Transparency data

Department for Education and executive agency spend over £500 by ePCS: September 2016

Updated 21 April 2017
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Department Entity Date Supplier Amount Expense Description
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 19/09/2016 ALTOVA GMBH XML SPY 10082.09 Purchase of ten XMLSpy 2016 enterprise licences used to assure the quality of the data exchange software solution and aid the productivity of the software development team, along with 24 months technical support.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 15/09/2016 MAPLIN ROTHERHAM S63 2880.00 Purchase of 400 mini D port to display cables for the roll out of new information technology at the DfE Darlington office.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 26/09/2016 LEXIS NEXIS 2385.45 Four copies of Issue 145 of the Law of Education for the DfE legal library.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 26/09/2016 LEXIS NEXIS 2385.45 Four copies of Issue 144 of the Law of Education for the DfE legal library.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 22/09/2016 THE VICTORY SERVICES CLUB 1458.06 Cost of room hire and catering for 102 DfE officials at a team workshop for the Standards and Testing Agency on 08/09/16. The event was scheduled to be held in a government building, but a ministerial engagement took precedence and the venue was rearranged to the Victory Services Club at only a week's notice, so the panel of primary education experts could attend.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 18/09/2016 JetBrains 1435.20 Purchase of four ReSharper Ultimate licences used for code productivity and quality improvement to assure the quality of the data exchange software solution and aid the productivity of the software development team for a subscription period of 12 months.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 28/09/2016 MAPLIN ROTHERHAM S63 993.60 Purchase of around one thousand cables required as part of the upgrade to information technology infrastructure to ensure each desk has a docking station suitable for the new devices.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency 02/09/2016 WEX PHOTOGRAPHIC 943.05 Purchase of audio visual (AV) equipment including a new video camera, microphones and tripods for the digital communications team to create videos promoting a school-led system.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION National College for Teaching and Leadership Agency 07/09/2016 WEX PHOTOGRAPHIC -98.00 Refund for battery packs purchased as they were not in stock. This refund is connected with the purchase of audio visual (AV) equipment for the digital communications team to create videos promoting a school-led system.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Standards and Testing Agency 14/09/2016 WWW.GETTYIMAGES.COM 522.00 Purchase of three editorial licences required for the key stage 1 english reading text.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Department for Education 26/09/2016 PAYPAL SLLS 500.81 Fee for one DfE official to attend and speak at the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) conference in Bamberg, Germany from 5-8 October 2016.
DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION Education Funding Agency 30/09/2016 None 0.00 No spend over £500 for the Education Funding Agency in September 2016.