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CO Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2015
Updated 7 July 2016
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Project Name | Commercial Capability Programme | GOV.UK Verify | FOXHOUND Programme | ISSC2 | ISSC1 | New Civil Service 2015 Pension Scheme Implementation | National Cyber Security Programme | Electoral Registration Transformation Programme | Government Office Hubs Programme |
Department | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO |
IPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report) | Amber/Red | Amber/Green | Amber | Amber/Red | Red | Amber/Red | Green | Amber/Green | Amber/Red |
Description / Aims | The Commercial Capability Programme will deliver a step change in commercial capability by putting in place the key enablers that will lead to a function which is smaller, aligned with the new functional model for Government, and staffed with professionals who are more capable and confident. To do this we will recruit, retain, develop and grow our own best commercial talent, helping to drive commercial common sense. | GOV.UK Verify is the new way to prove who you are online and for public service providers to be assured you are who you say you are. Currently publicly accessible with 9 services, GOV.UK Verify will move from beta to live in April 2016, and will be rolled out across an increasing range of central government services from April 2016. | Design, development, build and deployment of an IT Shared Service across Government that enables them to work effectively and securely. | ISSC2 will transform back office operations by consolidating transactional services and by sharing HR, procurement, finance and payroll functions and processes, it will deliver more efficient and cost-effective services. The ethos behind this shared services model is to leverage skills and drive economic efficiency. The strategy is driven by the potential for financial savings in high volume, low risk and low complexity, less regulated work and streamlined systems and processes. The procurement phase of the ISSC2 project was completed on 31 October 2013, with 14 individual clients signing contracts with Shared Services Connected Limited (SSCL). As well as delivering Business Process Services (BPS) to its clients, SSCL is also designing, building and implementing a Single Operating Platform (SOP) to further enable the drive towards standardising services offered. | ISSC1 is based on the DfT SSC in Swansea which was divested to an independent shared service provider arvato, in March 2013. The framework contract was novated to the Cabinet Office in September 2013 and would include a low-cost ERP platform provision to enable an affordable service for the smaller department and its agencies which they can sign up to via a call off agreement. As the Framework Authority, Crown Oversight’s role is to assure this activity whilst at the same time monitoring the service customers receive to ensure that agreed standards and service levels continue to be met. | To manage the successful delivery of the new pension arrangements against published timetables. | The NCSP was put in place as a consequence of the 2010 SDSR, with a budget of £650 million over 4 years. Its aim is to deliver a transformative programme to give the UK a strategic advantage in cyber security and resilience. The programme is managed by OCSIA in the Cabinet Office. The 2013 Spending Review allocated an additional £210m to continue the programme throughout 2015/16 | The Electoral Registration Transformation Programme was set up to deliver Individual Electoral Registration (IER) in England, Wales and Scotland ahead of the 2015 General Election. Instead of one person filling in the annual registration form and including details for everyone in the household, individuals are expected to complete their own details and give supporting information, i.e. a national insurance number and date of birth. At the same time as the move to IER, online registration was made available to make it faster and more accessible. The programme aims to tackle electoral fraud and improve the integrity and completeness of the electoral register. | The Hubs programme will consolidate the office estate by creating a network of large, cross-government strategic hubs and supporting estate. |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Professional Standards (a major dependency across the programme) for those in the Commercial Profession have been developed and published. A number of projects have moved from the strategy and design phase to implementation - most notably the drive to recruit experience and new talent. A Development Centre to assess commercial professionals has been designed and tested. | We are on track to go live in April 2016, meeting our 6 key objectives listed on our blog. | The Foxhound Programme was faced with a number of challenges to meet in during 15/16, which have been addressed. In addition to delivery of the solution proof of concept and initial rollout (Wave 0), the programme was committed to: - Planning the solution's technology releases out to 2018; - Consult partner organisations to identify user needs; - Develop a workable deployment schedule; and, - Establish a programme team with the capability and capacity to deliver the programme. The last of these challenges, programme resourcing, has seen a significant increase in the programme's headcount. This has been a key factor in progressing the other major deliverables of technology and deployment roadmap, which are now complete and ratified by the Programme Steering Group. The programme has continued to mature the funding position and has submitted the OBC for Treasury review as planned. | SSCL continue to deliver a satisfactory BAU service. Across all customers, 95% of Key Performance Indicators and 99% of Service Level Agreements were passed. HO / MOJ as new customers has put additional demand for resources on SSCL. Metropolitan Police also joined the ISSC2 Framework in August 2015. The original contracted dates for these new customers have proven challenging for both contractor and customers. Target dates are being revised, and the impacts and interdependencies on any already agreed dates reviewed. The Programme's DCA reflects the offshoring and the Single Operating Platform (SOP) workstreams being behind schedule. The impact is that SSCL is not able to fully move to its target operating model and customers are not receiving the full benefits expected from an upgraded IT platform. Customers are also requesting that COF consider enhancing SOP services to take account of the changing digital environment. COF has increased focus and resources to deal with the delayed programme and is considering strategic options to enhance SOP and other associated future services. | As a result of further delay to the initial DfT migrations, a joint supplier/customer phase of re-evaluation and re-planning has begun. Cabinet Office and DfT have agreed that DfT will lead this activity on behalf of the Framework Authority. This activity will focus on sole delivery of DfT migrations and how soon these might be achieved. Standstill agreements have been agreed with OGDs in respect of their migration plans. | The Project was due to close on 30/06/15 but at that stage it was Amber/Red due to the number of outstanding interfaces so the Programme Board advised the SRO not to close it at that stage. The Programme was extended to the 31st December 2015. There are now only 3 employers with more than 1000 members to migrate but overall 98.49% of alpha membership has successfully loaded against 80% in September 2015. The swing from 80% to 98.49% was mainly due to the receipt of the CGI files.There is a plan and dates for actioning the outstanding interfaces and as result the on 14 January 2016 the Programme Board was happy to recommend to the SRO that the Programme be closed, with the caveat that the scrutiny and oversight of the remaining interfaces is not taken away and will be continued in Business As Usual (BAU) | The Programme is on track to deliver against all overarching benefits identified in the National Cyber Security Strategy. Benenfit realisation continues to be monitored across all delivery partners to ensure the best return against programme investment | ERTP's delivery confidence remains positive. A Planned Closure / Exit review was conducted by the IPA in January 2016 to ascertain if the programme can officially close by the end of March 2016. Following a positive review the programme is now working to close to this timetable, after having successfully delivered Individual Electoral Registration nationwide. | The programme will deliver a massive reduction in the scale of the civil service office estate moving from around 800 to about 200 buildings. We are working closely with all government departments to understand and respond to their business transformation plans and workforce strategies. Industry experts have been secured to help ensure that the best deal for government is secured. The full programme team is not yet in place. Work is therefore focussed on priority locations. Programme funding was agreed as part of the spending settlement. Programme team capacity/capability remains a programme risk. Other key risks include disclosure of commercially sensitive information and major lease/PFI events. |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 01/01/2015 | 01/04/2012 | 01/09/2013 | 28/12/2012 | 28/12/2012 | 15/04/2013 | 01/04/2011 | 01/02/2010 | 01/05/2015 |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 31/03/2017 | 01/04/2020 | 01/07/2018 | 30/04/2015 | 01/06/2016 | 31/12/2015 | 01/04/2016 | 31/03/2016 | 31/12/2023 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | On track to deliver programme enablers by 31/03/2017 | We are on track to go from a beta to a live service in April 2016, meeting our objectives for live (see objectives and progress reporting on our blog). | The programme is on track to delivery within the stated dates. Elements of the detailed technology delivery plan are still being developed in conjunction with delivery partners, a full programme delivery plan will be presented to stakeholders in Q4 15/16. | The delivery schedule is currently being assessed on to accommodate the new customers joining the ISSC2 Framework and the potential options for enhancing the Single Operating Platform to benefit from the changing environment in digital technology services. Therefore, project end date is currently being revised. | The DfT Programme remains classified as Red due to the continued delays of UAT and resolution of some defects raised during testing. arvato and DfT are considering issues around go-live dates of DfTc and DVLA. As a result, the lead time for DfT to fully effect the migrations of its business units is currently under revision. | The Pensions 2015 Programme was formally closed on the 14th January 2016 | The Programme is on track to deliver against all overarching benefits identified in the National Cyber Security Strategy. Benefit realisation continues to be monitored across all delivery partners to ensure the best return against programme investment | No deviation to schedule | The programme plan is being re-baselined |
2015/16 Budget (£million) | £5.20 | £30.00 | £18.80 | £5.70 | £1.40 | £1.70 | £212.00 | £37.41 | £7.00 |
2015/16 Forecast (£million) | £5.20 | £30.00 | £18.80 | £4.70 | £1.20 | £3.50 | £212.00 | £37.41 | £7.00 |
Variance Budget / Forecast %age | Budget variance less than 5%. | Budget variance less than 5%. | Budget variance less than 5%. | -17.54% | -14.29% | 105.88% | Budget variance less than 5%. | Budget variance less than 5%. | Budget variance less than 5%. |
Total budgeted whole life costs (£million) (including Non-government costs) | £10.40 | Exempt under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) | £187.80 | £32.80 | £8.20 | £14.90 | £860.00 | £129.40 | £42.00 |
Departmental Narrative on Budget / Forecast variance for 2015/16 where more than +/- 5% | Budget variance less than 5%. | We pay our suppliers on results - the number of people they successfully verify online. The number of people who successfully verify online is dependent on: supplier performance, service adoption of verify, citizen adoption, online channel volumes and the other channels available. This uncertainty on volumes is the driver of variance on in-year budget forecasts. | Budget variance less than 5%. | NGSS is forecast to spend lower than budgeted partly due to the requirement to make in-year savings and staff vacancies | NGSS is forecast to spend lower than budgeted partly due to the requirement to make in-year savings and staff vacancies | The increased cost in year (15/16) was due to approved scope changes including additional funcationality for operational managers (Prison Governors); additional systems enhancements around effective pension age; and additional support for the Employer Engagement. | The Programme is currently forecasting a full spend for 2015/16 | Budget variance less than 5%. | Progress of departmental approval and recruitment processes will influence how much of 15-16 budget is spent in 15-16. |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | We are on track to deliver the programme enablers within the forecast whole life cost | Fixed costs for this programme (staff and infrastructure) are relatively stable whilst variable costs are dependent on the volume of users. The whole life costs are based on our estimate of the number of people who will use online central government services over 5 years - the profile over the 5 years is dependent on supplier performance, service adoption of verify, citizen adoption, online channel volumes and the other channels available. Therefore, in-year forecasts are difficult to predict as we only pay our suppliers on results, where the cost is driven by volumes. | The whole life costs figures are those documented in the OBC; FBC development, due for completion during Q1 16/17, will provide further granularity to these figures. | WLC figures have changed to reflect a more accurate analysis of costs. The gross NGSS spend from 2012/13 to 2019/2020 is forecast to be £41m and is split between ISSC1 and ISSC2. However, ISSC2 contract also receives a management fee from SSCL amounting to £20m over the life of the contract. This reduces the net spend for ISSC2 to £12.80m. | Figures have changed to to more accurate analysis of costs. The gross NGSS spend form 2012/13 to 2019/2020 is £41m and is split 80/20 between ISSC2 / 1. However, ISSC2 contract also receives a management fee from SSCL amounting to £20m over the life of the contract. This reduces the net spend for ISSC2 to £12.80m. | Initial WLC was budgeted to be £13.4m following scope changes WLC on project closure was £14.9m. | The programme remains on course for a full spend in its final year | Budget forecasts to date are accurate and the funding has been sufficient throughout the lifetime of the programme. | Project costs include costs of change and cost of running the Hubs programme over 5 years |