PHE spend over £25,000: August 2016
Updated 1 February 2017
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Department Family | Entity | Supplier | Date | Invoice Id | Line Amount SUM | Project# | Po Budget Centre | Expense Area | Po Subjective | Expense Type | Description | Vendor Type Lookup Code | Wga Ref |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON HOSPITALS (UCLH) NHS FT | 01-Aug-2016 | 5042212 | 31834.00 | NULL | FTM6 | NIS: CIDSC Directors Office | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Payment in rerspect of maternity cover to deliver the NaTHNAC Contract | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRRVFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BRISTOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5297906 | 101200.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | BOWEL SCOPE INVOICE FOR JAN 16 - NO PO | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRA7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JAMES PAGET UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5297953 | 57636.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | await info from JV - see notes | NHS | NHTRGPFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5315294 | 336000.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | SEE V1220437 PART CREDIT - SCREENING TO JV 7.3.16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5393391 | 55676.00 | NULL | CEN8 | NIS: Brighton NHS Lab | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | email to 19.7.16****MICROBIOLOGY INVOICE - NO PO AND BANK DETAILS | VENDOR | NHTRXHNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECTON DICKINSON UK LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5443517 | 52128.80 | 109817 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6431207 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BECTON DICKINSON UK LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5443517 | 260644.04 | 109817 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Ipswich Kiestra Bacteriology Automation | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5443529 | 4447.87 | NULL | EJJ2 | NIS: Media Production | 41160 | Glassware | 6506376 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5443529 | 7191.36 | NULL | EJJ2 | NIS: Media Production | 41160 | Glassware | 150887 B24 Soda vial packed NECKS DOWN, 245 per box | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5443529 | 15048.00 | NULL | EJJ2 | NIS: Media Production | 41160 | Glassware | 150655 SU85 vials trayed NECKS DOWN | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | W MUNDY | 01-Aug-2016 | 5486418 | 7660.76 | NULL | JSC7 | NIS: FM Engineering | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6443806 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | W MUNDY | 01-Aug-2016 | 5486418 | 38303.79 | NULL | JSC7 | NIS: FM Engineering | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | W Mundy: Portico Repairs as per attached quotation 14/033/AG dated 28/11/2014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ENGIE SERVICES LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5501194 | 38981.18 | 110132 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6491917 Q 6523947 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ENGIE SERVICES LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5501194 | 194905.91 | 110132 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | COFELY -Description of the work- The refurbishment and alteration of the Area C, 3rd floor at SKH to provide office accommodation for PHE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-2016 | 5505213 | 4433.01 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512847 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 01-Aug-2016 | 5505213 | 22165.02 | 108911 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive maintenance services for D&P and ancillary services at Porton site. Period from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. Year 7 of the contract | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON | 01-Aug-2016 | 5507763 | 26389.89 | NULL | UFA3 | HWB: NCS Cervical | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PRIMARY HPV TESTING | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COUNTY DURHAM & DARLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5507905 | 131609.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 2015/16 CDDFT SLA - PART CREDIT SEE 3919001094 | NHS | NHTRXPFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 01-Aug-2016 | 5507930 | 10000.00 | 110556 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6522595 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 01-Aug-2016 | 5507930 | 50000.00 | 110556 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | To undertake works as specified within document ECM 3961 (2124 Framework) - PHE Corporate - Replacement of mixing boxes to Zone A Level 2 Colindale | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508135 | 4641.20 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6493933 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508135 | 23206.00 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | Be Clear on Cancer – Bladder and kidney cancer campaign – face to face consumer events | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS DIVISION ) | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508226 | 31386.00 | 110519 | PKG0 | HP: PHS International Office | 68415 | Lab Improvements <£5k | 6517713 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS DIVISION ) | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508226 | 156930.00 | 110519 | PKG0 | HP: PHS International Office | 68415 | Lab Improvements <£5k | 6 x QSTUDIO 7FLX, TAC INST, LPTP 6 x Array Card Calibration instal 6 x TQMN Array Bucket Clip, 2nd Gen 6 x KIT, 20 LIC SW QS6&7 Base V1.0 6 x Power Cord-UK | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508252 | 356800.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | BOWEL SCREENING 15/16 | NHS | NHTRYJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508376 | 20200.55 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6472997 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508376 | 101002.75 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Core telephony support & maintenance (dormancy), initial 12 months from 1Dec15 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508379 | 20200.55 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6472997 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508379 | 101002.75 | NULL | VEA6 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures Panflu Programmes | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Core telephony support & maintenance (dormancy), initial 12 months from 1Dec15 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508384 | 27718.39 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 91055 | Fixed Assets Clearing Account | 6467178 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VODAFONE LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508384 | 138591.94 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 91055 | Fixed Assets Clearing Account | NHS 111, NPFS one offs and service fee | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508682 | 10966.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6517532 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508682 | 54830.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 10MSU Fees- April to June | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508736 | 8000.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59102 | Social Marketing - Website | 6507032 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508736 | 40000.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59102 | Social Marketing - Website | development of CRC | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508939 | 16657.50 | NULL | UFA3 | HWB: NCS Cervical | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6437789 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5508939 | 83287.50 | NULL | UFA3 | HWB: NCS Cervical | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | OVARIAN CANCER SCREENING OPTIONS APPRAISAL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509003 | 46453.16 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6524548 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509003 | 232265.84 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | hitachi - NBSS Service Aug -Oct 2016 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509017 | 8994.27 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6524549 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509017 | 44971.37 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi - Intersystems cache licences & SUTA | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509020 | 6200.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | 6524551 | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509020 | 31000.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 61615 | IT Licences | Hitachi - London Option A 1st milestone payment | CONSULTANT | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509178 | 7679.45 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6511813 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 01-Aug-2016 | 5509178 | 38397.25 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Phase I Optimising Bowel Cancer Screening | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ATLASSIAN SOFTWARE SYSTEMS PTY LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5510381 | 5700.00 | NULL | KDF5 | CKO: Digital Strategy | 74130 | Operating Licences (Non-IT) & Accreditation Fees | 6525983 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ATLASSIAN SOFTWARE SYSTEMS PTY LIMITED | 01-Aug-2016 | 5510381 | 28500.00 | NULL | KDF5 | CKO: Digital Strategy | 74130 | Operating Licences (Non-IT) & Accreditation Fees | JIRA Software (Cloud) 500 Users (Annual Payments) Renewal - Site Address: - Support Entitlement Number: SEN-3278320 - Licensed To: PHE - Digital - Billing Period: 08 Aug 2016 - 08 Aug 2017 | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5325456 | 32331.20 | NULL | APE1 | NIS: Manchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | OCCUPATION LAB SPACE JAN - MAR 16 - 6489488 - LIZ SHIEL | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5325456 | 161655.99 | NULL | APE1 | NIS: Manchester Lab | 66105 | Rent | FOR PAYMENT OF INVOICES FOR QUARTERLY RECHARGE FOR OCCUPATION OF LABORATORY SPACE 2015-2016 | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH | 03-Aug-2016 | 5485697 | 667379.00 | NULL | UHE5 | HWB: National D&N Survey ¿ Year 6 to 9 Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Diet and Nutrition Survey NDNS Y6-9 2016/17 costs - Q1 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH | 03-Aug-2016 | 5485702 | 49683.00 | NULL | UHE5 | HWB: National D&N Survey ¿ Year 6 to 9 Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Diet and Nutrition Survey NDNS Y6-9 2016/17 costs - Q1 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH | 03-Aug-2016 | 5488309 | 51517.00 | NULL | UHE5 | HWB: National D&N Survey ¿ Year 6 to 9 Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | National Diet and Nutrition Survey NDNS Y6-9 2016/17 costs - Q1 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5502163 | 4555.97 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6510256 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5502163 | 22779.86 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | CGI annual payment for Payroll Services 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510374 | 55531.53 | 109849 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93360 | AUC - Other Costs | Stage 1 fees for the design/costings/tendering of enabling works required for total Laboratory automation for Microbiology services at the MS Manchester MRI site | NHS | NHTRW3FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510510 | 6274.94 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | 6524135 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510510 | 31374.70 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | FC-131-1096 : Nextera® XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (96 Samples) : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510934 | -89583.62 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96937 | Statutory Maternity Pay | JULY 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510934 | -1284.10 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96938 | Statutory Paternity Pay | JULY 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HMRC PAYOVERS | 03-Aug-2016 | 5510934 | 70222.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96905 | Student Loan Repayment | JULY 16 PAYOVER | TAX AUTHORITY | ILR041 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511011 | 333.27 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 6513102/6519684 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511011 | 1666.34 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 10MSU Wallchart Extra costs June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511011 | 18686.31 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | 6513102/6519684 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511011 | 93431.56 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | 10MSU (2016) Wallchart and wallchart mailer - paper and print costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | YORK TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511013 | 17001.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | York Teaching Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Yorkshire (BYO) Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRCBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | YORK TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511013 | 17001.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | York Teaching Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Yorkshire (BYO) Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRCBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | YORK TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511013 | 17001.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | York Teaching Hospitals NHSFT - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North Yorkshire (BYO) Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRCBNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511033 | 5398.16 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | 6513102 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511033 | 26990.78 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | 10MSU (2016) Wallchart and wallchart mailer - paper and print costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511040 | 35444.28 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 51105 | Office Consumables Stationery | DOH5386 Immunisations for up to one year June 2016MenC changes revision 250K | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511055 | 21746.75 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 6519684 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED | 03-Aug-2016 | 5511055 | 108733.74 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59008 | Social Marketing Advertising | 10MSU Wallchart Extra costs June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 08-Aug-2016 | 5277712 | 6983.60 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | 6491923 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 08-Aug-2016 | 5277712 | 34918.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 59027 | Social Marketing - Creative development | C4L January 2016 Experiential | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BRISTOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 08-Aug-2016 | 5441806 | 13486.92 | NULL | BVY1 | NIS: Bristol Lab | 66115 | Accommodation Hire | Invoice: T0013924 Rent Charges Charges for the month of April 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRA7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BRISTOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 08-Aug-2016 | 5441806 | 13486.92 | NULL | BVY1 | NIS: Bristol Lab | 66115 | Accommodation Hire | Invoice: T0013924 Rent Charges Charges for the month of May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRA7NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 198.76 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 66410 | Electricity | 6519996 JULY-SEP 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 993.78 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 66410 | Electricity | Heathrow T3 Invoice 100019449- Accommodation costs for Period 01-07-16 to 30-09-16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 1525.23 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6519996 JULY-SEP 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 7626.13 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | Heathrow T3 Invoice 100019449- Accommodation costs for Period 01-07-16 to 30-09-16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 9452.09 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 66105 | Rent | 6519996 JULY-SEP 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEATHROW AIRPORT LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5484500 | 47260.50 | NULL | HET2 | FCD: T3 Heathrow | 66105 | Rent | Heathrow T3 Invoice 100019449- Accommodation costs for Period 01-07-16 to 30-09-16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5504167 | 9236.50 | NULL | UMB3 | MKT: Living Well: One You | 59016 | Social Marketing - Advertising -Advertorial | 6503031 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5504167 | 46225.64 | NULL | UMB3 | MKT: Living Well: One You | 59016 | Social Marketing - Advertising -Advertorial | One You/ Digital media partnership/ April 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5507959 | 5270.99 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | 6514912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5507959 | 26380.48 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59103 | Social Marketing - Digital | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 – Press partnership print and online - RM1051 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS LIMITED | 08-Aug-2016 | 5511372 | 5800.00 | NULL | BPY1 | NIS: Cambridge Lab Addenbrookes | 44110 | Laboratory: Leases | 6524070 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - PANFLU | 08-Aug-2016 | 5512747 | 2000000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96292 | NHSSC account: Panflu | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TRF OF FUNDS FOR AUG-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - VACCINES | 08-Aug-2016 | 5512750 | 30000000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96293 | NHSSC account: C&A vaccines | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TFR OF FUNDS FOR AUG-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN - EPRR | 08-Aug-2016 | 5512753 | 2000000.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96291 | NHSSC account: EPRR | NHS SUPPLY CHAIN TRF OF FUNDS FOR AUG-16 | NHS | DHCORE |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS | 08-Aug-2016 | 5515371 | 149325.51 | NULL | FTM6 | NIS: CIDSC Directors Office | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Research and Surveillance Centre Agreement between PHE/RCGP from 1st April 2015 - 31st March 2016 - with 4 quarterly payments of £ 149,325.50. Quarter end dates : 30th June 2015, 30th September 2015, 31st December 2015, 31st March 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RBS - THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND | 09-Aug-2016 | 5518472 | 27448.85 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 95843 | Barclays GPC cards | GPC COST 08.07.16 TO 08.08.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OPTIMUM GROUP SERVICE PLC | 10-Aug-2016 | 5504953 | 46183.01 | 109749 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6437013 PO REJECTED | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 10-Aug-2016 | 5512961 | 68638.20 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | 6512849 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 10-Aug-2016 | 5512961 | 343191.00 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68140 | Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt | Emcor Engineering services baseline cost (yr7) for September 2016. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRITISH TELECOM PLC | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518348 | 34712.68 | NULL | GGM4 | NIS: Colindale General Facilities | 62110 | Telecommunication Charges | PHONE BILL | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ANGLIAN WATER SERVICES LTD | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518356 | 359481.20 | NULL | UFB9 | HWB: Fluoridation: Lincolnshire Scheme | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | FLUORIDATION MISC CHARGES | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518401 | 14741.23 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61315 | WAN Line Rental | 6483482 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518401 | 73706.17 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 61315 | WAN Line Rental | Rental Charges - This is an estimated yearly charges to pay invoices against Acct No. 917315 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PREMIERSHIP RUGBY | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518418 | 5000.00 | NULL | UHE3 | HWB: Advice Team Programme | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6423056 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PREMIERSHIP RUGBY | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518418 | 8855.20 | NULL | UHE6 | HWB: Obesity Team Programme | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6423056 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PREMIERSHIP RUGBY | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518418 | 25000.00 | NULL | UHE3 | HWB: Advice Team Programme | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Something to Chew On and HITZ joint Advice/Obesity project - Febuary 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | PREMIERSHIP RUGBY | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518418 | 44276.00 | NULL | UHE6 | HWB: Obesity Team Programme | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Something to Chew On and HITZ joint Advice/Obesity project - Febuary 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NUVIA LIMITED | 10-Aug-2016 | 5518432 | 69813.60 | 107925 | LTE0 | HP: Radiation Effects Project Centre | 54312 | Sub-contracted R&D | PROVISION OF EPIDEMIOLOGY SERVICES CONTRACT NDA9/00268 APR - JUN 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CROWN AGENTS BANK | 11-Aug-2016 | 5524026 | 90902.48 | 110367 | PKG0 | HP: PHS International Office | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | CONTEH INTERNATIONAL INV FOR QRT 04 APRIL 16 - 30 JUNE 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TAUNTON & SOMERSET NHS FOUNDATIONTRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5287353 | 61200.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING JAN 16 - NO PO | NHS | NHTRBANFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | DERBY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5374573 | 26400.00 | NULL | UFA5 | HWB: NCS Bowel | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | FEB 16 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING INVOICE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRTGFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON | 15-Aug-2016 | 5380134 | 40000.00 | NULL | UHE6 | HWB: Obesity Team Programme | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Obesity - child weight management review UCL - payment 2 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475939 | 19052.67 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6463902 01 May 16 - 31 May 16 Porton Down SP4 0JG NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475939 | 95263.38 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Supply of Electricity for PHE Porton Down, April 16 - March 17. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475944 | 20214.37 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6463902 Porton Down SP4 0JG NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475944 | 101071.86 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Electricity supplied by EDF Energy against CCS Framework number RM864. April 2015-March 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475946 | 17580.67 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6463902 01 Apr 16 - 30 Apr 16 Porton Down SP4 0JG NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5475946 | 87903.33 | NULL | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Supply of Electricity for PHE Porton Down, April 16 - March 17. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRAVOSOLUTION UK LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5484050 | 5300.00 | NULL | PLV1 | FCD: Procurement Team | 61615 | IT Licences | 6520490 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRAVOSOLUTION UK LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5484050 | 26500.00 | NULL | PLV1 | FCD: Procurement Team | 61615 | IT Licences | PHE E-Tendering system licences for 1st July 2016 to 30 June 2017 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5495349 | 20374.41 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | 6463902 PORTON DOWN, PORTON 01 JUN 16 - 30 JUN 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5495349 | 101872.09 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | 6463902 PORTON DOWN, PORTON 01 JUN 16 - 30 JUN 16 NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JONES LANG LASALLE | 15-Aug-2016 | 5500096 | 81055.68 | 110577 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6516645 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JONES LANG LASALLE | 15-Aug-2016 | 5500096 | 405278.42 | 110577 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | Holding Costs pursuant to Schedule 10 of the Conditional agreement between GSK and PHE. Covers 1/4/2016 to 31/3/2017. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5504186 | 9853.77 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6493608 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5504186 | 49268.84 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | T-Squared: Refurbishment of lab 107 (For NB) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5508555 | 22197.46 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6388052 01 May 15-31 May 15 (31 days) Porton Down, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5508555 | 110987.31 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Electricity supply to the Porton Down site from April 2014 to March 2015 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5508570 | 20382.22 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6388052 01 Jun 16 - 30 Jun 16 (30 days) Porton Down, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5508570 | 101911.13 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Electricity supply to the Porton Down site from April 2014 to March 2015 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5509248 | 41303.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Royal Free London NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 16-17 North London (EBA). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | VENDOR | NHTRALNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK | 15-Aug-2016 | 5509287 | 8158.07 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q2. Academic honorary contract. Richard Lilford. University of Warwick. July - Sep | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK | 15-Aug-2016 | 5509287 | 24474.21 | NULL | KGB4 | CKO: Academic and CEAs | 28010 | University Clinical Excellence Awards | Q1. Academic honorary contract. Richard Lilford. University of Warwick. April - June | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5511021 | 22392.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leicester. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRWENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5511021 | 22392.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leicester. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRWENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5511021 | 22392.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust - Breast Age Extension 16-17 Leicester. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRWENFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5512752 | 30718.95 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 62115 | Mobile Phone Charges | 6526480 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5512752 | 153594.76 | NULL | PQB1 | FCD: ICT | 62115 | Mobile Phone Charges | PHE wide VoIP telephony support 2016/17 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5516482 | 22196.90 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | 6388052 01 Jul 16 - 31 Jul 16 (30 days) Porton Down, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 15-Aug-2016 | 5516482 | 110984.49 | 104434 | JSR0 | NIS: Porton Site Services Facilities Project Centre | 66410 | Electricity | Electricity supply to the Porton Down site from April 2014 to March 2015 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5518437 | 8789.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Birmingham (MBS). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRRKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5518437 | 8789.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Birmingham (MBS). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRRKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 15-Aug-2016 | 5518437 | 8789.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 South Birmingham (MBS). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRRKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5518450 | 5290.38 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | 6526269 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5518450 | 26451.90 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59017 | Social Marketing Productions Cost | Be Clear on Cancer Respiratory Symptoms campaign - development and production of creative materials (post production social edits) - ITT 1811 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ANR MINING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIERS (SL) LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5520399 | 27575.50 | 110519 | PKG0 | HP: PHS International Office | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 50% PAYMENT ELECTRICAL UPGRADE BO HOSPITAL | OVERSEAS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523453 | 7000.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6507023 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523453 | 35000.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Strategy Resource | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INSTITUTE OF FOOD RESEARCH | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523466 | 11000.00 | NULL | UHE2 | HWB: Food Composition Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6476320 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INSTITUTE OF FOOD RESEARCH | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523466 | 55000.00 | NULL | UHE2 | HWB: Food Composition Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Nutrient Composition UK Survey Report - AOAC - March 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MENTOR FOUNDATION UK | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523665 | 35000.00 | NULL | UBA3 | HWB: D&A: Drugs | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Mentor - Delivery of Alcohol & Drugs Education & Prevention Information Services - April to August 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SPIE LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523679 | 5243.23 | 109066 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6502796, 6512619 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SPIE LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523679 | 26216.14 | 109066 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | Steam Boiler project | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523752 | 7260.00 | 110571 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6515326 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523752 | 36300.00 | 110571 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | ECM 3894 Project : Refurbishment of Laboratories 2B34 – 2B36 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523797 | 5125.40 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6523190 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | AECOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLP | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523797 | 25627.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | Contractor Procurement Planning Process for PA3 (Procurement Strategy). Framework partners T&Cs apply. CEI 108 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523896 | 16584.46 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6493608/6495923 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | T SQUARED P2 LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5523896 | 82922.31 | 109831 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | T-Squared: Refurbishment of lab 107 (For NB) | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERSHARE VOUCHER SERVICES LIMITED | 15-Aug-2016 | 5524015 | 90013.53 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96965 | Other non-trade creditors | VOUCHER FUNDING | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ST GEORGE'S UNIVERSITY OF LONDON | 17-Aug-2016 | 5432012 | 29904.00 | NULL | UBA6 | HWB: D&A: Focal Point | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Provision of information on drug related deaths 2016/17 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5484016 | 5262.75 | NULL | UMA7 | MKT: Business Development | 59028 | Social Marketing - PR | 6519060 NBI | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5484016 | 26313.75 | NULL | UMA7 | MKT: Business Development | 59028 | Social Marketing - PR | Consumer Engagement/2016-17 strategy retainer fee. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOTHIAN HEALTH BOARD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5491671 | 151660.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54310 | Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice | NPIS Services to PHE from Lothian Health Board for Q1 April - June 2016 | NHS | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5501384 | 41660.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | QUALTTY ASSURANCE IN THE CANCER SCREENING PROGRAMME ECM 2319 - Quality assurance and research deliverables - 01.07.16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5504784 | 6914.00 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5504784 | 9891.45 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services (R&D) at Porton site - period 01 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 (Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5504784 | 24678.69 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services at Porton site - period 01 April 2016 to 30 September 2016 ( Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5504893 | 41660.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | QUALTTY ASSURANCE IN THE CANCER SCREENING PROGRAMME ECM 2319 - Quality assurance and research deliverables - 01.04.16 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5505210 | 11945.16 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5505210 | 59725.66 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services at Porton site - period 01 April 2016 to 30 September 2016 ( Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 6.83 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68130 | Waste Disposal Costs | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 7.53 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68125 | Fire and Safety Services | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 34.15 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68130 | Waste Disposal Costs | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (WASTE) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 37.67 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68125 | Fire and Safety Services | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (FIRE) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 61.78 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68110 | Security Costs | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 69.15 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 308.88 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68110 | Security Costs | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (SECURITY) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 345.74 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 68105 | Cleaning Costs | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (CLEANING) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 642.26 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66110 | Rates | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 837.94 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66105 | Rent | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (MANAGEMENT CHARGE) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 1156.35 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66410 | Electricity | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 3211.28 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66110 | Rates | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (RATES) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 5781.73 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66410 | Electricity | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (ENERGY) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 10956.09 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66105 | Rent | 6527658 | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) | 17-Aug-2016 | 5508579 | 53942.48 | NULL | HLE3 | FCD: St James's University Hospital Leeds | 66105 | Rent | Invoice 1410050431 - Accommodation Costs (UNITARY PAYMENT) for St James's Institute of Oncology, Level 6, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds period (1st July to 30 Sept 2016) | NHS | NHTRR8NFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | TICTAC COMMUNICATONS LIMITED | 17-Aug-2016 | 5518473 | 36540.00 | NULL | MLA7 | HP: NPIS | 54325 | Sub-contracted NPIS | 6526778 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5518714 | 6441.35 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 17-Aug-2016 | 5518714 | 32206.66 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services (R&D) at Porton site - period 01 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 (Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525596 | 7995.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | 6522173 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525596 | 39975.00 | NULL | UMA8 | MKT: Partnerships | 59039 | Social Marketing - Partnerships | Partnerships Change4Life and ukactive | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SWEETT (UK) LIMITED | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525693 | 13078.32 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | 6503014 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SWEETT (UK) LIMITED | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525693 | 65391.60 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93365 | AUC - Contract Services | Provision of Programme Management Support Office as detailed in the Service Provider Enquiry (15/003/PMSO/SPE/001) to December 2017. Core Services as per Sweett Service Delivery Plan v0.3. All T&Cs set out in SPE. For commission phase 1. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SICKLE CELL SOCIETY | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525762 | 16655.00 | NULL | UCD4 | HWB: ESP Sickle Cell & Thalassemia Screening | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | ECM_3607 Public & service user engagement/consultation to support NHS SCT Screening Prog. Thalassaemia Services (ITT 2074). Contract awarded - Collaborative Agreement (The Sickle Cell Society & The UK Thalassaemia Society) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SICKLE CELL SOCIETY | 17-Aug-2016 | 5525762 | 38298.50 | NULL | UCD4 | HWB: ESP Sickle Cell & Thalassemia Screening | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | ECM_3606 Public & service user engagement/consultation to support NHS SCT Screening Prog. Sickle Cell Services (ITT 2073). Contract awarded - Collaborative Agreement (The Sickle Cell Society & The UK Thalassaemia Society) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 19-Aug-2016 | 5461602 | 63546.52 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | see notes - ** APRIL 2016 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES INVOICE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON HOSPITALS (UCLH) NHS FT | 19-Aug-2016 | 5518462 | 28400.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | SEE V1232392 - FULL CREDIT***6506563 NO ON DIFF A/C | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRRVFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-2016 | 5424117 | 25908.57 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | SEE NOTES DISPUTE ** 6517985 RECHARGE SALARY COSTS FOR - NO PO | NULL | NHTRTRNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 22-Aug-2016 | 5461665 | 13673.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 22-Aug-2016 | 5461665 | 13673.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | WARRINGTON & HALTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 22-Aug-2016 | 5461665 | 14148.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Warrington (NWA). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRWWFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION | 22-Aug-2016 | 5484175 | 12174.50 | NULL | UIA4 | HWB: HP Centre Children Young People & Families | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | 6520143 PO STATUS "IN PROCESS"-COPY TO 28.06.16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION | 22-Aug-2016 | 5484175 | 60872.50 | NULL | UIA4 | HWB: HP Centre Children Young People & Families | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | National Health Promotion Programme for Sexual Health and Reproductive Health Information (Year 1) VAT Reclaimable | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL | 22-Aug-2016 | 5516426 | 66154.06 | 110248 | JPU0 | NIS: Virology & Pathogenesis Project Centre | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | REQ 693847 RESEARCH GRANT TO | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JONES LANG LASALLE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5516427 | 81055.68 | 110577 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | 6516645 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JONES LANG LASALLE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5516427 | 405278.42 | 110577 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 68425 | Buildings Planned Maintenance | Holding Costs pursuant to Schedule 10 of the Conditional agreement between GSK and PHE. Covers 1/4/2016 to 31/3/2017. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5518448 | 12331.09 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6524147 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5518448 | 61655.45 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Be Clear on Cancer Respiratory Symptoms campaign - development and production of creative materias including adverts - ITT 1811 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527461 | 4184.84 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | 6521652 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SERCO LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527461 | 20924.20 | NULL | UMA2 | MKT: Starting Well:Start4Life | 59002 | Social Marketing - Fulfilment | June and July ISP delivery costs | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE & TROPICAL MEDICINE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527536 | 14080.00 | NULL | ETK1 | NIS: Parasitology Reference Laboratory (Incl Malaria Ref Unit) | 47240 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | 6511749 | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE & TROPICAL MEDICINE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527536 | 70400.00 | NULL | ETK1 | NIS: Parasitology Reference Laboratory (Incl Malaria Ref Unit) | 47240 | Other Subcontracted Lab Servs | QRT1 Malaria Reference Lab-Service Delivery, Claim Period Apr - Jun 2016, Invoice No : As per tender BSP 386 & ECM3850 | PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527557 | 6178.64 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6509907 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527557 | 30893.22 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Lough Borough University -9 mth extension of PERFORMS contract - Aug 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527734 | 25712.57 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | 6481273 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527734 | 128562.83 | 106389 | JUF0 | NIS: Science Hub Core Team Project Centre | 54115 | Other Professional fees | Provision of Project Management support services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement. To October 2016. M-170 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527801 | 10433.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | 6513076 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | OGILVYONE | 22-Aug-2016 | 5527801 | 52165.00 | NULL | UMA3 | MKT: Starting Well: Change4Life | 17365 | Other Services Income | C4L 10MSU summer campaign – strategic development & pack | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529859 | 5219.42 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529859 | 26097.06 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services (R&D) at Porton site - period 01 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 (Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529891 | 10400.00 | 110571 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6515326 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MPL GROUP LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529891 | 52000.00 | 110571 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | ECM 3894 Project : Refurbishment of Laboratories 2B34 – 2B36 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MERCK MILLIPORE (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529901 | 250.00 | 110562 | JPU0 | NIS: Virology & Pathogenesis Project Centre | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | Created by Allocation :19-plex premixed human cytokine milliplex kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MERCK MILLIPORE (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529901 | 10409.20 | 110562 | JPU0 | NIS: Virology & Pathogenesis Project Centre | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | 6522150 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MERCK MILLIPORE (UK) LTD | 22-Aug-2016 | 5529901 | 51796.00 | 110562 | JPU0 | NIS: Virology & Pathogenesis Project Centre | 41145 | Chemicals and Reagents | 19-plex premixed human cytokine milliplex kit | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANBER LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532124 | 24713.75 | 110409 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6510197 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SANBER LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532124 | 123568.77 | 110409 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | Carry out works as per tender ECM 3811 itt_2118 - PHE Corporate - Design and Build CL3 Laboratories, Colindale | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532136 | 32888.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Imperial College Healthcare NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 West of London (ECX). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRYJNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532247 | 6527.47 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6512846 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EMCOR GROUP UK PLC | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532247 | 32637.27 | 108912 | JSM0 | NIS: Porton FM Engineering Maintenance Svs Facilities Project Centre | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Reactive Maintenance services for research & ancillary services (R&D) at Porton site - period 01 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 (Yr. 7 of contract) Prod code 108912 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532499 | 18361.92 | NULL | UCD8 | HWB: ESP Newborn & Infant Physical Examination | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | 6481705 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 22-Aug-2016 | 5532499 | 91809.60 | NULL | UCD8 | HWB: ESP Newborn & Infant Physical Examination | 61320 | Minor Computer Leasing Costs | NIPE User Driven Changes | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH | 24-Aug-2016 | 5222764 | 40000.00 | NULL | UHE5 | HWB: National D&N Survey ¿ Year 6 to 9 Prog | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | NDNS Northern Ireland Sodium Boost 2015/16 - Q3 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS ENGLAND | 24-Aug-2016 | 5377712 | 32547.45 | NULL | SCB3 | R&C: Immunisation and Screening Team London | 54115 | Other Professional fees | L Choga's secondment fees for April – Oct 30th 2015. NHSE Invoice No. 7000019608 | NHS | NSP033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | METTLER TOLEDO LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5468239 | 24755.40 | NULL | EUF1 | NIS: Virus Reference Department General | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6522241 6485978 Req. new PO | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | METTLER TOLEDO LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5468239 | 24755.40 | NULL | EJY1 | NIS: Laboratory Of Gastrointestinal Pathogens | 47105 | Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance | 6522241 6485978 Req. new PO | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5485258 | 5551.21 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | 6513154 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5485258 | 27756.05 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 59036 | Social Marketing - Direct Marketing | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 - Experiential advertising at consumer events - ITT 1723 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5485260 | 18904.19 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | 6513234 NBI | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SIMPLY BECAUSE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5485260 | 94520.93 | NULL | UMA4 | MKT: Ageing Well: Early Diagnosis | 51405 | Books and Periodicals | Be Clear on Cancer – Respiratory symptoms 2016 - face to face consumer events - ITT 1723 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5512863 | 7167.77 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | 6515499 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5512863 | 35838.86 | NULL | JSC4 | NIS: Porton Capital Project Management | 68440 | Reactive Maintenance | Provide contract PM staff supporting delivery of capital works projects at Porton, all costs to be capitalised.A new framework agreement to replace the existing f/work has been tendered with contract award Jun | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533220 | 6275.21 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | 6527956 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LTD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533220 | 31376.03 | NULL | FFD3 | NIS: CNGSS | 41135 | Other laboratory Consumables | FC-131-1096 : Nextera® XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (96 Samples) : NGS | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533222 | 4555.97 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | 6510256 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | CGI IT UK LIMITED | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533222 | 22779.86 | NULL | PYK2 | HR: Payroll and Pensions | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | CGI annual payment for Payroll Services 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533445 | 80000.00 | NULL | RPV2 | CKO: RTI Divisional Office | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | Excess Treatment costs for the NOSH study | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533710 | 11266.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Sheffield (CSH). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NHS | NHTRHQFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533710 | 11266.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Sheffield (CSH). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | NHS | NHTRHQFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533710 | 11266.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Sheffield (CSH). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NHS | NHTRHQFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533710 | 11266.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Sheffield (CSH). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NHS | NHTRHQFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533710 | 11266.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Sheffield (CSH). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NHS | NHTRHQFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533850 | 301.16 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | To supply the UK National Screening Committee (NSC) with a review to update the 2012 review of universal culture based screening for maternal Group B Streptococcus (GBS) carriage - shortfall | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK | 24-Aug-2016 | 5533850 | 109000.00 | NULL | UCC4 | HWB: Evidence | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | To supply the UK National Screening Committee (NSC) with a review to update the 2012 review of universal culture based screening for maternal Group B Streptococcus (GBS) carriage. | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 4939001 | 33416.40 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | ***SEE V1223837 part credit***BIRMINGHAM HEARTLANDS HOSPITAL ACCOMMODATION BACK CHARGES APRIL 2014 - MARCH 2015 | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5461599 | 66586.30 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | **HAS QUERIED AS DUPLICATE***APRIL 2016 ACCOMMODATION CHARGES INVOICE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 31-Aug-2016 | 5466677 | 10823.71 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | 6367717 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 31-Aug-2016 | 5466677 | 54118.57 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | COLINDALE | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS ENGLAND | 31-Aug-2016 | 5491658 | 67500.00 | NULL | VBA1 | HP: Health Protection Directorate Office | 54345 | Other Subcontracted Services | PHE contribution to SDU funding for 2016/17 (to be invoiced against quarterly) | NHS | NSP033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 31-Aug-2016 | 5495326 | 11018.34 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | 6367717 CENTRE FOR INFECTIONS, 61 COLINDALE AVENUE, LONDON NW9 5HT 01 JUN 16 - 30 JUN 16 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EDF ENERGY | 31-Aug-2016 | 5495326 | 55091.71 | NULL | GGM1 | NIS: Colindale Estates Management | 66410 | Electricity | 6367717 CENTRE FOR INFECTIONS, 61 COLINDALE AVENUE, LONDON NW9 5HT 01 JUN 16 - 30 JUN 16 NBI AND OB | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5502083 | 71500.00 | NULL | SCB7 | R&C: Health Improvement Team London | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | The Digital Mental wellbeing Project (DMW) aims to deliver a full evaluated online mental wellbeing service. | NHS | NHTRWKFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5506514 | 66586.30 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | **NO PO**JULY 16 HEARTLANDS SITE ACCOMMODATION CHARGES INVOICE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5506762 | 66586.30 | NULL | BFD7 | NIS: Birmingham Site Overheads | 66105 | Rent | **NO PO** INVOICE FOR ACCOMMODATION CHARGES JUN 16 HEARTLANDS SITE - NO PO | NHS | NHTRR1FT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5506908 | 44089.11 | NULL | HFL1 | FCD: Victoria House Fulbourn | 66105 | Rent | INVOICE FOR RENTAL CHARGES APR - JUN 16 VICTORIA HOUSE WEST WING - NO PO | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5506919 | 44089.11 | NULL | HFL1 | FCD: Victoria House Fulbourn | 66105 | Rent | INVOICE FOR RENTAL CHARGES JUL - SEP 16 VICTORIA HOUSE WEST WING - NO PO | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - Aug 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - Sept 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5507966 | 10508.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHST - Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Shropshire (MSH). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES | NHTRXWNFT |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NHS PROPERTY SERVICES LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5509322 | 31764.19 | NULL | HNE3 | FCD: 2nd Floor Waterfront 4 Newcastle | 66105 | Rent | WATERFRONT 4 GROUND FLOOR-RENTAL CHARGES JUL TO SEPT 2016-NO PO | NHS | NHTNPS033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INFOMAX LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5512668 | 54063.81 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6445211 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INFOMAX LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5512668 | 270319.06 | NULL | VEA7 | NIS: Vaccines and Countermeasures C&A Programmes | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | ImmForm Managed Services Contract Extension 1 Apr 15 to 30 Sept 16 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5533240 | 64852.60 | NULL | UCD8 | HWB: ESP Newborn & Infant Physical Examination | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | 6482960 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | NORTHGATE PUBLIC SERVICES (UK) LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5533240 | 324263.00 | NULL | UCD8 | HWB: ESP Newborn & Infant Physical Examination | 61610 | Software Maint & Support Costs | NIPE Contract [Extended to Oct 2017]: Support and Maintenance Element (01/10/2015 - 30/09/2015): Contains everything including: Managed Support service 365days (7am to 7pm) Hosting and Hardware Programme Governance NPS License Charge Indexa | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536166 | 26184.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Pennine (BHU). Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536167 | 35444.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6526885 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536167 | 177220.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P14 Masterplanning and Town Planning interstage activities as where agreed the associate deliverables for May 2016. Framework Parnter T&C apply. CEI109 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536168 | 26184.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Pennine (BHU). Fixed Price SLA - July 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536169 | 10423.20 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6526885 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536169 | 52116.00 | 110297 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | P14 Masterplanning and Town Planning interstage activities as where agreed the associate deliverables for May 2016. Framework Parnter T&C apply. CEI109 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536171 | 26184.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Pennine (BHU). Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536172 | 26184.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHSFT: Breast Age Extension 2016-17 Pennine (BHU). Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | NULL | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536376 | 30.00 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Created by Allocation :CIT/ Computed Radiography Imaging Plates with Flexible black light proof jackets. High Resolution plate incl. 10% discount (with radiopaque label 1-4830) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536376 | 12588.00 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6487144 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536376 | 62910.00 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | CIT/ Computed Radiography Imaging Plates with Flexible black light proof jackets. High Resolution plate incl. 10% discount (with radiopaque label 1-4830) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HARLOW PRINTING LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536385 | 4378.90 | NULL | UCF2 | HWB: PIPD | 63105 | Printing and Publishing | 6505123 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HARLOW PRINTING LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536385 | 21894.50 | NULL | UCF2 | HWB: PIPD | 63105 | Printing and Publishing | Harlow : STFAYB New Antenatal & Newborn Parent Leaflets Quantity 250,000 on quotation 278605 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536395 | 150.00 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | Delivery and Insurance | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536395 | 6745.60 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | 6476253 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | COMPUTERISED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536395 | 33578.00 | 109771 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93340 | AUC - Plant & Equipment | CIT/ DR 1200LP high performance CR scanner (Basic system with warranty) | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536450 | 202380.00 | NULL | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 96895 | FMA Centre Accruals | 6525702 NBI | TAX AUTHORITY | NHTHIC033 |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536471 | 4178.12 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | 6524475 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | MORGAN SINDALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536471 | 20890.58 | 110304 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93370 | AUC - Professional Services | Readiness Activities for P23. Assistance with concluding End Stage Activities. Framework partners T&Cs apply. CEI 115 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS DIVISION ) | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536599 | 4750.00 | NULL | BVY6 | NIS: Bristol Lab Clinical Development | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | 6518514 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LTD ( APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS DIVISION ) | 31-Aug-2016 | 5536599 | 23750.00 | NULL | BVY6 | NIS: Bristol Lab Clinical Development | 41130 | Molecular Reagents | 4456179 Custom Taqman Array Card Assays, CONF48 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JAMIESON CONTRACTING NW LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5539171 | 9803.58 | 108935 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | 6507814 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | JAMIESON CONTRACTING NW LIMITED | 31-Aug-2016 | 5539171 | 49017.88 | 108935 | ZZZA | Balance Sheet | 93335 | AUC - Land & Buildings | Jamieson - The refurbishment and alteration to part of the 2 floor at 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, Ml 36N to provide secure office accommodation for Public Health England. | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INHEALTH LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5540172 | 11431.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Inhealth Group Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North & Eastern Devon LED. Fixed Price SLA - May 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INHEALTH LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5540172 | 11431.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Inhealth Group Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North & Eastern Devon LED. Fixed Price SLA - June 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | INHEALTH LTD | 31-Aug-2016 | 5540172 | 11431.00 | NULL | UFA2 | HWB: NCS Breast | 54360 | Other Outsourced Services | Inhealth Group Breast Age Extension 2016-17 North & Eastern Devon LED. Fixed Price SLA - April 2016 | VENDOR | NOT CGA |
Department of Health | Public Health England | SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE WATER PLC | 31-Aug-2016 | 5540325 | 28706.52 | NULL | UHA1 | HWB: Fluoridation Capital Grants: South Staffs Water Scheme | 69524 | Capital Grant Awards | FLUORIDE MONITOR SAMPLE AND BUFFER FEED PUMPS | NULL | NOT CGA |