Transparency data
FCO exemption spend data - ICT October to December 2014
Updated 9 March 2015
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Tool Ref | Department | Organisation Name | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value requested | Total Value Approved | Date of approval |
HMG1799 | FCO | Not set | FCO Crisis Hub 2015/16 (Consular Workflow 4) project | By the end of 2014/15 we will have added significantly to Crisis Hub with a number of new user-driven features and enhancements delivered as part of the 2014/15 business case (approved by GDS). This includes interactive mapping, better information management, automated alerting to ensure cases are properly managed and support for offline working | £1,800,000 | £1,800,000 | 09/12/2014 |
HMG1477 | British Council | Not set | Finance Systems Hosting | The project will provide a new finance systems hosting environment that makes uses of the latest technology to give the organisation flexibility, agility and the opportunity to optimise costs. | £8,155,791 | £8,155,791 | 20/10/2014 |