Transparency data

DWP's exceptions to spending controls: marketing and advertising: July to September 2016

Updated 3 March 2017
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Department Organisation Name HMG Ref Number Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value Approved (£) Date of approval
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
DWP Not set HMG3025 Universal Credit: Opening up work communications campaign Universal Credit is at the heart of the Government's welfare reforms, over time opening up work for millions and delivering significant welfare savings UC claimants find work more quickly and earn more than their counterparts. Most unemployed claimants want to work, although their job search aspirations can limit their chances of success. When UC claimants understand how UC removes barriers £910,000 Jul-16
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
DWP Not set HMG3066 State Pensions Our bid for 16/17 is for £2,640,000 to continue the new State Pension and State Pension age awareness campaign and targeted activity to increase understanding of the State Pension changes. The campaign creative will be updated to extend the proposition to a wider audience, using a new online statement service as a call to action £1,600,000 Jul-16
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
DWP Not set HMG3117 Pension Wise Using campaign tracking survey results from our Autumn 015 and Spring 2016 campaigns, as well as our operational service data, we will take the lessons from last year's successful campaigns to help achieve additional returns on this investment. With a refined media approach we intend to create efficiencies, while continuing to drive awareness and take-up of the service £5,000,000 Jul-16