Berkshire. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRHWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5500119 | 11501.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 West Berkshire. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRHWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5512972 | 5674.28 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | 6513267 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5512972 | 28371.42 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | Security Baseline Contract, April 2016 onwards | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5512975 | 12461.08 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6513266 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5512975 | 62305.39 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Soft Services Baseline Contract, April 2016 onwards | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5518420 | 8458.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Devon LTB. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRA9FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5518420 | 8458.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Devon LTB. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRA9FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5518420 | 8458.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Devon LTB. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRA9FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5533745 | 24206.24 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 57115 | Carriage charges | 6513155 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5533745 | 121143.16 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 57115 | Carriage charges | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – OOH advertising - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536217 | 1413.59 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6482782 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536217 | 4053.86 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6482782 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536217 | 7067.93 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Provision of Project Management services related to security matters. M-173 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536217 | 20269.31 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | Provision of Project Management Services to the Science Hub Programme in accordance with the compensation event instruction (CEI) 121 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536800 | 13673.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536800 | 13673.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5536800 | 13673.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE WATER PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5537098 | 644079.77 | NULL | UFB5 | HWB: Fluoridation: South Staffs Water Scheme | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | A/C NO 83781 FLOURIDATION RUNNING COSTS 2016/17 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5537213 | 41303.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Free London NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 16-17 North London (EBA). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5541496 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5541496 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF NORTH MIDLANDS NHS TRUST | 07-Sep-2016 | 5541496 | 10415.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals North Staffordshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Staffordshire (MST). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRJENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARRENZA LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543172 | 8584.49 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6503601 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARRENZA LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543172 | 42922.46 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) - online hosting services. Estimated costs 1Feb16 to 31Jan18. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARRENZA LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543175 | 12028.61 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6503601 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARRENZA LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543175 | 60143.05 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Pandemic Flu Service (NPFS) - online hosting services. Estimated costs 1Feb16 to 31Jan18. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN CARE SERVICES LTD | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543214 | 31717.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Virgin Care: Breast Age Extension 16-17 - Jarvis. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543236 | 19573.88 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6493608, 64953923, 6515277, 6515282 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543236 | 97869.39 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | T-Squared: Refurbishment of lab 107 (For NB) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543456 | 7445.00 | 110653 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | 6528027 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543456 | 37225.00 | 110653 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93350 | AUC - IT Equipment | ExaGrid E13000e with SED and 10GB NICs and 3 years maintenance - ImmForm Project | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - VACCINES | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543643 | 30000000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96293 | NHSSC account: C&A vaccines | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TFR OF FUNDS FOR SEPT-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - EPRR | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543645 | 6500000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96291 | NHSSC account: EPRR | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TRF OF FUNDS FOR SEPT-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - PANFLU | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543650 | 8500000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96292 | NHSSC account: Panflu | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TRF OF FUNDS FOR SEPT-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543652 | 15025.11 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512847 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 07-Sep-2016 | 5543652 | 75125.53 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive maintenance services for D&P and ancillary services at Porton site. Period from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. Year 7 of the contract | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512661 | 15873.82 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | 6513234 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512661 | 79369.08 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 - face to face consumer events - ITT 1723 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512663 | 20778.75 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6513154 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512663 | 103893.75 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 - Experiential advertising at consumer events - ITT 1723 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 443.95 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6512798 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 2219.74 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | MANAGEMENT | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 2552.76 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6512798 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 3440.68 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68120 | Grounds Maintenance | 6512798 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 4661.57 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68110 | Security Costs | 6512798 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 12763.81 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | CLEANING | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 17203.40 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68120 | Grounds Maintenance | GROUNDS MAINTENANCE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5512965 | 23307.83 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 68110 | Security Costs | SECURITY | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5525591 | 4380.77 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6527258 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5525591 | 21903.83 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | ITT 958- M&C Saatchi- Partnership Fees -Winter June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5525594 | 4380.77 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6527258 NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5525594 | 21903.83 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | ITT 958- M&C Saatchi- Partnership Fees -Winter July 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MEC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5527394 | 28850.00 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59043 | Social Marketing - Marketing Agency Fees | 6526053 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MEC | 12-Sep-2016 | 5527394 | 144250.00 | NULL | UMB2 | MKT: Strategy and Planning | 59043 | Social Marketing - Marketing Agency Fees | MEC fees April - June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5529484 | 4831.36 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6526275 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5529484 | 24156.78 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Stoptober Partner Materials- Design | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536665 | 11775.71 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | 6513234 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536665 | 58878.55 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 - face to face consumer events - ITT 1723 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PROLOG | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536756 | 15239.51 | NULL | UGC1 | MKT: Prolog Contracts | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6461976 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PROLOG | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536756 | 76197.57 | NULL | UGC1 | MKT: Prolog Contracts | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | Prolog for quarter one PHE Prolog | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PROLOG | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536758 | 26743.59 | NULL | UGC1 | MKT: Prolog Contracts | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6461976 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PROLOG | 12-Sep-2016 | 5536758 | 133717.96 | NULL | UGC1 | MKT: Prolog Contracts | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | Prolog for quarter one PHE Prolog | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARDIFF & VALE UNIVERSITY LOCAL HEALTH BOARD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5544334 | 185500.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board for period Q1 April - June 2016 | NHS | WNHT02 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5544387 | 5713.40 | NULL | KEA6 | CKO: National Conference | 66115 | Accommodation Hire | 6506111 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5544387 | 42531.04 | NULL | KEA6 | CKO: National Conference | 66115 | Accommodation Hire | Ref: 182465 NCRAS Cancer Conference Jun16 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545219 | 22125.16 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6388052 01 Aug 16 - 31 Aug 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545219 | 110625.82 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6388052 01 Aug 16 - 31 Aug 16 Porton Down, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WHITE YOUNG GREEN | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545339 | 7643.00 | 110298 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6524465 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WHITE YOUNG GREEN | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545339 | 38215.00 | 110298 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | P18 Readiness Activities incl assistance with concluding End Stage Activities. Framework Partners T&C applies. CEI 114 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545344 | 47690.80 | NULL | UCD7 | HWB: ESP Newborn Hearing Screening | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6531317 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545344 | 238454.00 | NULL | UCD7 | HWB: ESP Newborn Hearing Screening | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | Northgate: NHSP managed Contract Q3 (October, November and December) 16/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOTHIAN HEALTH BOARD | 12-Sep-2016 | 5545552 | 151660.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Lothian Health Board for Q2 July - Sept 2016 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5485707 | 9500.00 | NULL | PMF1 | FCD: Financial Management | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6461681 JUL-SEPT 2016 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5485707 | 47500.00 | NULL | PMF1 | FCD: Financial Management | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | Contract : ecm_3006 - PHE - Corp ICT - Oracle Technical & Functional 3rd line Support. | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504106 | 9500.00 | NULL | PLM1 | FCD: System Accounting Team | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6461681 OB Oracle Suport from Oct -Dec 2015 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504106 | 47500.00 | NULL | PLM1 | FCD: System Accounting Team | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | Contract : ecm_3006 - PHE - Corp ICT - Oracle Technical & Functional 3rd line Support. | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504163 | 44552.30 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59009 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 6511020 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504163 | 222977.53 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59009 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – July TV advertising - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504165 | 63342.90 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59009 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | 6511020 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5504165 | 317021.65 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59009 | Social Marketing - Advertising - TV | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – July TV advertising - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECKMAN COULTER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5510820 | 7199.27 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | 6525025 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECKMAN COULTER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5510820 | 8999.09 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | Biomek NXP Multichannel s/n A318410730. Instance 5041390 01/06/16 - 1/5/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECKMAN COULTER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5510820 | 8999.09 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | Biomek NXP Span-8 With Gripper s/n A318400694. Instance 4824293 Total Care OQ3 start /6/16 - 31/5/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECKMAN COULTER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5510820 | 8999.09 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | Biomek NXP Span-8 With Gripper s/n A318400695. Instance 4813994 Total Care OQ3 start /6/16 - 31/5/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECKMAN COULTER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5510820 | 8999.09 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | Biomek NXP Multichannel s/n A318410731. Instance 5046389 01/06/16 - 1/5/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527424 | 48218.89 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | 6514085 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527424 | 241328.29 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – August-October TV advertising - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527789 | 4396.40 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6518364 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527789 | 21982.00 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | Be Clear on Cancer - respiratory symptoms campaign 2016 - consumer engagement fees Ref A27318 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527798 | 5353.20 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | 6519275 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5527798 | 26766.00 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59041 | Social Marketing - Programme Support | Be Clear on Cancer - respiratory symptoms campaign 2016 – Healthcare Professional Engagement fees Ref 28027 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRUKER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5543892 | 2836.60 | NULL | BPY1 | NIS: Cambridge Lab Addenbrookes | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6530016 | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRUKER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5543892 | 2836.60 | NULL | JPC1 | NIS: Site Operations Management | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6530016 | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRUKER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5543892 | 2836.60 | NULL | APE1 | NIS: Manchester Lab | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6530016 | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRUKER UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5543892 | 14183.00 | NULL | JPC1 | NIS: Site Operations Management | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | Maldi Biotyper Mass Spectrometer – GA001615 Porton Down Complete Care service agreement – Up to 5 PM/Cleans per year From 30September 2016 to 29 September 2017 | PRIVATE SECTOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 14-Sep-2016 | 5545822 | 68638.20 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 6512849 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 14-Sep-2016 | 5545822 | 343191.00 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Emcor Engineering services baseline cost (yr7) for October 2016. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SWEETT (UK) LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5548161 | 11722.33 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6503014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SWEETT (UK) LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5548161 | 58611.65 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | Provision of Programme Management Support Office as detailed in the Service Provider Enquiry (15/003/PMSO/SPE/001) to December 2017. Core Services as per Sweett Service Delivery Plan v0.3. All T&Cs set out in SPE. For commission phase 1. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 14-Sep-2016 | 5548183 | 6000.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6521599 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 14-Sep-2016 | 5548183 | 30000.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 10MSU ECRM | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 11276.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Maidstone. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 11276.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Maidstone. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 11276.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Maidstone. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 13855.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Medway. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 13855.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Medway. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 13855.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Medway. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 14585.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Kent & Canterbury. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 14585.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Kent & Canterbury. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549082 | 14585.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Kent Hospitals University NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Kent & Canterbury. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRVVNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549083 | 15391.25 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61315 | WAN Line Rental | 6483482 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549083 | 76956.26 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61315 | WAN Line Rental | Rental Charges - This is an estimated yearly charges to pay invoices against Acct No. 917315 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INVESTEC ASSET FINANCE PLC | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549087 | 13614.13 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61615 | IT Licences | 6528123 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INVESTEC ASSET FINANCE PLC | 14-Sep-2016 | 5549087 | 68070.66 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61615 | IT Licences | renewal of the support and software licensing for the CheckPoint firewalls - Please see the attached email for more details - ITT 2186 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552166 | 66586.30 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | ACCOMMODATION CHGS - AUG 16 - HEARTLANDS SUITE | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552200 | 8359.00 | NULL | PLM1 | FCD: System Accounting Team | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | 6464760 Replaces V.1161493 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552200 | 41795.00 | NULL | PLM1 | FCD: System Accounting Team | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | One off transition fees to migrate service provision to HCC Contract - ecm_3030 to HCC | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CIVIL SERVICE PENSION | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552294 | 3459632.31 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96930 | Pension Conributions | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL LIVERPOOL & BROADGREEN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552362 | 20535.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Liverpool (NLI). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NULL | NHTRQ6NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL LIVERPOOL & BROADGREEN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552362 | 20535.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Liverpool (NLI). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NULL | NHTRQ6NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL LIVERPOOL & BROADGREEN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552362 | 20535.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Liverpool (NLI). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NULL | NHTRQ6NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | -76419.90 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96937 | Statutory Maternity Pay | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | -5146.02 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96939 | Statutory Adoptive Pay | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | -1540.92 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96938 | Statutory Paternity Pay | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | 72351.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96905 | Student Loan Repayment | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | 3225330.58 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96785 | PAYE | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552363 | 3462572.82 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96790 | Employee's National Insurance | AUGUST 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | YORK TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552365 | 17001.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | York Teaching Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Yorkshire (BYO) Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRCBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | YORK TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552365 | 17001.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | York Teaching Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Yorkshire (BYO) Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRCBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552366 | 21840.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcaste upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Newcastle (ANE). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552366 | 21840.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcaste upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Newcastle (ANE). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552366 | 21840.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcaste upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Newcastle (ANE). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552366 | 21840.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcaste upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Newcastle (ANE). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552366 | 21840.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Newcaste upon Tyne Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Newcastle (ANE). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NULL | NHTRTDNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERSHARE VOUCHER SERVICES LIMITED | 14-Sep-2016 | 5552404 | 87716.19 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96965 | Other non-trade creditors | SCHEME ID 0000024635 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 19-Sep-2016 | 5334829 | 42000.00 | NULL | UBA2 | HWB: D&A: Criminal Justice | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | CONSULTANCY WORK | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDCOMS LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5506735 | 5636.20 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 6519982 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDCOMS LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5506735 | 28181.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | Delivery of NCMP/C4L project phase 1. Creation of contet and communications for teachers, school nurses, parents and children. | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS (ADDICTIONS) LTD | 19-Sep-2016 | 5518333 | 138000.00 | NULL | UBA2 | HWB: D&A: Criminal Justice | 54110 | Consultancy Fees | CONSULTANCY WORK | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5533742 | 9894.30 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6514912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5533742 | 49519.51 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – Press partnership print and online - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN CARE SERVICES LTD | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553474 | 31717.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Virgin Care: Breast Age Extension 16-17 - Jarvis. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES LTD | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553741 | 6178.64 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6509907 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES LTD | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553741 | 30893.22 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Lough Borough University -9 mth extension of PERFORMS contract - Sep 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 129.06 | NULL | ERH1 | NIS: Respiratory & Systemic Infections Reference Laboratory General | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 186.41 | NULL | EUQ1 | NIS: CL4 High Containment Colindale | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 215.66 | NULL | CKE9 | NIS: London FWE Lab Public Health Activities | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 548.95 | NULL | EVM4 | NIS: Hepatitis | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 661.54 | NULL | EVN4 | NIS: Papilloma Reference Unit | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 748.80 | NULL | EUF1 | NIS: Virus Reference Department General | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 810.32 | NULL | EUQ4 | NIS: Respiratory Unit | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 885.43 | NULL | EVB1 | NIS: Antiviral Susceptibility Reference Unit General | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 1171.01 | NULL | FVB1 | NIS: STI Surveillance | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 1803.06 | NULL | EJY1 | NIS: Laboratory Of Gastrointestinal Pathogens | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 2299.01 | NULL | EUP4 | NIS: Immunisation & Diagnosis Unit | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 2664.46 | NULL | EUP1 | Clinical Services Unit | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 3712.75 | NULL | FCT1 | NIS: ARMHAI Reference Lab | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( INVITROGEN DIVISION ) | 19-Sep-2016 | 5553828 | 11355.33 | NULL | EUP7 | NIS: Enteric Virus Unit | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | CONSOLIDATED INVOICE 03.9.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556122 | 11781.24 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6517691 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556122 | 58961.76 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – Biddable Social media advertising - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 30.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | Created by Allocation :LIAISON XL starter kit 1+2 230ml 319200 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 71.40 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON EBNA IgG Control 310521 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 130.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL Murex HBsAg Quant Sample D 310252 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 131.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON CMV IgM II 310755 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 142.80 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Borrelia IgG Control 310881 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 173.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON HAV IgM 310180 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 198.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON CMV IgG II Reagent 310745 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 297.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON TOXO IgG II reagent 310780 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 300.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON TOXO IgM reagent 310710 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 300.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL HSV-1 IgG 310830 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 372.60 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Borrelia IgG 310880 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 422.70 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON VCA IgG reagent 310510 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 422.70 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON EBNA IgG Reagent 310520 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 462.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL starter kit 1+2 230ml 319200 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 519.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Anti-HAV 310170 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 574.20 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Borrelia IgM 310020 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 607.20 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Biotrin Parvovirus B19 IgM 317010 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 696.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Anti HBc 310130 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 696.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Anti HBs II 310220 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 791.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Rubella IgG Reagent 310720 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 875.70 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON VZV IgG 310850 XL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 1386.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL Murex HIV Ab/Ag 310260 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 1608.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL disposable tips X0015 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 1696.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL Murex HBsAg Quant 310250 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 2087.40 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON Treponema Screen 310840 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 2136.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL Murex HCV Ab 310240 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 4525.14 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | 6529596 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556145 | 5500.00 | NULL | CEJ1 | NIS: Southampton Lab | 41120 | Kits: General | LIAISON XL Murex rec HTLV-I/II 310270 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JONES LANG LASALLE | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556172 | 35400.00 | NULL | HOX1 | FCD: Chancellor Court Oxford | 66105 | Rent | Authorised by | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556183 | 31528.84 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66405 | Gas | 6458440 Aug-16 to Sep-16 SP4 0JG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556213 | 32888.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Imperial College Healthcare NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 West of London (ECX). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRYJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556230 | 5192.34 | 110297 | JUD1 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team | 68405 | Building & Lab alterations, fixtures and fittings | 6513118 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556230 | 25961.68 | 110297 | JUD1 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team | 68405 | Building & Lab alterations, fixtures and fittings | Security Advice Service with contributions from a Security Manager & Build Asset Security Manager for BIM. Due to complete Dec. 2016. Framework Partners T&C apply. CEI 103 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556432 | 7000.00 | 110622 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6527635 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 19-Sep-2016 | 5556432 | 35000.00 | 110622 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | ECM 4031 Project : Refurbishment of Laboratories 4C01 -07 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 21-Sep-2016 | 5540184 | 40476.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6525702 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 21-Sep-2016 | 5540184 | 202380.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | HSCIC Breast Screening Information system (BSIS) Interim National reporting database to automate breast screening data aggregation and analysis | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INHALATION EXPOSURE SYSTEMS LLC | 21-Sep-2016 | 5544302 | 5504.03 | 110095 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6479677 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INHALATION EXPOSURE SYSTEMS LLC | 21-Sep-2016 | 5544302 | 27520.15 | 110095 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Whole-body exposure unit as per attached quote #2 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OTTAWA HOSPITAL RESEARCH INST (THE) | 21-Sep-2016 | 5553136 | 11200.29 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6513129 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OTTAWA HOSPITAL RESEARCH INST (THE) | 21-Sep-2016 | 5553136 | 56001.43 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | AAA Subaneurysmal Aortas Review See attached document for scope of work and choice of supplier Contract reference number: 2015/S 128-235566/1487 refers | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5553329 | 26703.69 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59028 | Social Marketing - PR | 6530277 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5553329 | 133518.43 | NULL | UMA5 | MKT: Living Well: Smoke free | 59028 | Social Marketing - PR | Stoptober/Consumer engagement Costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556365 | 52250.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6531820 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556365 | 87083.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Partnerships fees September 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556365 | 87083.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Partnerships fees August 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556365 | 87084.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Partnerships fees July 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556488 | 32794.00 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6481273 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 21-Sep-2016 | 5556488 | 163970.01 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Provision of Project Management support services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement. To October 2016. M-170 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558282 | 4509.92 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6510256 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558282 | 22549.60 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | CGI annual payment for Payroll Services 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558485 | 42621.71 | NULL | UMB1 | MKT: Contact Centre | 59006 | Social Marketing Helpline | 6512401 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558485 | 213108.53 | NULL | UMB1 | MKT: Contact Centre | 59006 | Social Marketing Helpline | ITT 1835 Marketing contact centre and database first quarter | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558491 | 9859.64 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59001 | Social Marketing - Direct Mail Shot | 6523700 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558491 | 49298.18 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59001 | Social Marketing - Direct Mail Shot | 10MSU ECRM transmission costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558496 | 41383.94 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6517508 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558496 | 206919.71 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 10MSU Fulfilment of wallcharts to database and ongoing | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558501 | 5208.60 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6517528 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558501 | 26043.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 10MSU Proposal 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558581 | 8900.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Northampton General Hospital NHST- Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Northampton. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRNSNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558581 | 8900.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Northampton General Hospital NHST- Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Northampton. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRNSNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558581 | 8900.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Northampton General Hospital NHST- Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Northampton. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRNSNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558581 | 8900.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Northampton General Hospital NHST- Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Northampton. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRNSNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558581 | 8900.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Northampton General Hospital NHST- Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Northampton. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRNSNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558671 | 15971.54 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6520861 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558671 | 79933.04 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | C4L 10MSU biddable media | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558993 | 56820.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6515565 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558993 | 284100.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | P14.1 and P14.2 Masterplanning & Town Planning for June & July 2016. Stage 2 work. Framework Partners T & C apply. M-197 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558996 | 43180.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6515565 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 21-Sep-2016 | 5558996 | 215900.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | P14.1 and P14.2 Masterplanning & Town Planning for June & July 2016. Stage 2 work. Framework Partners T & C apply. M-197 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANDWELL & WEST BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 21-Sep-2016 | 5559021 | 25188.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 City, Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXKNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5559237 | 9412.81 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | 6528149-6 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 21-Sep-2016 | 5559237 | 47064.05 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | FC-131-1096 : Nextera® XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (96 Samples) : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RBS - THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND | 21-Sep-2016 | 5559450 | 42349.21 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 95843 | Barclays GPC cards | GPC COST 09.08.16 TO 08.09.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5511002 | 35602.54 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | St George's Healthcare NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South West London (HWA). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRJ7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5513208 | 7360.76 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q2. Academic Honorary Contract. July - September | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5513208 | 22082.29 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q1. Academic Honorary Contract. April - June | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5513272 | 577.12 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | 6516376 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5513272 | 721.40 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q2. Academic Honorary Contract. July - Sep | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5513272 | 2164.21 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q1. Academic Honorary Contract. April - June | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HARLOW PRINTING LTD | 26-Sep-2016 | 5526116 | 50052.50 | NULL | UFA6 | HWB: Cancer Screening Leaflets | 64405 | Promotional Material and Events | LEAFLETS - HARLOW -277969 - 2900131 Bowel Cancer Screening Booklet | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PICK EVERARD | 26-Sep-2016 | 5532083 | 5355.24 | 109032 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6506227 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PICK EVERARD | 26-Sep-2016 | 5532083 | 26776.22 | 109032 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | (Job Number: 160420) - LIVERPOOL - Description- Construction and Delivery stage: JOB TITLE: PHE Liverpool, Cunard Building | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MULLENLOWE LONDON LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5533233 | 25309.41 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6527343 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MULLENLOWE LONDON LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5533233 | 126547.06 | NULL | UMB7 | MKT: Winter: Flu and Winter Pressures | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | ITT 1802- Television and VOD production | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540222 | 26553.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540226 | 26553.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540255 | 26553.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE NHS TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540257 | 26553.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHST - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRKBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THE TAVISTOCK AND PORTMAN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540606 | 235650.50 | NULL | UIA6 | HWB: HP Centre Family Nurse Partnerships (FNP) | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Delivery of Family Nurse Partnership 2016-17 additional funds | NHS | NHTRNKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THE TAVISTOCK AND PORTMAN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540606 | 471301.75 | NULL | UIA6 | HWB: HP Centre Family Nurse Partnerships (FNP) | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Delivery of Family Nurse Partnership 2016-17 - Q2 | NHS | NHTRNKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THE TAVISTOCK AND PORTMAN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540611 | 117825.25 | NULL | UIA6 | HWB: HP Centre Family Nurse Partnerships (FNP) | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Delivery of Family Nurse Partnership 2016-17 - Q2 | NHS | NHTRNKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THE TAVISTOCK AND PORTMAN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 26-Sep-2016 | 5540611 | 589127.00 | NULL | UIA6 | HWB: HP Centre Family Nurse Partnerships (FNP) | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Delivery of Family Nurse Partnership 2016-17 - Q1 | NHS | NHTRNKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559441 | 7124.90 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6517528 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559441 | 35624.50 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 10MSU Proposal 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HOLOGIC LTD | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559695 | 4320.00 | NULL | BVY1 | NIS: Bristol Lab | 41115 | Kits: Virology | 6532412 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HOLOGIC LTD | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559695 | 21600.00 | NULL | BVY1 | NIS: Bristol Lab | 41115 | Kits: Virology | TIGRIS APTIMA COMBO 2 Assay 1000 Test Kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS BUSINESS SERVICES AUTHORITY | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559931 | 484.73 | NULL | RGA1 | OWD: Organisational Development | 31105 | Travel & Subsistence | Secondment travel and subsistence exenses April 2016 - March 2017 | NHS | NHTST1450 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ELITECH UK SCIENTIFIC | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559953 | 23645.82 | NULL | AFM5 | NIS: Specialist Microbiology Office | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | 6530489 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559965 | 20200.55 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6472997 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5559965 | 101002.75 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Core telephony support & maintenance (dormancy), initial 12 months from 1Dec15 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION | 26-Sep-2016 | 5560036 | 11000.00 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | 6527838 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS CONFEDERATION | 26-Sep-2016 | 5560036 | 55000.00 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 64105 | Advertising (non recruitment) | PSBC/PCOE No:6753 - NHS Flu Fighters Campaign 2016-17 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | THE INSOLVENCY SERVICE | 26-Sep-2016 | 5560353 | 80901.50 | NULL | HMA1 | FCD: Piccadily Place Manchester | 66105 | Rent | Q3 (01/10/16 to 31/12/16) Accommodation Costs for 2ND FLOOR 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DE LAGE LANDON LEASING LIMITED | 26-Sep-2016 | 5560527 | 178651.20 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | MICROSOFT LICENCES - DLL - V.A.T. £89,325.60 - SEE NOTES | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 27-Sep-2016 | 5441827 | 142116.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | SEE V1200497 FULL CREDIT*** see notes*** APRIL 16 - MARCH 17 BREAST CANCER SCREENING INVOICE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NANOBIO CORPORATION | 27-Sep-2016 | 5560278 | 27753.00 | 110292 | JRW0 | PBL: Other GMP Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | VACCINE TECHNOLOGIES 01.08.16-31.08.16 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARDIFF & VALE UNIVERSITY LOCAL HEALTH BOARD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5467628 | 185500.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board for period Q1 April - June 2016 | NHS | WNHT02 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5467859 | 16421.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Colchester University NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Chelmsford & Colchester. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5467859 | 16421.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Colchester University NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Chelmsford & Colchester. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5467859 | 16421.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Colchester University NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Chelmsford & Colchester. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5473446 | 41523.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | BREAST SCREENING | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480510 | 36921.15 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | St George's Healthcare NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South West London (HWA). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRJ7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480534 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | 16/17 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership contract June 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480534 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | 16/17 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership contract May 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480534 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | 16/17 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership contract April 16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Oct 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Mar 2016 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Sep 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Dec 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | April 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | June 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | May 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | August 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Nov 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | July 2015 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Feb 2016 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5480550 | 12255.00 | NULL | BPZ3 | NIS: Colchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | Jan 2016 PHE Licence fee and service cost for Colchester as per Pathology Partnership Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRDEFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF SOUTH MANCHESTER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5483883 | 28961.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital of South Manchester NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Greater Manchester (PMA). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTRM2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF SOUTH MANCHESTER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5483883 | 28961.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital of South Manchester NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Greater Manchester (PMA). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTRM2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF SOUTH MANCHESTER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5483883 | 28961.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital of South Manchester NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Greater Manchester (PMA). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTRM2FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED | 28-Sep-2016 | 5502175 | 5240.10 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66405 | Gas | 6458440 Jun-16 to Jul-16 Health Protection Agency Parton Down SP4 OJG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED | 28-Sep-2016 | 5502175 | 26200.48 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66405 | Gas | 6458440 Jun-16 to Jul-16 Health Protection Agency Parton Down SP4 OJG NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED | 28-Sep-2016 | 5529689 | 30531.04 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66405 | Gas | 6458440 Jun -16 - Aug -16 SP4 0JG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5542086 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5542086 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5542086 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559011 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559011 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559011 | 13841.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Cambridge DCB. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRGTFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559426 | 5674.28 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | 6513267 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559426 | 28371.42 | NULL | JST1 | NIS: Security | 68110 | Security Costs | Security Baseline Contract, April 2016 onwards | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559427 | 12461.08 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6513266 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 28-Sep-2016 | 5559427 | 62305.39 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Soft Services Baseline Contract, April 2016 onwards | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561209 | 35750.00 | NULL | AFF1 | NIS: Divisional Office | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6530706 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561367 | 35602.54 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | St George's Healthcare NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South West London (HWA). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRJ7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNI HOSPITALS SOUTHAMPTON NHS FT | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561408 | 14469.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Southampton University Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Southampton. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRHMNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNI HOSPITALS SOUTHAMPTON NHS FT | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561408 | 14469.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Southampton University Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Southampton. Fixed Price SLA -Sept 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRHMNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNI HOSPITALS SOUTHAMPTON NHS FT | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561408 | 14469.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Southampton University Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Southampton. Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRHMNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561417 | 22975.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561417 | 22975.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561417 | 22975.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHST: Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leeds Wakefield (BLE). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARDIFF & VALE UNIVERSITY LOCAL HEALTH BOARD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561488 | 185500.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board for period Q2 July - Sept 2016 | NHS | WNHT02 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561772 | 56720.64 | NULL | HLP3 | FCD: Cunard Building Liverpool | 66110 | Rates | NON DOMESTIC RATES 2016/17 | TAX AUTHORITY | E4302 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561805 | 66586.30 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | SEPT ACCOM HEARTLANDS | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561826 | 6273.58 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6515499 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561826 | 31367.92 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Provide contract PM staff supporting delivery of capital works projects at Porton, all costs to be capitalised.A new framework agreement to replace the existing f/work has been tendered with contract award Jun | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INFOMAX LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561891 | 53968.81 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6445211 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INFOMAX LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5561891 | 269844.06 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | ImmForm Managed Services Contract Extension 1 Apr 15 to 30 Sept 16 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AGRI-FOOD AND BIOSCIENCE INSTITUTE | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562056 | 4785.00 | 110175 | DNB0 | NIS: FW&E Central Office Project Centre | 47240 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 6531804 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562079 | 10000.00 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6507137 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562079 | 50000.00 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | S4L behaviour change assets | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 28-Sep-2016 | 5562085 | 11843.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | East Lancashire Hospitals NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 East Lancashire (PLE). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRXRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MISC: One-off Payments | 29-Sep-2016 | 5561940 | 59553.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96965 | Other non-trade creditors | AR REFUND 73500 | NULL | NOT CGA |